Groupe BPCE, the second largest banking group in France, performs a full range of banking and insurance activities.


Its 100,000 employees, serve 36 million customers around the world – individuals, professionals, businesses, investors, and local authorities. It provides retail banking and insurance services in France through its two major cooperative networks, Banque Populaire and Caisse d’Epargne. With Natixis, it also provides asset & wealth management, corporate & investment banking and payment services around the world.




The English version of this report is a free translation from the original which was prepared in French. All possible care has been taken to ensure that the translation is an accurate presentation of the original. However, in matters of interpretation, views or opinion expressed in the original language version of the document in French take precedence over the translation.

Only the French version of the Universal Registration Document has been submitted to the AMF. It is therefore the only version that is binding in law.

The original Universal Registration Document was filed on March 23, 2022 with the AMF, in its capacity as the competent authority in respect of Regulation (EU) No. 2017/1129, without prior approval pursuant to Article 9 of said regulation. Groupe BPCE’s Universal Registration Document may only be used for the purposes of a public offering or admission of securities to trading on a regulated market if it is accompanied by a memorandum pertaining to the securities and, where applicable, an executive summary and all amendments made to the Universal Registration Document. The complete package of documents is approved by the AMF in accordance with Regulation (EU) No. 2017/1129.

Copies of this Universal Registration Document may be obtained free of charge from BPCE, 50, avenue Pierre Mendès-France 75013 Paris.

Message from the Chairman of the Management Board




Laurent MIGNON

Chairman of the Management Board


In 2021, we supported all our clients in reviving the economy, whether they are individuals, professionals, companies, local authorities or institutions, by fully playing our role in terms of financing retail banking, corporate & investment banking and as a major player in savings management.


All our business lines are growing and recorded remarkable performances in 2021: we owe these good results to the commercial dynamism of our brands - Banque Populaire, Caisse d’Epargne, Natixis, Banque Palatine, Oney - of course, but also to our decentralized cooperative model, our spirit of innovation and our ability to transform ourselves.


On this last point, 2021 continues to stand out for its major strategic projects.


First and foremost, the simplification of the organization of our Group with the delisting of Natixis, the creation of the Global Financial Services division, bringing together our two major global business lines of asset management and corporate & investment banking, the transfer of insurance and payment activities to BPCE, and the merger of the support functions of Natixis and BPCE.


It also brought together a common team dedicated to IT development in retail banking, with the creation of BPCE Solutions informatiques. Finally, in asset management, the simplification of our relations with the Banque Postale/CNP group, which enabled us to consolidate the structure of our asset manager, Natixis Investment Managers, and to extend our commercial partnerships.


All of these projects are part of our new BPCE 2024 strategic plan, which we presented last July. This development plan provides concrete answers - those of a responsible and committed group - to issues such as the environmental transition and healthcare. It sets ambitious targets for conquest by 2024, in all our businesses and in all our regions, with the aim of offering our customers a safe environment and the highest quality of service.


With our More United, More Useful and Stronger BPCE 2024 strategic plan, we aim to become a leader in banking, financial expertise, insurance and asset management by 2024, serving all our customers. This ambition will guide the actions of our companies, our business lines and all the functions at work in our Group starting this year.


In 2021, our Group sets out for 2024!


Groupe BPCE at a glance



A cooperative, multi-brand and entrepreneurial model serving its customers and the economy



Groupe BPCE is the second-leading banking group(1) in France and finances over 20%(2) of the French economy. All our customers, be they individuals, professionals, associations, corporate customers of all sizes or institutional customers, have constantly evolving expectations, with increasing demands in terms of availability, feedback, advice and service.


Our business lines, in France and internationally, offer solutions tailored to meet these needs, in Retail Banking, Insurance, Financial Solutions & Expertise, Payments, Asset & Wealth Management, and Corporate & Investment Banking.


In the regions and internationally, our brands support our customers in all their projects, through all distribution channels.


We are convinced that our universal cooperative banking model, successfully built around strong brands recognized and close to their customers, is a model of the future, deeply in line with the aspirations and needs of society. Multi-entrepreneurial, decentralized and unlisted, it allows our actions to take place over a long period of time with short decision-making circuits. This is how we combine the present and the future with efficiency and confidence.


Our new strategic plan, BPCE 2024, reaffirms this conviction: Groupe BPCE, with strong positions in each of its business lines, has the momentum to accelerate its development by supporting its customers with their investment needs for the economic recovery. It intends to deploy the full potential of its model to be a leader in banking, insurance and asset management at the service of all.




(1) Market shares: 22.1% in customer savings and 22% in customer loans (Banque de France Q3-2021 all non-financial customer categories).
(2) 22% market share in loan outstandings, all non-financial sector customers (Banque de France Q3 2021).


BPCE 2024 strategic plan


With its new BPCE 2024 strategic plan, the Group intends to take advantage of the economic recovery by leveraging new growth drivers. This three-year development plan is structured around three priorities and three key areas.


Three strategic priorities


Because simplicity is a condition for efficiency and satisfaction, Groupe BPCE is joining its forces.



Five priority areas defined with a target for additional revenue of around €1.5 billion and acceleration of international development.




Environmental transition


The Group intends to support all its customers in this market:


Retail banking: five priority areas: energy renovation, renewable energies, mobility, companies in transition, green savings offers and insurance
Corporate & Investment Banking (CIB): the environmental transition positioned at the heart of the customer relationship, intensification of expertise and green revenues
Asset Management: development of a leading ESG offering, with ambitious targets for assets under sustainable or impact management




Already a leader in the financing of public hospitals, Groupe BPCE intends to become the benchmark partner in the healthcare sector:


Key player for healthcare professionals (hospital civil service, liberal professions, future healthcare professionals) and a leading player in dependency
Recognized healthcare infrastructure provider (EHPADs, senior residences, nursing homes, public hospitals, private clinics, etc.)
Partner of healthcare companies and of the innovative ecosystem (e-health, biotech, medtech, etc.)




Non-life insurance


As a fully-fledged bank-insurer, the Group will rely on its latest generation platform to develop, offer a differentiating customer/advisor experience, support network advisors in marketing and accelerate professional and individual health offers.


Consumer loans


Thanks to the equipment potential of Banque Populaire and Caisses d’Epargne customers, Groupe BPCE wants to position itself as a leader in this market, with the launch of new solutions (instant personal loans, digital revolving credit, and debt restructuring), investments in digital technology and the development of online assistance.




Medium-sized companies


Thanks to its regional roots and the complementary nature of its businesses, Groupe BPCE has set itself the goal of developing its customer base and its financing outstandings in the medium-sized segment.




Speeding up the growth in the international arena of our global business lines


In Asset Management and in Corporate & Investment Banking, Groupe BPCE has confirmed the United States as the second main market after France and is accelerating its development in the Asia-Pacific region (APAC).


Specialized financing


A growth strategy in Europe through development, from Oney, and acquisition opportunities in the consumer loans and leasing businesses.


Because a strong local and regional presence is written in its very DNA, Groupe BPCE undertakes to provide its customers with the highest quality of service over the long term.



The Group aims to offer its retail banking customers the best experience thanks to a “D” relational model, with a pragmatic and local approach to the network of branches. All of the Group’s business lines and companies have set Net Promoter Score (NPS) targets for 2024.






The customer advisor, the linchpin of a long-term banking relationship of trust, supports the customer in all of their life events


Digital Inside


100% accessible banking, omnichannel pathways and digital spaces for digital native players


Useful data


Customization of the solutions provided and of the proposed pathways according to customer needs, automated data collection, management of consents




A distribution and relationship model consistent with local roots
Networks of branches that value local relationships and advice and are constantly adapting
Varied branch formats designed to match market realities and customer expectations: consultancy branches, multi-site branches, specialized branches, temporary branches, seasonal branches, e-branches, sustainable development branches, etc.


Because the climate is the major challenge of our time, Groupe BPCE makes climate action a priority for all of its business lines and all of its companies.



Groupe BPCE joined the Net-Zero Banking Alliance in 2021 and made concrete commitments to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.




By prioritizing the portfolios where the bank can have the most significant impact (most greenhouse gas-intensive sectors)
By measuring the climate impact and defining an alignment trajectory for all of its portfolios


Aligning the Group with a “Net Zero” trajectory


For the insurance portfolio, Groupe BPCE aims to align itself with the 1.5°C trajectory as early as 2030, with an intermediate milestone of 2°C in 2024.
For Corporate & Investment Banking’s financing portfolios, Groupe BPCE aims to reduce the temperature impact of its financing to 2.5°C in 2024, 2.2°C in 2030 and 1.5°C in 2050.





Project financing, privileged advice and strategic dialog around the transition, dedicated ESG savings offers




Broader issue policy (energy transition theme alongside green & social issues)
ESG savings and investment products for customers
O2D approach in financing the new production of green & social assets




Towards a low-carbon economy


Groupe BPCE and Natixis have published their first climate reports following the recommendations of the TCFD(1) and detail their actions to support the transition towards a low-carbon economy and adaptation to the effects of climate change.


(1) Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures.


Renewed governance


Composition of the Supervisory Board



Business model


Resolutely cooperative, innovative and committed players, retail bankers and insurers, Groupe BPCE companies and employees support their cooperative shareholders and customers with financial solutions adapted to each one and build a sustainable and responsible relationship with them


A solid group generating robust performances


A recurring and diversified revenue base

in millions of euros 2021 2020 2019
Net banking income 25,716 22,540 24,305
Gross, operating income 7,876 5,896 6,722
Cost/income ratio 69.4% 73.8% 72.3%
Cost of risk (1,783) (2,998) (1,367)
Income before tax 6,231 2,789 5,538




1.1 Group history

Groupe BPCE was established in 2009 through the merger of Groupe Banque Populaire and Groupe Caisse d’Epargne. This marked the combination of two leading cooperative banks, created in 1878 and 1818 respectively, sharing common values rooted in solidarity, a local presence, democratic governance and a long-term vision.

The first step to forming the Group took place in 2006, with the creation of Natixis from the merger of Ixis and Natexis Banques Populaires.

In 2021, the Group became the leading unlisted European banking group.

True to its roots, Groupe BPCE is as committed as ever to bringing about transformations and meeting the pressing challenges of its time, particularly when it comes to the energy and ecological transition.




The Banques Populaires were founded by and for entrepreneurs, to make it easier to finance their projects.


The Banques Populaires quickly become major players in their region’s economy, working for craftsmen, small retailers, and SMEs.


The Banques Populaires open their services to individual customers.


The acquisition of Natexis gives the Groupe Banque Populaire a listed vehicle.



FIRST CAISSE D’EPARGNE FOUNDED to promote, collect, and manage people’s savings.


The Caisses d’Epargne become “private institutions
in the public interest.”


The Caisses d’Epargne conduct operations of general interest.


The Caisses d’Epargne become not-for-profit credit institutions.


The Caisses d’Epargne become cooperative banks.


By purchasing CDC Ixis, the Groupe Caisse d’Epargne branches out into investment banking.


1.2 Understanding the Group’s organization



The Banques Populaires and the Caisses d’Epargne are owned by nine million cooperative shareholders. This highly stable shareholding structure is imbued with a strong cooperative spirit.

BPCE SA, the central institution of Groupe BPCE, is wholly-owned by the 14 Banques Populaires and 15 Caisses d’Epargne. It defines the policies and strategic objectives of the Group and coordinates the sales policies of each network.

The Banques Populaires and Caisses d’Epargne are banks in their own right. They collect deposits and savings, distribute loans and define their priorities.

The Fédération nationale des Banques Populaires (FNBP) and the Fédération nationale des Caisses d’Epargne (FNCE), the bodies that provide deliberation, communication and representation for the two networks and their cooperative shareholders, play an essential role in defining, coordinating and promoting the banks’ cooperative spirit and social responsibility initiatives, in accordance with Groupe BPCE’s commercial and financial objectives.

Important members of their regional economies sit on the Board of Directors of the Banques Populaires and on the Steering and Supervisory Board of the Caisses d’Epargne. Their resources are first and foremost allocated to meet the needs of local areas and regional customers.

1.3 Highlights 2021

Groupe BPCE has created an employer brand based on three key areas: vitality, freedom and commitment. The company’s true identity, it conveys its image, its characteristics and its uniqueness to its employees and potential candidates.

Mirova, the asset management company specializing in sustainable investment, affiliated with Natixis Investment Managers, participated in the creation of the Natural Capital Investment Alliance. This Alliance aims to mobilize $10 billion in favor of Natural Capital and make it a real investment opportunity through different asset classes.

The Group is launching a project to simplify its organization, which aims to provide each of its business lines with new room for maneuver to develop, transform and win new customers. The project includes a simplified takeover bid for Natixis shares by the Group, accompanied by an exit from listing.

On board Banque Populaire X, Clarisse Crémer crossed the finish line of the Vendée Globe in 12th position and became the fastest solo woman to sail around the world in a monohull.

The Group finances very high-speed broadband in two départements, making it possible to connect more than 160,000 households in Côte d’Or and Landes. Natixis acted as the arranger, coordinator of Groupe BPCE’s response and as ESG coordinator. The Caisses d’Epargne Aquitaine Poitou-Charentes, de Bourgogne Franche-Comté and de Midi-Pyrénées co-arranged the financing of the transaction. Lastly, the Caisses d’Epargne de Normandie, Ile-de-France, BRED and Banque Palatine also acted as guaranteeing banks on a financing line.

Groupe BPCE furthered its commitment to gender diversity by signing a Charter, the aim of which is to share common convictions regarding gender diversity with all Groupe BPCE companies through ten concrete commitments to be pursued and developed over the years to come. With this signature, Groupe BPCE committed to promoting professional equality at the highest level of responsibility, systematically integrating the principle of gender equality in all HR processes, supporting female/mixed networks, and promoting and retaining talents.

Banque Populaire is supporting the transition of the agricultural model with the launch of the Agrilismat Green offer, to finance agricultural equipment. Banque Populaire has set itself a target of producing €1 billion in green loans by 2024, i.e. 20% of the total production in their territory of professional agricultural loans over the period.

The Group’s four banks – Banque Populaire Auvergne Rhône Alpes, Caisses d’Epargne Rhône Alpes, Loire Drôme Ardèche and d’Auvergne et du Limousin – are contributing to the creation of a public-private financing tool intended to strengthen the companies’ equity.

The Caisses d’Epargne created a debt fund with resources of €1.5 billion, in conjunction with Natixis and BPCE Énergéco. This fund is intended to finance major operations for the development of renewable energy projects of all kinds on a national scale: offshore and onshore wind, photovoltaic, energy storage, hydroelectricity, hydrogen and methanisation, etc.


BPCE L’Observatoire publishes Le temps des aidants. This new opus is dedicated to the 15 million French people who provide assistance to a loved one because of their health, disability or age.

Caisse d’Epargne launched its Pacte Utile (Useful Pact) which aims to make the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games a lever for the transformation of society through inclusion through sporting activities, the financing of numerous sports infrastructures and support for athletes.

Launch of the “BPCE 2024 – More United, More Useful, Stronger” strategic plan. Its ambition: to be a leader in banking, insurance and asset management for everyone.

The simplified public tender offer initiated by BPCE resulted in the delisting of Natixis shares. With the success of this transaction, after 12 years of existence, Groupe BPCE became the largest unlisted cooperative banking group in Europe.

The Group joined the Net-Zero Banking Alliance, which aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Launched by the UN Environment Finance Initiative (UNEP FI), it brings together around 50 banking institutions mobilized against global warming.

Oney, a subsidiary of Groupe BPCE, confirmed its leadership by creating universal installment payments. With Oney+, consumers can pay in 3 times or 4 times anywhere in the world, on all channels, in all types of businesses and for all types of services.

The athletes and para-athletes supported by the Group’s companies shine at the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games. They won more than 40% of the total medals won by the French delegation.

The quality of the funds designed, managed and distributed by the Group’s entities was recognized by the awarding of eight trophies at the 2021 edition of the Corbeilles Mieux Vivre votre Argent.

The Group became the main partner of Energy Observer, the first autonomous hydrogen vessel. It supports a project to develop technological solutions around hydrogen and contributes to the deployment of financing tools adapted to new technologies and green energy.

The Group and Natixis published their first Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) report. In this document, they detail their actions to support the transition to a low-carbon economy and adaptation to the effects of climate change.

Natixis Corporate & Investment Banking signed cooperation agreements with LBBW in Germany and Tyndall Group in Chile with the aim of obtaining joint M&A advisory mandates and improving support for the international business development of their respective customers.

Banque Populaire was named the number one bank for SMEs for the 12th consecutive year. This recognition reflects the historic commitment to serving SMEs but also the daily mobilization of the Banque Populaire banks, particularly during the past year.

An affiliate of Natixis Investment Managers, Ostrum AM is among the best-positioned players in the 2021 edition of the RIBI (Responsible Investment Brand Index), which assesses the ability of asset managers to translate their commitment to sustainable development into their identity and their brand.

La Banque Postale acquired BPCE’s 16.1% stake in CNP Assurances.

Stabilization of the terms and conditions between Groupe BPCE and La Banque Postale of the proposed acquisition by Natixis Investment Managers (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Natixis) of the minority stakes held by La Banque Postale in Ostrum Asset Management (45%) and AEW Europe (i.e. 40%). The planned acquisitions will enable Natixis Investment Managers to hold 100% of the capital of these management companies.

More than 3,000 companies and partners are committed to “Entreprendre 2024”, a system created in 2020 by Groupe BPCE to support its clients, small and medium-sized businesses, medium-sized companies, social economy organizations and social economy players and solidarity in the Paris 2024 adventure.

1.4 The Group’s business lines

1.4.1 Retail Banking and Insurance


Founded by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs more than 140 years ago, the Banques Populaires have stayed true to their roots, confirming their position as the leading bank for SMEs in France for the 12th consecutive year.(1) A top-tier banking network with 12 regional Banques Populaires and two national affiliated banks (CASDEN Banque Populaire, dedicated to the civil service sector, and Crédit Coopératif, a bank serving the social and solidarity-based economy), Banque Populaire is also the No. 2 bank of craftsmen and small retailers.(2)

Key figures

14 Banques Populaires

4.8 million cooperative shareholders

9.5 million customers

30,000 employees

€347.2bn in deposits and savings

€276.4bn in loan outstandings

€6.9bn in net banking income

IN 2021

The Banques Populaires confirmed their commercial dynamism. Loan outstandings increased by 6.3% and deposits and savings by 7.5%.

A year of conquest with a strong increase in new contacts, both for professionals, to +14% at the end of December, and for companies, to +21.1% at the end of December.

With a 6.1% increase in consumer loan outstandings, the Banques Populaires achieved a record year.

The pprivate wealth management business passed the milestone of 500,000 clients, a number that has doubled in ten years.


The Banques Populaires confirmed their commercial dynamism and continued to gain market share. As such, they have more than five million active customers, an increase of 3% year-on-year, including over four million principal bank customers. The production of credit increased sharply, both in consumer loans, with historic growth (+5.2%), and home loans (+6.7%). It was an exceptional year in terms of non-life insurance policies (fires, accidents, miscellaneous risks) with the production of more than 352.025 home and car policies sold as of December 31, 2021. The commercial momentum is reflected in a 22% increase in non-life insurance policy gross sales and a 21% increase in protection against 2020, the baseline year for the Banques Populaires.

2021 saw the culmination of a movement initiated in 2019 to revisit the entire range offered to individual customers: launch of the CRISTAL relationship agreement in early 2020, with more than 850,000 customers equipped, creation of a single platform for non-life insurance, and marketing of life insurance and delegated management services, individual retirement savings plan and borrower insurance in October 2021.

2021 was marked by the dynamism of the green financing and savings offer deployed throughout the network. As a result, Codevair’s outstandings amounted to more than €2.3 billion, an increase of 26% at the end of December 2021. Financial savings also showed sustained dynamism thanks to the Ambition Durable green bond, which raised more than €300 million at the end of October 2021. Finally, a new solution was introduced: the Energy Renovation Loan, which provides a concrete solution to customers whose home Energy Performance Assessment (DPE) is poor and who wish to undertake work.

Lastly, the Banques Populaires confirmed their commitment to young people, students and apprentices. This mobilization resulted in growth of 6% in new contacts among 16 to 24 year-olds in 2021 (vs. 2020) and a stability in student loans, which now account for 6% of loans granted. In addition, as part of the student loan guarantee scheme entrusted to Bpifrance by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, the BPI budget increased threefold.

€35.1bn in new loans, +6.1%

€141.6bn in loan outstandings, +9.3%

€181.2bn in deposits and savings, +7.2%

352,025 new non-life insurance policies


Kantar PME-PMI study 2021-Banques Populaires: No. 1 bank for SMEs.


2020 Pépites survey.


The third largest player in private wealth management in France(1) with €99.2 billion in assets under management, the Banques Populaires doubled their number of customers in this segment in ten years and, in 2021, passed the milestone of 500,000. The sales momentum resulted in an increase in inflows of more than 10.7% over the year.

2021 was marked by the deployment of “green” solutions across all asset classes, notably with: a wide range of funds selected from Groupe BPCE asset managers with the certification of numerous funds (including: three Greenfin labels) and new products: Label Relance funds, PEA funds, thematic funds in particular on health and sport from September 2021; a range of structured products with an ESG component (environment, social, governance) for the most part, at least through their benchmark index or via green bond issues (Ambition Durable range); a retirement savings plan offering favoring responsible savings, with the choice of three investment formulas that have a favorable impact on the environment and society, and more than 30 freely managed SRI (socially responsible investment) vehicles.

479,421 customers in the portfolio and 19,173 new customers in 2021

€99.2bn under management, +11%


More than 725,000 professionals are clients of the Banques Populaires, including 66,889 who joined Banque Populaire in 2020. They develop a business partner approach with them, combining financing, services, digital solutions, insurance and employee savings to support them on a daily basis and support their projects. Best bank in the Palmarès du Monde du Chiffre magazine for the accounting profession, for which it received the Gold Trophy for the fourth consecutive year, Banque Populaire is still the first bank recommended by franchisors according to the fifteenth edition of the annual franchise survey carried out with the French Franchise Federation.


The momentum on the professional market is reflected in the growth of new contacts, up by 16.4% year-on-year at the end of December 2021, and the growth of the portfolio of liberal healthcare professions, up by 7.6%, a level higher than the market (+3% according to Coface).

In non-life insurance, gross sales of contracts increased by 28%, with a change in the equipment rate of 32.2% as of September 2021, i.e. an increase of 0.6 points.

New solutions

2021 was marked by the launch of Oney Proximity, a service enabling local shops to gain customer loyalty by offering them payment in 3 or 4 installments by bank card.

The partnership with HeoH, a specialist in donations in France, has become widespread in the Banques Populaires. Retailers can now offer their customers the option to make a micro-donation via TPE (electronic payment terminal) to support national and local non-profits.

Lastly, the Banques Populaires carried out the first European issue for sustainable agriculture with the creation of a dedicated green bond.


The Banques Populaires were voted number one in terms of satisfaction and recommendations from farmers and winegrowers(2). They support more than 76,108 of them throughout France. With an annual loan production of over €2.2 billion and loan outstandings of over €10.3 billion, the Banques Populaires regularly demonstrate their commitment to agriculture in France.

1.1 million professional clients

507,953 tradesmen

172,203 liberal professionals

67,108 farmers

€71.4bn loan outstandings, +7.3%


L’Opinion, 2018.


Results of the BVA study of 1,359 heads of medium and large farms - Telephone survey [CATI] from February 10 to March 17, 2021.



After a year in 2020 marked by a slowdown in activity due to the health crisis, 2021 saw the conquest momentum accelerate. New relationships rose sharply, +21%, with stronger growth in the small business segment (+27%).

The Banques Populaires supported the investments made as a result of the resumption of activity, which rose sharply, with a 20% increase in the production of equipment loans in 2021. Lastly, flows returned to their pre-crisis momentum, rising by +4% year-on-year.

Satisfaction and positioning

This sustained activity was accompanied by high customer satisfaction as it remained at the level of 2020, a record year, with an NPS of +14.

For the 12th year in a row, company executives renewed their trust in Banque Populaire by once again naming her the leading bank for SMEs in France(1). Trust that extends to other customer segments. As a result, the Banques Populaires and Crédit Coopératif stepped onto the podium as the bank of employers associations, rising from fifth to third place(2).

128,983 corporate clients, +5.9%

260,630 non-profits and institutions, +5.9%

No. 1 bank for SMEs, 42% are customers(1)

€42.2bn of medium and long-term loan outstandings


In particular, 2021 was marked for Banque Populaire by the broadcast of a new film on television called “Le bon partenaire” to accompany the end of the last lockdown, the digital film “La Relève” to further assert its support for young people and a campaign to celebrate, for the 12th consecutive year, its position as the leading bank for SMEs.

In 2021, a new banking website and a new digital marketing approach were launched to better respond to the concerns and needs of all French people.

The media coverage of Clarisse Crémer’s participation in the Vendée Globe on Banque Populaire X was also recognized with a gold award at the “Grand Prix Stratégies Sport”. 

Lastly, Banque Populaire took to the cinema the day after the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games to celebrate all those who are working today to make the Paris 2024 Games a success. 


As the leading bank serving the social and solidarity-based economy and engaged citizens, Crédit Coopératif recorded an increase of 32% in new loans to individual customers (personal loans and real estate loans) and 24% to legal entities.

2021 was marked by supporting corporates in their structural changes and by continuing work on quality to increase customer satisfaction at all levels. In terms of organization, the bank structured its private banking business, created a “major customer” expertise center around a dedicated business center, organized the regional e-branches into a “remote banking” center, and created a unit to promote cooperative life.

New offers were introduced for individual customers such as the Platinum and Infinite cards, the student loan guaranteed by the State and the new Millevie life insurance policies. For legal entities, the e-commerce payment service was rolled out, as was “Cooperation ESS” for temporary business groupings (TBGs) in response to calls for tenders.

Lastly, the digitization of services continued, notably with the deployment of electronic signatures for legal entities and individual customers.

A major highlight of the year, Crédit Coopératif gave itself a raison d’être, a possibility offered by the Pacte law of April 11, 2019, by incorporating the “Manifesto for another bank” adopted in 2014 into its articles of association. 

102,944 cooperative shareholders 

424,816 customers (PM customers and PP customers)

€3.14m in donations, raised from solidarity-based products, distributed to 54 associations


Kantar reference study on SMEs and SMIs.


Barometer of the Observatory of the Social and Solidarity Economy conducted by the CSA among 1,194 employer associations.

CASDEN furthered its development, achieving its goal of becoming the leading bank in the civil service sector. In 2021, 120,021 new cooperative shareholders, of which 71% are from the Civil Service excluding National Education, joined. Today, there are nearly 2.1 million cooperative shareholders.

As a cooperative and affinity bank, the satisfaction of the cooperative shareholders is preponderant: its NPS reached +10 in 2021, up by four points.

2021 was marked by the completion of several projects. The accessibility of new self-care services, such as the publication of an amortization schedule or obtaining an end-of-loan certificate, free of charge, in the cooperative shareholders’ personal space on casden.fr.

The enhancement of the loan offer, notably with Prevair and Autovair to finance more responsible and environmentally-friendly projects, and the “project loan”, which can be used according to individual needs.

CASDEN also announced the launch of its new strategic plan for 2022-2024, “Elan 2024”, based on a new development dynamic, a culture of performance and strong collective commitment.

Lastly, CASDEN supported three athletes who participated in the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games all from the public service, notably Manon Brunet, who won two medals in saber: individual bronze and team silver.


The Caisses d’Epargne have financed the French economy for more than 200 years. They support their customers over the long-term and in all their life events, with the ambition to “Be Useful” to each and everyone. Individuals, professionals, non-profits, corporates and local authorities all receive personalized solutions from their Caisse d’Epargne, tailored to their individual needs and objectives. The 15 Caisses d’Epargne are cooperative banks, which make up the second largest banking network in France.

Key figures

15 Caisses d’Epargne

4.4 million cooperative shareholders

17.8 million customers

33,474 employees

€495.6bn in deposits and savings

€335.9bn in loan outstandings

€7.2bn in net banking income

IN 2021

A dynamic of conquest and renewed banking in the retail market.

Financing offers to support the energy transition of individual, professional and corporate customers.

Implementation of the “Global Post-Crisis Approach” to support corporate customers in their recovery.

Creation of Prêt à Impact, a loan dedicated to local authorities to encourage them to take into account more ambitious non-financial environmental and social criteria.


The year 2021 was marked by a recovery in commercial activity in all sub-funds.

In terms of savings, inflows amounted to €10.8 billion, demand deposits included. In life insurance, revenues reached almost €13.1 billion with a unit-linked ratio up by 3.2 pts compared to 2020, to 36.2%. This change was driven by recent launches such as delegated management for the general public and a new Millevie 2 life insurance offer.

In terms of loans, home loan production remained very strong with €38.4 billion in loans and a market share of 13.3%. The strong activity also resulted in a significant increase in the Consumer Loan market share. (+32 pt to 10.50% in the third quarter of 2021).

Lastly, in terms of insurance, 2021 saw the completion of the #INNOVE2020 program, which made it possible to launch several offers, notably in the Auto and Home segments, as well as to set up new customer journeys.

This dynamic of conquest and extending banking services is reflected in the favorable evolution of banking mobility with very positive balance which reached over 31,000 customers at the end of December, and in the successful subscription to the daily banking offer Les Formules by 1.1 million customers.

Finally, the Caisses d’Epargne have reaffirmed their usefulness as a family bank and insurer thanks to the introduction of a system to support their customers in the event of cyber-harassment, a phenomenon that is currently affecting one in five teenagers in France.

€188.8bn in loan outstandings, +7.1%

€372.2bn in deposits and savings, +3.4%

€13.1bn collected in life insurance

1.1 million non-life insurance contracts marketed, +19%


In 2021, the Caisses d’Epargne won 129,000 new customers in private management, and have 1.7 million customers. Inflow outstandings increased by 6.5% and amounted to €280 billion. In this context, life insurance revenues in 2021 amounted to €9.8 billion, with a unit-linked ratio on revenues of around 36.8%. Lastly, this activity was also supported by the dynamic of asset inflows under discretionary management, which amounted to more than €2.2 billion.

The satisfaction of high-net-worth clients was up with an NPS of 11 (+2 points over one year).

Lastly, the “savings banker” strategy continued with the roll-out of a new life insurance offer and the extension of delegated management to the general public. The Caisses d’Epargne also enhanced the services offered by self-care for life insurance.

The 15 Caisses d’Epargne have a Private Bank or Executive Bank in their area.

No. 2 in France

1.7 million relationships

€280bn in assets under management, +6.5%


The Caisse d’Epargne is the bank for more than one in six protected persons, whether under guardianship, trusteeship or family authorization. Across France, 150 specialized advisors are on-hand to assist family representatives and legal guardians.

The year was very dynamic with an increase of 5,000 protected adults and of deposits and savings under management, which reached €10 billion.

Lastly, the bank payment cards offered to protected persons have been offered with the “contactless payment” option since 2021.

No. 1 bank for persons under legal guardianship/
supervision and dependent adults living at home

330,790 customers

€10.2bn in managed savings


The Caisses d’Epargne won nearly 18,000 professional clients, thus promoting sustained growth in their business assets (+4.5% year-on-year). With loan outstandings in excess of €18 billion, up by 6.5% year-on-year, the Caisses d’Epargne continued to support professional customers in carrying out their projects.

The year was marked by the launch of several solutions, which complemented their range.

Firstly, the launch of a complete financing offer to support their customers in their energy transition.

Then, with Oney x3 x4, merchants can offer their customers split payment with a fully digital process.

Also for retailers, the IZ e-commerce offer, an all-in-one solution for creating an e-commerce site, has become widespread. It integrates the PayPlug payment solution, which enables entrepreneurs to quickly set up a personalized online store.

A dedicated channel for healthcare professionals, a strategic customer for Groupe BPCE, was set up at the end of 2021. The sharing of best practices in the regions, the development of synergies with other markets, the creation of adapted offers, the mobilization of the Group’s subsidiaries and the structuring of partnerships will increase the conquering and intensify the relationship with healthcare professionals.

Lastly, the Digital Inside strategy continued, notably with the electronic signature, extended to the subscription of electronic payment contracts, medium and long-term loans and equipment leasing.

410,284 professional clients, +4.5%

€18,358m loan outstandings, (incl. CBM) +6.5%

8,416 employee savings contracts signed

11,699 Pro non-life insurance policies taken out

14,069 Pro personal protection insurance contracts subscribed


With more than 31,900 corporate clients (VSEs, SMEs and mid-sized companies), and 2,752 new contacts in 2021, the Caisses d’Epargne continued to support the development of companies in a context of growth in investment. Short-term loan outstandings reached €3.6 billion and outstanding medium-long-term loans (excluding SGL), €23.2 billion.

This good momentum was also reflected in international business activity (international guarantees +10% of requests in 2020) and the activity of innovative companies (209 new contacts, i.e. +8% vs. 2019).

To support their corporate customers in their recovery, the Caisses d’Epargne set up the “Global Post-Crisis Approach”, including in particular the EGF guarantee (Pan-European Guarantee Fund), the security trust, the pledge on inventory, and the reprofiling of debt, in addition to the SGL and the PPR.

2021 was also the year of the launch of the green offer to support customers in their energy and ecological transition.

In addition, remote banking was enriched with the launch of the Dalenys offer, with its unified payment platform for all collections from major e-merchants, and the instantaneous B2B transfer to remote banking.

Lastly, the Neo Business activity, for the financing of start-ups and innovative companies, was marked by the introduction of the Innovation loan, the key man insurance and a partnership with French Tech, the French start-up movement.

31,942 corporate clients

€28bn medium and long-term commitments, (with SGLs), i.e. +6.6% over one year

€159bn cash management, +19% over one year


The Caisses d’Epargne offer a full range of financial engineering solutions: private equity, consulting on disposals-business transmissions, and structured financing (arrangement, syndication and management of financing solutions). Equity investment in companies in their region is a strategic development focus for the Caisses d’Epargne with 17 regional structures and a national venture capital company (Caisse d’Epargne Développement) endowed with €160 million.

In 2021, the financial engineering division continued its growth, particularly in the area of debt structuring, with €64 million, up by 14% compared to 2020. This momentum is essentially driven by structured and syndicated corporate financing activities, which increased by 35% and which represent the most dynamic segment of the financial engineering markets.

In Private Equity, the regional investment companies of the Caisses d’Epargne were very active, with 29 investments made during the year for a total of almost €30 million and 11 disposals. At 31 December 2021, the investment portfolio totaled €79 million.

The year was marked by the implementation of the renewable energy debt fund. It involves the creation by all Caisses d’Epargne of a form of shared balance sheet. Endowed with €1.5 billion, the fund enables them to engage in major financing transactions (€250 million or more). Since its creation in July 2021, the fund has targeted the acquisition of €90 million in receivables on the largest onshore wind farm in France. At the end of the year, the renewable energies fund was positioned on a potential deal flow of around €450 million.


In 2021, the Caisses d’Epargne consolidated their position among the leaders in the real estate professionals market with a market share of nearly 9% in France in 2020(1).

Despite a rather sluggish environment, the Caisses d’Epargne stood out, posting new loans and commitments by signature of nearly €8.9 billion. New loans granted to property developers, estate agents and land/subdivision developers amounted to €5.5 billion and those intended for MLT investors, to €2.6 billion.

Launched last year with operators, the Prêt à Impact loan was extended in 2021 to long-term investors, thus covering all professional real estate customers.

€5.5bn in new short-term commitments

€2.6bn in new medium/long-term loans


2020 PIM ACPR survey.


As the No. 1 private financier of the SSE, with loan outstandings of €6 billion in 2021, the Caisses d’Epargne maintained a steady pace in winning new customers, particularly in the social entrepreneurship market, focusing on the challenges of the environmental transition and short supply chains. There were close to 1,000 new customers in 2021.

This development is based on a long-standing partnership with the entire SSE ecosystem and social innovation support networks.

With solutions that are constantly enriched and the search for high value-added advice (confirmed by the good levels of customer satisfaction in 2021), the Caisses d’Epargne are reaffirming their ambitions for this impact clientele which is more than ever at the center of social and ecological recovery issues. This takes the form of intensive support for their customers: +21% in debit flows over 1 year and growth in equipment to respond to the various needs.

2021 was marked by the marketing of the Prêt à Impact loan for SSE customers, which aims to increase the interest rate of the loan according to the level of achievement of social or environmental objectives.

No. 1 in SSE financing(1)

€970m in medium/long-term new loans (incl. SGL)


The Caisses d’Epargne are a major partner of local authorities and public health institutions. Everyday banking, cash management, bridging loans, and project financing: they provide a full range of solutions. Most of the activity is based on the financing of public investments in the service of the regions.

The activity in 2021 was characterized by a very clear increase in financing, supported both by the strong upturn in investments by local authorities after an exceptionally low level in 2020 due to the health crisis. The use of SCF (société de crédit foncier) refinancing for the public sector has made it possible to offer the best conditions to major accounts.

The year was also marked by the deployment of a grant assistance solution and the launch and signature of the first Public sector Prêts à Impact loans.

With €41.8bn in loan outstandings, Caisse d’Epargne is the main private financier of the French public sector.


Long-standing partners of social housing organizations and actors in the mixed economy, the Caisses d’Epargne support their daily banking, financing and investment needs with, in 2021, €2.8 billion in medium- and long-term financing.

The Caisses d’Epargne are also a major player in social housing in France, through the Habitat en Région Group, their social property operator. The second largest private social housing operator in France, its network manages a stock of 237,000 housing units in which nearly 483,000 people live. This year, Habitat en Région launched its strategic plan for 2024, the aim of which is to respond to the new challenges faced by regions and residents after the health crisis.

2021 saw the rise of Social and Environmental Prêt à Impact loans for social housing. This is evidenced by the numerous contracts signed on the Caisse d’Epargne stand at the Union sociale pour l’habitat USH congress in Bordeaux in October 2021.

Lastly, the renewed partnership between Caisse d’Epargne and the Fédération des offices publics de l’habitat (OPH) enables the latter to use very long-term fixed-rate private financing, thanks to a dedicated budget of €200 million.

€2.8bn in new loans

€12.7bn in loan outstandings


In 2021, several major projects were rolled out by the Caisse d’Epargne brand: the new visual identity, with a more impactful and modern logo, the new brand territory, as well as the new banking site and the new digital marketing approach to better meet the concerns and needs of all French people.

The brand was also present in the media, with two new TV films to continue to demonstrate its societal usefulness as a bank and for family insurance: a campaign on cyber-bullying and a campaign on caregivers, two social phenomena that have an impact on many families today and for which it offers solutions to support its customers as part of its insurance contracts.

Lastly, Caisse d’Epargne launched the Pacte Utile, its program of commitments as a premium partner of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games with numerous actions, including the construction or renovation of 50 3x3 basketball courts throughout France over the next three years. To promote this partnership, the brand chose to speak the day after the Tokyo Games with a TV film highlighting its desire to make the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games useful for all.

Tokyo was also a very successful event for the brand, with 12 medals won by athletes supported by the Caisses d’Epargne, two gold medals won by the French handball teams and one silver and one bronze medal respectively by the French men’s and women’s basketball teams.


Banque de France: PDM APRI Q3 2021, investment loans.


Since its creation, Banque Palatine has been a partner to intermediate-sized enterprises (ISEs) and private company directors. ISEs needing to finance a project, undertake capital transactions, or expand their business internationally can call on Banque Palatine to build tailored solutions and help with its customers’ projects based on extensive business and sector expertise. Private Banking experts draw on a comprehensive understanding of their customers’ personal and professional environment to construct a suitable long-term wealth strategy in consultation with them.

Key figures

13,980 corporate customers

55,688 private banking customers

1,174 employees

€18.4bn in deposits and savings

€11bn in loan outstandings

IN 2021

Banque Palatine launched its “UP 2024” strategic plan, which is based on two strategic orientations: accelerating the targeted acquisition of SME and private client markets, on the one hand, and adapting to the environment, on the other hand. It will be based on three cross-functional markers: strengthening employee engagement; modernizing and digitizing uses; and, reinforcing Banque Palatine’s involvement in environmental, social and governance matters.

In the corporate market, the conquest mainly concerned companies with revenues of more than €15 million. The volume of new loans stabilized with activity focused on structured transactions on medium-sized companies. Corporate Finance had an excellent year: nearly €12 million in fees and commissions were generated, and €317 million in financing was co-arranged with Groupe BPCE entities.

In the private banking market, 2021 was marked by a very good level of activity with nearly 900 new core customers, SRI outstandings doubled to €102 million at December 31, 2021 and a strong increase in loan distribution at €577 million.

After the crédit impact in 2020 (traditional loan with a contractual clause indexing the margin to the sustainable performance of the company based on social, environmental and governance criteria, for which the reduction in margin achieved was abandoned by Banque Palatine to a non-profit organization), Banque Palatine strengthened its green offering with the launch of the green calculator. This new tool gives real estate professionals who take out a loan, a “green” rating based on the objective criteria of their project. This rating is mentioned in the loan offer. Beyond a certain rating, the financial conditions are improved in favor of non-profits committed to sustainable development.

Banque Palatine published its index on gender equality in the workplace: at 97 points, it placed the bank among the best French companies, all sectors combined. In addition, it has had its Afnor label renewed for four years. Banque Palatine is also committed to the “digital Mixity” footprint, the first digital platform that reflects the overall diversity and inclusion impact of companies, schools, local authorities, non-profits, etc.


For 37 years, Oney has created payment, financing and insurance solutions adapted to the transformation of commerce, that enable millions of Europeans to improve their daily lives. As a retail partner, Oney plays a major role in supporting consumption by making it all possible: equipment needs, work and travel plans, health and education expenses, and the management of unforeseen expenses. Oney deploys an inclusive vision of its business lines. And because it wants to guarantee sustainable performance and act positively for society, Oney is committed to ensuring that everyone has the power to consume better.

Key figures

7.8 million customers

1,700 e-retail partners

13,000 physical or virtual points of sale

2,500 employees

12 countries of operation

In 2021, Oney recorded a good level of activity, with production up 16% year-on-year.

It confirmed its leadership in split payment activities in France but also in Portugal, Italy and Romania. A new offer was launched this year with Oney+ which includes a payment account, a Visa bank card and an “app”. Consumers can pay in 3 or 4 times anywhere in the world, on all channels, in all types of businesses and for all types of services.

Major new partnerships were signed with e-merchants: at the end of 2021, more than 1,700 e-merchants trusted it, from very small businesses to international groups, in all retail sectors.

Two years after BPCE took a stake in Oney, cooperation with Groupe BPCE companies is under way. This is notably the case with the payment service provider PayPlug in the preparation of common responses to certain calls for tenders, with S-money in the construction of the innovative solution Oney+ which makes split payment universal, and with BPCE Financement, the Caisses d’Epargne and the Banques Populaires to offer their professional customers the Oney split payment solution.

Finally, in 2021 Oney launched a European Circular Consumption Observatory to support its customers and partners in their ecological and economic transition.


The Insurance Business Unit designs and manages a comprehensive range of personal insurance products (life insurance, retirement savings vehicles, payment protection insurance, and individual provident insurance) and non-life insurance products (automotive, multi-risk home, supplementary health insurance, personal accident insurance, legal protection, non-banking insurance, etc.). After the successful deployment of the #INNOVE2020 project, it is now the sole insurance platform serving the Banque Populaire and Caisse d’Epargne networks, which consolidates Groupe BPCE’s position as a leading bancassurer in France. The strategy implemented since 2014 is now paying off: the sales momentum recorded in 2021 was very intense and sustained. Groupe BPCE Insurance Business Unit is now one of the Top 10 insurers and the Top 5 bancassurers in France.

The year 2021 was marked by the launch of many new or renewed offers. Responding to the new demands, new needs and modes of consumption of customers, they were all redesigned with a view to offering a simpler and more fluid experience with the highest standards of service quality. This was the case for the new motorcycle insurance, borrower insurance and life insurance offerings. In addition, the marketing of the Natixis Life offering, already available through the Banque Populaire network, was extended to the Caisses d’Epargne in 2021. Another innovation: a concrete solution to the scourge of cyberbullying, which affects 20% of young people, was provided by including psychological assistance in Caisse d’Epargne’s school and supplementary health insurance offerings.

As in previous years, the proposed contracts were again awarded in 2021. In non-life insurance, the new multi-risk home insurance offering, the result of the #INNOVE2020 program and common to the Banque Populaire and Caisse d’Epargne networks, is already among the best on the market and was awarded four Labels of Excellence. In personal protection insurance, Dossiers de l’Epargne also awarded three “Labels 2021” in the individual protection category to SECUR’Famille 2, Autonomis and Assurance Famille. In addition, the IMA PROTECT remote surveillance product, offered by the Banque Populaire and Caisse d’Epargne networks, was once again recognized by Capital Magazine. Lastly, the Insurance Business Unit was also rewarded with an Argus d’Or in the “open innovation” category for the work carried out with the start-up Zelros on the automation of medical screening.

The year 2021 was also marked by a strong commitment from employees to deal with the very significant surplus of activity caused by the health crisis and by the various climate disasters.

Groupe BPCE Insurance Business Unit also confirmed its status as pioneering insurer in terms of climate commitment. Each year, 10% of investments are dedicated to green assets so that they represent 10% of outstandings by 2030.


The Payments Business Line creates “payment as a service” solutions across the entire payment value chain: from issuance to acquisition to omnichannel to processing to employee benefits. It is backed by a robust technological base, highly innovative fintechs, and teams of recognized experts. The solutions are aimed at retail, professional, corporate and non-profit customers of Groupe BPCE networks, as well as retailers, banks and fintechs:

online, physical and omnichannel payment solutions (acceptance, fraud prevention, payment terminals, open payment, centralized electronic banking, etc.);

card payments and issuance processing;

merchant electronic payment acquisition solutions;

account-to-account payment (SEPA credit transfers/direct debits, instant payment);

employee benefits (meal vouchers, gift vouchers) and benefits for social and economic committees.

In 2021 the Payments Business Line continued its development, notably through the commercial activity of PayPlug, which recorded nearly 3,400 new customer signatures. Dalenys, whose offers are aimed at large e-merchants, also supported its customers in the DSP2 migration which imposes new rules such as strong customer authentication. The Banques Populaires expanded their range with the launch of an offer in conjunction with Dalenys.

With regard to its Employee Benefits and Services activities, an important step in its technological development was taken with the acquisition of the start-up Jackpot. Bimpli, a unique platform for employee benefits, was launched. Bimpli’s ambition is to support companies in the transformation of their social policy by offering a wide range of digital services capable of improving the daily lives of employees in both their professional and personal lives.


The Financial Solutions & Expertise Business Unit (FSE) combines Groupe BPCE’s expertise in the financing, advisory and custodial services business lines. This Business Unit reflects the Group’s goal of focusing its activities on retail banking in a bid to accelerate its development for the benefit of its customers.

BPCE Factor develops factoring solutions for companies of all sizes, covering their entire growth process (set-up, development, acquisitions, international expansion, etc.). In 2021, in a context of economic recovery and thanks to its commercial momentum, it will record an 11% growth in factored revenues.

A large part of its SME and professional customers can enter into a fully digitized relationship. BPCE Factor strives to offer a digital experience of the highest market standards with its all-digital offer, FlashFactures, which has a Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 56.

A satisfaction target confirmed for the 6th consecutive year by Bureau Véritas Certification, which renewed BPCE Factor’s service certification and labeling. It was recognition for the high level of quality perceived by customers: 94% overall satisfaction and a Net Promoter Score of 26.

BPCE Financement develops offers and complete solutions for the management of revolving loans and personal loans for Groupe BPCE’s networks.

In 2021, with an amount of outstandings of €29.9 billion, up 8%, Groupe BPCE became the leading player in consumer loans in France(1). The year was marked by record commercial activity with financing totaling more than €14 billion, up 19% year-on-year. The level of customer satisfaction measured by the NPS also shows a strong increase over 2021 with an NPS of 38 for personal loans compared to 31 in 2020 and 7 for revolving loans compared to 1 in 2020.

Lastly, for customers of the Banques Populaires and the Caisses d’Epargne, BPCE Financement, is deploying the CZEN financing solution, which enables payment in three or four installments.

BPCE Lease offers a complete range of rental solutions: furniture and property leasing, long-term vehicle leasing, boating or automotive leasing, IT operational leasing, and renewable energy financing.

At the end of 2021, BPCE Lease and its subsidiaries saw their production increase by 22% and total assets of €15.72 billion, representing an inventory of approximately 198,000 contracts. A dynamic that concerns all business lines. BPCE Car Lease, the long-term automotive leasing subsidiary of BPCE Lease, recorded an increase of 22% in its orders, in a declining automotive market.

In property leasing, BPCE Lease increased its production by 35% in amount. In the real estate segment as well, BPCE Lease nearly €47 million in security trust operations, a solution launched at the end of 2020.

Lastly, with €633 million in arranged financing, BPCE Énergéco, the subsidiary dedicated to financing renewable energies, also had a very active year.

In 2021, the Long-Term Rental (LLD) offer for individual customers was launched and the corporate LLD service offering was enhanced with the financing of electric charging terminals and the launch of a solution for managing connected fleets and car-sharing.

Lastly, BPCE Lease launched the Lease Impact program, which aims to support Groupe BPCE’s customers in their energy transition by meeting their needs in terms of energy production, energy efficiency and green mobility.

Compagnie Européenne de Garanties et Cautions (CEGC) offers a wide range of financial guarantees across all Groupe BPCE markets, including individual, professional and corporate customers, and the real estate, social economy and social housing sectors.

The real estate businesses recorded a high level of activity in 2021. In a French market that grew by 7.7%, CEGC guaranteed 303,000 home loans to individual customers produced by Groupe BPCE’s networks, for an amount of €47 billion, an increase of 11%.

The year was marked by the launch of a new guarantee offer for unpaid rents intended for property managers on behalf of their landlord clients. The data from the Green Weighting Factor® was included in the criteria for granting financial guarantees to developers and loan guarantees to social housing players. Finally, the use of artificial intelligence techniques to respond quickly to borrowers has intensified. In 2021, nearly 50% of requests for home loan guarantees to individual customers reviewed by the Caisses d’Epargne and the Banques Populaires received an immediate response.

Historically the market leader in real estate financing (developers, property dealers, development funds, etc.), SOCFIM covers the entire country and all asset classes: new and existing housing, managed housing (students and seniors), offices, retail and logistics warehouses.

In line with market trends, operations involving new uses (co-living, co-working, urban logistics, etc.) were developed, as were those aimed at “building the city on top of the city” (financing brownfields, recycling obsolete buildings) in a vision of sustainable real estate for which SOCFIM and its expert teams have implemented innovative financial engineering.


Athling analyses.

Pramex International specializes in advising French start-ups, SMEs and ISEs on international expansion, either through internal growth (creating and overseeing foreign subsidiaries) or external growth (international acquisitions). Originally related to the Banques Populaires, Pramex International recorded sustained activity in 2021 in its two core business lines: Corporate Management and M&A (merger-acquisition). Since 2020, the Caisses d’Epargne have benefited from the services of Pramex International, which they are gradually integrating into their activities.

BPCE Solutions immobilières, a major player in real estate consulting in France, has three business lines: Expertise & Consulting, Residential, Investment & Leasing with revenue of €39.6 million in 2021 (vs. €30.4 million in 2020).

In 2021, it continued to grow steadily by strengthening its partnership with Groupe BPCE companies – mainly in the residential sector with revenue of €24.2 million, i.e. +43% compared to 2020 and in the Expertise division by continuing to win new external customers with revenue of €14.4 million, i.e. +20% compared to 2020.

EuroTitres is the leading French provider of outsourced custody services on the retail market. As in 2020, EuroTitres recorded exceptional activity on the stock market in 2021, again thanks to the strong mobilization of individual customers but also due to the simplified public tender offer by BPCE for Natixis shares, which affected many savers of Groupe BPCE. At the end of December, 3,000,000 orders had been processed. A system for the exit from securities that have become ineligible for the PEA has been set up for the portfolios of the Group’s clients as part of the implementation of Brexit.

1.5 Agenda

May 12, 2022

After market close – Publication of first-quarter 2022 results

May 19, 2022

BPCE General Meeting

August 4, 2022

Before trading – Publication of second-quarter and first-half 2022 results

November 9, 2022

Before trading – Publication of third quarter results for 2022

Calendar subject to change


1.6 Contacts


“Investor Relations” section

Roland Charbonnel,

Head of Group Funding and Investor Relations






A cooperative group in the heart of the region


The second largest banking group in France, Groupe BPCE operates in all areas of banking, asset management and insurance, serving its 36 million customers in France and worldwide. Cooperative, it is owned by its nine million cooperative shareholders and is supported by its 29 regional banks (14 Banque Populaire banks and 15 Caisses d’Epargne), Natixis, Banque Palatine and Oney. The strength and durability of its model are based on balanced governance. The Group is thus focusing its strategy and actions on the long term, reconciling economic performance, social equity and environmental protection.

The Group’s companies are closely linked to their regions, are actively involved in the life of the city, and contribute more than 20% of the financing of the French economy. The Banque Populaire banks and the Caisses d’Epargne have often been at the forefront of social innovations that have marked the economic and social history of the country, through employee savings, financial education and low-cost housing. Today, the entire Groupe BPCE is committed to meeting the challenges of our time, first and foremost the fight against climate change. The transition to a low-carbon economy requires considerable levels of funding and support for all economic players in their own transition. The Group has mobilized and committed to making energy transition a priority in its BPCE 2024 strategic plan.

Its strong local presence puts Groupe BPCE in direct contact with major societal issues. It is thus a leading player in banking inclusion, whether in terms of preventing over-indebtedness or supporting micro-entrepreneurs, notably through partnerships with major networks in France. Its presence is particularly recognized among protected persons, vulnerable people and companies in difficulty. Groupe BPCE and its subsidiaries are actively working to promote greater social diversity by integrating young employees, some from underprivileged neighborhoods, and greater diversity by increasing the number of women in its governance bodies. Natixis has also committed to diversity by supporting the creation of the LGBT + All Equals network in France.

The nature of its business and its power mean that Groupe BPCE has a great responsibility when it comes to CSR issues. It is completely involved and puts its full capacity for action at their service.

2.1 A CSR roadmap in line with the Group’s strategic priorities


2.1.1 Our strategy


In 2021, Groupe BPCE placed the climate and the "employee experience" at the heart of its new strategic plan, BPCE 2024. This plan highlights a strong environmental strategy combined with ambitious intermediate objectives and an HR strategy promoting the quality of life at work and the professional development of all employees. In addition, the Group’s CSR policy combines fundamentals that emphasize the overall consideration of our economic and social responsibility and respect for the principles that guide its approach.

In this context, Groupe BPCE’s CSR strategy has been overhauled and structured around three areas and twelve commitments:

meeting the expectations of civil society by promoting inclusion, solidarity and active sponsorship. In addition, the Group continues to encourage open and constructive relationships with all of its stakeholders;

becoming a major player in the environmental transition by making climate issues a priority for all its business lines and all its companies. Groupe BPCE is committed to aligning all of its portfolios on a “Net Zero” trajectory.(1) It wants to support all its customers in their environmental transition and accelerate the reduction of its own carbon footprint;

designing the future of work by offering its employees and future employees a suitable hybrid work environment to effectively deploy teleworking. The Group also wants to develop its employees, talents and young employees, by supporting them in dedicated training circuits. At the same time, Groupe BPCE continues to promote diversity in management positions.

Groupe BPCE’s CSR strategy and goals are carried out in compliance with business ethics. The Group is committed to managing legal, regulatory and ethical risks for the benefit of its customers, employees and partners. Groupe BPCE thus ensures strict compliance with laws, regulations and best professional practices in all its companies. This is reflected in a Group code of conduct and ethics approved by the Steering and Supervisory Board in 2018 and a rigorous tax policy with a tax code of conduct in 2021.

Through international and national memberships, Groupe BPCE acts in compliance with numerous international, national and working group commitments.

For several years, the Group and its subsidiaries have been committed to reinforcing their contributions to the UN sustainable development Goals (SDGs) and to increasingly contributing to the fight against climate change. The SDGs are a common language built around 17 global goals, broken down into 169 targets. Thus, Groupe BPCE’s CSR strategy is fully committed to integrating its SDGs in order to participate in the common journey to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.


Target 2050 for Corporate & Investment Banking financing portfolios, Target 2030 for the Natixis Assurances general fund.


Serving regional economic players by participating in the economic development of our regions


Be an inclusive bank by supporting personal and professional microcredit in partnership with support networks for a better inclusion of our vulnerable customers and clients with disabilities


To be a leading partner in the healthcare sector by supporting healthcare professionals, financing healthcare infrastructures and continuing to be a leading player in the field of dependency


Be exemplary by maintaining a responsible purchasing policy on behalf of the Group


Maintain an active dialogue with our stakeholders through participatory governance thanks to long-term strategy and actions


Contribute to the fight against climate change by aligning the Group’s portfolios with a “Net Zero” trajectory


Broaden its emissions policy to include the issue of energy transition alongside green & social issues


Intensify the financing of projects promoting the environmental transition, give priority to consulting and strategic dialogue around the transition and strengthen our dedicated ESG savings offers


Be exemplary in its own way by reducing the Group’s own environmental footprint


Promote employability by developing new hybrid working methods for around 50,000 Group employees (60% in flex office) and offering them privileged working conditions (well-being, real estate, etc.)


Be a diversified Group by promoting gender equality and the integration of disabled people


Support the employment of young people and ensure the successful integration and retention of new employees


Signing date




Global Compact Advanced

Groupe BPCE & Natixis


Principles for Responsible Investment

22 Groupe BPCE asset management companies* signatories to the PRI, representing 99% of NIM’s total assets under management


Equator Principles







Groupe BPCE & Natixis


Net Zero Banking Alliance

Groupe BPCE


22 NIM affiliates adhering to the PRI.


For several years, the Group has been particularly active in think tanks committed to the fight against climate change, sustainable finance, biodiversity and market issues.

In 2021, Groupe BPCE participated in numerous working groups launched by the European Commission through technical consultations on the following topics (non-exhaustive list):

new sustainable finance strategy;

the Taxonomy regulation for sustainable activities: consultations on delegated acts and on various articles of this regulation, its impacts for financial institutions, and banks;

SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation);

European Standard for Green Bond Issues;

non-financial reporting;

integration of ESG factors in risk management.

In addition to the European consultations, Groupe BPCE may be required to respond to the consultations launched by the French authorities concerning the transposition of European texts.

At the European level, Groupe BPCE is a member of various professional associations, and participates in specific working groups that European banking organizations have set up to help advance Sustainable Finance strategy. These include the European Savings Banks Group (ESBG) and the European Association of Co-operative Banks (EACB).

Groupe BPCE also took part in the sensitivity analysis exercise of the European Banking Authority (EBA) in connection with the Taxonomy, giving rise to a stress test carried out throughout the Paris financial center.

As part of its work within the working group of the Climate Commission of the French Banking Federation (FBF), which is chaired by the Chairman of the Management Board Laurent Mignon, Groupe BPCE participates in dialogs and discussions on:

the coal exit strategy, with an overall exit schedule with firm, transparent and monitored commitments;

working with the supervisory authorities to develop methodologies to assess the exposure of their portfolios to climate risks and to align investment portfolios with a “Net Zero” scenario. The objective is to promote the dissemination and open source standardization of these methodologies.

In parallel with this work on the market, Groupe BPCE is committed to working alongside its peers. In July 2021, the Group joined the Net Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA), a financial initiative of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP FI). This alliance between banking institutions is a decisive step in the mobilization of the financial sector to fight against global warming.

In addition, on the occasion of the Climate Finance Day of October 26, 2021, the FBF announced the commitment of the six largest French banks, including Groupe BPCE, to no longer finance dedicated projects and companies whose share of unconventional hydrocarbons in exploration and production (shale oil, shale gas and tar sands) would exceed 30% of their activity by January 2022. During 2022, the banks included in this working group will continue their work to promote the reduction of the use of these unconventional hydrocarbons.

Natixis, through its subsidiary Mirova, is part of the steering group of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial risk and Disclosure (TNFD) initiative, whose work began in 2021 for two years. The TNFD is the result of a partnership between the Natural Capital Finance Alliance (NCFA), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), with the support of the British government. With the same model as the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), but making it possible to extend to nature-related issues, the TNFD will offer a framework to meet the measurement and data needs of financial institutions so they can better understand dependencies and their impacts on nature. The TNFD is intended to support the transition of the financial market by providing a framework for organizations to report nature-related risks and act according to their evolution, in order to divert global financial flows from negative activities for nature and redirect them towards activities that are positive for nature.

This working group addresses several issues:

data accessibility: unlike climate data (mainly GHG emissions), which are held by companies, data related to natural capital require access to larger databases (government, NGOs, universities, etc.);

spatiality: risks related to nature are specific to their location, and the locations of a company’s assets are generally not disclosed;

materiality: as nature is a public good, it is currently used free of charge by companies. Risks related to nature are therefore rarely taken into account in financial decision-making. The working group will have to consider the possibilities of integrating this materiality through regulations, changes in terms of reporting or responsibility.

Once adopted, the TNFD will enable financial institutions to manage the indirect impact of their investment and financing activities on nature, to reduce financial flows with a negative impact while promoting those with a positive impact.

Contextual elements: the valuation of assets eligible for the Taxonomy is an unprecedented exercise, the results of which depend in part on the interpretation of the regulatory texts by the institutions measuring them. These texts are backed by a recent regulation, some specifications having been published in February 2022. There are persistent inaccuracies in terms of application. Groupe BPCE therefore specifies that, while efforts have been made to comply with their requirements, the methods used are likely to change.

Groupe BPCE intends to commit to a long-term change in its balance sheet as part of a strategy to mitigate the climate impact of its activities and assets financed, invested or insured.

As a priority for action, it is committed to supporting all its customers in their own environmental transformation challenges and to making the environmental transition one of its main growth drivers as part of its BPCE 2024 strategic plan.

It is also committed to aligning its portfolios on a “Net Zero” trajectory by prioritizing the portfolios for which the bank can have the most significant impact, i.e. those in the most greenhouse gas-intensive sectors.

The European Taxonomy is a methodology for assessing the activities of a company in relation to environmental objectives, and more specifically in its current version, to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

These assessments are provided for by regulation in several phases.

For this first fiscal year according to the delegated act adopted in July 2021(1), the objective is to identify so-called “eligible” activities, that is, products or services that can potentially (but not necessarily) contribute to climate change mitigation or adaptation. For financial institutions, a ratio measuring the balance sheet portion of assets eligible for the Taxonomy is to be published.

In a second phase, the green assets corresponding to the activities said to be aligned with the Taxonomy will be assessed: they differ from those eligible by comparing the performance of these eligible activities with technical criteria and requirements in terms of respect for the environment and minimum social safeguards. These so-called aligned activities, which can be assessed in 2024 based on company data, will be published by BPCE and will enrich its internal climate measures and green commitments.

For Groupe BPCE, Taxonomy is an essential tool for increasing the transparency of climate measures and encouraging the development of companies’ green activities and their financing over time.

Also, while these first asset ratio assessments in their eligible versions do not reflect a real green measurement (as the “alignment” ratio aims for in 2024), they nevertheless constitute a first regulatory step that the Group supports in its publication efforts in terms of mandatory and voluntary declarations.

Groupe BPCE publishes its eligibility ratio here for its activities as a credit institution.

The valuation was carried out on the data as of December 31, 2021 on the basis of the prudential consolidation scope, in a FINREP compliant environment, measured at gross book value. It does not take into account off-balance sheet exposures (financial guarantees and other off-balance sheet exposures).

In accordance with regulations, central governments, central banks and supranational bodies as well as financial assets held for trading are excluded from the numerator and denominator of the ratio.

Companies that are not required to publish non-financial information under directive 2013/34/EU (NFRD) and interbank demand loans are excluded from the numerator.


Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2178 of July 6, 2021

As of December 31, 2021, in accordance with the mandatory publication format, the proportion of exposures to economic activities eligible for the Groupe BPCE taxonomy, in relation to the total exposures covered(1) by the ratio is 46%.

The proportion of exposures to economic activities not eligible for the taxonomy, in relation to the total exposures covered by the ratio, is 54%.

Most eligible assets includes outstanding home loans and loans to local authorities, loans to social housing and financing of automotive consumer loans. It should be noted that in this mandatory format, in the absence of data published by the companies on their eligible activities, the ratios cannot take into account their potential eligible activities(2).

Methods and limits underlying the calculation:

home loans and car loans to individual customers were considered eligible activities regardless of their geography;

to identify the counterparties subject to the NFRD, an estimate was made based on the size of the companies (excluding SMEs and PRO) and their geography (Europe).

Percentage of exposures covered by the ratio, in relation to total on-balance sheet exposures


Percentage of other exposures not included in the calculation of the ratio, compared to total on-balance sheet exposures


Of which on the trading portfolio


Of which on central banks


Of which on sovereigns





Percentage of exposures to financial and non-financial companies not subject to Articles 19 bis and 29 bis of Directive 2013/34/EU, compared to total exposures covered by the ratio


Percentage of derivatives in relation to total exposures hedged by the ratio


Percentage of exposures to interbank demand loans in relation to total exposures covered by the ratio



Other clarification:

The proportion of exposures to financial and non-financial companies subject to Articles 19 bis and 29 bis of directive 2013/34/EU (NFRD), in relation to the total exposures covered by the ratio is 36%. For calculation purposes, this is the share of non-SME corporate customers in Europe.

On a voluntary basis and in the interest of transparency, BPCE nevertheless supplements its publication by including in the calculation of the eligibility ratio the companies considered “eligible” on the basis of their NACE sector classification.

These are approximations, as the breakdown of activities between eligible and non-eligible companies is not based on data published by them.

Including in this framework the estimate of eligible corporate customers, Groupe BPCE's ratio of eligible economic activities to total exposures covered (by the ratio) is 54%.


The total exposures covered by the ratio correspond to the gross value of the FINREP balance sheet less exposures to central governments, central banks and supranational bodies, and financial assets held for trading.


Except for sufficient information.


Calculations of outstandings based on their gross book value.

2.2 Meeting the expectations of civil society


4.9 million cooperative shareholders in Banque Populaire network;

4.5 million cooperative shareholders in the Caisse d'Epargne network;

distribution of 221,693 SGLs(1) (State-guaranteed loans) from Groupe BPCE for an amount of €33.8bn;

€3.5 billion in medium- and long-term financing for social housing;

€674.5 billion in micro-loans and other solidarity loans;

14 of the Group’s banks have the “Responsible Supplier Relations and Purchasing” label.


2.2.1 Cultivate our cooperative values in line with the evolution of society


Groupe BPCE intends to participate in the development of all regions. The cooperative nature of the Group is one determining factor in how it conducts its business. The Group wants to help build an environment in which its cooperative shareholders and customers can grow.

Our regional banks have strong community ties, so they are attentive to the needs of all customers. They work with local players, local authorities, associations, business networks, schools and universities to strengthen the local socioeconomic fabric.

Each of the networks, Banque Populaire and Caisse d’Epargne, is backed by a federation. They support the network’s CSR strategy, facilitate cooperative shareholder relations, provide training for directors and assist with governance. They also promote initiatives in local communities.

The Banque Populaire banks, cooperative banks, expressed their “raison d’être” in 2019: Banque Populaire expresses its purpose - Fédération Banque Populaire (https://www.fnbp.fr/actualite/

In 2021, despite the ongoing health and economic crisis, the Banque Populaire banks maintained a strong relationship with their cooperative shareholders and their directors, who guarantee the vitality of their cooperative model. The 4.9 million cooperative shareholders are the foundation of the cooperative structure of Banques Populaires. They hold their share capital. They vote at General Meetings and directly elect the directors who represent them on the Boards of Directors.

For the General Meetings, the banks have given their cooperative shareholders the option of attending either remotely or by viewing the recorded proceedings. More than 578,000 cooperative shareholders voted. The average total vote rate for the network is 12.3%.

To ensure the continuity of cooperation, online conferences and webinars have maintained the link between the bank and its cooperative shareholders. These latter enjoy access to information channels to keep up to date with news about their banks, including newsletters, magazines, and websites. A stakeholder listening tool “Le WOK Banque Populaire” was set up to enable cooperative shareholders to participate in the life of their bank. In 2021, more than 500,000 cooperative shareholders were invited to share their ideas on various topics such as “supporting young people in the face of the crisis” and “their commitment to their cooperative bank”. In addition, for the past five years, the Banque Populaire banks have been organizing “Faites de la coopération” (Cooperate), a week to raise awareness and discuss the cooperative model. It is part of Social and Solidarity-Based Economy (SSE) month. The program for the 2021 edition included communication tools, employee training (BDIGIT application) and tools explaining the cooperative model for advisors (money plan and Banque Populaire cooperative cheat sheet).

In 2021, the Banque Populaire network had 219 directors (and 20 non-voting members). They are business leaders, researchers and teachers involved in the economic life of their region.

To meet the regulatory requirements for training directors and evaluating the functioning of the Boards of Directors, the National Federation of Banques Populaires (FNBP) has drawn up:

a self-assessment system for Boards of Directors made available throughout the Banque Populaire network;

an annual training plan covering topics related to the seven skills selected by the ECB, as well as CSR and digital topics;

an annual report on training has been set up to monitor the number of training sessions carried out, the number of training hours completed, the diversity of training courses taken and the satisfaction rate.


Production of SGLs (State-guaranteed loans) since the launch of the product on December 31, 2021: Network of Works Councils, 70,144 SGLs for an amount of €10.1 billion; BP network, 149,594 SGLs for an amount of €19.6 billion; rest of the Group, 1,955 SGLs for an amount of €4.2 billion.

Banques Populaires




Change in


Number of cooperative shareholders (in millions)





Percentage of cooperative shareholder customers (as a %)(1)





Average value of shares held per cooperative shareholder (in euros)





TS-I (delta between the ratio of highly satisfied customers and totally dissatisfied customers)(3)






Excluding BRED, CASDEN, and Crédit Coopératif.


Data at the end of December 2020.


Data from the individual customer satisfaction barometer at BP and CE. Internal source: Group Customer Research Department excluding Crédit Coopératif and CASDEN.


Banques Populaires




Change in


Governance bodies





Number of members of Boards of Directors





Director attendance rate at Board of Directors Meetings (as a %)





Percentage of Board Members who are women (as a %)





Percentage of Board Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen who are women (as a %)





Director training





Boards of Directors: percentage of members who took at least one training course over the year (as a %)





Boards of Directors: average number of training hours per person(1)






Data including Audit Committee training courses.

As the CSR & Co-operative Guidelines for 2018-2021 expire, the Caisses d’Epargne have defined a new roadmap for 2024. Several objectives have been set as part of the “Active cooperation” ambition, including a goal of rebalancing the age pyramid of cooperative shareholders and promoting membership among employees. 2021 was marked by the complete renewal of the cooperative governance chain of the Caisses d’Epargne.

The Caisses d’Epargne had a membership of 4.5 million cooperative shareholders at the end of 2021, the vast majority of whom were private individuals, spread across 218 local savings companies (SLEs), which constitute an intermediate level to strengthen local roots, proximity and the expression of members.

In 2021, the Caisses d’Epargne continued their efforts to get their cooperative shareholders more involved in the life of their bank as key stakeholders. They took action to ensure they had access to their services and kept them informed during the health crisis. They provide them with dedicated information and communication channels, newsletters, and meetings led by Caisse d’Epargne experts. The website www.societaires.caisse-epargne.fr underwent a complete overhaul in 2020, fulfilling its role as a single portal for information and access to the cooperative shareholders’ club.

In addition to these supports, some Caisses d’Epargne set up mechanisms for listening to cooperative shareholders, as well as actions to enhance leadership, such as web conferences. Some Caisses d’Epargne also implemented initiatives to raise employee awareness of the cooperative model, in particular during the welcome days for new members, in order to strengthen and rejuvenate cooperative shareholding. For more information: https://www.federation.caisse-epargne.fr/.

As part of the cooperative governance of the Caisse d’Epargne network, the Fédération Nationale des Caisses d’Epargne (FNCE), in conjunction with BPCE and the Caisses d’Epargne, supports and trains elected representatives in the exercise of their mandate through a dedicated training system. Training programs are designed for directors of local savings companies, members of the Steering and Supervisory Boards (COS), and members of specialized committees. Each audience benefits from a training offer adapted to their mandate in a face-to-face format and/or by videoconference:

for directors: a welcome seminar for directors on the fundamentals of understanding the Caisse d’Epargne, its history, its local banking model in its region, its cooperative model and its long-standing social banking model. Training is provided to deepen this initial foundation throughout the term of office. General banking culture and digital topics complete this system;

for members of Boards of Directors and Supervisory Boards, initial regulatory training tackles the six areas established by decree: governance, accounting and financial information, banking and the financial markets, legal and regulatory requirements, risk management and internal control, and strategic planning. In-depth training is offered throughout the term of office;

for the specialized committees, training courses are offered to members of the Risk, Audit, Appointments, and Remuneration Committees.

A distance learning system completes the system with a wide choice of online training courses, videos, quizzes and thematic sheets.

In 2021, the renewal of governance was a major institutional highlight, particularly in the organization of training and information sessions during the first year of office.

Caisses d’Epargne




Change in


Number of individual cooperative shareholders (in millions)





Percentage of cooperative shareholder customers (as a %)(1)





Average value of shares held per cooperative shareholder (in euros)(2)





TS-I (delta between the ratio of highly satisfied customers and totally dissatisfied customers)(3)






Natural persons only (customers and cooperative shareholders). Figure calculated as the “total number of cooperative shareholders” divided by the “total number of customers”. Source: Cooperative shareholder base dashboard, 2021.


Figures calculated based on the “total number of customers” and “outstanding shares”; cooperative shareholders natural persons only. (Internal source: Cooperative shareholder base dashboard, 2021).


Data from the BP & CE individual customer satisfaction survey. (Internal source: Group Customer Research division).


Caisses d’Epargne




Change in


Governance bodies





Number of members of Steering and Supervisory Boards





Director attendance rate at Steering and Supervisory Board Meetings (as a %)





Percentage of Steering and Supervisory Board Members who are women (as a %)





Percentage of Steering and Supervisory Board Chairmen or Vice-Chairmen who are women (as a %)





Director training





Steering and Supervisory Board: percentage of members who took at least one training course over the year (as a %)





Steering and Supervisory Board: average number of training hours per person (basis = 100)





The French act of September 10, 1947 on the status of cooperatives establishes the principle of a cooperative review every five years. The review is performed by an independent auditor responsible for verifying that the structure and operation of cooperative entities observe cooperative principles and rules. Over the past three years, all Banques Populaires and Caisses d’Epargne have carried out a cooperative review. None of the Banques Populaires or the Caisses d’Epargne was identified as possibly being ‘non-compliant’ with the cooperative banking model and the auditors voiced no reservations in the course of their audit.


2.3 Be a major player in the environmental transition


€0.4 billion of exposure to the coal industry, i.e. 0.14% of BPCE’s outstanding corporate loans;

€5 billion in green and transition bonds;

€2.6bn in financing for low-consumption housing (financing with interest-free loans)

€11.1bn in assets for renewable energy

Groupe BPCE is the third largest contributor to Eco-PTZ loans in France


2.3.1 Groupe BPCE places the climate at the heart of its strategy and incorporates ESG criteria in its processes


Fighting climate change and creating a more low-carbon society is a major challenge of our time. In response, the financial sector has a key role to play by supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy, which balances the environmental, social and economic needs of society.

At the heart of its concerns, the environmental transition is one of the three pillars of the BPCE 2024 strategic plan and is a priority for all its business lines and all its companies.

Thus, Groupe BPCE has set itself four major objectives:

commit to a long-term change in its balance sheet as part of a strategy to mitigate the climate impact of its activities, assets financed, invested or insured. This makes a strong commitment to society and customers by aligning financing portfolios with a “Net Zero” trajectory, i.e. carbon neutrality by 2050;

extend its “green” refinancing strategy with energy transition-themed issues;

supporting the energy transition of customers in their own transition challenges, whether in terms of financing, savings or insurance, with a dimension of advice and structured strategic dialogue, providing expertise, solutions and a long-term vision;

accelerate the reduction of its direct environmental footprint, with a target of reducing its carbon footprint by 15% by 2024 compared to 2019.

A committed Group, a “Net zero” Group

For Groupe BPCE, joining the Net Zero Banking Alliance means aligning its portfolios with a net zero emissions trajectory by 2050 but also setting, now, using the measurement tools at its disposal, the alignment of its balance sheet in the short, medium and long term.

For the financing portfolios of Corporate & Investment Banking, which finances the highest-emitting sectors, the target for 2050 is 1.5°C with intermediate milestones: 2.5°C in 2024 and 2.2°C in 2030.

For the general fund of Natixis Assurances, the target for 2030 is 1.5°C with an intermediate milestone of 2°C in 2024.

In order to manage these climate-related commitments as closely as possible, the Group has strengthened its governance bodies (see section 2.1.2) and the management of climate-related risks.

Since January 1, 2019, Groupe BPCE has had a Climate Risks division within the BPCE Risk division. In 2020, dedicated risk correspondents were appointed in the risk departments of the Banque Populaire and Caisse d’Epargne networks, as well as in the Group’s subsidiaries. In 2021, the unit became the Climate Risk department reporting directly to Groupe BPCE’s Deputy Chief Executive Officer, a member of the Executive Management Committee in charge of Groupe BPCE risk. It is responsible for defining and implementing the climate risk monitoring system for all Groupe BPCE companies. The operational integration of this system in the establishments will make it possible to better integrate climate risks into the Group’s risk appetite.

The Climate Risk Committee, chaired by the Chairman of the Management Board, was created in 2020. This is a decision-making and monitoring committee that deals with climate issues from a cross-functional perspective for the Group and its various business lines. Among its responsibilities, it is in charge of examining the Group’s main existing or potentially emerging climate and environmental risk areas. It also builds scenarios and validates the climate stress test transition matrices to assess the resilience and vulnerability of the Group’s business model. By way of illustration, in 2021 the Climate Risk Committee approved the review of the work on climate risk in all its dimensions in order to provide a comprehensive view of its challenges.

In order to limit the climate impact of its financing, investment and Insurance activities, Groupe BPCE is withdrawing from activities with the highest emissions, framing this approach within appropriate exclusion policies.

Coal, which is responsible for around 45% of human emissions, is the leading source of global temperature rise. Accordingly, in accordance with its objectives in terms of combating global warming, Groupe BPCE has undertaken to gradually reduce its exposure to thermal coal to zero by 2030 for its activities in European Union countries and the OECD and, by 2040, for its activities in the rest of the world. This timeline is aligned with the International Energy Agency (IEA) sustainable development Scenario.

At the end of 2021, Groupe BPCE’s exposure to coal industry financing (0.14% exposure) were zero for thermal coal mine financing and reached a residual amount for coal plant financing and other coal-related infrastructure.

Groupe BPCE has also committed to no longer financing dedicated projects and companies whose share of unconventional hydrocarbons in exploration and production (shale oil, shale gas and tar sands) is higher than 25% of their activity, knowing that in December 2017, Corporate & Investment Banking had undertaken to stop financing the exploration and production of oil in the Arctic.

This commitment to the protection of the Arctic strengthens the position of Ostrum and Mirova (affiliates of Natixis Investment Managers), which have been at the head of a group of investors since 2016, signatories of a declaration calling for the protection of this area against oil exploration activities, as well as the respect of national commitments in terms of the fight against climate change in this region, which is particularly rich in hydrocarbons.

In October 2021, Groupe BPCE committed to reducing its exposure to hydrocarbon exploration and production activities by 15% by 2024 compared to the end of 2020.

Sector policies

URL/Main source of engagement

Defense industry - CIB scope

Corporate & Investment Banking excludes the financing, investment and provision of services to companies involved in the production, storage and trade of anti-personnel mines and cluster munitions. This policy broadens the scope of weapons subject to exclusion and sets precise criteria in the conditions for carrying out transactions, in particular those relating to the countries of export and import.

CSR sector policy - Defense sector (September 2020) -Natixis https://natixis.groupebpce.com/natixis/fr/politique-sectorielle-rse- secteur-de-la-defense-septembre-2020-en-anglais-rqaz5_

Coal industry - Group scope

Since 2015, Corporate & Investment Banking (CIB) has undertaken to no longer support companies developing new coal-fired power plants, thermal coal mines, any port and rail infrastructure projects and any equipment or installations related to thermal coal. In addition, the CIB prohibits any general-purpose financing for companies whose business is derived for more than 25% from thermal coal. In 2021, Groupe BPCE extended its coal policy to all of the Group’s financing activities. This sectoral policy also applies to investments made by Ostrum, for all of its directly managed portfolios, and to Natixis Assurances, for all of its general funds, both of which no longer invest in industrial companies, of which 25% or more of the business comes from coal-fired power plants and/or thermal coal mines. Mirova, for its part, excludes any investment in the fossil fuel sector.

Groupe BPCE sector policy (https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source

Oil and gas industries - CIB scope

In 2017, Corporate & Investment Banking (CIB) undertook to stop financing the exploration and production of oil from tar sands and oil located in the Arctic. In 2020, CIB completed its policy by committing to no longer finance any exploration and production of shale oil or gas projects worldwide. In addition, CIB will no longer finance companies whose activity is based more than 25% on the exploration and production of oil and shale gas.

CSR sector policy - Oil & Gas sector (April 2021) - Responsible Finance - Natixis https://natixis.groupebpce.com/natixis/fr/politique-sectorielle- rse-secteur-petrole-et-gaz-avril-2021-en-anglais-rep_95711.html)

Tobacco industry - CIB scope, asset management, insurance

Natixis has undertaken to cease all financing and investment in favor of tobacco producers, wholesalers and traders, as well as manufacturers of tobacco products. Following its commitment, Natixis published a detailed industry policy for the tobacco sector which applies to the financing, investment and services activities of Natixis, Ostrum and Natixis Assurances.

CSR sector policy - Tobacco industry (May 2018) - Strategy and commitments - Groupe BPCE - Global Financial Services https://www.natixis.com/natixis/fr/politique-sectorielle-rseindustrie-

Other industries - CIB scope

Corporate & Investment Banking has CSR policies for internal use for the nuclear, mining & metals and palm oil sectors. These policies, which apply to fundraising activities, cover the following aspects:

Nuclear: compliance with the strictest international safety rules (IAEA), reliability of technologies, and demonstration on the basis of precise criteria of the capacities of the host country and the operator to control and operate its nuclear sector;

Mining and metals: compliance with international mining industry standards and IFC (World Bank) E&S performance criteria.

Palm oil: traceability and compliance with current best practices and standards.

Policies for internal use: https://natixis.groupebpce.com/natixis/en/sector-policies-


Within the retail banking scope, ESG criteria have been systematically incorporated into sectoral policies since 2018. The Non-Financial Risk Committee (CoREFi), made up of the Climate Risk, Credit Analysis and CSR departments, has been conducting reviews of all sectoral policies since March 2020 with a view to integrating these issues.

As part of these reviews, each business sector is assessed on the basis of criteria related to physical climate risks, transition risks and biodiversity. A sectoral classification follows from this assessment and identifies specific points of attention. These sectoral policies are intended to fuel exchanges, particularly when granting credit. The primary objective is to provide additional elements of analysis with regard to regulatory and market developments, to be able to better advise our clients, but above all to be aware of environmentally-friendly behavior in order to be able to support and promote exemplary activities. Since 2020, a non-financial note for the customer is, in certain cases, added to the analysis sheets in order to enrich the process of granting credit.

Climate risk analysis applied to the liquidity reserve

An non-financial analysis of the liquidity reserve has been carried out since December 2019. This information enables Groupe BPCE companies to better manage their portfolios and to communicate on their incorporation of ESG criteria.

The ISS ESG ratings range from A+ (excellent performance, the two highest rated issuers are A-) to D- (poor performance). The ratings of issuers are comparable, regardless of the sector. Based on the ISS ESG ratings, the Climate Risks division develops an ESG analysis according to the environmental axis of the company’s portfolio, and identifies the lowest-rated issuers. Since April 2021, BPCE’s Financial Management department has supplemented the liquidity reserve monitoring indicators with a breakdown of the securities portfolio by ESG rating (from A to D-) and by a categorization of sustainable securities - green, social, sustainable and sustainable-linked. In order to have a Group vision and to manage the liquidity reserve in a dynamic way, an annual non-financial analysis was rolled out to all Banque Populaire and Caisse d’Epargne networks in the summer of 2021 via a dynamic Power BI tool and is updated monthly.

The review of climate and environmental issues comes from the analyses of CoREFi sector policies mentioned above. These elements will be used over time for the credit committees and counterparties of the entities and Groupe BPCE.

At the same time, tools to integrate ESG criteria within the bank have been deployed:

the in-house Clim’Ap tool (under development) aims to assess the physical climate risk, i.e. the exposure of a geographical area to extreme weather events that may affect the economic players in the area in question. Climate risks are therefore included in Groupe BPCE’s usual risk management framework (credit policy). They are taken into account and updated at each review of the Group’s sector policies. By extension, this tool helps to identify the degree of exposure to climate risk of the Group’s customers, which will make it possible to monitor the risks incurred by customers;

experimenting with the climate and environment questionnaire, co-developed with establishments, whose objective is to better understand customer practices, initiatives and/or concerns regarding these issues. The topics covered in the questionnaire aim to open a dialogue between the project manager and the client to better target their support needs in terms of taking these issues into account. Eight pilot establishments were testing the questionnaire at the end of 2021. Ten institutions already include certain ESG indicators in their credit files, collected from public customer reports or during a dedicated strategic dialogue. The objective is to start generalized use of the questionnaire in all establishments according to the Group standard in 2022;

the mapping of climate-related risks makes it possible to understand their materiality by reference to the main traditional risk classes: credit risk, financial risks (market, liquidity) and operational risk.

In Corporate & Investment Banking business lines, the consideration of ESG risks is part of a global approach involving business lines, CSR and control functions. This approach includes the development and implementation of CSR policies in the most sensitive sectors, the definition of excluded business sectors, the evaluation and monitoring of the ESG risks of transactions and counterparties via various tools and processes.

As a signatory of the Equator Principles, Corporate & Investment Banking applies a market methodology recognized by the member banks and institutions aiming to assess the environmental and social risks of the projects financed and the management of its risks by customers regardless of their sector of activity. Corporate & Investment Banking has applied the amended version of the Principles (EP IV Amendment) since October 2020. More comprehensive criteria in terms of respect for human rights (including the rights of indigenous communities) and the analysis of physical and transitional climate risks are required. The financing granting process is enhanced by an in-depth analysis of the ESG impacts for each corporate via the ESR Screening tool (see section 1.3.2) and, more granularly for each transaction, on the environmental impacts thanks to the Green Weighting Factor tool.

The incorporation of ESG criteria is fully in line with the overall investment strategy of Natixis Investment Managers’ affiliates, which enables them to identify the risks or opportunities related to ESG issues and to assess how these issues may affect financial performance, particularly over the long term.

Many affiliates use internal models to assess the impact of ESG issues based on data from companies in which they invest, public institutions and other external organizations.

In 2021, Ostrum Asset Management strengthened its expertise in sustainable bonds (green bonds, social impact bonds, and sustainable bonds) through the development of the methodology for analyzing sustainability-linked bonds and the implementation of an analysis and rating tool. These new methodologies for assessing sustainability-linked bonds and transition bonds will be included in the tool from 2022. As of this year, Ostrum has also joined the principles of the ICMA (International Capital Market Association) and participates in various working groups, notably on impact reporting and social impact bonds.

Also this year, for example, Harris Associates increased the amount of ESG data available and facilitated access to it for its investment teams through the creation of an ESG dashboard accessible on their data platform. 2022 will be marked by the development of their internal ESG risk management system.

Alliance Entreprendre, an expert in private equity for SMEs and mid-sized companies, takes into account ESG criteria throughout the investment cycle and undertakes to systematically assess its investment targets on the basis of the relevant ESG criteria. These are discussed with the managers of the target companies and an ESG clause is systematically included in the shareholders’ agreements, mentioning in particular the commitment to send an annual assessment of the ESG indicators.

The ESG incorporation approach applied to financing and retail banking activities is being extended in own-account investment activities. An ESG analysis of bond portfolios has been offered to institutions since April 2020. The purpose of these analyses is to provide institutions with reliable information, based on the ratings assigned by the non-financial rating agency ISS ESG. This information enables institutions to better manage their portfolios and to be able to communicate on their incorporation of ESG criteria. Twenty-two institutions integrate ESG criteria upstream of their investment decision.

As part of its life insurance business, the risk management of the insurance division’s portfolio is based on a dual approach:

sector exclusions within defined and published policies (tobacco, coal, controversial weapons, and tar sands);

a selection of counterparties according to the best-in-class criterion, which excludes companies with a negative rating for sustainable development.

In addition to risk management, Groupe BPCE is committed to making a positive contribution to the sustainable development Goals for its Insurance activities. This commitment involves a selective ESG integration policy that enables improvements, based on Mirova’s ESG analysis (an affiliate of Natixis Investment Managers), to the ESG profile of investments under management mandates and in dedicated funds.

Groupe BPCE is aware of the major challenge presented by the deterioration of natural capital and, as a bank, asset manager and insurer, it is committed to taking concrete action to preserve it. The Earth is currently facing a mass extinction of living species: more than 60% of the population of wild animals has disappeared in the last 40 years. One million animal and plant species are threatened with extinction out of the estimated eight million on the planet.

All of Natixis’ financing, asset management and insurance businesses have been involved in a cross-functional discussion on biodiversity issues since 2018, resulting in eight concrete commitments targeted 100% on its direct and indirect biodiversity impacts. The commitments are part of Natixis’ participation in the Act4nature international initiative, and their SMART nature (specific, measurable, additional, relevant, time-bound) was validated by a multi-stakeholder committee made up of 16 partners including several environmental NGOs. Natixis was the first bank involved in the Act4nature international initiative to communicate individual SMART commitments in June 2020:


Include biodiversity in its strategic plan for 2021-2024.


Support the environmental transition of its customers by systematically integrating biodiversity issues into its sustainable finance offering.


Measure the impact on biodiversity of its customers, its financing, some of the assets managed on behalf of third parties and real estate investments.


Incorporate biodiversity criteria into the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) analysis, shareholder dialogue for the sectors for which biodiversity is the most important and in real estate investment decisions.


Avoid, reduce and offset its impact on biodiversity, whether direct or derived from its financing activities.


Increase the assets under management for natural capital and the protection of water resources to €2 billion by 2023, through investment funds managed by its affiliates Mirova and Thematics.


Train and raise employee awareness of biodiversity issues.


Actively contribute to the emergence of market standards by 2022 to measure and report on the impact of companies in terms of biodiversity, notably through the work of the TNFD.

By making these commitments, Natixis has made biodiversity issues central to its CSR system, along with climate change. Aware that reducing its indirect impact is an important lever for contributing to the preservation of natural capital, Natixis puts biodiversity at the heart of its discussions with all of its customers and stakeholders. This approach is part of a more global action to support its customers in their environmental transition. Details of Natixis’ individual commitments are available on this link.

With regard to the integration of biodiversity into the dialog with public authorities, Natixis committed to “La Charte Objectif 100 hectares”: the City of Paris and its partners mobilized to revegetate 100 hectares of built-up area in the capital by 2020 (roofs, facades and green walls), one third of which is dedicated to urban agriculture.

The Green Weighting Factor (GWF) internal assessment tool makes it possible, among other things, to assess the impact of financing on biodiversity in the sectors for which this issue is material, as well as the impact of dedicated financing (financing of projects or assets) located in Key Biodiversity Areas.

Corporate & Investment Banking can thus integrate an in-depth analysis of the impact on biodiversity into its project financing operations, and continue to further take into account the issues related to the preservation of natural capital in all its activities.

In accordance with the Equator Principles, Natixis requires its clients to study all the risks and potential impacts of their projects from an environmental, social, health and safety perspective, and to implement all the necessary means to minimize and correct potential impacts. Damage to biodiversity is an integral part of this vigilance. Groupe BPCE’s risk policy is applied in the banks and at the central level in the sector policies. These include a section dedicated to the impacts on biodiversity.

As part of our commitment to support innovative environmental solutions, Natixis IM recently completed a minority investment with Iceberg Data Lab, a financial technology company that develops assessment tools and provides environmental data solutions to financial institutions.

Faced with the growing demand from financial institutions and their stakeholders for greater transparency on the impact of portfolios on the climate and the environment, Natixis IM and its subsidiary Mirova, as well as AXA IM, Sienna Capital and Solactive will support the global expansion and product development of Iceberg Data Lab. The latter aims to bring to market intelligent solutions based on scientific and biodiversity data. It was recently selected by a consortium of investors, including Mirova, to develop a tool allowing investors to measure the impact of their investments on biodiversity.

Ossiam also worked closely with the company to develop the Food for Biodiversity ETF using Iceberg Data Lab’s biodiversity footprint indicator. In addition, following the development of an investment strategy that minimizes the portfolio’s biodiversity footprint, Ossiam committed to integrating biodiversity at the heart of its activities by signing the Finance for Biodiversity commitment.

In addition:

Ostrum AM has enhanced the consideration of biodiversity in their analyses and commitments;

DNCA Investments publishes a trajectory/biodiversity report;

Dorval Asset Management measures the sensitivity of issuers in terms of “Biodiversity and land management”, “Water stress” and “Relations with local communities”. Thus, issues related to biodiversity and natural capital are an integral part of their proprietary non-financial rating for the Environmental pillar;

Mirova published a progress report on its biodiversity roadmap in September 2021. It focused on three areas:

Accelerate investments in biodiversity,

Develop dedicated measurement indicators,

Strengthen commitments to our stakeholders;

in 2021 Mirova also made the first investments in its strategy dedicated to the preservation of biodiversity in the Amazon and joined the call for more ambitious biodiversity policies before COP 15.


2.4 Designing the future of work


Groupe BPCE plays a major role in the economic and social development of France. As a socially responsible employer, it obviously respects:

a code of conduct and ethics https://groupebpce.com/en/all-the-latest-news/news/2019/a-code-of-conduct-and-ethics-for-groupe-bpce-staff;

the commitments made under the Global Compact and the International Labour Organization.

Since 2020, we have been experiencing an unprecedented situation linked to the health crisis: a human challenge for all teams which has led to the acceleration of the implementation of new digital tools and to rethinking the organization of work and its practical aspects. This situation of crisis and “constraints” has enabled a new collective experience: new digital tools, new way of managing remote teams, all with increased vigilance in terms of data security.

Our 100,000 employees have all remained very engaged and committed to their internal and external customers. They have all demonstrated an exceptional ability to adapt to maintain and develop our customer service.

In this context of acceleration, the future of work and the HR roadmap for the 2024 strategic plan are emerging:

develop new ways of working:

hybrid work for around 50,000 Group employees (60% in flex office and up to ten days per month of teleworking offered depending on the company),

set up the WELL program, which is based on three pillars taking into account new developments in the work environment and its organization. This program is initially intended for the BPCE Community and “Global Financial Services” (26,000 people);

“Advance in the network” by offering a personalized skills pathway and degree courses in expertise;

“Enhance banking services” with a program to move towards closer relationships and added value for customers;

a mobility policy in each company and for the Group, talent pools that prepare for professional development in each region - Encourage and prepare functional mobility;

strengthen the onboarding pathways to welcome new employees, particularly young people and apprentices;

measure employee engagement in all these changes and transformations. The Group will focus on deferred and on-the-spot feedback systems.


A variety of ways to listen to the employees

Key employee moments

These measure the quality of the employee experience at specific moments in their professional life (recruitment, mobility, transition to management). In 2021, 20 companies analyzed 54 Key Employee Moments processes (MCC) and three new companies joined the scheme.

The MCC scheme was recognized as part of the 2021 Human Capital Leadership Awards.

The Diapason social barometer

This internal opinion survey, conducted every two years in the Group’s companies since 2012, is used to measure employee commitment. Through 11 questions, this indicator validates their loyalty, their involvement and their alignment with the company’s orientations. After a decline in 2018, it increased by six points to 72% in 2021. This level of commitment indicates a renewed confidence in companies, linked to the involvement of all employees and their employers in managing the health crisis.

Flash surveys at Natixis and BPCE SA

They are conducted throughout the year to take the pulse of employees. At Natixis, nearly 200 flash surveys were conducted in 2021 to monitor team morale and implement the necessary corrective actions.


Key figures:

72% of our employees are engaged;

45% of managers are women;

29% of executive management positions are held by women;

17% conversion of apprentices.

Complete quantitative human resources indicators for Groupe BPCE are available at https://groupebpce.com/en/csr/employees(1)


2.4.1 Attract talent


Vitality, freedom, commitments: Groupe BPCE affirms the pillars of its identity as an employer

To reinforce the Group’s reputation among candidates and employees, the Group renewed its employer brand in 2021, with a brand platform developed in addition to and in line with existing brands. The objective of Groupe BPCE employer brand is to create strong, structured, and unique positioning.


Groupe BPCE recruits nearly 6,000 candidates each year. The Group is strengthening the following areas to attract the right profiles in a competitive environment:

employer image;

presence on social networks;

efficiency and proactivity of sourcing;

candidate experience and mobile solution.

Our recruitment mainly concerns the commercial sector and, in particular, the following groups:

students (recruitment and communication), interns and potential work-study students;

young graduates;

Bac+3 graduates:

university Bac+4 and Bac+5 graduates,

business school graduates,

engineering school graduates;

experienced profiles for the specialized professions;

diverse profiles with a commercial background and the ability to adapt and learn;

evolving and mobile profiles.

Special attention is also paid to IT and Data profiles.

Our recruitment policy is focused on skills. It contributes to the development of a diversity of profiles (by degree, gender, origin, etc.).


The companies included in the reporting scope for social indicators are detailed in the “CSR reporting methodology” section.

Groupe BPCE continued to develop its presence on social media by regularly communicating about its recruitment events, broadcasting business videos and promoting work-study programs.

The number of subscribers is constantly increasing:

LinkedIn: 123,818 (+23.4%);

Twitter: 5,123 (+4%);

Facebook: 7,100 (+11.4%);

Instagram: launched in 2021.

Among the top 25 employers in France

In 2021, Groupe BPCE hosted and managed a page on the Glassdoor e-reputation website, responding to the opinions and questions of Internet users. In this first year, Groupe BPCE was included in the list of France’s 25 Best Employers for 2020, based on employee feedback. (https://www.glassdoor.fr/Avis/Groupe-BPCE-Avis-E354301.htm)

The crisis did not prevent companies from pursuing their policy of recruiting work-study students and of offering professional training contracts.

In 2021, the Group set up a new recruitment website with better visibility for the business lines and more powerful testimonials. A page is dedicated to work-study programs and young graduates.


The “Innove ta banque” competition, the flagship event for students and work-study students, also continued with great success: 73 participating schools, 990 candidates and 255 applications submitted.


For its part, Natixis maintained its commitment to youth employment during the health crisis and took part in around fifty events to raise awareness of its businesses among young people in 2021: student forums (such as Trium 2020), initiatives with partner schools (e.g. the Chaire “Business analytics and future banking” with HEC & Polytechnique, the launch of a student lab with Ecole 42, a workshop on the meaning of work with HEC, etc.).

Recognition of Natixis as an employer

On the occasion of the “Grand Prix VIE Entreprises” organized by Business France, MEDEF and the CCE (French Foreign Trade Advisors), Natixis was honored with the “Diversity of Talents” trophy.

Natixis was certified “Happy Trainees” for the second consecutive year with a satisfaction rate of 91% among the trainees and work-study students interviewed.

The newcomer pathway (PNE) is the preferred support system offered by the Group. It places the employee on a professionalizing and adapted learning and progress path.

It is intended to cover all the skills required (in terms of knowledge, know-how and soft skills) and useful to:

provide a personalized career path incorporating the history and profile of each employee;

reduce the duration of training while maintaining the level of requirements;

reduce the failure rate during the trial period.

Integration pathways are increasingly digitized, but with dedicated in-person events.

for example, the BPCE Community pathway (the Community is the grouping of ten companies and subsidiaries whose common purpose is to support the network);

at Natixis, the aim is to share a common culture with:

workshops dedicated to the “Purple Way” and its three values (sustainable impact, entrepreneurial spirit, collective intelligence), as well as to the discovery of professions, within six months of arrival,

integration surveys of each employee, to collect their comments on their new position and take corrective actions if necessary, carried out one month and six months after their arrival,

systematized monthly integration points between the Talent Acquisition Hub and the human resources managers in the various business lines.


2.5 Respect our business ethics commitments


Groupe BPCE adopted a “Group code of conduct and ethics” in 2018. It was reviewed by the Cooperative and CSR Committee then approved by the Executive Management Committee and the Supervisory Board.

The code is based on international values and standards. It includes a message from Executive Management and sets out the Group’s ethical standards in three areas: the interests of customers, employer responsibility and social responsibility, with practical business-oriented examples.

The Code applies to all members of staff in all Groupe BPCE entities. In addition, Natixis also has a code of conduct which was published in early 2018. It defines the main principles on which the company’s employees can rely in their relations with Natixis’ various stakeholders: clients, teams, shareholders, and society as a whole.

For more detail, here are the links where they can be found:

Groupe BPCE Code of Ethics: http://guide-ethique.groupebpce.fr/

Natixis Code of Ethics: https://www.natixis.com/natixis/jcms/rpaz5_65439/fr/code-de-conduite

These rules of conduct are illustrated with real-life situations that may be experienced by any employee, manager, director or other stakeholder. The scenarios enacted serve as benchmarks to help them discern the right decision to make in the exercise of their profession.

The code of conduct and internal policies and procedures provide clear instructions on how to behave, but they cannot provide a solution for all situations. Employees must exercise their judgment to make the right decision, drawing on the principles set out in the code of conduct.

If they have any doubts about what they are about to do, employees should ask themselves the following questions:


Regulatory training, in e-learning format, has been developed to ensure that the principles of the code of conduct have been learned. This training is mandatory for all Group employees and for all new hires. As of December 31, 2021, 93.6% of registered employees, including those of Natixis, had completed the training.

Another training course entitled “The Essentials of Ethics” completes the program. It consists of 15 sketches illustrating concrete cases of behavior to be avoided.

Since the end of 2019, a “conduct and ethics” dashboard, covering the Group’s scope, monitors 36 indicators collected from all Group entities. It is presented twice a year to the Supervisory Board’s Cooperative and CSR Committee (fifth edition, presented in December 2021). It collects data and information on the deployment of the system, incidents, disciplinary sanctions and types of breaches.

Groupe BPCE has a whistleblowing system specifying the procedure applicable in all Group entities, as provided for by the law of December 9, 2016 (Sapin 2 law) and the decree of November 3, 2014 on the internal control of banking sector companies. The current whistleblowing procedure applies to all internal employees, as well as to external and occasional staff, who may resort to the procedure if they become aware of a crime, offense, serious violation of the law, serious threat to, or infringement of, the public interest or of any behavior or situation that violates the code of conduct. Groupe BPCE entities protect whistleblowers.

The details of the whistleblowing process and the procedure to follow as a whistleblower are available on the Group’s website: Ethics and compliance: Groupe BPCE’s actions and commitments. The contact details of a hotline are listed in the procedure. Whistleblowers can make an anonymous report if they prefer. Finally, in order to protect whistleblowers, all reports are treated confidentially.

The majority of Groupe BPCE operates in French, but the procedure is also available in English. As this is an important subject, communication campaigns are carried out to remind people of the existence of this system, notably on the Yammer employee exchange site.

In 2021, the Group updated the systems governing “Whistleblowers”, “Conflicts of interest”, and “Gifts and benefits”:

a system for collecting and processing professional alerts for serious incidents, including corruption and influence peddling offenses, was updated in 2021 to strengthen the protection for whistleblowers. Alerts relating to corruption are subject to anonymized Group reporting.

In addition, the Group is finalizing a standard summarizing all of the rules relating to ethics. This latter document defines the missions of the players, presents the main elements of the regulatory framework, and identifies the elements of the system relating to ethics, including control.


2.5.1 Supervise the Group’s activities in terms of business ethics


Groupe BPCE condemns corruption in all its forms and under all circumstances, including facilitation payments. It is a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact, whose tenth principle states that “Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery”.

The Group’s employees are required to comply with the internal rules and procedures that help to prevent and detect behaviors likely to characterize acts of corruption or influence peddling. The following rules and procedures make it possible to comply with the requirements introduced by Article 17 of the Law of December 9, 2016 on transparency, the fight against corruption and the modernization of the economy (“Sapin 2”):

the mapping of exposure to corruption risks for Group entities: the mapping methodology was reviewed in 2021 to improve its relevance. The discussions with the business lines required for the mapping exercise made it possible to identify and assess the risks of corruption, whether active or passive, direct or indirect (complicity), and to arrive at a shared vision of the challenges of the fight against corruption;

compliance by employees with the code of conduct and rules of professional conduct and ethics, relating to the prevention of conflicts of interest, the policy on gifts, benefits and invitations, and the principles of confidentiality and professional secrecy;

disciplinary sanctions have been defined for any failure to respect professional rules governing the activities conducted by Group companies; The Group’s “gifts, benefits and invitations” policy, formalized in 2021, provides for a maximum threshold of €150 (at the first euro for public employees) for gifts received or given, a threshold beyond which a prior authorization from the hierarchy, and a Declaration to Compliance are required;

training in the rules of professional ethics and the fight against corruption in the form of e-learning presents concrete examples of behaviors likely to constitute acts of corruption or breaches of probity. It is mandatory for all new hires and, since 2021, for all employees;

a system for collecting and processing professional alerts on serious incidents, including corruption and influence peddling offenses. Since 2021, alerts for corruption have been subject to anonymized Group reporting;

the BPCE Achats subsidiary is responsible for evaluating suppliers whose total purchases at Group level total at least €50,000. This assessment, which takes into account a certain number of criteria (purchase category, geographical criterion, negative information about the supplier, etc.) leads, if necessary, to additional procedures aimed at assessing the ultimate risk, particularly with regard to anti-corruption measures implemented by the supplier;

the management of relations with intermediaries (including business introducers) and customers is now standardized within the Group contract, which includes anti-corruption clauses. Approval committees are planned. Corporate & Investment Banking also assesses its customers with regard to the risk of corruption. The anti-corruption clauses of customer account agreements were expanded in 2021 to enable the collection of additional information from legal entity customers;

the internal control and accounting control system: Groupe BPCE has an extensive body of standards and procedures governing the strict separation of operational and control functions, including in particular:

a system of delegations for the granting of loans and relations with politically exposed persons,

a customer knowledge framework;

as part of the organization of internal control, permanent control plans contribute to the security of the system. In 2021, the elements of this system were explicitly directed towards the risks of corruption identified by the business lines in the new risk mapping.

Groupe BPCE also has accounting standards and procedures that comply with professional standards. The Group’s internal control system for accounting information is based on a structured audit process to check the conditions in which such information is assessed, recorded, stored and made available, in particular by verifying the existence of the audit trail. A Group framework of controls involved in the prevention and detection of fraud and acts of corruption or influence peddling was formalized in 2020. In this context, donations, sponsorships and patronage are handled with due care.

Generally speaking, these systems are formalized and detailed in the charter governing the organization of Group internal control and the Risk, Compliance and Permanent Control Charter.

Natixis’ corruption prevention policy is available on its website https://www.natixis.com/natixis/jcms/ala_5383/en/compliance

Financial security covers anti-money laundering and terrorist financing (AML-CFT) measures as well as adherence to international sanctions aimed at individual persons, entities or countries.

Groupe BPCE works to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing through:

a corporate culture spread across all hierarchical levels, based on:

customer relations principles aimed at preventing risks, which are formalized and regularly communicated to the employees,

a harmonized training program for Group employees, conducted at least once every two years, and specialized training for the Financial Security function;

a team dedicated to financial security in all establishments in accordance with Groupe BPCE charters. Within the General Secretariat, a department is responsible for the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism. It determines the financial security policy for the entire Group, establishes and obtains approval for standards and procedures, and ensures that money laundering and terrorism financing risks are taken into account in the Group’s procedures for approving new products and services;

internal reporting for executives and decision-making bodies, as well as for the central institution; and

due diligence in accordance with regulations. Indeed, institutions have largely automated means for detecting atypical transactions, adapted to their risk classification. Alerts are mainly handled by the networks, as close as possible to KYC. Those that are identified as giving rise to a doubt that could not be resolved are usually referred automatically to financial security, enabling it to carry out, if necessary, the in-depth examinations and the necessary declarations to Tracfin (processing and action against illegal financial circuits) as soon as possible.

The declarations are made in respect of money laundering or terrorist financing and/or tax fraud. The Group risk classification incorporates the issue of “at-risk” countries, whether in terms of money laundering, terrorism, tax fraud, or corruption, as well as the politically exposed status of the client or its beneficial owners, for legal entities. The transactions of high-risk customers are subject to particular vigilance. The Group’s system was strengthened in 2018 with the introduction of a framework and automated scenarios (generating alerts), regularly adapted to changes in risks related to the financing of terrorism.

With respect to compliance with restrictive measures related to international sanctions, Group institutions are equipped with screening tools that generate alerts on customers (asset freezes on certain individuals or entities) and international flows (asset freezes and countries subject to European and/or US embargoes).

Over the past fiscal year, Groupe BPCE has stepped up its oversight system to ensure compliance with international financial sanctions and embargoes in order to become more effective. After the creation of a central alert processing team in 2020, the management system was enriched with face-to-face training on how to handle sanctions alerts and improved tools for filtering customers and operations.

The tool for detecting politically exposed persons has been optimized to improve efficiency and reliability.

As part of the program initiated by the Group in 2020 to update customer knowledge based on the risks of money laundering and terrorist financing, a remediation action on the incomplete files of high-risk customers was carried out in 2021.

Intra-group information exchanges were extended to the various categories of customers with a high AML/CFT risk.

A certification module dedicated to the professional expertise of financial security employees has been rolled out.

The exceptional context of the health crisis linked to the Covid-19 pandemic made it possible to test business continuity and remote work arrangements, and did not lead to a reduction in AML/CFT vigilance on customers or on operations.




Change in 2020/2021

Percentage of employees trained in their entity’s anti-money laundering policies and procedures (based on reports from the entities)(1)





Number of employees (on permanent, fixed-term or work-study contracts) who received anti-money laundering training within the last two years, as of December 31.


Groupe BPCE has set up a common system to combat internal fraud, non-compliance with internal rules and breaches of ethics, in line with the Group’s code of conduct and ethics. This system makes it possible to meet the requirements of the supervisory authorities and to pool the resources and work carried out by the establishments. It is formalized in a framework procedure and consists of the following elements:

internal fraud risk mapping;

requests for detection, in particular of potentially fraudulent transactions of which vulnerable customers could be victims, supplemented by additional sources for reporting alerts;

a fraud management tool;

awareness-raising and information tools (depending on their specific nature, the banks may implement their own awareness-raising actions);

a training program;

a psychological support system;

a declaration and reporting system;

anti-corruption measures.

Although it mainly operates in France through its retail banking networks, Groupe BPCE also operates abroad through its subsidiary Natixis.

In this respect, the Group’s establishment abroad is justified by the need for commercial support for its clients, which excludes any consideration of offshore operations due to the existence of preferential tax regimes in certain jurisdictions. Groupe BPCE’s tax policy is determined by BPCE SA. However, Group companies are responsible for its implementation in their respective activities.

Groupe BPCE ensures its full compliance with all tax regulations applicable to its activities. As such, Groupe BPCE ensures that it pays its fair share to public finances. In France, for fiscal year 2021, the amount of income tax amounted to €1,946 million, plus bank taxes and contributions amounting to €535 million.

In 2021, a Eurotax Observatory study published on September 21 examined the operations in low-taxed states of 36 European banking groups over the period 2014-2020. It noted that only 2.2% of Groupe BPCE’s profits are made in countries or territories with low taxation rates, compared to an average of 20% for the other European banks in the study.

The same study noted that Groupe BPCE’s effective tax rate is 30%, placing it among the highest among European banks. Indeed, the average effective tax rate of the European banking groups was 20% and the lowest observed was 10%.

In 2021, Groupe BPCE continued to solicit the tax authorities to secure the tax treatment of corporate tax and VAT transactions as part of the fiscal partnership with the French Ministry of Public Action and Accounts active since 2019. This regular and transparent dialogue with the administration covered various areas of tax law and included large-scale financial transactions. Groupe BPCE was the first bank to be admitted to this new system.

Groupe BPCE has adopted a tax code of conduct describing the principles and general framework that guide all Group entities with regard to their own taxation and that applicable to their customers, and within the framework of their relationship with the tax authorities. The code will be distributed in 2022 and will apply to all Group employees.

Groupe BPCE is committed to implementing international and European regulations aimed at reducing the impact on government budgets of organizations taking advantage of more favorable regulations.

Thus, in the course of 2021, Group entities established in a European Union country completed the deployment of procedures that will enable them to comply with the obligation imposed by European regulations to detect and, if necessary, report cross-border arrangements that are somewhat aggressive from a tax point of view.

The deployment concerns both operations carried out by customers and those implemented by the Group’s entities themselves.

France has, by an order of February 26, 2021 published in the Official Journal on March 4, 2021, updated its list of non-cooperative states and territories (hereafter “ETNC”).

The new list includes the following 13 jurisdictions:

Anguilla, British Virgin Islands, Panama, Seychelles, Vanuatu, Fiji, Guam, American Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Samoa, Trinidad and Tobago, Palau, and Dominica.

The new decree excludes the Bahamas and Oman from the list. However, Dominica and Palau are included in the ETNC list.

It should be noted that the French list of ETNCs is now identical to the EU list with the sole exception of the British Virgin Islands, which remain on the French list but not on the EU list.

The Group is not present in the list of ETNCs, with the very marginal exception of the territories of Fiji and Vanuatu. These locations meet the needs of customers for commercial support.

Groupe BPCE does not directly support any specific political party, whether in the form of donations, sponsorship or any other means. The Group is strictly neutral in political matters. On the other hand, as a leading banking player in France, Groupe BPCE establishments contribute to the financing of public life, in accordance with the strict legislative and regulatory framework existing in France in this area, and in compliance with the rules on KYC, Anti-Money Laundering (AML), and Politically Exposed Persons (PEP). Its involvement is therefore at two levels:

as account keeper: the Group’s establishments comply with the obligations of Articles L. 52-6 and L.52-6-1 of the French Electoral Code, which stipulate in particular that any fiscal agent appointed by their candidate during an election campaign is entitled to open a campaign account, and to the necessary means of payment as supplied by the bank keeping the account. This principle is applied directly by the banking institution when it has accepted the opening of an account, or as part of a forced Banque de France procedure. As a reminder, the control of this right to hold an account is ensured in France by the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution (ACPR), the French prudential supervisory authority for the banking and insurance sector. Finally, it should be noted that, at the end of the election, the accounts of the agent are appended to the candidate’s campaign account, which will ultimately be submitted to the control of the National Commission for Political Campaigns and Financing (CNCCFP);

as a provider of financing: via loans granted to candidates who are natural persons who have applied to the institution. These loans are granted in accordance with the rules in force in banks, in accordance with national and European legislation and regulations. In this respect, as with all loans, our institutions apply a risk and responsible lending policy, combined with an analysis of the borrower’s creditworthiness, its personal ability to repay and a guarantee (personal or third-party, real property, pledging of securities, borrower insurance, etc.). In addition, due to the specific nature of the financing, the institutions also take into account the expenditure ceiling, as well as the uncontrollable risk of invalidation of campaign accounts and non-reimbursement to the candidates concerned of a portion of the costs by the French government. Lastly, as with account management, institutions ensure compliance with anti-money laundering and Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) rules.

Lastly, Groupe BPCE is in constant contact with the mediation of loans to candidates and political parties set up by Article 28 of act No. 2017-1339 of September 15, 2017, for Trust in Political Life.

As a cooperative bank committed to serving its cooperative shareholder customers, in the very heart of the regions, Groupe BPCE’s establishments intend to make a constructive contribution to the public debate by providing decision-makers and civil society with information on socio-economic changes at the regional, national or international level, as well as in the banking sector and its developments. Groupe BPCE’s objective is to actively contribute to the reflection and to participate as a stakeholder in collective, fair and informed decision-making. Groupe BPCE’s lobbying initiatives are therefore strictly within this framework. In terms of lobbying, in addition to respecting its ethical rules and its cooperative values, BPCE applies all the regulations in force, as well as all the codes of ethics with which its public contacts, and the various financial market associations of which it is a member, are required to comply.

In addition, in France, BPCE is registered in the “AGORA” Lobbyist Register, in accordance with the legal obligations arising from Law No. 2016-1691 of December 9, 2016, Regarding Transparency, the Fight against Corruption, and Modernization of Economic Life, as well as the directives of the High Authority for Transparency in Public Life (HATVP). In this context, Groupe BPCE reports on its actions, commitments and expenses to the HATVP with the information required by law (https://www.hatvp.fr/fiche-organisation/?organisation=493455042).

Lastly, at the European level, Groupe BPCE is also listed in the European Commission transparency register. As a reminder, this register is a database that lists organizations that attempt to influence the law-making and policy implementation process of the EU institutions. https://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do? id = 179370613236-62


2.6 CSR reporting methodologies


This section explains the methodology applied by Groupe BPCE in its CSR reporting.


2.6.1 CSR reporting structure


Sustainable development indicators based on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines are used to complete the non-financial performance statement, in line with the ESG risk analysis performed by the Group in 2021 (see Chapter 2.1.4). The indicator guidelines were also updated to incorporate regulatory changes, the expectations of our stakeholders (rating agencies, investors, NGOs, etc.), feedback from CSR officers in charge of reporting, and the recommendations of the independent third party for fiscal year 2021.

Environmental transition indicators are business line indicators collected from centralized databases by network. Indicators on outstanding renewable energy loans are collected from the Group Risk division.

The environmental indicators linked to the carbon footprint are collected from the CSR correspondents of the entities, in collaboration with their general resources correspondents via the SPIDER data entry tool.

The methodological approach adopted for the construction of the carbon footprint is that of the ISO 14064 standard. Data are collected annually by each entity’s CSR officers, and are reported in the COGNOS tool, rolled out in 2015.

Most of the emissions factors are based on those set by the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) and are updated annually. In accordance with the general principles of carbon accounting, the integration of emission factors specific to Groupe BPCE is encouraged in the following cases:

to compensate for a lack of appropriate factors;

to replace ADEME’s emissions factors (or factors from any other public or semi-public source) when they are not relevant or sufficiently detailed.

Work to refine the carbon footprint data was carried out in 2021, mainly on the inclusion of teleworking. Other adjustments to the data of the entities were made mainly to the purchasing and energy items (emission factor of the overseas agencies). The data for 2019 and 2020 were aligned accordingly.

2019 and 2020 data from the Banque de Savoie (a subsidiary of BPAURA) and the data from Oney France were also included in the Group’s carbon footprint.

No major changes were made to the human resources indicators so as to ensure stability and to allow for comparison.

Human resources data (excluding training) are extracted from two centralized information systems managed by the Group HR Data Management and Information Systems division (HRIS). They are “My Link RH” for companies in the Caisse d’Epargne network, and the “Perse” data center for all other entities.

The data extracted from the two information systems is verified following a regular control process at Group level, according to the human resources indicators published in the registration document.

Not all of the Group’s workforce is included in the HRIS. In order to obtain the total workforce for the Group, the Group social management system collects workforce data from the companies concerned and a manual consolidation is done. The workforce excluding Group HRIS represents 7% of the Group’s total workforce.

Permanent contracts include work-study contracts with an indefinite term. Fixed-term contracts include fixed-term work-study contracts (professionalization contracts and apprenticeships). Employees included in the headcount at December 31 of each year include those departing on that date and those whose contracts have been suspended.

New hires data refer to new hires on permanent and fixed-term contracts signed between January 1, and December 31, including work-study contracts (professionalization and apprenticeships).

Departures data include staff on permanent contracts leaving between December 31 of the previous year and December 30 of the current year broken down by reason: dismissal, resignation, departure during a trial period, mutually-agreed termination, transfer within the Group and retirement. The departure rate corresponds to the number of departures among permanent staff in year N divided by the total number of permanent staff at December 31 in year N-1.

Since the migration of the Caisses d’Epargne to the My Link HR information system, the Group HRIS is unable to count the movements of employees on fixed-term contracts who have had several successive contracts. In 2021, around ten Caisses d’Epargne were affected by this anomaly.

In view of this difficulty, indicators relating to hiring and departures are only published for permanent contracts (work-study students included).

Entries and exits in the context of transfers between different Group companies are taken into account in the new hires and departures totals for the year.

Absenteeism figures are calculated at December 31 of year N, based on absences recorded at that date and recorded in the HR information system at the time of data extraction for the scope under review.

Absenteeism is calculated as per the Group human resources data. It corresponds to the ratio between the number of days of absence in year N and the number of days due to be worked in the same year.

The “pandemic” absenteeism rate takes into account all absences linked to the Covid epidemic (illness-pandemic, medical emergency absences, partial activity, childcare, etc.).

Since 2020, the indicators relating to training have been extracted from the “Click and Learn” training information system and concern all attributable training sessions allocated to the plan for year N and validated by the training departments of the companies in the scope in question on the date of data extraction.

Societal indicators are mainly indicators related to the funding granted to local authorities, social housing players and the social and solidarity economy. Data are extracted from centralized databases. Their accuracy is regularly verified at Group level. Indicators related to patronage, microloans and cooperative identity are provided by the two networks’ federations and by the Group’s outside partners (Adie, France Active, Initiative France). Procurement indicators are provided by BPCE Achats.

The scope adopted is that of the BPCE 2024 strategic plan to integrate the new offers already launched in 2021.

The indicator “Amount of financing of the energy transition (annual production)” for 2021 includes PTZ loans, ECOPTZ loans, co-ownership ECOPTZ loans, consumer loans (SD works loans, energy renovation loans, SD car loans) and PROVAIR for companies.

The changes concern:

inclusion in this indicator of amounts financed with a PTZ. PTZs are regulated loans that allow households to finance part of their new home (efficient by definition since they meet RT2012 standards) or old eco-conditioned home (i.e. a PTZ combined with an energy renovation loan) to bring older housing up to good energy standards);

the integration of a new consumer loan: the renovation loan.

Consumer loan financing can be used to finance the installation of photovoltaic panels on the customer’s home.

This indicator does not include the financing of renewable energy projects such as wind farms or photovoltaic fields.

The Group’s business model is presented in the Chapter 1. It presents our main activities, our business model, what sets us apart and our ambitions in line with the BPCE 2024 strategic plan. The business model is updated each year as necessary.

CSR reporting is organized by the Group CSR division, which coordinates the required tasks each year (updating the guidelines, indicators and user guides; advising the banks on the drafting of their own annual CSR report; etc.).

Like every year, it worked with the Group’s operational divisions (IT, human resources, Real Estate & Logistics, Procurement, etc.) and federations (FNBP, FNCE) in order to make better use of centralized databases.

More specifically, to prepare the 2021 non-financial performance statement, the Group CSR division worked with the Group Risk division and its regional functions.

Various initiatives were taken in this respect in 2021, in collaboration with all of the contributors to the non-financial performance statement, to facilitate the appropriation of this new process by all Group entities:

groupwide distribution of a memorandum going over regulations and detailing the reporting process for the business lines;

organization of two days of seminars for the CSR function:

a day to present the updates to the new CSR reporting campaign to the establishments in the presence of the OTI,

a meeting to present the results of the previous reporting campaign and the areas for improvement;

three conference calls attended by nearly all of the sustainable development officers to provide advice and answer questions about the non-financial performance statement and the collection of CSR data.

The following topics are considered relevant in terms of the bank’s indirect impacts: circular economy, reducing food waste, combating food poverty, improving animal welfare and ensuring responsible, fair, sustainable food supplies.

These topics are not addressed in specific paragraphs in this report but are covered by the bank’s ESG risk analysis procedures. For its lending business, these topics are covered in sector policies. For investment and asset management activities, they are covered by the ESG ratings methodologies for fund management.

The matrix used to rate the 15 non-financial risks provides a rating system for gross risks based on their frequency and severity over a three-year period.

The user guide for all contributors to Group CSR reporting was updated for the 2021 fiscal year. It specifies the following for the Universal Registration Document (URD) and for each entity (annual management report or URD):

the regulatory environment;

the timeline;

the reporting process (scope, rules on extrapolation for incomplete data, consolidation rules and the information control process);

a glossary.

This guide also relies on a CSR reporting standard that specifies all of the indicators published, their definitions, their units, the corresponding GRI reference, their sources, how they are calculated and collected, and examples of controls to carry out.

The Group carbon footprint user guide was also updated in 2021. The guide is intended to promote the carbon-review system. The purpose of this guide is to:

present the general principles of the method developed by the Group;

review the system’s history and the most recent changes to the system;

offer a uniform presentation of the reporting rules for Groupe BPCE’s greenhouse gas emissions reviews (reporting period, scope, extrapolation rules, etc.);

enable departments to establish action plans for carbon reduction while meeting the requirements of Article 75 of the Grenelle 2 Act, which concerns greenhouse gas emissions reviews and the Local Climate-Energy Plan (“PCET”) plan.

The published data covers the period from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021. Where physical data are not comprehensive for the period, contributors make approximate calculations to estimate the value of the missing data from average ratios provided by Groupe BPCE (in the user guides) based on FTEs and/or the surface area covered. The contributors review the estimates used and send their comments along with the information provided and approved by the Group.


This year, Groupe BPCE chose to only report figures for a single fiscal year for some indicators which underwent a major change in definition compared to 2020 and some that were newly published in 2021.


The “Non-financial information quality control framework” defines the organization of the control system for non-financial information within Groupe BPCE, and describes the main policies in place on this subject. It applies to all Groupe BPCE entities in the consolidated scope: the central institution, its direct and indirect subsidiaries, all BPCE affiliates and their subsidiaries.

Each entity is responsible for the accuracy of its CSR data. The same applies to Groupe BPCE’s operational divisions.

At Group level, all data collected are verified and subject to a careful review of units and data consistency. Contributors are asked for an explanation where figures appear unjustified.

If any data published in the management report for the previous year prove inaccurate, a correction is made with an accompanying explanation on the bottom of the same page.


2.7 Report of one of the Statutory Auditors, appointed as an independent third party, on the verification of the consolidated non-financial performance statement


For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021

To the General Meeting of Shareholders,

In our capacity as Statutory Auditors of BPCE SA, designated as an independent third party, accredited by COFRAC under No. 3-1048 (Cofrac Inspection accreditation, No. 3-1048, available at www.cofrac.fr) and in the process of adapting our management system as part of the evolution of our accreditation procedures decided by COFRAC (transition from ISO 17020 to ISO 17029), we carried out work aimed at formulating a reasoned opinion expressing a conclusion of limited assurance on the historical information (recorded or extrapolated) of the consolidated non-financial performance statement, prepared according to the procedures of the entity (hereinafter the “Guidelines”), for the year ended on December 31, 2021 (hereinafter the “Information” and the “Statement”, respectively), presented in the Group management report in accordance with the legal and regulatory provisions of Articles L. 225-102-1, R.225-105 and R.225-105-1 of the French Commercial Code.

Based on the procedures we have implemented, as described in the section entitled “Nature and scope of the work”, and the information we have collected, we have not identified any significant anomaly that would call into question the fact that the non-financial performance statement complies with the applicable regulatory provisions and that the Information, taken as a whole, is fairly presented in accordance with the Guidelines.


Without calling into question the conclusion expressed above and in accordance with the provisions of Article A. 225-3 of the French Commercial Code, we make the following comment:

As stated in the methodological note, the social indicators are not exhaustive outside the Group’s workforce and cover significantly different scopes depending on the topic.

The absence of a generally accepted and commonly used reference framework or established practices on which to evaluate and measure the Information allows the use of different but acceptable measurement techniques that may affect comparability between entities and over time.

Consequently, the Information must be read and understood with reference to the Guidelines, the material elements of which are presented in the Statement (or available on the website or on request at the entity’s head office).

The Information may be subject to uncertainty inherent to the state of scientific or economic knowledge and the quality of the external data used. Some information is sensitive to the methodological choices, assumptions and/or estimates used in its preparation and presented in the Statement.

Entity liability

It is incumbent on the Management Board

to select or establish appropriate criteria for the preparation of the Information;

to prepare a Statement in accordance with legal and regulatory provisions, including a presentation of the business model, a description of the main non-financial risks, a presentation of the policies applied with regard to these risks and the results of these policies, including key performance indicators and the information provided for in Article 8 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852 (green taxonomy);

as well as to implement the internal controls that it deems necessary to establish information that does not contain any significant anomalies, whether these result from fraud or error.

The Statement was prepared by applying the entity’s guidelines as mentioned above.

Based on our work, our responsibility is to express a limited assurance conclusion on:

the compliance of the Statement with the requirements of Article R. 225-105 of the French Commercial Code;

the fairness of the information provided pursuant to part 3 of sections I and II of Article R. 225-105 of the French Commercial Code, i.e. the outcomes of policies, including key performance indicators, and measures relating to the main risks, hereinafter the “Information”.

As it is our responsibility to form an independent conclusion on the information as prepared by management, we are not authorized to be involved in the preparation of such information, as this could compromise our independence.

It is not our responsibility to comment on:

the entity’s compliance with other applicable legal and regulatory provisions, in particular with regard to the information provided for in Article 8 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852 (green taxonomy), the vigilance, anti-corruption and tax evasion plan;

the accuracy of the information provided for in Article 8 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852 (green taxonomy);

compliance of products and services with applicable regulations.

Our work described below was carried out in accordance with the provisions of Articles A. 225-1 et seq. of the French Commercial Code, the professional doctrine of the Compagnie Nationale des Commissaires aux Comptes relating to this intervention in lieu of an audit program and the international standard ISAE 3000 (revised).

Our independence is defined by the requirements of Article L. 822-11-3 of the French Commercial Code and the French Code of Ethics for Statutory Auditors (Code de déontologie). In addition, we have put in place a quality control system that includes documented policies and procedures to ensure compliance with applicable legal and regulatory texts, ethical rules and the professional doctrine of the Compagnie nationale des commissaires aux comptes related to this intervention.

Our work involved the skills of five people and took place between November 2021 and February 2022 over a total period of fifteen weeks.

To assist us in conducting our work, we referred to our Corporate Social Responsibility and sustainable development experts. We conducted around ten interviews with the people responsible for the preparation of the Statement, representing executive management, administration and finance, risk management, foundations, human resources and the environment.

We have planned and carried out our work taking into account the risk of material misstatement of the Information.

We believe that the procedures we have conducted, exercising our professional judgment, enable us to formulate a conclusion of moderate assurance:

we familiarized ourselves with the business activities of the companies included in the scope of consolidation and with the description of the principal associated risks;

we assessed the suitability of the Guidelines with respect to their relevance, completeness, reliability, neutrality and clarity, taking into account, where appropriate, best practices within the sector;

we verified that the Statement covers each category of information stipulated in section III of Article L. 225-102-1 governing social affairs, as well as in the second paragraph of Article L. 22-10-36 regarding the respect for human rights and the fight against corruption and tax evasion;

we verified that the Statement provides the information required under Article R. 225-105 II of the French Commercial Code, where relevant with respect to the principal risks, and includes, where applicable, an explanation for the absence of the information required under Article L. 225-102-1 III, paragraph 2 of the French Commercial Code;

we verified that the Statement presents the business model and a description of the principal risks associated with the activities of all of the entities included in the scope of consolidation, including where relevant and proportionate, the risks associated with its business relationships, its products or services, as well as its policies, measures and the outcomes thereof, including key performance indicators associated to the principal risks;

we referred to documentary sources and conducted interviews to:

assess the process used to identify and confirm the principal risks as well as the consistency of the outcomes, including the key performance indicators used, with respect to the principal risks and the policies presented, and

corroborate the qualitative information (measures and outcomes) that we considered to be the most important;

we verified that the Statement covers the consolidated scope, i.e. all companies within the consolidation scope in accordance with Article L. 233-16, with the limits specified in the Statement;

we obtained an understanding of internal control and risk management procedures the entity has put in place and assessed the data collection process to ensure the completeness and fairness of the Information;

for the key performance indicators and other quantitative results that we considered the most important, presented in Appendix 1, we implemented:

analytical procedures that consisted in verifying the correct consolidation of collected data as well as the consistency of changes thereto,

detailed tests on the basis of surveys or other means of selection, consisting of verifying the correct application of definitions and procedures and reconciling the data with the supporting documents. This work was carried out with a selection of contributing entities and covers between 12% and 100% of the consolidated data selected for these tests;

we assessed the overall consistency of the Statement in relation to our knowledge of all the entities included in the scope of consolidation.

The procedures implemented as part of a moderate assurance are less extensive than those required for a reasonable assurance carried out in accordance with the professional doctrine of the Compagnie Nationale des Commissaires aux Comptes. A higher level of assurance would have required more extensive audit work.



Paris-La Défense, March 23, 2022

One of the Statutory Auditors,


Deloitte & Associés


Marjorie Blanc Lourme

Partner, Audit


Julien Rivals

Partner, sustainable development


2.8 Cross-reference table of the main social, environmental and societal information


Major gross ESG risks (1)

GRI 4 equivalent



Sustainable Development Goals


Business ethics

G4-56; G4-41; G4-SO4 and FS4




Data security





Lasting relations with customers

FS3; FS5; G4-PR8; G4-24; G4-26




Financing the energy transition

G4-EC2; FS1; G4-EN27; FS15

8, 9

6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15


Working conditions

G4-LA4; G4-LA5; G4-LA6; G4-LA8; G4-HR4; G4-HR5; G4-HR6


3, 4, 8, 16


Employability and transformation of jobs

G4-LA9; G4-LA10


4, 8, 13


ESG risks

G4-EC2; G4-EN27; FS1; FS2; FS3; FS11;

7, 8

6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14


Financing for local regions

G4-EN27; G4-EN28; G4-EN29; G4-EN30; G4-EC7; FS8; FS7


2, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16


Regional footprint

G4-SO1; G4-SO2; G4-9; FS13; G4-EC1; G4-EC9


1, 2, 8, 9


Inclusive finance

FS7; FS14; FS16; G4-9


1, 8, 10, 11


Customer protection





Diversity among employees

G4-10; G4-LA1; G4-HR3; G4-HR8

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

5, 8, 10


Voting rights

G4-16; FS5





Based on the risk analysis performed in Section 2.2.4 pursuant to directive 2014/95/EU, enacted into French law by Ministerial Order No. 2017-1180 of July 19, 2017 and Decree No. 2017-1265 of August 9, 2017, amending Articles L. 225-102-1 and R. 225-104 to R. 225-105-2 of the French Commercial Code initially established by Article 225 of the Grenelle 2 act of 2010 and its 2012 implementing decree.


French Energy Transition for Green Growth Act.


Information required in accordance with Article 173, Section VI, of the French Energy Transition for Green Growth Act, available on the reports published by the companies in question.



3.1 Introduction

Dear shareholders,

In addition to the management report and in accordance with Article L. 225-68 of the French Commercial Code, this report by the Supervisory Board contains information on:

the composition of the Supervisory Board and implementation of the principle of balanced representation of women and men;

the conditions governing the preparation and organization of the Supervisory Board’s work during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021;

the principles and rules governing the determination of all types of pay and benefits granted to corporate officers.

This report was reviewed by the Appointments Committee and the Remuneration Committee on February 10, 2022, then approved by the Supervisory Board at its meeting of February 10, 2022.

The external Statutory Auditors will issue a specific report, appended to their report on the annual financial statements, attesting to the provision of other information required by law in the report on corporate governance (Article L. 225-235 of the French Commercial Code).


3.2 Corporate Governance Code


In preparing this report, BPCE referred to the Corporate Governance Code for listed companies published in December 2008 and revised in January 2020 by the Association française des entreprises privées (AFEP – French Private Companies Association) and the Mouvement des entreprises de France (MEDEF – French Business Confederation), hereinafter referred to as the AFEP-MEDEF Code, including the October 2008 recommendations on executive pay, as set out in Article L. 225-68 of the French Commercial Code.

Only certain provisions were not followed, insofar as they are not deemed to apply to BPCE’s operating procedures as the central institution of a cooperative group and its equal ownership by the Banque Populaire and Caisse d’Epargne networks, which is reflected in the composition of its Board. These provisions were as follows: terms of office, the proportion of independent directors on the Supervisory Board and its committees, Board member ownership of a material number of shares and the publication of the CEO pay ratio.

Regarding terms of office, unlike the maximum four-year term recommended in the AFEP-MEDEF Code, the statutory term of office of BPCE Supervisory Board Members is six years, i.e. the maximum permitted by law. The benefit of a four-year term, as presented by the AFEP-MEDEF Code, is that it gives shareholders sufficiently frequent opportunity to provide an opinion on Board Member performance. However, this is unnecessary for BPCE, as its shareholders are limited to Banques Populaires and Caisses d’Epargne, which are already amply represented on the Supervisory Board as voting or non-voting directors. Accordingly, a shorter term of office would not substantially change the composition of the Supervisory Board. In addition, BPCE staggers reappointments, renewing the terms of office of half of the Supervisory Board members every three years, in order to avoid mass reappointments and promote a smooth Board member reappointment process. This gives shareholders sufficiently frequent opportunity to provide an opinion on Supervisory Board members, as recommended in the AFEP-MEDEF Code.

Regarding Supervisory Board member ownership of a material number of shares, BPCE’s Articles of Association take into account the fact that, in accordance with act No. 2008-776 of August 4, 2008, Supervisory Board members are no longer required to own shares in the company. As a result, BPCE Supervisory Board members do not own a material number of shares and are not shareholders in a personal capacity, but the two categories of shareholders are represented through their appointment, which ensures that the company’s interests are respected.

Concerning the proportion of independent directors on the Board and its committees, BPCE does not follow the recommendation of the AFEP-MEDEF Code, under which independent directors must represent half of the members of the Boards of companies that are not under control, as defined by Article L. 233-3 of the French Commercial Code. In fact, this recommendation is not compatible with Article L. 512-106 of the French Monetary and Financial Code, which stipulates that the representatives of cooperative shareholders proposed by the Chairmen of the Steering and Supervisory Boards of the Caisses d’Epargne and the Chairmen of the Boards of Directors of the Banques Populaires account for a majority of the Supervisory Board of BPCE. In addition to this legal rule, good governance rules result from Groupe BPCE’s unique structure: a balance of power must be maintained, as well as balanced representation of the Banque Populaire and Caisse d’Epargne networks. However, this organizational structure does not compromise the quality of the work and discussions of the Board, an objective of the AFEP-MEDEF Code recommendation.

However, BPCE wishes to demonstrate the independence of the members of its Supervisory Board representing the cooperative shareholders proposed by the Chairmen of the Steering and Supervisory Boards of the Caisses d’Epargne and the Chairmen of the Boards of Directors of the Banques Populaires. The report “Coopératives et mutuelles: un gouvernement d’entreprise original” [Cooperatives and mutual insurance companies: original corporate governance], drafted within the framework of the French Institute of Directors in January 2006, explains why the elected directors of the cooperative companies that are the Banques Populaires and the Caisses d’Epargne fully meet the definition of “independent director”. Thus, the question of “independent directors” concerns a specific type of company, which is the listed company. […] In cooperative enterprises, the form of government is radically different. […] The legitimacy and control of a mutual manager, and therefore his independence, depend on the office he holds through his election. Removing a director from the electoral process would dissociate him from the interests of the organization and its cooperative shareholders.

From another perspective, it is a fact that the directors of cooperatives and mutual societies commit themselves out of conviction and not out of financial interest. They devote a significant portion of their time and energy to their responsibilities as directors. They are wide open to the local, nonprofit and/or political world. These are all characteristics that make them truly independent directors, an independence that does not have to be called into question, but is continually reinforced by an authentic democratic process.

For Supervisory Board Meetings and committee meetings, BPCE does not apply the recommendation on the organization of an annual meeting without the presence of executive company directors. However, the deliberations of the Supervisory Board and the opinions of the Board committees concerning the executive company directors take place without their presence.

In addition, the Fédération Nationale des Banques Populaires and the Fédération Nationale des Caisses d’Epargne, bodies that organize discussions, hear ideas and provide representation, each hold annual meetings bringing together all the Chairmen of the Boards of Directors and the Chief Executive Officers of the Banques Populaires and all the Chairmen of the Boards of Directors and Supervisory Boards of Caisses d’Epargne without the presence of Statutory Auditors and the company directors of BPCE. These meetings, which guarantee the free expression of all participants, who represent BPCE’s shareholders, promote strategic discussions and, accordingly, protect the interests of the institutions they represent.

Furthermore, regarding information on company director pay, BPCE does not apply the recommendation that stipulates that information on pay ratios should be published, thereby enabling comparison of company director pay and employee pay. In fact, the legislator’s aim in drafting this legal provision, now taken up by the AFEP-MEDEF Code recommendation, which is to enable shareholders or investors of publicly-traded corporations to assess company director pay against the company’s performance, is not relevant in light of BPCE’s capital structure, under which the Banques Populaires and Caisses d’Epargne together hold all of the share capital and voting rights.

Finally, with the exception of the CEO pay ratio, BPCE formally adheres to and implements the AFEP-MEDEF Code recommendations on executive pay.

Independent directors

Recommendations partly implemented (not followed regarding proportion of independent directors on the Board)

Board Meetings and committee meetings

Recommendations partly implemented (not followed regarding the organization of an annual meeting without the presence of executive company directors)

Directors’ terms of office

Recommendations partly implemented (not followed regarding the six-year term)

Audit Committee

Recommendations partly implemented (not followed regarding the proportion of independent directors on the committee)

Committee responsible for appointments

Recommendations partly implemented (not followed regarding the proportion of independent directors on the committee)

Committee responsible for pay

Recommendations partly implemented (not followed regarding the proportion of independent directors on the committee)

Shareholding obligation of company directors

Recommendations not implemented

Information on pay awarded to company directors

Recommendations partially implemented (not followed with regard to the publication of the equity ratio)



BPCE has implemented the provisions of the AFEP-MEDEF Code, adapting them to its Management Board/Supervisory Board governance model.


3.3 Composition of the management and supervisory bodies


3.3.1 Groupe BPCE’s governance organization chart



3.4 Role and operating rules of governing bodies


3.4.1 Supervisory Board


The Supervisory Board performs the duties attributed to it by law. It carries out all checks and controls it deems appropriate and may request any documents it regards as expedient in fulfilling its mission.

The Supervisory Board:

receives a report from the Management Board on the company’s business activities once every quarter;

examines and checks the parent company and consolidated financial statements prepared and presented by the Management Board within three months of the end of the fiscal year, along with a written report on the position and activities of the company and its subsidiaries during the past year;

presents to the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting a report on corporate governance that states the makeup of the managerial and supervisory bodies, the role and operation of the governing bodies, the diversity policy applied to Supervisory Board members, the principles and rules for determining pay and benefits of any kind given to corporate officers, and including its observations on the management report prepared by the Management Board and the financial statements for the previous fiscal year.

In addition to these powers, the Supervisory Board has the authority to:

appoints the Chairman of the Management Board;

appoints the other members of the Management Board, based on motions by the Chairman of the Management Board;

sets the method and amount of pay received by each Management Board member;

grants the status of Chief Executive Officer to one or more members of the Management Board, based on a motion by the Chairman of the Management Board, and withdraw said status as applicable;

proposes the appointment of the Statutory Auditors at the General Shareholders’ Meeting, after they are recommended by the Audit Committee;

decides to move the registered office to another location within the same department or to an adjacent department, subject to ratification of the decision by the next Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting.

The following operations proposed by the Management Board must receive prior authorization from the Supervisory Board, acting by simple majority of its present or represented members:

approval of the policy and strategic guidelines of Groupe BPCE and each of the networks;

authorization of any transaction(1) exceeding €100 million;

authorization of any transaction(2) proposed by BPCE that is not part of the BPCE strategic plan, regardless of the transaction amount;

approval of the company’s annual budget and definition of the rules for calculating contributions due from affiliated institutions;

authorization of related-party agreements pursuant to the French Commercial Code;

approval of Groupe BPCE’s internal solidarity mechanisms;

approval of the national and international agreements involving each of the networks and Groupe BPCE as a whole;

approval of the general criteria that must be met by the directors of Groupe BPCE’s affiliated institutions, including age limits, which may not exceed:

65 for Chief Executive Officers or members of the Management Board, or

70 for Chairmen of Boards of Directors and Steering and Supervisory Boards, it being stipulated that no individuals may be appointed Chairman of a Board of Directors or a Steering and Supervisory Board if they cannot, on the date of first appointment, complete at least half the term as Chairman before reaching this age limit; however, the age limit remains set at 68 for offices currently held on the date of the Supervisory Board Meeting that approved the age limit set in this section;

authorization of the directors of affiliated institutions as well as the withdrawal of such authorization and all other dismissals as set out in Article L. 512-108 of the French Monetary and Financial Code;

approval of the creation or elimination of a Banque Populaire or Caisse d’Epargne, including through the merger of two or more Banques Populaires or two or more Caisses d’Epargne;



Refers to any proposed capital investment or divestment, contribution, merger, spin-off, restructuring, joint venture or partnership by the company or its subsidiaries, and the negotiation or signing of any national or international agreements on behalf of the Caisses d’Epargne, the Banques Populaires and affiliates and, in each instance, any related or ancillary transactions. Also refers to (i) acquisitions, disposals, and equity investments or divestments by the Banques Populaires and the Caisses d’Epargne in credit institutions, financial companies, Insurance companies, investment service providers, portfolio or fund management firms, acquisitions or disposals of bank branches or branches targeting specific customer segments, whether directly or indirectly (ii) equity investments or divestments in industrial or commercial companies by the Banques Populaires and the Caisses d’Epargne; and (iii) equity investments or divestments by the Banques Populaires and the Caisses d’Epargne in companies, regardless of their form or purpose, whose articles of association or legal form entail undefined liability for the partners (not limited to the amount of their contribution).


Idem above.


examination and approval of the main risk limits applicable to Groupe BPCE and each network, as defined by the Management Board; regular examinations and checks on Groupe BPCE’s risks, any changes therein and the systems and procedures used to control them; examination of Internal Control audits and finding, and the main conclusions of audits performed by the Group’s Inspection Générale division;

appointment of BPCE’s representatives to the Natixis Board of Directors. Representatives from the Caisses d’Epargne and from the Banques Populaires will be of identical number and will together hold, at a minimum, the majority of seats on the Board;

upon recommendation from the Appointments Committee, examination and assessment of the integrity and skills of candidates for the Supervisory Board and the non-voting directors, Chairman, and other members of the Management Board;

adoption of the Board’s Internal Rules.

The following operations proposed by the Management Board are subject to the prior authorization of the Supervisory Board and a favorable vote from at least thirteen of its nineteen present or represented members:

any decision to subscribe for or acquire (or any agreement binding the company therein), by any means (including by transfer of assets to the company), securities or rights of any kind whatsoever, be they issued by a company or any other entity and directly or indirectly representing an investment or contribution of more than €1 billion;

any decision to transfer (or any agreement binding the company therein), by any means, securities or rights of any kind whatsoever held by the company and representing a divestment of more than €1 billion for the company;

any decision by the company to issue equity securities or shares giving immediate or eventual access to the company’s capital, without pre-emptive rights;

any merger, demerger, spin-off, or related decision involving the company;

any decision relating to the admission of company shares or shares in any of its main direct or indirect subsidiaries to trading on a regulated market;

any transaction related or connected to the aforementioned cases;

any decision to appoint the Chairman or remove the Chairman of the company’s Management Board from office;

any decision to submit to the General Meeting any changes to the Articles of Association with regard to the company that amend the terms of governance;

any decision to approve the disposal of securities.

The Internal Rules of the Supervisory Board, adopted at the Board Meeting of July 31, 2009 and amended at the Board Meeting of December 20, 2018, form the Supervisory Board’s Governance Charter, which sets out its internal operating procedures, notably for the purpose of ensuring that governing bodies interact efficiently and operate smoothly.

The Internal Rules enhance the quality of the work done by Supervisory Board members by promoting the application of corporate governance principles and best practices in the interest of ethics and efficiency.

Their purpose is also to supplement the Articles of Association, notably by:

specifying the procedures for convening Supervisory Board and Supervisory Board Committee Meetings, as well as the rules under which they are to deliberate;

specifying the general and specific powers of the Board under the law, as set out in Articles 27.1 and 27.2 of the company’s Articles of Association;

specifying those instances requiring the Board’s prior approval for material transactions (“Important Decisions” and “Key Decisions”), as set out in Articles 27.3 and 27.4 of the company’s Articles of Association;

specifying the rules governing the information of Board members;

specifying the duties of the various committees, for which they serve as the internal rules;

specifying the professional secrecy and confidentiality obligations binding the members of the Supervisory Board and its committees;

defining the penalties that apply in the event members of the Supervisory Board or of a committee fail to comply with any of their obligations.

The Supervisory Board’s Internal Rules are available on the BPCE website: https://groupebpce.com/investisseurs/informations-reglementees/autres-informations

The Supervisory Board of BPCE adopted an Ethics and Compliance Charter for its members at its meeting of June 22, 2016. The Ethics and Compliance Charter is divided into four main Chapters that set out good governance principles, in addition to reiterating several laws and regulations.

Chapter 1 covers the Board Members’ professionalism, as expressed in different ways:

the total number of offices held by Supervisory Board Members and their availability (time spent preparing for meetings and reviewing issues);

expertise, i.e. consolidation of knowledge and understanding of information that may be used in performing their duties;

diligence and effectiveness (active participation);

duty to intervene and raise the alarm, i.e. expressing viewpoints and participating in discussions;

respect for corporate responsibility and good faith.

Chapter 2 covers ethics, as expressed by:

respect for the law and the company’s Articles of Association;

integrity (lack of a criminal record, incompatibility with certain duties);

good credit history, which is checked by the Risk Management division of the institution or network in which the member also holds office, under the authority of the BPCE Risk Management division (except for independent members, whose credit history is checked using any rating either internal or external to the company in which they play a primary role);

benefits (soliciting or accepting direct or indirect benefits is prohibited).

Chapter 3 covers confidentiality:

banking secrecy and the duty of discretion;

management of inside information (with the understanding that all members are on the list of permanent insiders);

reporting of transactions in financial instruments issued by BPCE and Groupe BPCE companies (if the total exceeds €5,000 in one calendar year);

compliance with blackout periods on financial instruments issued by Groupe BPCE companies.

Chapter 4 covers conflicts of interest:

independence of judgment;

incompatibility with the duties performed on their own behalf in other investment banks or investment companies outside Groupe BPCE (unless explicitly approved by the Management Board of BPCE);

due diligence in business relationships.

In accordance with Article 25.1 of the Articles of Association, the Supervisory Board meets as often as the company’s interests, laws and regulations require, and at least once every quarter in order to examine the Management Board’s quarterly report. Board Meetings may be convened by its Chairman, its Vice-Chairman or by one half of its members and take place at the registered office or any other location stated in the notice of meeting.

In accordance with Article L. 823-17 of the French Commercial Code, the Statutory Auditors are invited to Board Meetings examining full-year and half-year financial statements.

The BPCE Supervisory Board met 15 times between January 1 and December 31, 2021. In 2021, the average attendance rate for Supervisory Board Members was 96.84%. In addition to the topics regularly discussed – quarterly reports of the Management Board, related-party agreements, approvals of executives, current events and other matters for information – the main topics discussed during the Board Meetings were as follows:

presentation of the Supervisory Board’s corporate governance report;

determination of the variable pay of Management Board members for fiscal year 2020 and establishment of fixed pay and the criteria (amount, trigger, qualitative and quantitative criteria) for determining the variable pay of Management Board members for 2021;

modification of the retirement remuneration for members and the Chairman of the Management Board;

approval of the 2021 pay policy for corporate officers;

setting a minimum capital threshold for Groupe BPCE for the allocation of variable portions of Groupe BPCE risk takers for fiscal year 2021;

taking note of the report provided for in Article 266 of the order of November 3, 2014 on internal control concerning the policy and practices for the remuneration of risk takers;

adoption of the revised Group standard on risk takers in application of the CRD V directive;

preparation of the Annual General Meeting, taking note of the payment of a dividend and authorization for a capital increase;

taking note of the resignation of a member of the Management Board and appointment of a new member of the Management Board;

taking note of the resignation of Supervisory Board members and of non-voting members;

taking note of the appointment by the Annual General Meeting of Supervisory Board members and non-voting members as part of the staggered renewal of Supervisory Board members;

taking note of the appointment of two new members representing employees and of two non-voting members to the Supervisory Board;

appointment of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board;

appointment of a non-voting director and of a member of the Supervisory Board;

modification of the composition of the committees following the various movements within the Supervisory Board;

taking note of the multi-year training program for 2021-2023 for members of the Board (including CSR topics) and approval of the specific training program for 2021-2023 for the Board members representing employees;

authorization to appoint candidates as directors to the Board of Natixis;

monitoring of the company’s policy on professional and pay equality;

monitoring of the Board’s self-assessment process on the basis of a questionnaire filled in by Supervisory Board members and non-voting directors and review of the report;

monitoring of the individual assessment of the suitability of the members of the Supervisory Board and the Management Board;

annual review of independent member status on the Board;

review of the dashboard of persons comprising the “regulated population”;

annual review of diversity policies applicable to Board members and Management Board members;

approval of the 2021-2024 strategic plan and of the Group’s policy and strategic guidelines as well as of the Banque Populaire and Caisse d’Epargne networks as defined by the strategic plan;

authorization and monitoring of the implementation of the simplified takeover bid for the shares of Natixis SA not yet held by BPCE;

authorization of the acquisition by BPCE Financement of the entire stake of Banco Primus held by Crédit Foncier, representing 100% of the share capital and voting rights;

monitoring of the proposed sale of BPCE’s entire stake in the capital of Fidor Bank AG;

monitoring of the implementation of the strategic transactions authorized by the Board in 2019, 2020 and in the first quarter of 2021;

authorization to sell all Coface shares held by Natixis;

authorization for the sale to La Banque Postale of the entire stake of CNP Assurances held by BPCE, representing 16.1% of the share capital and voting rights.

presentation of the annual financial statements, as of December 31, 2020, of Groupe BPCE, Groupe BPCE SA and BPCE SA;

presentation of the 2021 quarterly and first-half financial statements of Groupe BPCE, Groupe BPCE SA and BPCE SA;

Taking note of the bottom line for 2021 and approval of the budgets for 2022.

follow-up on the reports and investigations of the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution (ACPR), the French prudential supervisory authority for the banking and insurance sector, and the European Central Bank (ECB);

risk monitoring: monitoring of consolidated risks, review of the impact of conditions in Europe and the health crisis on the Group, forward-looking risk management approach, monitoring of the Group’s internal ceilings and limits, monitoring of risk governance and annual review and reconsideration of Groupe BPCE’s risk appetite, modification of operational limits;

annual review of the system for reporting significant incidents and assessment of the 2020 reports;

review of the report on internal control prepared in accordance with Article 258 of the Ministerial Order of November 3, 2014 on internal control of banking sector companies and the report on risk measurement and supervision, prepared in accordance with Article 262 of the Ministerial Order of November 3, 2014 on internal control of banking sector companies: work carried out by the Inspection Générale division, annual compliance report (annual report of the investment services compliance officer (RCSI), report on the annual check control program, report on credit risks), update on accounting risks;

examination of the annual reports on the organization of internal control systems for the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing and the freezing of assets, on a parent-company and consolidated basis, for the 2020 fiscal year;

monitoring of the recommendations of the Group Inspection Générale and of the supervisor;

acknowledgment of the measures taken in 2020 to ensure the control of essential outsourced services, including the monitoring of critical or important services and review of the 2021 outsourcing policy;

evaluation of the Group’s internal control functions (audit, risk and compliance);

annual review of Groupe BPCE’s preventive recovery plan (PPR);

follow-up on the ICAAP (Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process) for 2021, the methods used within this framework and the results of internal stress tests used to determine figures for 2021;

follow-up to the ILAAP (Internal Liquidity Adequacy Assessment Process) report;

Status of the SRAB-Volcker system at Groupe BPCE for 2020;

review of the results of the self-assessment by type of risk carried out on the basis of the criteria for compliance with the ECB’s BCBS principles;

follow-up on the Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (SREP);

review of the senior management report on the effectiveness of the enhanced compliance mechanism, drawn up by the Management Board (Senior Management) and implemented in accordance with the Volcker rule’s specifications;


monitoring of the work of the Cooperative and CSR Committee relating in particular to:

monitoring the environmental challenges of the 2021-2024 strategic plan with the review of the Group’s climate objectives,

presentation of the current status and outlook for Groupe BPCE’s carbon footprint and direct environmental footprint,

the CSR and cooperative guidelines of Banque Populaire banks and the Caisses d’Epargne,

examining the impacts of climate risks;

acknowledgment of BPCE’s raison d’être.

Depending on the type of matters submitted to the Supervisory Board, discussions were held and decisions made on the basis of the reports presented by the relevant Board Committees.


3.5 Rules and principles governing the determination of remuneration and benefits


3.5.1 Remuneration policy, pay components, benefits in kind, loans, guarantees and remuneration received by members of the Supervisory Board of BPCE (1)


At the meeting on May 19, 2017, the Supervisory Board set the pay for the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board as well as the terms for distributing pay for attendance at meetings among the Supervisory Board members. These terms and conditions were reviewed by the Supervisory Board at its meeting of March 26, 2020.

The remuneration package for the members of the BPCE Supervisory Board was set at €800,000 for fiscal year 2021 and subsequent years by the Ordinary General Meeting of May 29, 2020. This pay is detailed in the statement regarding pay collected by the non-executive corporate officers of BPCE.

Aside from the Chairman, who receives annual fixed pay, Supervisory Board members are paid based on their attendance at meetings.

annual fixed pay: €400,000;

variable pay: €0.

Pay granted to the Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board:

annual fixed pay: €80,000;

variable pay for each meeting attended, up to a limit of eleven meetings during the fiscal year: €1,500.

Other members of the Supervisory Board:

annual fixed pay: €8,200;

variable pay for each meeting attended, up to a limit of eleven meetings during the fiscal year: €1,200.

Pay granted to the Chairman of the Audit Committee:

annual fixed pay: €23,900;

variable pay for each meeting attended, up to a limit of six meetings during the fiscal year: €2,400.

Other members of the Audit Committee:

annual fixed pay: €750;

variable pay for each meeting attended, up to a limit of six meetings during the fiscal year: €875.

Pay granted to the Chairman of the Risk Committee:

annual fixed pay: €23,900;

variable pay for each meeting attended, up to a limit of nine meetings during the fiscal year: €2,400.

Other members of the Risk Committee:

annual fixed pay: €750;

variable pay for each meeting attended, up to a limit of nine meetings during the fiscal year: €875.

Pay granted to the Chairman of the Appointments Committee:

annual fixed pay: €13,100;

variable pay for each meeting attended, up to a limit of four meetings during the fiscal year: €1,650.

Other members of the Appointments Committee:

annual fixed pay: €750;

variable pay for each meeting attended, up to a limit of four meetings during the fiscal year: €600.

Pay granted to the Chairman of the Remuneration Committee:

annual fixed pay: €13,100;

variable pay for each meeting attended, up to a limit of five meetings during the fiscal year: €1,650.

Other members of the Remuneration Committee:

annual fixed pay: €750;

variable pay for each meeting attended, up to a limit of five meetings during the fiscal year: €600.

Pay granted to the Chairman of the Cooperative and CSR Committee:

annual fixed pay: €13,100;

variable pay for each meeting attended, up to a limit of two meetings during the fiscal year: €1,650.

Other members of the Cooperative and CSR Committee:

annual fixed pay: €750;

variable pay for each meeting attended, up to a limit of two meetings during the fiscal year: €600.


The figures presented in this section are gross amounts.


As a reminder, the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board do not receive any pay for participating in the Cooperative and CSR Committee.

Pursuant to Article 28.3 of the Articles of Association, the Supervisory Board has resolved to compensate non-voting directors by making a deduction from the pay for attendance at meetings allocated to Supervisory Board members at the General Shareholders’ Meeting.

Non-voting directors receive:

annual fixed pay: €4,000;

variable pay for each meeting attended, up to a limit of eleven meetings during the fiscal year: €600.

Attendance fees were eliminated by Article 185 of the PACTE act (act No. 2019-486 of May 22, 2010), which replaced them with “pay” that may be paid to directors and members of the Supervisory Board of a French limited liability company (société anonyme).

The change in legal terminology has no impact on the tax or social security charges applicable to the sums paid to directors and members of the Supervisory Board.

As such, any references to “attendance fees” below should be construed from a legal point of view as “pay.”

Attendance fees are subject to single mandatory withholding tax at the global rate of 30%, consisting of a non-discharging flat 12.80% of the income tax plus social security contributions at the global rate of 17.20%.

Taxpayers may, if they so choose, opt for the progressive income tax scale instead of the flat 12.80% when filing their tax return. This option can be used for the full amount, provided that it applies to all income and gains that fall within the scope of the single flat-rate withholding tax, which are collected or earned during a single year by all members of the tax household.

The following taxation conditions apply:


a non-exempting flat-rate withholding tax, serving as income tax, at a rate of 12.8%. This tax entitles taxpayers to a tax credit that can be applied to the tax calculated for the year in which the attendance fees are collected at either the flat rate or using the progressive scale, as per their choice. Taxpayers may ask to be exempted from this withholding if they provide the attendance fee distributing company with a sworn statement that the baseline tax income thresholds set out by law have been met, no later than November 30 of the year preceding the year in which the attendance fees are paid,

social security charges at rates applicable on the date of the levy (17.2% since January 1, 2018, including a CSG [contribution sociale généralisée – general social security tax] of 6.8% deductible from taxable income for the year of the payment, if the taxpayer has opted for the progressive scale),

declaration of attendance fees on the 2042 income tax return and taxation at the flat rate of 12.80% or, optionally, using the progressive income tax scale. The tax credit attributed for the non-exempting flat withholding tax is determined in this way.

Other pay consists of total pay for attendance at meetings received by corporate officers in respect of their duties on the boards of Group companies during the period in question.

Each payment relates to the corporate officer’s presence at Board Meetings and is calculated on the basis of the total budget for attendance at meetings set by each company’s General Meeting.


Fiscal year 2020

Fiscal year 2021

Amounts due(1)

Amounts paid(2)

Amounts due(3)

Amounts paid(4)

Thierry Cahn

Vice-Chairman until May 27, 2021 and Chairman of the Supervisory Board since May 27, 2021





Annual fixed pay





BPCE pay





Other pay





Éric Fougère

Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board since May 27, 2021





BPCE pay





Other pay





Caisse d’Epargne Representatives





Catherine Amin-Garde





BPCE pay





Other pay





Alain Di Crescenzo (since May 27, 2021)





BPCE pay





Other pay





Alain Denizot





BPCE pay





Other pay





Françoise Lemalle





BPCE pay





Other pay





Didier Patault





BPCE pay





Other pay




€ 17,400.00

Benoit Pellerin (since May 27, 2021)





BPCE pay





Other pay





Nicolas Plantrou

(Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board until May 24, 2019 and member until December 14, 2019)





BPCE pay





Other pay





Pierre Valentin

(Chairman of the Supervisory Board until May 27, 2021)





Annual fixed pay





BPCE pay





Other pay





Banque Populaire Representatives





Gérard Bellemon





BPCE pay





Other pay





Bernard Dupouy





BPCE pay





Other pay





Yves Gevin (until December 16, 2021)





BPCE pay





Other pay





Michel Grass (until May 27, 2021)





BPCE pay





Other pay



€ 2,400.00


Daniel Karyotis (non-voting director until December 16, 2021 and member since December 17, 2021)





BPCE pay





Other pay





Olivier Klein





BPCE pay





Other pay





Catherine Mallet





BPCE pay





Other pay





Marie Pic-Pâris Allavena (since May 27, 2021)





BPCE pay





Other pay





Independent Members





Valérie Pancrazi





BPCE pay





Other pay





Anne-Claude Pont





BPCE pay





Other pay





Kadidja Sinz





BPCE pay





Other pay





Employee Representatives





Nicolas Getti(5) (since May 27, 2021)





BPCE pay





Other pay





Vincent Gontier(5) (until May 27, 2021)





BPCE pay





Other pay





Bertrand Guyard(5) (since May 27, 2021)





BPCE pay





Other pay





Fredéric Hassaine(5) (until May 27, 2021)





BPCE pay





Other pay





Non-Voting Directors





Jean Arondel (FNCE) (until May 5, 2021)





BPCE pay





Other pay



€ 27,239.72


Maurice Bourrigaud (since May 27, 2021)





BPCE pay





Other pay



€ 9,250.00


Sabine Calba (since December 17, 2021)





BPCE pay





Other pay





Pierre Carli (until April 30, 2021)





BPCE pay





Other pay





Joël Chassard





BPCE pay





Other pay





Bruno Deletré (since May 27, 2021)





BPCE pay





Other pay





Sylvie Garcelon (until May 27, 2021)





BPCE pay





Other pay





Dominique Goursolle-Nouhaud

(Member until May 5, 2021 and non-voting director since May 6, 2021)





BPCE pay





Other pay





André Joffre





BPCE pay





Other pay











Amounts due in respect of 2020: all amounts owed in respect of fiscal year 2020, regardless of the date of payment.


Amounts paid in 2020: all amounts paid and received in 2020 (due in 2019 and paid in 2020 and due in 2020 and paid in 2020) excluding withholding taxes (amounts actually received by members include withholding taxes).


Amounts due in respect of 2021: all amounts owed in respect of fiscal year 2021, regardless of the date of payment.


Amounts paid in 2021: all amounts paid and received in 2021 (due in 2020 and paid in 2021 and due in 2021 and paid in 2021) excluding withholding taxes (amounts actually received by members include withholding taxes).


Both employee representatives have waived their BPCE pay in favor of their unions.

N/A Not Applicable.


3.6 Potential conflicts of interest


3.6.1 Members of the Supervisory Board


Pursuant to Article L. 511-98 of the French Monetary and Financial Code, the integrity and expertise of all newly appointed members are subject to review by the Appointments Committee.

In accordance with the Internal Rules of BPCE’s Supervisory Board, Supervisory Board members must perform their duties with loyalty and professionalism.

They must not take any initiatives intended to harm the company’s interests and they must act in good faith in all circumstances.

Furthermore, all members of the Supervisory Board and its committees, as well as anyone who may be invited to attend their meetings, are bound by an obligation of professional secrecy, as provided for in Article L. 511-33 of the French Monetary and Financial Code and by a duty of discretion regarding their discussions and any confidential information or information presented as confidential by the Chairman of the meeting, as provided for in Article L. 225-92 of the French Commercial Code.

The Chairman of the Board stresses that the proceedings of a meeting are confidential whenever regulations or the interests of the company or Groupe BPCE may require it. The Chairman of each Board Committee does the same.

The Chairman of the Board or one of its committees takes the measures necessary to ensure the confidentiality of discussions. This may require all persons taking part in a meeting to sign a confidentiality agreement.

If a member of the Board or one of its committees fails to comply with an obligation, in particular the obligation of confidentiality, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board refers the matter to the Board in order to issue a warning to said member, independently of any measures taken under the applicable legal, regulatory or statutory provisions. Said member is given advance notice of the penalties being considered, and will be able to present observations to the Supervisory Board.

In addition, Supervisory Board Members:

undertake to devote the necessary time and attention to their duties;

attend all meetings of the Supervisory Board and the committees of which they are members, unless this is impossible;

stay informed about the company’s business lines, activities, issues and values;

endeavor to maintain the level of knowledge they need to fulfill their duties;

request and make every effort to obtain, in a timely manner, the information deemed necessary to be able to hold informed discussions at Supervisory Board Meetings.

Finally, Supervisory Board Members participate in the training programs set up for them.

To the company’s knowledge:

there are no potential conflicts of interest between the duties of the Supervisory Board members with regard to the issuer and other private duties or interests. If required, the Supervisory Board’s internal rules and the Ethics and Compliance Charter govern the conflicts of interest of any member of the Supervisory Board;

there is no arrangement or agreement with an individual shareholder, customer, supplier, or other, under which any of the Supervisory Board’s members has been selected;

there are no family ties between the Supervisory Board Members;

no restriction, other than legal, is accepted by any of the Supervisory Board Members regarding the disposal of their equity interest in the company.

In addition, specific conflicts of interest may arise from financial ties that may exist between the group in which an independent member exercises executive functions and BPCE.

In application of the AFEP-MEDEF Code and the EBA guidelines, financial ties are only an obstacle to the qualification of independence if they are significant.

The balanced and immaterial nature of the business relationship is assessed according to cumulative criteria relating to:

the weight of the debts and receivables of the group in which the independent member exercises his main activity vis-à-vis Groupe BPCE, in relation to its liabilities or its revenue;

the dependence of the company in which the independent member exercises executive functions on a Groupe BPCE entity with regard to its financing.


To the company’s knowledge, to date, no member of BPCE’s Supervisory Board has been convicted of fraud in the last five years. To the company’s knowledge, to date, no member of BPCE’s Supervisory Board has been declared bankrupt or in liquidation, or had assets placed in receivership, in the last five years.





4.1 Foreword


The financial data for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021 and the comparative data for 2020 were prepared under IFRS as adopted by the European Union and applicable at that date, excluding some provisions of IAS 39 on hedge accounting.

This management report discusses the results of Groupe BPCE and BPCE SA group, built around the central institution, BPCE, which was established on July 31, 2009 following the merger of Groupe Banque Populaire and Groupe Caisse d’Epargne.

BPCE SA group’s results are summarized because the activities and results of the two groups are closely related. The main differences in scope relative to Groupe BPCE concern the exclusion of the contributions of the Banques Populaires and the Caisses d’Epargne.

4.2 Significant events of 2021


4.2.1 Economic and financial environment



In 2021, the global economy rebounded strongly by 5.8%, after its atypical collapse of 3.1% in 2020, linked to the emergence of Covid-19. The circulation of variants, such as Delta, with the fifth wave of which Europe was the epicenter in November, and the Omicron virus in December, further weighed on the economy. There was, however, a powerful automatic readjustment in activity, which was largely driven by several factors: the exceptional support provided by the persistent, “at any cost” monetary and budgetary policies on both sides of the Atlantic, the deployment of vaccination campaigns, the gradual loosening of health constraints and the lesser economic impact of the virus. However, this recovery was merely the reverse mirror of the historic fall in wealth levels in 2020.

Differences in strategy in the face of the epidemic have naturally produced geographical disparities in the economic recovery, structurally drawing the map of a more or less rapid economic recovery compared to the pre-crisis situation. Thus, the growth peak was exceeded in the first quarter in China and in the spring across the Atlantic, while it was not until July in the euro zone. From the third quarter, however, the instantaneous recovery momentum appeared more vigorous in France and Italy than in Germany and even more so than in Spain.

This sudden movement was responsible for very significant gaps between supply and demand. While causing the reappearance of recruitment difficulties, it fueled sharp tensions on prices, due to the incomplete re-establishment of all production, transport and distribution channels for certain goods and services, like semiconductors, throughout the world. At the end of October, it also led to Brent crude oil prices above the levels of the end of 2019 (over $80/barrel), before a relapse at the end of November ($70/barrel), linked to the appearance of the Omicron variant. As a result, inflation in developed countries has accelerated sharply, more in the United States (6.8% per year in November) than in the euro zone (4.9% per year) or in France (2.8% per year).

This inflationary fear, which intensified at the end of the year, did not lead the central banks on both sides of the Atlantic to profoundly modify their ultra-accommodative monetary policy, due to health uncertainties and the still-incomplete recovery of the labor market. Their key rates remained close to zero, despite pressure on prices and recruitment. However, as expected, in November, the Fed began a process of planned reduction of its net asset purchases (tapering), before announcing, on December 15, its acceleration aiming to extinguish it in March. It also paved the way for three key rate hikes by the end of 2022. On the other hand, the ECB reiterated the principle of reinvesting securities held at maturity and maintaining its sovereign debt purchase programs until at least the end of 2023. The prospect of US tapering and the expected growth and inflation trajectories have led to an increase, albeit very modest, in US long-term interest rates (1.4% compared with 0.9% in 2020) and, by contagion, but to a lesser extent, European and French long-term interest rates, while leading to a decline in the euro against the dollar ($1.13 as of December 31). The ten-year OAT stood at an annual average of zero, compared with -0.15% in 2020. In addition, the equity markets continued to rise relatively sharply. The performance of the CAC 40 was even spectacular, rising by 28.9% to 7,153 points in 2021, due to the extent of the rebound in corporate results, in a context of particularly negative real interest rates.

The French economy rebounded sharply by 6.8%, after falling by 8% in 2020. It has not escaped the emergence of growing pressure on prices, resulting from shortages and supply problems, not to mention recruitment difficulties. While inflation only increased by an annual average of 1.7%, after a year-on-year increase of only 0.5% in 2020, the year-on-year change was still at a rate of 2.8% in November, mainly driven by energy prices. Activity did not really stand out from the epidemiological curves until the summer, thanks to the acceleration of the vaccination process. GDP recovered to its pre-crisis level during the third quarter, one quarter earlier than expected, as did the operating results of non-financial corporations, working hours, the number of jobs in the business sector and the unemployment rate, which fell to 7.8% in the fourth quarter of 2021.

This sharp economic recovery was initially driven by household consumption, but it was not until the fourth quarter that it reached the level of the end of 2019. Indeed, as after most large-scale crises, the household savings rate normalized only very slowly, dropping from 21.4% in 2020 to 19.3% in 2021, notwithstanding the decline in fears about the evolution of unemployment since June. The excess savings accumulated during the lockdown did not therefore fuel growth through increased consumption, despite the preservation of purchasing power. The latter rose by 2.1%, compared to 0.4% in 2020. Business investment exceeded its level at the end of 2019 in the spring of 2021. The contribution of foreign trade to GDP growth was slightly positive. Finally, the public finance deficit stood at 7.4% of GDP, with public debt reaching 113% of GDP in 2021.

4.3 Groupe BPCE financial data


4.3.1 Groupe BPCE results(1)


Groupe BPCE reported revenue growth of 14.1% to €25.7 billion compared to 2020 and net income of €4 billion, including the continued transformation of the Group.

in millions of euros

Groupe BPCE


2020 pf

Chg. 2021/2020 pf



Net banking income





Operating expenses





Gross operating income





Cost/income ratio




-4.5 pts

Cost of risk





Share in income of equity-accounted associates





Net income (expense) from other assets





Income before tax





Income tax





Non-controlling interests (minority interests)










Net contribution by Coface











As of December 31, 2021, Groupe BPCE’s net banking income stood at €25.7 billion, up sharply compared to 2020, reflecting sustained activity and a rebound in all of the Group’s business lines in a context of gradual exit from the health crisis. The retail banking business, particularly through the networks, posted a very good level of performance, as did the Insurance, Financial Solutions & Expertise and Payments businesses. This dynamic is also observed in the Global Financial Services division.

Retail Banking and Insurance posted net banking income up by 6.3%, to €17.5 billion, thanks to the performance of a solid model anchored in the heart of the regions and despite a low interest rate environment which weighs on loan outstandings and an environment still marked by restrictions related to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Loan outstandings increased by 6.2% year-on-year to €650 billion at the end of December 2021, with home loans up 7.6%, consumer loans up 7.0%, and equipment loans up 5.5%.

At the end of December 2021, deposits and savings excluding centralized regulated savings amounted to €553 billion (+6.0%), while demand deposits showed an increase of 7.1% year-on-year.

Net banking income for the Global Financial Services division was up by 26.3% to €7.6 billion (28.3% at constant exchange rates), driven by the growth in Asset & Wealth Management revenues of 21.5% (23.7% at constant exchange rates) at €3.9 billion and by Corporate & Investment Banking revenues, which rose by 31.8% (33.7% at constant exchange rates) to €3.7 billion compared to 2020. Asset management revenues were driven by the sharp increase in management fees (across all regions), performance fees (mainly in Europe) and financial products. At the same time, income from employee savings was up significantly by 11.1% year-on-year, benefiting in particular from an increasing level of financial management fees, and income from wealth management up by 4.3%. Corporate & Investment Banking revenues benefited from the rebound in Global Markets revenues (mainly in Global Equity), and the dynamism of Distribution & Portfolio Management and M&A.


Operating expenses stood at -€17.8 billion, up by 7.2% compared to 2021 (+7.2% restated for the contribution to the Single Resolution Fund). This change is in line with the revenue growth of the Group’s business lines and with the objective of supporting and meeting the needs of customers, while pursuing the policy of reducing costs through the optimization of operational performance and the strict cost control.


Segment information has been restated for the net contribution of Coface, now isolated in the income statement presentation in net income attributable to equity holders of the parent of +€5 million in 2021 and -€136 million in 2020.


The Group’s transformation costs, related to synergy-creating transactions such as mergers of institutions and migrations of IT platforms for digital transformation, are included in operating expenses. Restated for these items, operating expenses were up by +7.4%.

Retail Banking and Insurance operating expenses, including transformation costs, were up by 2.1% in line with the development of its activities and posted a scissors effect.

Most of the increase in operating expenses for the Group’s business lines is concentrated on Global Financial Services at +17.3%, including the Asset & Wealth Management activity (+18.7%) and Corporate & Investment Banking (+ 15.7%) in line with their performance.

The Group headcount dipped 0.4% in relation to 2020, to 99,900 employees on December 31, 2021.

Gross operating income amounted to nearly €7.9 billion in 2021, an increase of 33.6% on 2020. The cost/income ratio stood at 69.4% in 2021, an improvement of 4.5 points compared to 2020, and to 67.7% after restatement of exceptional items (-4.2 points compared to 2020).


Groupe BPCE’s cost of risk amounted to -€1.8 billion, down by 40.5% compared to 2020 due to an improvement in the economic situation compared to 2020 which was significantly impacted by the Covid-19 crisis for all business lines. As a percentage of outstanding customer loans, Groupe BPCE’s average annual cost of risk was 23 basis points vs 41 points in 2020.

The rate of non-performing loans to gross outstandings was 2.4% on December 31, 2021, a decrease in relation to 2020. The coverage rate for non-performing loans, including collateral on impaired loan outstandings, came to 69.8% on December 31, 2021 versus 69.1% on December 31, 2020.

In retail banking, the Banque Populaire network has a cost of risk in relation to outstandings of 27 basis points (34 basis points in 2020) and the Caisse d’Epargne network of 18 basis points (30 basis points in 2020). The cost of risk has also fallen sharply at the Corporate & Investment Banking level with a cost of risk in relation to outstandings of 27 basis points in 2021 (126 basis points in 2020).

Net income (expense) from other assets amounted to -€82 million, of which -€84 million related to H20.

Pre-tax income was up sharply to €6.2 billion, representing growth of €3.2 billion compared to 2020.


The Group’s income tax totaled -€1,946 million, an increase of 86.2% compared to 2020. The increase was mainly due to the increase in pre-tax income, however, offset by the decrease in the French ordinary tax rate for fiscal year 2021.

Coface’s contribution, isolated in the presentation of the income statement, totaled net income of €5 million in 2021.

Net income attributable to equity holders of the parent amounted to €4,003 million, up by €2.4 billion compared to 2020.


The Common Equity Tier 1 ratio was 15.8% on December 31, 2021 versus 16.0% on December 31, 2020.

Several exceptional items impacted the Common Equity Tier 1 ratio in 2021:

the acquisition of non-controlling interests in Natixis (-74 basis points);

the implementation of CRR2 as of June 30, 2021 (-14 basis points);

the deduction in respect of the additional Pillar 2 requirements of the insufficient provisioning of non-performing loans granted before April 26, 2019 (-12 basis points);

the sale of CNP (+14 basis points).

The change in the Common Equity Tier 1 ratio in 2021 can also be attributed to:

the increase in Common Equity Tier 1 capital, driven in particular by earnings taken to reserves (+85 basis points) and cooperative share inflows (+25 basis points);

the increase in risk-weighted assets related to the activity (-54 basis points).


At 15.8%, Groupe BPCE’s Common Equity Tier 1 ratio on December 31, 2021 was significantly higher than the ECB’s minimum requirement, as defined by the European Central Bank (ECB) during the 2021 Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (SREP). The total capital ratio stood at 18.7% on December 31, 2021, i.e. above the ECB’s minimum requirement.

TLAC (Total Loss Absorbing Capacity) amounted to €109.4 billion at end-December 2021. The TLAC ratio was 24.8% on December 31, 2021 versus 23.6% on December 31, 2020 for a target of 21.5% in early 2019, as defined in the 2024 strategic plan.

The leverage ratio came out at 5.8% on December 31, 2021 versus 5.6% on December 31, 2020.


Groupe BPCE’s total liquidity reserves amounted to €329 billion on December 31, 2021, including €107 billion in available assets eligible for central bank funding, €41 billion in LCR-eligible assets, and €181 billion in liquid assets placed with central banks.

Short-term funding increased from €106 billion on December 31, 2020 to €112 billion on December 31, 2021.

On December 31, 2021, Groupe BPCE’s total liquidity reserves covered 247% of all short-term funding as well as short-term maturities of MLT debt (versus 246% at end-2020).

The Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) was well above the regulatory requirements of 100%, standing at 158% on the basis of the average of end-of-month LCRs in the fourth quarter of 2021.

4.4 BPCE SA group financial data


4.4.1 BPCE SA group results


BPCE SA group’s income is calculated after restating the contribution of non-consolidated entities.

In 2021, the transition from Groupe BPCE’s net income attributable to equity holders of the parent to BPCE SA group can be broken down as follows:

in millions of euros


Groupe BPCE net income - excl. Coface net contribution


Non-consolidated entities or consolidated under a different method(1)


Other items


BPCE SA group net income - excl. Coface net contribution



Including the Banques Populaires, Caisses d’Epargne and their consolidated subsidiaries.


The BPCE SA group posted net income of €1.2 billion excluding Coface’s net contribution.

in millions of euros

Retail Banking

and Insurance

Global Financial


Corporate center

BPCE SA group


2020 pf


2020 pf


2020 pf


2020 pf

Net banking income









Operating expenses









Gross operating income









Cost/income ratio









Cost of risk









Share in income of equity-accounted associates









Net income (expense) from other assets









Income before tax









Income tax









Non-controlling interests (minority interests)



















In a more favorable economic environment than in 2020, income before tax for Retail Banking and Insurance was up 20.2% to €1,079 million as of December 31, 2021, with improved results across all its businesses.

The Global Financial Services division, with income before tax of €2,067 million, recorded a €1,447 million increase compared to 2020, driven both by dynamic activity since the beginning of the year, an increase in financial markets and a base effect linked to the health emergency of 2020.

The Corporate center division’s income before tax improved by €98 million compared to 2020 and stood at -€861 million. This result includes an expense of -€249 million for the Single Resolution Fund.

4.5 Investments


4.5.1 In 2021


Groupe BPCE made a Simplified Purchase Offer for the 29.3% of Natixis shares held by the financial markets. On July 21, 2021 the Group completed a definitive withdrawal of all listed shares.

4.6 Post-balance sheet events


There are no events after the reporting period.

4.7 Outlook for Groupe BPCE


4.7.1 Forecasts for 2022: a restricted return to the pre-Covid-19 trend


Inflationary pressures and the reappearance of health uncertainties, with the emergence of a sixth wave of the pandemic (Omicron) and the recurring risk of the virus mutating, threaten the economic outlook of developed countries all the more as the global economy seems to have passed a peak. In addition, the potential for catching up from previous lockdowns appears to be of lesser magnitude, not to mention fears of renewed Sino-American protectionist tensions, or even geopolitical crises. A new phase of the economic cycle is now emerging, due to the resurgence of fundamental obstacles both internal and external, in addition to supply and recruitment problems, bottlenecks, induced increases in prices and the gradual withdrawal of European and American budget support. More specifically, the automatic drift in prices, which is stronger and may be less temporary than initially expected, is creating a levy on the purchasing power of households and on company margins. This should lead to a slowdown in spending in 2022, which the mechanisms for restoring the situation of private and public balance sheets are likely to accentuate. In addition, the risk of runaway prices makes the mission of central banks more complex, torn between the need to contain inflation and the desire not to break the economic momentum, already in a downturn phase in China, the United States and the euro zone. All this would lead activity to naturally return to its pre-Covid-19 trend, especially from the second half of the year, even if the annual averages forecast for 2022 largely reflect the effects of the considerable gains of previous quarters and of previous expansive monetary and budgetary policies.

The risk of inflation, which is more prevalent in the United States, England and certain emerging countries than in the euro zone and Japan, is driving the expected speed of monetary policy normalization. Across the Atlantic, a price-wage loop seems to be beginning due to serious recruitment difficulties (0.7 unemployed per available position). The Fed may make three successive but modest increases in its key interest rates starting in March 2022, while accelerating the reduction of its program of net purchases of government securities, stopping it in March instead of June. In Europe, the sharp rise in producer prices is starting to spread to consumer prices, excluding energy. It hasn’t yet led to a process of acceleration of wage increases, while reflecting significant and reversible base effects, such as the rise in fuel prices and the explosion in European gas and electricity market prices. The ECB, far from adopting the same approach as the Fed, would leave its key rates unchanged in 2022, even though it has decided to end its net purchases of bonds via its emergency program (PEPP) in March. However, it would offset the negative effect of the end of the PEPP by temporarily increasing the traditional net asset purchase program (APP). These choices also probably stem from the desire to maintain the sustainability of Italian and Spanish public finances. This transatlantic divergence in monetary policies would be reflected directly in the comparative evolution of long-term rates, while probably continuing to weigh on the euro against the dollar in 2022. Inflationary pressures should ease in the second half of the year, due to the economic slowdown, which should reduce exceptionally high pressure on the supply and prices of energy products. Oil prices are expected to be around an average of $75 per barrel (Brent), due to persistently uncertain demand and the continued gradual upturn in black gold production. The absence of a surge in prices and the previous outflow of liquidity would limit the rise in sovereign rates, with the ten-year US Treasury bill yielding an annual average of 1.9%, compared with 0.4% for the ten-year OAT in 2022. Real rates should therefore remain very negative.

French growth should approach 4% in 2022, thanks also to stimulus from the recovery plan. However, it should normalize in the second half of 2022 towards its pre-pandemic trend rate of 1% per year, which would reduce price tensions. However, inflation should reach an annual average of at least 2.4%. This economic deceleration would be all the more logical given that public deficit would support the economy much less than in 2021. In addition, the current price shock would exert a purchasing power levy on the entire economy. This drain would be more pronounced for companies, unable at this stage of the cycle to pass on all of the increase in costs to their own prices. In addition, company results could slow down, due to a relative acceleration of wages in the face of recruitment difficulties, which would dampen their willingness to invest.

In the absence of overly restrictive health measures, the French economy would be driven by several factors, despite the slowdown in the pace of global growth: the prior preservation of the productive fabric and income of private individuals despite the decline in purchasing power linked to the rise in inflation; the combination of a still unlimited easing by the ECB and exceptional monetized fiscal stimulus plans, keeping interest rates at extremely low levels over the long term, despite their upward trend; the potential decline in the household savings rate, without it necessarily and rapidly returning to its pre-crisis level; and the resilience of productive investment and, especially, of the labor market.


On July 8, 2021, Groupe BPCE unveiled its new BPCE 2024 strategic plan. (Full document available on the website https://groupebpce.com/en/the-group/strategic-plan)

After 12 years of transformation, Groupe BPCE, which is financially very solid with strong positions in each of its business lines, is fully capable of accelerating its development by supporting its customers’ investment needs in the economic recovery.

The Covid crisis has indeed revealed trends, starting with digitalization, hybrid work and the acceleration of the energy transition, but it has also created profound expectations in terms of proximity, support and trust, expectations with which Groupe BPCE’s multi-brand cooperative model is totally in line.

Groupe BPCE intends to fully grasp this momentum and to realize the full potential of its multi-brand, entrepreneurial cooperative banking model in order to be a front-ranking player in banking, insurance and asset management useful for all.

The BPCE 2024 business development plan presents a common signature: “More United, More Useful, More Robust”:

More United, because Groupe BPCE, a cooperative, multi-brand and entrepreneurial institution, is strengthening its ability to act collectively through greater simplicity, more joint initiatives and more shared investments;

More Useful, because Groupe BPCE, thanks to its unique cooperative banking model, provides concrete answers to the major social issues of concern to its cooperative shareholders, customers, employees and partners;

More Robust, because Groupe BPCE is ready to seize every opportunity for growth by drawing on the wealth of expertise of its multi-company, multi-brand business model, notably in targeted areas.

This development plan is based on three strategic priorities:

Winning Spirit: €1.5 billion in additional revenue in five priority areas: environmental transition, health, intermediate-sized enterprises, non-life insurance and personal protection, and Consumer Loans. The Group is also aiming to speed up the pace of its international development through its global business lines, Asset Management and Corporate & Investment Banking, and certain specialized financing business lines;

Customer: the highest quality of service with an adapted relational model, a pragmatic and local approach to the network of branches, and NPS objectives for all of the Group’s business lines and companies;

Climate: concrete and measurable commitments as part of a “net zero” trajectory, backed by dedicated measurement tools, and support for all customers in their environmental transition.

It is based on three key principles:

Simple: a simpler, more legible and more efficient organization, simplified through the delisting of Natixis and adapting its information systems, and accelerating the transformation of its banking services;

Innovative: by changing the scale for data, with uses that serve the business and all of the bank’s functions; by accelerating payments to support the digitalization of trade; and by shaping the future of work through hybrid work, training programs and internal career paths;

Secure: enhancement of its economic performance; risk control, with a target cost of risk of less than 25 basis points by 2024; confirmation of its role as a trusted third party through its relational model, the ethical use of data and enhanced technological security.

For the Retail Banking and Insurance business lines, the Group intends to deploy an ambitious and profitable development strategy in all its markets, with a strategy centered on the relationship with advisors, who embody a relation of trust, building on regional density, digital technology and the ethical use of data for the benefit of customers and employees.

For the two Global Financial Services business lines of Asset & Wealth Management and Corporate & Investment Banking, the Group has a common ambition around three axes: diversify, for the benefit of our customers and our development; commit, to energy transition and responsible finance; transform ourselves, and invest to deliver sustainable value.

By 2024, Groupe BPCE aims to achieve net banking income of around €25.5 billion with revenue growth of around 3.5% per year, a cost/income ratio of less than 65% in 2024 and net income attributable to equity holders of the parent in excess of €5 billion.

For 2022, the economic outlook remains positive for both consumption and investment. However, the environment remains marked by the Covid-19 pandemic, supply difficulties in certain sectors, an increase in the prices of manufactured products and a surge in energy prices. This return of inflation led to an increase in regulated savings rates on February 1, 2022, with the Livret A rate and the Livret de Développement Durable et Solidaire rate rising from 0.5% to 1% and the Livret Épargne Populaire rate rising from 1% to 2.2%. Although it has revised its inflation forecasts upwards, the European Central Bank does not plan to raise its key rates immediately, unlike the FED and the Bank of England.

This outlook could also be impacted by the geopolitical context. At the end of February 2022, the Russian Federation launched a major military action in Ukraine.

While Ukraine is not a member of NATO, the Western reaction was strong. The European Union, the United States and many other countries adopted a series of unprecedented sanctions, including the freezing of the Russian Central Bank’s foreign assets, the exclusion of Russian banks from SWIFT, and the announcement by many Western groups of their withdrawal from the Russian Federation.

Even if the essential subject of energy and natural gas remains for the moment outside the scope of the measures taken on both sides, the United States and Great Britain have announced their intention to ban the import of Russian oil and gas. In addition, new economic measures and sanctions could be adopted, including by the European Union and the United States, and retaliatory economic measures and sanctions could be adopted by the Russian Federation. This conflict could have major consequences for the Russian economy but also for Western economies and more generally for the world economy. The risk of default on Russian debt, rising inflation and the loss of purchasing power for the population in Russia are significant. A questioning of growth prospects and increased inflationary pressure cannot be ruled out in both the United States and Europe.

Exposures net of guarantees (direct on-balance sheet and off-balance sheet exposures net of guarantees to Russian and Ukrainian customers) amounted to €788(1)(2) million in the Russian Federation (of which €615 million to corporate and structured financing counterparties) and €63(1) million in Ukraine at February 28, 2022.

In addition, in the Asset Management business line on behalf of the Group’s customers, the exposure to Russia of the various funds managed by Natixis Investment Managers, corresponding mainly to investments in bonds issued by the Russian government, was €302(1) million as of February 28, 2022, and €97(1) million for Ukraine.

In addition, a risk linked to expropriation measures that could be taken by the Russian authorities against foreign companies, in retaliation for Western sanctions, is mentioned.


Management data


Gross exposures: eq. €1,310 million to the Russian Federation and eq. €122 million to Ukraine


In this respect, Groupe BPCE owns a subsidiary in Russia, Natixis Moscow, whose equity at December 31, 2021 amounted to eq. €73 million, of which eq. €48 million in subordinated debt with Natixis. Natixis is also an issuer of structured private placements denominated in rubles up to €83 million(1) at February 28, 2022. Of the funds raised in rubles, approximately eq. €58(1) million are used to refinance the subsidiary. At the beginning of March 2022, most of the subsidiary’s assets consisted of ruble and foreign currency loans to bank counterparties, as well as its excess liquidity with the Central Bank of Russia (approximately €66(1) million at the beginning of March 2022).

In addition, the capital of the Ukrainian subsidiary and the Russian subsidiary of the Oney group is not material.

In addition to the above, the direct market risk on Russian or ruble assets is not material.

Lastly, H2O AM funds and mandates are exposed to a basket of emerging currencies, including the Russian ruble. The long exposure to the Russian ruble was built via forwards with physical settlement at maturity. As of March 3, 2022, this exposure represents less than 7.5% of their overall gross currency exposure.


Management data





Groupe BPCE and BPCE SA group scopes of consolidation


The scope of consolidation of both groups, organized around the central institution, is presented in the diagram below.

In addition to BPCE SA group, Groupe BPCE includes the Banques Populaires, the Caisses d’Epargne and their respective subsidiaries.

BPCE SA group comprises BPCE and its subsidiaries. The main difference in terms of consolidation perimeter stems from the contributions of the parent companies, which do not contribute to BPCE SA group’s net income.

5.1 IFRS Consolidated Financial Statements of Groupe BPCE as at December 31, 2021


5.1.1 Consolidated income statement


in millions of euros


Fiscal year 2021

Fiscal year 2020

Interest and similar income




Interest and similar expenses




Commission income




Commission expenses




Gains (losses) on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss




Gains (losses) on financial instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income before tax




Gains (losses) arising from the derecognition of financial assets measured at amortized cost




Net income from Insurance activities




Income from other activities




Expenses from other activities




Net banking income




Operating expenses




Depreciation, amortization and impairment for property, plant and equipment and intangible assets




Gross operating income




Cost of credit risk




Net operating income




Share in net income of associates and joint ventures




Net income (expense) from other assets




Income before tax




Income tax




Net income




Non-controlling interests









5.2 Statutory Auditors’ report on the consolidated financial statements


(For the year ended December 31, 2021)


This is a free translation into English of the Statutory Auditors’ report issued in French and is provided solely for the convenience of English speaking readers. This report includes information specifically required by European regulations or French law, such as information about the appointment of Statutory Auditors. This report should be read in conjunction with, and construed in accordance with, French law and professional auditing standards applicable in France.


To the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting


50 avenue Pierre Mendès France

75201 Paris cedex 13


In compliance with the engagement entrusted to us by your Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting, we have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of Groupe BPCE for the year ended December 31, 2021.

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements give a true and fair view of the assets and liabilities and of the financial position of the Group at December 31, 2021 and of the results of its operations for the year then ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union.

The opinion expressed above is consistent with our report to the Audit Committee.


We conducted our audit in accordance with professional standards applicable in France. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

Our responsibilities under these standards are further described in the “Responsibilities of the Statutory Auditors relating to the audit of the consolidated financial statements” section of our report.

We conducted our audit engagement in compliance with the independence rules provided for in the French Commercial Code (Code de commerce) and the French Code of Ethics (Code de déontologie) for Statutory Auditors for the period from January 1, 2021, to the date of our report, and, in particular, we did not provide any non-audit services prohibited by Article 5(1) of Regulation (EU) No. 537/2014.

Furthermore, the non-audit services that we provided to the Company and its controlled undertakings during the financial year that are not disclosed in the management report or in the notes to the consolidated financial statements are as follows:

Deloitte & Associés : the main engagements carried out in fiscal year 2021 concerned certification, agreed-upon procedures, reviews of compliance procedures, accounting and financial due diligence on potential entity acquisitions, comfort letters issued in connection with issuance programs, and independent third party engagements on the CSR information in the management report.

Mazars : the main engagements carried out in fiscal year 2021 concerned methodological reviews, certification and comfort letters issued in connection with issuance programs and CSR engagements.

PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit : the main engagements carried out in fiscal year 2021concerned certification, agreed-upon procedures, reviews of compliance procedures, services provided as part of restructuring measures, comfort letters issued in connection with issuance programs, tax consultations and CSR engagements.

Without qualifying the opinion expressed above, we draw your attention to the following changes in accounting method:

The application of the IFRIC decision on IAS 19 “Employee Benefits”, set out in Note 2.2 to the consolidated financial statements;

The change to the presentation in the balance sheet of zero-interest loans detailed in Note 5.5.3 to the consolidated financial statements;

The change in method and balance sheet presentation of the measurement of the foreign exchange component of currency swaps, set out in Note 5.2.3 to the consolidated financial statements.


Due to the global crisis related to the Covid-19 pandemic, the financial statements of this period have been prepared and audited under specific conditions. Indeed, this crisis and the exceptional measures taken in the context of the state of sanitary emergency have had numerous consequences for companies, particularly on their operations and their financing, and have led to greater uncertainties on their future prospects. Those measures, such as travel restrictions and remote working, have also had an impact on the companies’ internal organization and the performance of the audits.

It is in this complex and evolving context that, in accordance with the requirements of Articles L. 823-9 and R. 823-7 of the French Commercial Code relating to the justification of our assessments, we inform you of the key audit matters relating to the risks of material misstatement that, in our professional judgment, were the most significant in our audit of the consolidated financial statements, as well as how we addressed those risks.

These matters were addressed as part of our audit of the consolidated financial statements as a whole, and therefore contributed to the opinion we formed as expressed above. We do not provide a separate opinion on specific items of the consolidated financial statements.

Risk identified and main judgments

Groupe BPCE is exposed to credit risk. This risk results from the inability of its clients or counterparties to honor their financial commitments, in particular, covering their loan activities.

In accordance with the “Impairment” section of IFRS 9, Groupe BPCE records impairment and provisions intended to cover expected (Stage 1 and 2 loans) or proven (Stage 3 loan) losses.

The rules for the impairment of expected credit losses require the creation of a first impairment stage for 12-month expected credit losses as of the origination of a new financial asset, and a second stage for lifetime expected credit losses in the event of a significant increase in credit risk. Impairment for expected credit losses (Stages 1 and 2) is mainly determined based on models developed by BPCE integrating different inputs (probability of default, loss given default, exposures, etc.) and forward-looking information.

In view of the ongoing Covid-19 crisis, the methods of calculating impairment for expected credit losses required a number of adjustments as specified in Note 7.1.2.

These expected credit losses are supplemented when needed with sector-based impairment, taking into account local particularities.

Loan outstandings with a proven counterparty risk (Stage 3) are subject to impairment, determined mainly on an individual basis. This impairment is assessed by Management based on estimated future recoverable cash flows for each of the loans concerned.

We considered the identification and assessment of credit risk to be a key audit matter for the 2021 fiscal year, given that the resulting provisions represent significant estimates for the preparation of the financial statements and require Management to exercise judgment with respect to classifying the exposures in the different stages, determining the Stage 1 and 2 impairment calculation inputs and methods and assessing the amount of provisions for Stage 3 exposures on an individual basis.

In particular, amid the ongoing Covid-19 crisis, we considered that the assessment of the adequacy of the level of credit risk provisioning and the level of the associated cost of risk are areas of particular focus for the 2021 fiscal year.

Exposures to credit risk subject to impairment/provisions in accordance with IFRS 9 represent approximately 63% of Groupe BPCE’s total assets at December 31, 2021 (59% and €889 billion of gross outstanding loans and receivables).

The impairment on outstanding loans and receivables amounts to €13.8 billion of which €1.4 billion in Stage 1, €3.2 billion in Stage 2, €9.2 billion in Stage 3. The cost of risk for the 2021 fiscal year amounts to €1.8 billion.

For more information on accounting principles and exposures, see Notes 5.5 and 7.1 to the consolidated financial statements.

The impacts of the ongoing Covid-19 crisis on credit risk are mentioned in Note 7.1.2.


Our response

Our work mainly consisted in:

verifying that an internal control system is in place that updates credit ratings at a suitable frequency;

verifying that a governance system is in place that ensures a suitably regular review of the appropriateness of the impairment models and inputs used to calculate impairment, and analyses changes in impairment in view of IFRS 9 rules;

assessing the relevance of models and inputs used for the impairment calculations at December 31;

performing counter-calculations on the main loan portfolios;

carrying out controls on the Groupe BPCE IT framework, including the review of IT General Controls, interfaces and embedded controls regarding specific data used in processing IFRS 9 information;

performing controls on (i) methodological changes and adjustments made to the methods of calculating impairment for expected credit losses in the context of the ongoing Covid-19 crisis and (ii) the tool used by Groupe BPCE to assess the impact of the application of sectoral impairments on expected credit losses;

verifying the correct documentation and justification of the sectoral provisions recorded by the group. In this respect, we (i) assessed the criteria used by Groupe BPCE to identify the lines of business considered to be more sensitive to the impact of the current economic and health situation, and (ii) assessed the appropriateness of the provisions thus estimated.

As part of our audit procedures, we generally reviewed the internal controls related to identifying Stage 3 exposures, monitoring credit and counterparty risk, assessing non-recovery risk and determining related impairment and provisions on an individual basis.

Our procedures consisted in assessing the quality of the measures for monitoring sensitive, doubtful and litigious counterparties, and the loan review process. Furthermore, based on a sample of files selected on the basis of materiality and risk criteria, we performed counter analyses of the amounts provisioned.

We also assessed the relevance of the disclosures in the notes with respect to credit risk in the evolving context of the pandemic, in particular disclosures required by IFRS 7.


Risk identified and main judgments

Groupe BPCE holds a substantive part of financial instruments which are recognized in the balance sheet at fair value. They are allocated to three levels defined by IFRS 13 depending on the fair value measurement method used.

Market value is determined according to different approaches depending on the nature and complexity of the instruments : use of quoted prices observable on the market (level 1 financial instruments in the fair value hierarchy), use of valuation models based on inputs for the most part observable on the market (level 2 financial instruments) and use of valuation models based on inputs for the most part unobservable on the market (level 3 financial instruments).

For the most complex financial instruments, these approaches may therefore involve a significant degree of judgment due to:

the use of internal valuation models;

the use of valuation inputs unobservable on the market;

additional valuation adjustments made to reflect certain market, counterparty or liquidity risks.

We deemed the valuation of complex financial instruments, especially financial instruments classified in levels 2 and 3, to be a key audit matter due to the significant exposures and judgment required in the determination of fair value, especially for certain types of financial instruments amid the uncertainty of the evolving economic context linked to the health crisis.

For more details on accounting principles and fair value hierarchy of financial instruments, see note 10 to the consolidated financial statements.


Our response

We reviewed the internal control procedures relating to the determination, valuation, recording and classification of complex financial instruments classified at levels 2 and 3 in the fair value hierarchy.

We interviewed the Risk, Compliance and Permanent Control department and reviewed the reports and minutes of this department’s Committee meetings (in conjunction with our audit team at Natixis, contributor to this topic).

We tested the controls that we deemed relevant to our audit, including those relating to:

the approval and periodic review of the valuation models by Risk Management;

the independent verification of the valuation inputs;

the determination of main valuation adjustments;

the approval and periodic review of observability criteria used in the classification of complex financial instruments in the fair value hierarchy.

We performed these procedures with the assistance of our valuation experts, with whom we also performed independent valuation work. This work, conducted on a sample basis, consisted in analyzing the assumptions, methodologies and market inputs used to estimate the main valuation adjustments at December 31, 2021.

We also examined, on a sample basis, any differences in margin calls with market counterparties so as to assess the appropriateness of the valuations.

Finally, we examined the disclosures relating to the valuation of financial instruments published in the notes to the consolidated financial statements, including those relating to the continuing impacts of the health crisis on the fair value of certain financial instruments.


Risk identified and main judgments

Groupe BPCE recognizes goodwill in its consolidated financial statements. External growth operations carried out by Groupe BPCE have led it to (i) assess the control methods implemented on the acquired entities in accordance with IFRS 10 "Consolidated Financial Statements" and (ii) allocate the purchase price in accordance with IFRS 3 "Business Combinations". Following this purchase price allocation, the unallocated “surplus”, corresponding to residual identifiable net assets, was recognized in goodwill.

Goodwill and acquired intangible assets with indefinite useful lives are tested for impairment at least annually, based on an assessment of the recoverable amount of the cash generating units (CGUs) to which they relate, or as soon as there is an indication of impairment. The determination of the recoverable amount is based on the discounting of the CGU’s estimated future cash flows resulting from the medium-term plans established by the entities concerned and assessed by the Group.

We deemed the impairment testing of goodwill and intangible assets with indefinite useful lives to be a key audit matter by its very nature as it requires judgment in determining discount rates, economic scenarios and financial trajectories.

At December 31, 2021, goodwill amounted to €4,912 million gross, and accumulated impairment losses stood at €469 million.

The methods used by Groupe BPCE for impairment testing, as well as the key assumptions used to determine the recoverable amount and the sensitivity of the recoverable amounts, are described in Note 3.5 to the consolidated financial statements.


Our response

With the help of our experts, we evaluated the procedure implemented by Groupe BPCE to identify signs of potential impairment loss and carried out a critical review of the method used for implementing impairment tests. In particular, our work involved:

comparing assumptions and inputs with external sources;

reviewing the reasonableness, particularly in the current economic and health context, of the medium-term plans adopted for each CGU concerned, involving:

a comparison with the Group’s strategic plan approved by the governing bodies (Supervisory Board or Board of Directors);

an assessment of the consistency and reliability of the main assumptions used to prepare the plans, particularly regarding the financial trajectories developed during past financial years and actually carried out;

an analysis of sensitivity to different valuation inputs (equity, discount rate, etc.);

verification of the consistency of the disclosures published on the results of these impairment tests.



Risk identified and main judgments

Within the scope of its insurance activities, Groupe BPCE records technical reserves representing its commitments toward insured persons.

We deemed the valuation of reserves to be a key audit matter as they represent a material amount in the consolidated financial statements, and deemed that some of these reserves require the exercise of judgment in determining the underlying assumptions (e.g., actual mortality rates and behavioral laws) or the use of calculation models.

The technical reserves for insurance contracts amount to €113.4 billion at December 31, 2021.

See Note 9.1.2 to the consolidated financial statements for further details.


Our response

We called on our actuarial experts to assist us in performing our audit procedures on these items.

The main audit procedures implemented include, depending on the nature of the risks provisioned:

obtaining an understanding of the general conditions relating to insurance contracts marketed by the group;

evaluating the methods and assumptions used to calculate the reserves, specifically their compliance with applicable regulations, market practices and the economic and financial context that is more uncertain due to the health crisis;

testing, on the basis of accounting reconciliations, reperformance, or surveys, the reliability of information relating to insurance contracts recorded in the management systems and used for the valuation of technical reserves;

carrying out an independent recalculation of specific reserves, when necessary, on the basis of a sample of contracts;

assessing the calculation method and the result of the liability adequacy test, as required by IFRS 4.

We also examined the disclosures published in the notes to Groupe BPCE consolidated financial statements relating to insurance liabilities.


As required by legal and regulatory provisions and in accordance with professional standards applicable in France, we have also performed the specific verifications on the information pertaining to the Group presented in the management report prepared by the Management Board.

We have no matters to report as to its fair presentation and its consistency with the consolidated financial statements.

We attest that the Group management report includes the consolidated non-financial information statement required under Article L. 225-102-1 of the French Commercial Code. However, in accordance with Article L. 823-10 of the French Commercial Code, we have not verified the fair presentation and consistency with the consolidated financial statements of the information given in that statement, which will be the subject of a report by an independent third party.


In accordance with professional standards applicable to the Statutory Auditors’ procedures for annual and consolidated financial statements presented according to the European single electronic reporting format, we have verified that the presentation of the consolidated financial statements to be included in the annual financial report referred to in paragraph I of Article L. 451-1-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code (Code monétaire et financier) and prepared under the Chief Executive Officer’s responsibility, complies with this format, as defined by European Delegated Regulation No. 2019/815 of December 17, 2018. As it relates to the consolidated financial statements, our work included verifying that the markups in the financial statements comply with the format defined by the aforementioned Regulation.

On the basis of our work, we conclude that the presentation of the financial statements to be included in the annual financial report complies, in all material respects, with the European single electronic reporting format.

Mazars was appointed as Statutory Auditors in the first by-laws dated December 19, 2006, of GCE Nao (whose corporate name became BPCE in July 2009), upon its incorporation. PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit and Deloitte & Associés were appointed as BPCE’s Statutory Auditors by the Annual General Shareholders’ Meetings of July 2, 2009, and May 22, 2015, respectively.

At December 31, 2021, Mazars was in the fifteenth consecutive year of its engagement, including 13 years since the company became a public-interest entity, PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit was in the thirteenth consecutive year of its engagement, and Deloitte & Associés its seventh consecutive year.


Management is responsible for preparing consolidated financial statements giving a true and fair view in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union and for implementing the internal control procedures it deems necessary for the preparation of consolidated financial statements that are free of material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

In preparing the consolidated financial statements, Management is responsible for assessing the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern, and using the going concern basis of accounting, unless it expects to liquidate the Company or to cease operations.

The Audit Committee is responsible for monitoring the financial reporting process and the effectiveness of internal control and risk management systems, as well as, where applicable, any internal audit systems relating to accounting and financial reporting procedures.

The consolidated financial statements were approved by the Executive Board.


Our role is to issue a report on the consolidated financial statements. Our objective is to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements as a whole are free of material misstatement. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with professional standards will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions taken by users on the basis of these consolidated financial statements.

As specified in Article L. 823-10-1 of the French Commercial Code, our audit does not include assurance on the viability or quality of the Company’s management.

As part of an audit conducted in accordance with professional standards applicable in France, the Statutory Auditors exercise professional judgment throughout the audit.

They also:

identify and assess the risks of material misstatement in the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures in response to those risks, and obtain audit evidence considered to be sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for their opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control;

obtain an understanding of the internal control procedures relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the internal control;

evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by Management and the related disclosures in the notes to the consolidated financial statements;

assess the appropriateness of Management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. This assessment is based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of the audit report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Company to cease to continue as a going concern. If the Statutory Auditors conclude that a material uncertainty exists, they are required to draw attention in the audit report to the related disclosures in the consolidated financial statements or, if such disclosures are not provided or are inadequate, to issue a qualified opinion or a disclaimer of opinion;

evaluate the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements and assess whether these statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation;

obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities or business activities within the Group to express an opinion on the consolidated financial statements. The Statutory Auditors are responsible for the management, supervision and performance of the audit of the consolidated financial statements and for the opinion expressed thereon.


We submit a report to the Audit Committee which includes, in particular, a description of the scope of the audit and the audit program implemented, as well as the results of our audit. We also report any significant deficiencies in internal control that we have identified regarding the accounting and financial reporting procedures.

Our report to the Audit Committee includes the risks of material misstatement that, in our professional judgment, were the most significant for the audit of the consolidated financial statements and which constitute the key audit matters that we are required to describe in this report.

We also provide the Audit Committee with the declaration provided for in Article 6 of Regulation (EU) No. 537/2014, confirming our independence within the meaning of the rules applicable in France, as defined in particular in Articles L. 822-10 to L. 822-14 of the French Commercial Code and in the French Code of Ethics for Statutory Auditors. Where appropriate, we discuss any risks to our independence and the related safeguard measures with the Audit Committee.


Paris La Défense and Neuilly-sur-Seine, March 23, 2022


The Statutory Auditors


Deloitte & Associés

Marjorie Blanc Lourme


Charles de Boisriou

Laurence Karagulian

PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit

Antoine Priollaud

Emmanuel Benoist



5.3 IFRS consolidated financial statements of BPCE SA group as at December 31, 2021


5.3.1 Consolidated income statement


in millions of euros


Fiscal year 2021

Fiscal year 2020

Interest and similar income




Interest and similar expenses




Commission income




Commission expenses




Gains (losses) on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss




Gains (losses) on financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income before tax




Gains (losses) arising from the derecognition of financial assets measured at amortized cost




Net income from insurance activities




Income from other activities




Expenses from other activities




Net banking income




Operating expenses




Depreciation, amortization and impairment for property, plant and equipment and intangible assets




Gross operating income




Cost of credit risk




Net operating income




Share in net income of associates and joint ventures




Net income (expense) from other assets




Income before tax




Income tax




Net income




Non-controlling interests









5.4 Statutory Auditors’ report on the consolidated financial statements


(For the year ended December 31, 2021)


This is a free translation into English of the Statutory Auditors’ report issued in French and is provided solely for the convenience of English speaking readers. This report includes information specifically required by European regulations or French law, such as information about the appointment of Statutory Auditors. This report should be read in conjunction with, and construed in accordance with, French law and professional auditing standards applicable in France.


BPCE SA group

To the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting


50 avenue Pierre Mendès France 

75201 Paris cedex 13

In compliance with the engagement entrusted to us by your Annual General Meeting, we have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of BPCE SA group for the year ended December 31, 2021.

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements give a true and fair view of the assets and liabilities and of the financial position of the Group at December 31, 2021 and of the results of its operations for the year then ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union.

The opinion expressed above is consistent with our report to the Audit Committee.

We conducted our audit in accordance with professional standards applicable in France. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

Our responsibilities under these standards are further described in the “Responsibilities of the Statutory Auditors relating to the audit of the consolidated financial statements” section of our report.

We conducted our audit engagement in compliance with the independence rules provided for in the French Commercial Code (Code de commerce) and the French Code of Ethics (Code de déontologie) for Statutory Auditors for the period from January 1, 2021, to the date of our report, and, in particular, we did not provide any non-audit services prohibited by Article 5(1) of Regulation (EU) No. 537/2014.

Furthermore, the non-audit services that we provided to the Company and its controlled undertakings during the financial year that are not disclosed in the management report or in the notes to the consolidated financial statements are as follows:

Deloitte & Associés: the main engagements carried out in fiscal year 2021 concerned certification, agreed-upon procedures, reviews of compliance procedures, accounting and financial due diligence on potential entity acquisitions, comfort letters issued in connection with issuance programs, and independent third party engagements on the CSR information in the management report.

Mazars: the main engagements carried out in fiscal year 2021 concerned methodological reviews, certification and comfort letters issued in connection with issuance programs and CSR engagements.

PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit: the main engagements carried out in fiscal year 2021concerned certification, agreed-upon procedures, reviews of compliance procedures, services provided as part of restructuring measures, comfort letters issued in connection with issuance programs, tax consultations and CSR engagements.


Without qualifying the opinion expressed above, we draw your attention to the following changes in accounting method:

the application of the IFRIC decision on IAS 19 “Employee Benefits”, set out in Note 2.2 to the consolidated financial statements;

the change to the presentation in the balance sheet of zero-interest loans detailed in Note 5.5.3 to the consolidated financial statements;

the change of method and balance sheet presentation of the measurement of the foreign exchange component of currency swaps, set out in Note 5.2.3 to the consolidated financial statements.

Due to the global crisis related to the Covid-19 pandemic, the financial statements of this period have been prepared and audited under specific conditions. Indeed, this crisis and the exceptional measures taken in the context of the state of sanitary emergency have had numerous consequences for companies, particularly on their operations and their financing, and have led to greater uncertainties on their future prospects. Those measures, such as travel restrictions and remote working, have also had an impact on the companies’ internal organization and the performance of the audits.

It is in this complex and evolving context that, in accordance with the requirements of Articles L. 823-9 and R. 823-7 of the French Commercial Code relating to the justification of our assessments, we inform you of the key audit matters relating to the risks of material misstatement that, in our professional judgment, were the most significant in our audit of the consolidated financial statements, as well as how we addressed those risks.

These matters were addressed as part of our audit of the consolidated financial statements as a whole, and therefore contributed to the opinion we formed as expressed above. We do not provide a separate opinion on specific items of the consolidated financial statements.


Risk identified and main judgments

BPCE SA group is exposed to credit risk. This risk results from the inability of its clients or counterparties to honor their financial commitments, in particular, covering their loan activities.

In accordance with the “Impairment” section of IFRS 9, BPCE SA group records impairment and provisions intended to cover expected (Stage 1 and 2 loans) or proven (Stage 3 loan) losses.

The rules for the impairment of expected credit losses require the creation of a first impairment stage for 12-month expected credit losses as of the origination of a new financial asset, and a second stage for lifetime expected credit losses in the event of a significant increase in credit risk. Impairment for expected credit losses (Stages 1 and 2) is mainly determined based on models developed by BPCE integrating different inputs (probability of default, loss given default, exposures, etc.) and forward-looking information.

In view of the ongoing Covid-19 crisis, the methods of calculating impairment for expected credit losses required a number of adjustments as specified in Note 7.1.2.

These expected credit losses are supplemented when needed with sector-based impairment, taking into account local particularities.

Loan outstandings with a proven counterparty risk (Stage 3) are subject to impairment, determined mainly on an individual basis. This impairment is assessed by Management based on estimated future recoverable cash flows for each of the loans concerned.

We considered the identification and assessment of credit risk to be a key audit matter for the 2021 fiscal year, given that the resulting provisions represent significant estimates for the preparation of the financial statements and require Management to exercise judgment with respect to classifying the exposures in the different stages, determining the Stage 1 and 2 impairment calculation inputs and methods and assessing the amount of provisions for Stage 3 exposures on an individual basis.

In particular, amid the ongoing Covid-19 crisis, we considered that the assessment of the adequacy of provisions to cover credit risk and the level of the associated cost of risk to be areas of particular focus for the 2021 fiscal year.

Exposures to credit risk subject to impairment/provisions in accordance with IFRS 9 represent approximately 43% of BPCE SA group's total assets at December 31, 2021 (40% and €367 billion of gross outstanding loans and receivables).

The impairment on outstanding loans and receivables amounts to €3.1 billion of which €0.2 billion in Stage 1, €0.5 billion in Stage 2, €2.4 billion in Stage 3. The cost of risk for the 2021 fiscal year amounts to €0.4 billion.

For more information on accounting principles and exposures, see Notes 5.5 and 7.1 to the consolidated financial statements.

The impacts of the ongoing Covid-19 crisis on credit risk are mentioned in Note 7.1.2.


Our response

Our work mainly consisted in:

verifying that an internal control system is in place that updates credit ratings at a suitable frequency;

verifying that a governance system is in place that ensures a suitably regular review of the appropriateness of the impairment models and inputs used to calculate impairment, and analyses changes in impairment in view of IFRS 9 rules;

assessing the relevance of models and inputs used for the impairment calculations at December 31;

performing counter-calculations on the main loan portfolios;

carrying out controls on the BPCE SA group IT framework, including a review of IT General Controls, interfaces and embedded controls regarding specific data used in processing IFRS 9 information;

performing controls on (i) methodological changes and adjustments made to the methods of calculating impairment for expected credit losses in the context of the ongoing Covid-19 crisis and (ii) the tool used by BPCE SA group to assess the impact of the application of sectoral impairment on expected credit losses.

verifying the correct documentation and justification of the sectoral provisions recorded by the group. In this respect, we (i) assessed the criteria used by BPCE SA group to identify the lines of business considered to be more sensitive to the impact of the current economic and health situation, and (ii) assessed the appropriateness of the provisions thus estimated.

As part of our audit procedures, we conducted a general review of the internal controls related to identifying Stage 3 exposures, monitoring credit and counterparty risk, assessing non-recovery risk and determining the related impairment and provisions on an individual basis.

Our procedures consisted in assessing the quality of the measures for monitoring sensitive, doubtful and litigious counterparties, and the loan review process. Furthermore, based on a sample of files selected on the basis of materiality and risk criteria, we performed counter analyses of the amounts provisioned.

We also assessed the relevance of the disclosures in the notes with respect to credit risk in the evolving context of the pandemic, in particular disclosures required by IFRS 7.


Risk identified and main judgments

BPCE SA group holds a large amount of financial instruments which are recognized in the balance sheet at fair value. They are allocated to the three levels defined by IFRS 13 depending on the fair value measurement method used.

Market value is determined according to different approaches depending on the nature and complexity of the instruments: use of quoted prices observable on the market (level 1 financial instruments in the fair value hierarchy), use of valuation models based on inputs for the most part observable on the market (level 2 financial instruments) and use of valuation models based on inputs for the most part unobservable on the market (level 3 financial instruments).

For the most complex financial instruments, these approaches may therefore involve a significant degree of judgment due to:

- the use of internal valuation models;

- the use of valuation inputs unobservable on the market;

- additional valuation adjustments made to reflect certain market, counterparty or liquidity risks.

We deemed the valuation of complex financial instruments, especially financial instruments classified in levels 2 and 3, to be a key audit matter due to the significant exposures and judgment required in the determination of fair value, especially for certain types of financial instruments amid the uncertainty of the evolving economic context linked to the health crisis.

For more details on accounting principles and fair value hierarchy of financial instruments, see Note 10 to the consolidated financial statements.

Our response

We reviewed the internal control procedures relating to the determination, valuation, recording and classification of complex financial instruments classified at levels 2 and 3 in the fair value hierarchy.

We interviewed the Risk, Compliance and Permanent Control department and reviewed the reports and minutes of this department’s Committee meetings (in conjunction with our audit team at Natixis, contributor to this topic).

We tested the controls that we deemed relevant to our audit, including those relating to:

the approval and periodic review of the valuation models by Risk Management;

the independent verification of the valuation inputs;

the determination of main valuation adjustments;

the approval and periodic review of observability criteria used in the classification of complex financial instruments in the fair value hierarchy;

We performed these procedures with the assistance of our valuation experts, with whom we also performed independent valuation work. This work, conducted on a sample basis, consisted in analyzing the assumptions, methodologies and market inputs used to estimate the main valuation adjustments at December 31, 2021.

We also examined, on a sample basis, any differences in margin calls with market counterparties so as to assess the appropriateness of the valuations.

Finally, we examined the disclosures relating to the valuation of financial instruments published in the notes to the consolidated financial statements, including those relating to the continuing impacts of the health crisis on the fair value of certain financial instruments.


Risk identified and main judgments

BPCE SA group recognizes goodwill in its consolidated financial statements. External growth operations carried out by BPCE SA group have led it to (i) assess the control methods implemented on entities acquired in accordance with IFRS 10 “Consolidated Financial Statements" and (ii) allocate the purchase price in accordance with IFRS 3 "Business Combinations". Following this purchase price allocation, the unallocated “surplus”, corresponding to residual identifiable net assets, was recognized in goodwill.

Goodwill and acquired intangible assets with indefinite useful lives are tested for impairment at least annually, based on an assessment of the recoverable amount of the cash generating units (CGUs) to which they relate, or as soon as there is an indication of impairment. The determination of the recoverable amount is based on the discounting of the CGU’s estimated future cash flows resulting from the medium-term plans established by the entities concerned and assessed by the Group.

We deemed the impairment testing of goodwill and intangible assets with indefinite useful lives to be a key audit matter by its very nature as it requires judgment in determining discount rates, economic scenarios and financial trajectories. .

At December 31, 2021, goodwill amounted to €4,170 million gross, and accumulated impairment losses stood at €311 million.

The methods used by BPCE SA group for impairment testing, as well as the key assumptions used to determine the recoverable amount and the sensitivity of the recoverable amounts, are described in Note 3.4 to the consolidated financial statements.

Our response

With the help of our experts, we evaluated the procedure implemented by BPCE SA group to identify indications of potential impairment and carried out a critical review of the method used for implementing impairment tests. In particular, our work involved:

comparing assumptions and inputs with external sources;

reviewing the reasonableness, particularly in the current economic and health context, of the medium-term plans adopted for each CGU concerned, involving:

a comparison with the Group’s strategic plan approved by the governing bodies (Supervisory Board or Board of Directors);

an assessment of the consistency and reliability of the main assumptions used to prepare the plans, particularly regarding the financial trajectories developed during past financial years and actually carried out;

an analysis of sensitivity to different valuation inputs (equity, discount rate, etc.).

verification of the consistency of the disclosures published on the results of these impairment tests.


Risk identified and main judgments

Within the scope of its insurance activities, BPCE SA group records technical reserves representing its commitments toward insured persons.

We deemed the valuation of these reserves to be a key audit matter as they represent a material amount in the consolidated financial statements, and deemed that some of these reserves require the exercise of judgment in determining the underlying assumptions (e.g., actual mortality rates and behavioral laws) or the use of calculation models.

The technical reserves for insurance contracts amounted to €105.1 billion at December 31, 2021.

See Note 9.1.2 to the consolidated financial statements for further details.

Our response

We called on our actuarial experts to assist us in performing our audit procedures on these items.

The main audit procedures implemented included, depending on the nature of the risks provisioned:

obtaining an understanding of the general conditions relating to insurance contracts marketed by the group;

evaluating the methods and assumptions used to calculate the reserves, specifically their compliance with applicable regulations, market practices and the economic and financial context, which is more uncertain due to the health crisis;

testing, on the basis of accounting reconciliations, reperformance, or surveys, the reliability of information relating to insurance contracts recorded in the management systems and used for the valuation of technical reserves;

carrying out an independent recalculation of specific reserves, when necessary, on the basis of a sample of contracts;

assessing the calculation method and the result of the liability adequacy test, as required by IFRS 4.

We also examined the disclosures published in the notes to BPCE SA group’s consolidated financial statements relating to insurance liabilities.


As required by legal and regulatory provisions and in accordance with professional standards applicable in France, we have also performed the specific verifications on the information pertaining to the Group presented in the management report prepared by the Management Board.

We have no matters to report as to its fair presentation and its consistency with the consolidated financial statements.


In accordance with professional standards applicable to the Statutory Auditors’ procedures for annual and consolidated financial statements presented according to the European single electronic reporting format, we have verified that the presentation of the consolidated financial statements to be included in the annual financial report referred to in paragraph I of Article L. 451-1-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code (Code monétaire et financier) and prepared under the Chief Executive Officer’s responsibility, complies with this format, as defined by European Delegated Regulation No. 2019/815 of December 17, 2018. As it relates to the consolidated financial statements, our work included verifying that the markups in the financial statements comply with the format defined by the aforementioned Regulation.

On the basis of our work, we conclude that the presentation of the financial statements to be included in the annual financial report complies, in all material respects, with the European single electronic reporting format.

Mazars was appointed as Statutory Auditors in the first by-laws dated December 19, 2006, of GCE Nao (whose corporate name became BPCE in July 2009), upon its incorporation. PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit and Deloitte & Associés were appointed as BPCE’s Statutory Auditors by the Annual General Shareholders’ Meetings of July 2, 2009, and May 22, 2015, respectively.

At December 31, 2021, Mazars was in the fifteenth consecutive year of its engagement, including 13 years since the company became a public-interest entity, PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit was in the thirteenth consecutive year of its engagement, and Deloitte & Associés its seventh consecutive year.


Management is responsible for preparing consolidated financial statements giving a true and fair view in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union and for implementing the internal control procedures it deems necessary for the preparation of consolidated financial statements that are free of material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

In preparing the consolidated financial statements, Management is responsible for assessing the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern, and using the going concern basis of accounting, unless it expects to liquidate the Company or to cease operations.

The Audit Committee is responsible for monitoring the financial reporting process and the effectiveness of internal control and risk management systems, as well as, where applicable, any internal audit systems relating to accounting and financial reporting procedures.

The consolidated financial statements were approved by the Executive Board.


Our role is to issue a report on the consolidated financial statements. Our objective is to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements as a whole are free of material misstatement. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with professional standards will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions taken by users on the basis of these consolidated financial statements.

As specified in Article L. 823-10-1 of the French Commercial Code, our audit does not include assurance on the viability or quality of the Company’s management.

As part of an audit conducted in accordance with professional standards applicable in France, the Statutory Auditors exercise professional judgment throughout the audit.


They also:

identify and assess the risks of material misstatement in the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures in response to those risks, and obtain audit evidence considered to be sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for their opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control;

obtain an understanding of the internal control procedures relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the internal control;

evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by Management and the related disclosures in the notes to the consolidated financial statements;

assess the appropriateness of Management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. This assessment is based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of the audit report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Company to cease to continue as a going concern. If the Statutory Auditors conclude that a material uncertainty exists, they are required to draw attention in the audit report to the related disclosures in the consolidated financial statements or, if such disclosures are not provided or are inadequate, to issue a qualified opinion or a disclaimer of opinion;

evaluate the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements and assess whether these statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation;

obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities or business activities within the Group to express an opinion on the consolidated financial statements. The Statutory Auditors are responsible for the management, supervision and performance of the audit of the consolidated financial statements and for the opinion expressed thereon.

We submit a report to the Audit Committee which includes, in particular, a description of the scope of the audit and the audit program implemented, as well as the results of our audit. We also report any significant deficiencies in internal control that we have identified regarding the accounting and financial reporting procedures.

Our report to the Audit Committee includes the risks of material misstatement that, in our professional judgment, were the most significant for the audit of the consolidated financial statements and which constitute the key audit matters that we are required to describe in this report.

We also provide the Audit Committee with the declaration provided for in Article 6 of Regulation (EU) No. 537/2014, confirming our independence within the meaning of the rules applicable in France, as defined in particular in Articles L. 822-10 to L. 822-14 of the French Commercial Code and in the French Code of Ethics for Statutory Auditors. Where appropriate, we discuss any risks to our independence and the related safeguard measures with the Audit Committee.


Paris La Défense and Neuilly-sur-Seine, March 23, 2022


The Statutory Auditors


Deloitte & Associés

Marjorie Blanc Lourme


Charles de Boisriou

Laurence Karagulian

PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit

Antoine Priollaud

Emmanuel Benoist



In July 2021, Groupe BPCE presented its new strategic plan BPCE 2024 which aims to deploy all of the potential of its cooperative, multi-brand and entrepreneurial model to become a leader in banking, insurance and asset management for all. The BPCE 2024 plan is focused on three strategic priorities: (i) Conqueror: €1.5 billion in additional income in five priority fields, (ii) Customer: the highest quality of service with a custom relationship model, and (iii) Climate: concrete and measurable commitments for a Net Zero trajectory. It is based on three key principles: (i) Simplicity: a more simple, clearer and more effective organization, (ii) Innovation: significant goals in data and the future of work, the foundation of HR innovation, and (iii) Secure: improvements in financial performance and confirmation of the trusted third party function.

In line with the logic of simplification, on February 9, 2021, BPCE SA announced its intention to acquire the share capital of Natixis SA that it did not hold, i.e. approximately 29.3% at December 31, 2020, and to file a simplified public tender offer with the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), the French financial markets authority.

After obtaining the approval of the AMF on the compliance of the transaction and the various regulatory approvals required, the simplified public tender offer for Natixis shares was conducted from June 4 to July 9, 2021 inclusive.

In accordance with the notice of the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), the French financial markets authority (D&I No. 221C1758 of July 13, 2021), BPCE proceeded, on July 21, 2021, to the squeeze-out of all Natixis shares that had not been tendered to the public offer, under the same financial conditions as the simplified public tender offer, i.e. €4 per share of Natixis company. Consequently, as a result of the successful implementation of the squeeze-out, Natixis is, since July 21, 2021, no longer listed on the Stock Exchange.

At December 31, 2021, BPCE held all the capital and voting rights of Natixis, with the exception of treasury shares held by Natixis and bonus shares issued by Natixis to employees and corporate officers of Natixis and its subsidiaries, which were still subject to a lock-up period at that date.

This transaction was reflected in the BPCE SA financial statements as follows:

an increase in the stake in Natixis of €3.763 billion, bringing the holding to 99.78% of the share capital, the remainder being held by Natixis, the employees and corporate officers mentioned above;

the recognition of an off-balance sheet commitment of €40 million under “liquidity contracts” signed with the beneficiaries of the mentioned share-based payment plans. The liquidity contracts are cross-purchase/sale commitments which in substance constitute a firm forward purchase by BPCE SA.

The simplified public tender offer for Natixis shares is part of an industrial project to develop Groupe BPCE’s business lines and simplify its functional divisions.

In particular, this project could result in an operational implementation in the first quarter of 2022 that includes:

the direct attachment of the Insurance and Payments business lines to BPCE SA;

the regrouping of the Asset & Wealth Management and the Corporate & Investment Banking business lines into a new "Global Financial Services" division.

It includes the following steps:

i. the contribution by Natixis to a company wholly owned by BPCE SA of all the shares held by Natixis in Natixis Assurances;

ii. the contribution by Natixis to a company wholly owned by BPCE SA of all of the shares held by Natixis in Natixis Payment Solutions, Partecis and Natixis Payment Holding (NPH), Natixis subsidiaries currently operating the Groupe BPCE’s Payments business;

iii. the distribution by Natixis to its shareholders of the shares of the Insurance Holding Company and the Payments Holding Company received as consideration, respectively, for the Insurance contribution and the Payments contribution;

iv. the acquisition by BPCE of all the shares received by the beneficiaries of bonus shares in the Insurance Holding Company and the Payments Holding Company as a result of the exercise of the put options provided for in the liquidity contracts.

Under the proposed transaction, BPCE would directly hold all of the share capital and voting rights of the Insurance Holding Company and the Payments Holding Company.

On September 22, 2021, the Natixis Board of Directors and the BPCE Supervisory Board approved the terms of the negotiation protocol, signed on the same day, in order to report on their discussions and to define the guiding principles that will inform the eventual conclusion of the definitive documentation relating to the proposed transaction.

In addition, the parties have also announced the sale by Natixis to BPCE SA of all the shares held in Natixis Immo Exploitation (NIE). This transfer is part of a project to create a shared service center (“CSP” Workplace) within BPCE SA bringing together all the expertise related to real estate operations. It would be carried out through a sale of 100% of the shares comprising the share capital of NIE. This transaction could take place in the first quarter of 2022, at the same time as the transfer of the Workplace workforce.

The information-consultation process of the relevant employee representative bodies within Groupe BPCE was initiated on September 23, 2021. The latter issued their opinion on January 11, 2022.

These transactions, which will take place in 2022, have no impact on BPCE SA's financial statements at December 31, 2021.

On October 28, 2021, La Banque Postale and Groupe BPCE announced their intention to rationalize their capital ties and strengthen their industrial partnerships.

As a first step, La Banque Postale announced its plan to acquire the CNP Assurances shares held by Groupe BPCE and to file a simplified public tender offer for CNP Assurances minority shareholders with the AMF at a price of €21.90 per share (with dividend attached), with a view to a compulsory delisting if the conditions are met.

On December 16, 2021, BPCE sold its entire stake in CNP Assurances (16.1%), generating a pre-tax capital gain of €819 million in the BPCE SA financial statements, recognized in “Gains or losses on long-term investments”.

With regard to the Supervisory Board of Groupe BPCE, Thierry Cahn, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Banque Populaire Alsace Lorraine Champagne, was elected as Chairman. In addition, Béatrice Lafaurie was appointed Head of Human Resources and member of the Executive Management Committee of Groupe BPCE and Catherine Halberstadt was named Head of the Financial Solutions & Expertise division.

Yves Tyrode took up his position as Chief Innovation, Data & Digital Officer and head of the Payments activity and Chairman of Oney Bank in early November. This appointment is intended to bring together, in a single unit, entities and teams that share common technology and business challenges.

On June 14, 2021, BPCE carried out a capital increase of €800 million following the decision of the Combined General Meeting of May 27, 2021.

In its role (i) as an issuer on the bond market (to refinance the excess of the group’s financing needs over its customers’ deposits and to provide the group with additional capital and capacity to absorb additional losses), and (ii) as the organizer/manager of the group’s internal capital management operations as a central institution, BPCE SA has, in 2021:

issued on the market:

€4.5 billion in Tier 2 bonds (including €1.8 billion in contingent Tier 2),

€3.2 billion in senior non-preferred bonds; these issuances contribute to strengthening Groupe BPCE’s capital and TLAC (Total Loss-Absorbing Capacity) and MREL ratios;

issued internally:

€2.7 billion of additional Tier 1 bonds, entirely subscribed by the Banques Populaires and the Caisses d’Epargne;

subscribed internally:

€0.9 billion of additional Tier 1 instruments issued by Natixis, mainly to renew former transactions,

€1.8 billion of Tier 2 instruments issued by Natixis, more than half of which are renewals of former transactions,

€1 billion in senior non-preferred instruments issued by Natixis.

In 2021, BPCE SA’s balance sheet base increased by €115 billion. This increase is mainly due to long-term liquidity circulation operations within the group.


in billions of euros



Change 2021/2020



Amounts due from banks





Amounts due from customers





Securities transactions





Associates, equity interests and long-term investments





Other assets










Amounts due to banks





Customer deposits





Debt securities and subordinated debt





Other liabilities





Shareholders’ equity and fund for general banking risks











Total assets under French GAAP amounted to €480.7 billion at December 31, 2021, an increase of €114.9 billion compared with December 31, 2020.

On the assets side, the increase of €115.2 billion in the “Amounts due from banks” item is mainly due to an increase in the balance of the Central Bank account and an increase in term intra-group receivables. This change in intra-group receivables follows the implementation of long-term liquidity operations within the group.

“Securities transactions” decreased by €2.4 billion, mainly due to the disposal of the investment in the OSTRUM Trésorerie + fund (€1,649 million), the disposal of Visa Inc. Class A shares (€240 million), the sale of Spanish securities from the liquidity reserve (€395 million), the disposal of Epifund securities following the liquidation of the fund (€6.6 million) and a reduction in the purchase price of BPCE Lease securities (€9 million) following the receipt of an indemnity under a liability guarantee.


“Associates, equity interests and long-term investments” recorded the following major changes:

the disposal of CNP Assurances shares for a total amount of -€1,606 million;

the purchase of Natixis shares for a gross value of €3,763 million further to the filing of the simplified public tender offer followed by the squeeze-out;

additional impairment charges of €326 million (including BPCE Factor, BPCE International and Banque Palatine) and reversals of impairment charges of €1,660 million (including Natixis, CEGC and Crédit Foncier).

On the liabilities side, the €104.8 billion increase in “Amounts due to banks” is explained by the increase in deposits by group institutions, by the implementation of long-term liquidity operations within the group and by the increase in refinancing from the ECB (TLTRO 3).

The item “Debt securities and subordinated debt” increased by €12.8 billion, mainly due to the issuance of €3.2 billion of senior non-preferred bonds, the issuance of €4.5 billion of Tier 2 bonds, the issuance of €2.7 billion of additional Tier 1 bonds and the increase in interbank market securities and negotiable debt securities for €1.3 billion.

The increase in shareholders’ equity is mainly due to the income for 2021 of €2,213 million, a capital increase of €800 million, less a dividend payment of €718 million.

in millions of euros



Change 2021/2020

€ million


Net banking income





Operating expenses





Gross operating income





Cost of risk





Net gains or losses on long-term investments





Income before tax





Income tax





Funding/reversal of fund for general banking risks and regulated provisions











Net income for 2021 was €2,213 million, up €3,286 million compared with 2020, mainly due to impairment tests on investments and the disposal of the stake in CNP Assurances. Gross operating income of €116 million, gains on fixed assets of €2,154 million, charges to regulated provisions of -€24 million and a tax charge of -€33 million.

in millions of euros



Change 2021/2020

€ million


Financial Management










Holding *





Central Institution











The Holding business line will include FSE dividends as of 2021. The 2020 data have been restated for comparability purposes.

In 2021, BPCE’s net banking income totaled €702 million, up €269 million compared with 2020.

BPCE is responsible for ensuring the group’s liquidity and capital adequacy by guaranteeing that the regulatory ratios are met. These activities are part of the Financial Management business line, which delivered net banking income of -€165 million in 2021, an increase of €127 million compared with 2020. This change is mainly due to good refinancing conditions (market rates and ECB funding conditions), the unwinding of short-term transactions set up in 2020 on unfavorable terms, reversals of provisions on available-for-sale securities (vs. allocations in 2020), and lower income from the rebilling of financial management expenses to group institutions.

Eurotitres net banking income amounted to €98 million in 2021.

Net banking income for the Holding business was up by €145 million, mainly due to the change in provisions for Fidor.

The net banking income of the Central institution business line amounted to €248 million in 2021. This represents the rebilling of “central institution” activities (listed in the French Monetary and Financial Code), presented as NBI.


in millions of euros



Change 2021/2020

€ million


Payroll costs





Other expenses





Gross operating expenses





Rebilled expenses





Net operating expenses





Charges from exceptional projects











Operating expenses amounted to -€586 million in 2021, an increase of €154 million compared to 2020, mainly due to the continuation of the group’s transformation projects.

In fiscal year 2021, the scope of “charges from exceptional projects” has been changed to include other expenses. The change in charges from exceptional projects of +€151 million is thus explained for +€99 million by this change in scope.

The amount of rebilling in 2021 is €342 million, down from 2020, which included a catch-up effect from 2019 due to changes in the scope of consolidation.

Most of the receivables on BPCE’s balance sheet relate to institutions benefiting from the guarantee and solidarity system, which explains the non-materiality of the cost of risk in BPCE SA parent company financial statements.

Net gains or losses on long-term investments amounted to €2,154 million in 2021. They consist of:

provisions and reversals of impairments on equity interests, affiliates and other long-term investments, including Natixis (+€1,429 million), BPCE International (-€56 million), Crédit Foncier (+€68 million), Banque Palatine (-€190 million), CEGC (+€164 million) and BPCE Factor (-€60 million);

income on the disposal of equity interests, affiliates and other long-term investments, including CNP Assurances (+€819 million).

In 2021, income taxes totaled -€33 million, representing an additional charge of €300 million compared with 2020. This impact is mainly due to two effects: on the one hand, an improvement in the tax base combined with a reduction in the tax rate, and on the other hand, exceptional expenses related to tax treatments carried out within the group.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 223 quater and quinquies of the French General Tax Code, the financial statements for the past fiscal year include €352,466 in non-deductible expenses pursuant to Article 39.4 of said Code. The resulting additional tax was €100,136.

No other luxury non-tax deductible expenses were incurred during the fiscal year.

No movement was made to the fund for general banking risks.

Net income came to +€2,213 million.

It is proposed to the General Meeting:

to allocate the net income of +€2,213,155,147.02 to “Retained earnings.” As a result of this allocation, the balance of the “Retained earnings” item is €3,253,244,924.03;

to distribute a dividend of €787,968,126.82 to shareholders, by deduction from the “Retained earnings” item. As a result of this allocation, the balance of the “Retained earnings” item is €2,465,276,797.21. The dividend per share is €21.83.


In accordance with the provisions of Article L. 243 bis of the French General Tax Code, the table below shows the dividends paid out in respect of the three previous fiscal years:

Balance sheet date


Dividend per share

Portion of the dividend

eligible for the 40% tax


Portion of the dividend

ineligible for the 40% tax



Class “A” and “B” shares





Class “A” and “B” shares





Class “A” and “B” shares





The activity and results of the main subsidiaries are described in Chapter 1 of this document. A list of subsidiaries and equity investments is available in Chapter 5 “BPCE parent company financial statements”.

Between June 4 and July 21, 2021, the simplified public tender offer, followed by the squeeze-out, enabled BPCE SA to acquire the shares in the capital of Natixis SA that it did not hold, with the exception of treasury shares held by Natixis and bonus shares issued by Natixis to employees and corporate officers of Natixis and its subsidiaries. The increase in the investment in Natixis at December 31, 2021 amounted to €3,763 million.

In addition, in 2021:

subscription to a CEGC capital increase of €75 million;

subscription to a capital increase of Fidor Bank of €28 million (through contributions to the “capital reserve”);

€11.5 million increase in BPCE's investment in Caisse de Refinancement de l’Habitat following the reallocation of share capital among the shareholders;

subscription to units of the DNCA LCR Europe Growth and Digital Opportunities Fund II funds for €10.2 million and €10.0 million respectively;

capital increase of the European Investment Fund for an amount of €3.7 million;

conversion of Meniga convertible bonds into shares for an amount of €4.5 million;

€1.2 million increase in BPCE’s stake in the European company EPI Interim Company;

capital increase of SAS Campus Cyber for a non significant amount (€0.1 million);

finally, during fiscal year 2021, BPCE increased its asset financing capital by €3.3 million.

BPCE SA owns no branches.

Information concerning employee share ownership is provided in Chapter 7.

Information concerning company directors is provided in Chapter 3.

Information concerning the list of directorships and offices of company directors is provided in Chapter 3.

Information concerning remuneration and benefits granted by BPCE to the company directors is provided in Chapter 3.

No corporate officer or shareholder holding more than 10% of the voting rights signed any agreement in 2021 with a company in which BPCE holds, either directly or indirectly, more than half of the share capital or with a company controlled by BPCE within the meaning of Article L. 233-3 of the French Commercial Code.

Information concerning commitments and related-party agreements is provided in Chapter 7.

Information concerning the ownership of the share capital is provided in Chapter 7.

In 2021, BPCE did not trade in its own shares.

As BPCE holds no individual current accounts, it is not affected by these articles.

In December, BPCE sold its €1,606 million stake in CNP Assurances.

In February, BPCE sold its €240 million stake in Visa Inc., Class A shares.

In addition, during 2021, BPCE sold the shares held in the OSTRUM Trésorerie + fund (€1,649 million), derecognized the shares in the Epifund fund (€6.6 million) following the dissolution of the fund, and reduced the purchase price of BPCE Lease shares following the receipt of an indemnity in connection with a liability guarantee (€9 million).


BPCE’s research and development activities chiefly focus on modeling credit risks.

Information relating to the management of financial risks is provided in Chapter 6.

Information relating to the main risks and uncertainties facing BPCE is provided in Chapter 6.

BPCE SA did not encounter any particular difficulties during the 2021 fiscal year. The economic and financial environment is also described in section 4.2.1 of Chapter 4.

This information is provided in Chapter 2.

This information is provided in Chapter 5.8.

There is no subsequent event.

The outlook for the economic environment and recent and forthcoming regulatory changes are described in section 4.7 of Chapter 4.

This outlook could also be impacted by the geopolitical context. At the end of February 2022, the Russian Federation launched a major military action in Ukraine.

While Ukraine is not a member of NATO, the Western reaction was strong. The European Union, the United States and many other countries adopted a series of unprecedented sanctions, including the freezing of the Russian Central Bank's foreign assets, the exclusion of Russian banks from SWIFT, and the announcement by many Western groups of their withdrawal from the Russian Federation.

Even if the essential subject of energy and natural gas remains for the moment outside the scope of the measures taken on both sides, the United States and Great Britain have announced their intention to ban the import of Russian oil and gas. In addition, new economic measures and sanctions could be adopted, including by the European Union and the United States, and retaliatory economic measures and sanctions could be adopted by the Russian Federation. This conflict could have major consequences for the Russian economy but also for Western economies and more generally for the world economy. The risk of default on Russian debt, rising inflation and the loss of purchasing power for the population in Russia are significant. A questioning of growth prospects and increased inflationary pressure cannot be ruled out in both the United States and Europe.

In addition, a risk linked to expropriation measures that could be taken by the Russian authorities against foreign companies, in retaliation for Western sanctions, is mentioned.

As of December 31, 2021, BPCE SA had no exposure to Russian, Ukrainian or Belarusian counterparties.


in euros






Share capital at period-end






Share capital






Number of shares(1)






Operations and income for the fiscal year












Income before tax, employee profit-sharing, depreciation, amortization and impairment






Income tax






Income after tax, employee profit-sharing, depreciation, amortization and impairment






Dividend paid to shareholders(2)






Earnings per share












Income after tax, employee profit-sharing, but before depreciation, amortization and impairment






Income tax






Income after tax, employee profit-sharing, depreciation, amortization and impairment






Dividend per share(2)






Employee data






Average number of employees:






o/w managerial staff






o/w non-managerial staff






Total wage bill for the year






Amounts paid for employee benefits during the period







Earnings per share are calculated based on the number of shares outstanding at the date of the General Meeting.


Subject to approval by the General Meeting.


Type and purpose of authorization


(in euros)


Date of General


Use of


Delegation of authority to proceed, with cancelation of the shareholders’ preferential subscription right, with one or more share capital increases by way of an issuance of Class A shares reserved for Class A shareholders

The capital increase may not exceed a total amount of €400,000,000 and may not exceed a nominal amount of €3,500,000 for each increase

< 18 months


Used at May 27, 2021

Delegation of authority to proceed, with cancelation of the shareholders’ preferential subscription right, with one or more share capital increases by way of an issuance of Class B shares reserved for Class B shareholders

The capital increase may not exceed a total amount of €400,000,000 and may not exceed a nominal amount of €3,500,000 for each increase

< 18 months


Used at May 27, 2021

Delegation of authority to proceed, with cancelation of shareholders’ preferential subscription rights, to a capital increase in cash, on one or more occasions, through the issuance of ordinary shares reserved for employees of the company who are members of a company savings plan

The total number of shares that may be subscribed by employees may not exceed a maximum nominal amount of €100,000

< 18 months


Not used at December 31, 2021


Pursuant to Article L. 441-6-1 of the French Commercial Code, all French companies for which annual financial statements are certified by Statutory Auditors shall disclose information in their management report on the payment terms granted to their customers and suppliers, in accordance with the provisions of Article D. 441-4 of the French Commercial Code as amended by Decrees No. 2015-1553 of November 27, 2015 and No. 2017-350 of March 20, 2017. This information does not include banking transactions and related operations.

in euros

Invoices received and due but not settled at the reporting date

0 day


1 to 30 days

31 to 60 days

61 to 90 days

91 days and



(1 day and more)

(A) Categories of overdue payments

Number of invoices concerned







Total amount of the invoices concerned including taxes*







Percentage of total purchases including taxes for the fiscal year

The percentage of unpaid invoices received, at the balance sheet date,
was less than 1% of the total amount of purchases including taxes during the fiscal year.

Percentage of revenue before taxes for the fiscal year







(B) Invoices excluded from (A) relating to disputed or unrecognized receivables and payables

Number of invoices excluded







Total amount of invoices excluded







(C) Benchmark payment terms used (contractual or legal term – Article L. 441-6 or Article L. 443-1 of the French Commercial Code)

Payment terms used to calculate overdue payments

Legal term: Within 30 days of invoice date


Accounts receivable correspond to accounts in credit or advances.

in euros

Invoices issued and due but not settled at the reporting date

0 day (indicative)

1 to 30 days

31 to 60 days

61 to 90 days

91 days and more


(1 day and more)

(A) Categories of overdue payments

Number of invoices concerned







Total amount of invoices concerned including taxes







Percentage of total sales including taxes for the fiscal year

The percentage of unpaid invoices issued, at the reporting date,
was less than 1% of the total amount of sales including taxes during the fiscal year.

Percentage of revenue before taxes for the fiscal year







(B) Invoices excluded from (A) relating to disputed or unrecognized receivables and payables

Number of invoices excluded







Total amount of invoices excluded







(C) Benchmark payment terms used (contractual or legal term – Article L. 441-6 or Article L. 443-1 of the French Commercial Code)

(C) Benchmark payment terms used (contractual or legal term – Article L. 441-6 or Article L. 443-1 of the French Commercial Code)

Legal term: Within 30 days of invoice date


in millions of euros


Fiscal year 2021

Fiscal year 2020

Interest and similar income




Interest and similar expenses




Income from variable-income securities




Commission income




Commission expenses




Net gains or losses on trading book transactions




Net gains or losses on available-for-sale securities and equivalent




Other banking income




Other banking expenses




Net banking income




Operating expenses




Depreciation, amortization and impairment of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets




Gross operating income




Cost of risk




Net operating income




Gains or losses on long-term investments




Income before tax




Non-recurring income




Income tax




Funding/reversal of the fund for general banking risks and regulated provisions










in millions of euros




Cash and amounts due from central banks




Treasury bills and equivalent




Loans and advances due from banks




Customer transactions




Bonds and other fixed-income securities




Equities and other variable-income securities




Equity interests and other long-term investments




Investments in affiliates




Intangible assets




Property, plant and equipment




Other assets




Accrual accounts









Off-balance sheet items

in millions of euros




Commitments given




Loan commitments




Guarantee commitments




Securities commitments





in millions of euros




Central banks




Amounts due to banks




Customer transactions




Debt securities




Other liabilities




Accrual accounts








Subordinated debt




Fund for general banking risks (FGBR)




Equity excluding fund for general banking risks




Subscribed capital




Additional paid-in capital








Revaluation difference




Regulated provisions and investment subsidies




Retained earnings




Interim dividend




Net income for the fiscal year (+/-)









Off-balance sheet items

in millions of euros




Commitments received




Loan commitments




Guarantee commitments




Securities commitments





5.7 Statutory Auditors’ report on the annual financial statements


(For the year ended December 31, 2021)


This is a free translation into English of the statutory auditors’ report on the financial statements of the Company issued in French and it is provided solely for the convenience of English speaking users.

This report includes information specifically required by European regulation and French law, such as information about the appointment of the statutory auditors or verification of the management report and other documents provided to shareholders.

This report should be read in conjunction with, and construed in accordance with, French law and professional auditing standards applicable in France.


To the Annual General Shareholders’ Meetings,


In compliance with the engagement entrusted to us by your annual general meeting, we have audited the accompanying financial statements of BPCE S.A. for the year ended December 31, 2021.

In our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view of the assets and liabilities and of the financial position of the Company as at December 31, 2021 and of the results of its operations for the year then ended in accordance with French accounting principles.

The audit opinion expressed above is consistent with our report to the Audit Committee.


We conducted our audit in accordance with professional standards applicable in France. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Statutory Auditors’ Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements section of our report.

We conducted our audit engagement in compliance with independence requirements of the French Commercial Code (code de commerce) and the French Code of Ethics (code de déontologie) for statutory auditors, for the period from January 1st, 2021 to the date of our report and specifically we did not provide any prohibited non-audit services referred to in Article 5(1) of Regulation (EU) No 537/2014.

Furthermore, the non-audit services that we provided to your Company and its controlled undertakings during the financial year that are not disclosed in the management report or in the notes to the consolidated financial statements are as follows:

Deloitte & Associés: the main engagements conducted in fiscal year 2021 concerned certification, specified procedures, compliance review, accounting and financial due diligences on possible acquisition operations of entities, comfort letters issued in connection with issuance programs, reviews of compliance procedures and the achievement of attestations and missions of independent third party on the CSR information of the management report.

PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit: the main engagements conducted in fiscal year 2021 concerned certification, specified procedures, reviews of compliance procedures, services provided as part of restructuring measures, comfort letters issued in connection with issuance programs, tax consultations and CSR missions.

Mazars: the main assignments carried out in the 2021 financial year concerned methodological review, specified procedures, certification, comfort letters issued in connection with issuance programs and CSR missions.


Without qualifying the opinion expressed above, we draw your attention to the matter described in note 2.2 to the financial statements relating to the change in accounting method resulting from the update in November 2021 by the Accounting Standards Authority of its recommendation n° 2013-02 regarding valuation and accounting rules for retirement commitments and similar benefits.


Due to the global crisis related to the Covid-19 pandemic, the financial statements of this period have been prepared and audited under specific conditions. Indeed, this crisis and the exceptional measures taken in the context of the state of sanitary emergency have had numerous consequences for companies, particularly on their operations and their financing, and have led to greater uncertainties on their future prospects. Those measures, such as travel restrictions and remote working, have also had an impact on the companies’ internal organization and the performance of the audits.

In this complex and evolving context and in accordance with the requirements of Articles L. 823-9 and R. 823-7 of the French Commercial Code (code de commerce) relating to the justification of our assessments, we inform you of the key audit matters relating to risks of material misstatement that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in our audit of the consolidated financial statements of the current period, as well as how we addressed those risks.

These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on specific items of the financial statements.


Risk identified and main judgments

As of December 31, 2021, associates, equity interests and long-term investments recognized in BPCE S.A.’s financial statements amounted to €26,683 million, including €6,265 million in impairment losses. Net impairment of investments in subsidiaries and affiliates and other long-term investments in 2021 amounted to €1,337 million.

As indicated in note 4.4 to the financial statements, they are recognized at their acquisition cost and impaired on the basis of their value in use.

BPCE’s main banking subsidiaries are measured on the basis of discounted multi-year forecasts of expected dividend flows (Dividend Discount Model). The forecasts of expected dividend flows are based on the medium-term financial projections prepared by the entities concerned as part of Groupe BPCE’s annual budgeting process and established for the Group’s management purposes.

We deemed the correct measurement of equity interests, shares in related companies and other long-term equity holdings to be a key audit matter, given the areas of judgment inherent to structuring assumptions used, in particular for determining financial forecasts and valuation parameters, especially in the actual economic context.

Furthermore, as indicated in note 4.4.1 to the financial statements, the 2021 financial year was marked by various structural operations, in particular:

Natixis shares buyback held by minority shareholders, which led to an increase in BPCE S.A.’s stake in Natixis by €3,763 million;

the sale of BPCE S.A.’s entire stake in CNP Assurances, generating a capital gain of €819 million before tax.

Given the significant nature of the impact of these transactions on the accounts of BPCE S.A., we considered the accounting treatment of these transactions to be a key point of the audit.

Our response

To assess the reasonableness of the estimated value in use of equity interests, shares in related companies and other long-term equity holdings with the guidance of our experts we verified that the estimated values determined by management were based on reasonable assumptions and an appropriate measurement method applied to correctly documented quantified data.

Depending on the securities in question, our audit work consisted in:

analyzing the relevance of the methods retained;

examining the assumptions and inputs used by comparing them to external sources;

performing an arithmetic check of the calculation of the values of the main subsidiaries examining the reasonableness -especially in the financial and economic context of the health crisis- of the medium-term plans used for each entity in question, which entailed:

comparing these strategic plans validated by the entities’ management bodies (Supervisory Board or Board of Directors),

evaluating the relevance and reliability of the main assumptions used to develop the plans, particularly with regard to past years’ financial projections and actual past performance,

analyzing sensitivity to different valuation inputs (shareholders’ equity, discount rates, etc.).

Regarding structural operations, we considered the legal documentation that led to the completion of these transactions and, with the support of our Standards teams, reviewed the accounting treatment implemented by BPCE S.A. and the resulting quantified impacts.


We have also performed, in accordance with professional standards applicable in France, the specific verifications required by laws and regulations.

We have no matters to report as to the fair presentation and the consistency with the financial statements of the information given in the management report of the Management Board and in the other documents with respect to the financial position and the financial statements provided to the cooperative shareholders, besides the following point:

With respect to the fair presentation and the consistency with the financial statements of the information relating to the payment terms required by Article D.441-6 of the French Commercial Code, we have the following observation: as indicated in the management report, the information does not include banking operations and related operations, as the Company considers these are not within the scope of the information to be produced.

We attest that the Supervisory Board’s report on corporate governance sets out the information required by Articles L. 225-37-3 and L. 22-10-10 of the French Commercial Code.

In accordance with French law, we have verified that the required information concerning the purchase of investments and controlling interests and the identity of the shareholders and holders of the voting rights has been properly disclosed in the management report.


We have also verified, in accordance with the professional standard applicable in France relating to the procedures performed by the statutory auditor relating to the annual and consolidated financial statements presented in the European single electronic format, that the presentation of the financial statements intended to be included in the annual financial report mentioned in Article L. 451-1-2, I of the French Monetary and Financial Code (code monétaire et financier), prepared under the responsibility of the Management Board, complies with the single electronic format defined in the European Delegated Regulation No 2019/815 of 17 December 2018.

Based on the work we have performed, we conclude that the presentation of the financial statements intended to be included in the annual financial report complies, in all material respects, with the European single electronic format.

Mazars was appointed as statutory auditors in the first statutes dated December 19, 2006 of GCE Nao (whose corporate name became BPCE S.A. in July 2009), throughout its inception. We were appointed as statutory auditors of BPCE S.A. by the annual general meetings of BPCE S.A. held on May 22, 2015 for Deloitte & Associés and on July 2, 2009 for PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit.

As at December 31, 2021, Mazars was in the fifteenth year of total uninterrupted engagement, including 13 years since the company became a public-interest entity, Deloitte & Associés was in the seventh year of total uninterrupted engagement, PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit in the thirteenth.


Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in accordance with French accounting principles and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

In preparing the financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless it is expected to liquidate the Company or to cease operations.

The Audit Committee is responsible for monitoring the financial reporting process and the effectiveness of internal control and risks management systems and where applicable, its internal audit, regarding the accounting and financial reporting procedures.

The financial statements were approved by the Management Board.


Our role is to issue a report on the financial statements. Our objective is to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with professional standards will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements.

As specified in Article L.823-10-1 of the French Commercial Code (code de commerce), our statutory audit does not include assurance on the viability of the Company or the quality of management of the affairs of the Company.

As part of an audit conducted in accordance with professional standards applicable in France, the statutory auditor exercises professional judgment throughout the audit and furthermore:

identifies and assesses the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, designs and performs audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtains audit evidence considered to be sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for his opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control;

obtains an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the internal control;

evaluates the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by management in the financial statements;

assesses the appropriateness of management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. This assessment is based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of his audit report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Company to cease to continue as a going concern. If the statutory auditor concludes that a material uncertainty exists, there is a requirement to draw attention in the audit report to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are not provided or inadequate, to modify the opinion expressed therein;

evaluates the overall presentation of the financial statements and assesses whether these statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.

We submit to the Audit Committee a report which includes in particular a description of the scope of the audit and the audit program implemented, as well as the results of our audit. We also report, if any, significant deficiencies in internal control regarding the accounting and financial reporting procedures that we have identified.

Our report to the Audit Committee includes the risks of material misstatement that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current period and which are therefore the key audit matters that we are required to describe in this report.

We also provide the Audit Committee with the declaration provided for in Article 6 of Regulation (EU) N° 537/2014, confirming our independence within the meaning of the rules applicable in France such as they are set in particular by Articles L.822-10 to L.822-14 of the French Commercial Code (code de commerce) and in the French Code of Ethics (code de déontologie) for statutory auditors. Where appropriate, we discuss with the Audit Committee the risks that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and the related safeguards.

Paris La Défense and Neuilly-sur-Seine, March 23, 2022

The Statutory Auditors

Deloitte & Associés

Marjorie Blanc Lourme


Charles de Boisriou

Laurence Karagulian

PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit

Emmanuel Benoist

Antoine Priollaud


5.8 Controls of accounting and financial reporting quality



5.8.1 Roles and responsibilities in preparing and processing accounting and financial information



The production of accounting and financial information and verifications to ensure its accuracy are performed by the Finance functions of the entities included in the scope of consolidation.

Each entity has the resources to ensure the quality of accounting and financial data, in particular by seeing that regulations and group standards are being properly implemented, and reconciling accounting and operating results, where applicable.

Each entity prepares, on a monthly or quarterly basis, financial statements and regulatory information required at the local level, along with reporting documents for the Finance and Strategy division.

At Groupe BPCE, the preparation and processing of financial and accounting information falls under the responsibility of the Finance function. This responsibility is carried out within the central institution, mainly by four departments of the Finance and Strategy division:

the Financial Management department;

the Performance Oversight department;

the Accounting department;

the Architecture and Reporting department.

The other departments that complete the division are the Research and Forecasting department, the Tax department, the Financial Resilience department and the Strategy department.

The Finance and Strategy division collects the accounting and financial data produced by the entities within the group’s scope of consolidation. It is also responsible for consolidating and verifying these data for use in group oversight and communication to third parties (auditors, investors, etc.).

In addition to consolidating accounting and financial information, the Finance and Strategy division has broad control duties:

it coordinates asset/liability management by defining the group’s asset/liability management rules and standards and ensuring they are properly applied;

it manages and checks the group’s balance sheet ratios and structural risks;

it defines accounting standards and principles applicable to the group and ensures they are properly applied;

it coordinates the steering and reporting of the group’s financial performance in accordance with strategic plan objectives;

it manages the Pillar II approach and related matters within the group;

it monitors the financial planning of group entities and capital transactions;

it ensures the reliability of accounting and financial information shared outside the group;

it steers planning and strategic operations;

it manages emergency financial plans in the event of idiosyncratic or systemic crises and coordinates the resolution plan.

Within the group, the main functions involved in preparing and publishing accounting and financial information are accounting, finance control, reporting, investor relations and financial management.

Within the central institution, these functions are carried out mainly by four departments reporting to the Chief Executive Officer of the Finance and Strategy division: the Accounting department, the Performance Oversight department, the Financial Management department and the Architecture and Reporting department.

The Accounting department is responsible for producing the parent company and consolidated financial statements (Groupe BPCE and BPCE SA group) and the corresponding regulatory filings (particularly COREP and FINREP). Its main duties are:

preparing the consolidated financial statements of Groupe BPCE and BPCE SA group, calculating the regulatory ratios and preparing the corresponding reports;

coordinating the accounting process within the group;

providing a regulatory watch on French and IFRS accounting standards applied by the group in coordination with shareholder institutions, BPCE subsidiaries and the Statutory Auditors;

acting as the interface between the regulatory authorities (the European Central Bank and the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution (ACPR), the French prudential supervisory authority for the banking and insurance sector) and affiliated institutions, in accordance with Article L. 512-107 of the French Monetary and Financial Code and ensuring that the affiliated institutions comply with regulatory standards and management ratios;

representing the group in its dealings with industry bodies (Autorité des normes comptables, European Banking Federation, etc.);


producing accounting and regulatory statements for BPCE SA and the entities under its authority.

Within the group, the Accounting department relies on the accounting functions of each entity, which are responsible for the publication of the parent company financial statements and, where applicable, the consolidated financial statements, regulatory reports and disclosures to the central institution.

The Performance Oversight department is responsible for producing management information. Its main duties are:

coordinating oversight of the financial planning, budget and multi-year rolling forecast process;

coordinating oversight of business performance in support of the Retail Banking and Insurance division;

managing solvency issues (solvency ratios, leverage ratios, TLAC, MREL, etc.) and the Pillar II approach within the group;

coordinating and monitoring the management of scarce resources within the group (cost-effectiveness, capital/solvency, liquidity);

analyzing the performance of the group, its business lines and entities, especially for the publication of each quarter’s results;

steering and challenging the subsidiaries’ financial performances to safeguard the group’s financial ratios;

coordinating and steering approaches for the analysis of the group’s operating costs;

helping prepare the group’s strategic and financial plans;

managing the expenses of the central institution;

coordinating the finance control process within the group.

The Performance Oversight department relies on the group’s Management Control functions, which are responsible for the operational management of each entity and for the production of management information for both the entity and the central institution.

The Architecture and Reporting department is responsible for securing the key IS Finance & Risk applications, ensuring the reliability of complex production processes (transformed data with the preparation of regulatory and management reports) and ensuring that these processes comply with BCBS 239 principles. Its main duties are:

making strategic choices regarding the design and construction of data bases as well as regulatory and management processes based on the main risk and financial calculators, in current, ad hoc and crisis situations, while ensuring the coordination of all related projects;

operating, through its technological fiber, complex production systems (Finance and Risk production, treasury systems and banking activities) and pool project efforts for other business lines;

guaranteeing a centralized and consistent vision across the entire IS Finance & Risk chain;

simplifying, harmonizing, integrating and pooling in a logic of operational efficiency and process security by relying on technological levers;

implementing innovative tools (simulations, proactive exercises, data analysis, etc.) and promoting an open innovation approach (Artificial Intelligence, Green Finance, etc.) directly linked to the ongoing search for operational efficiency;

accelerating the implementation of responses to regulatory recommendations and requirements (e.g. BCBS 239 and the ECB Data Finance/Risk dialog).

The Financial Management department is responsible for the optimal and sustainable management of liquidity and refinancing and is also in charge of financial communication. Its main duties are:

organizing, coordinating and supervising the refinancing of Groupe BPCE on the financial markets in order to ensure, at the best possible price, the realization of a sustainable refinancing plan over time, making it possible to finance the various activities of the group over a duration consistent with the assets created and to allocate this liquidity to the various business lines and to control its use and evolution;

managing the optimization of scarce resources, collateralized refinancing, collateral management and green refinancing strategy;

producing regulatory ratios and ensuring compliance with them, as well as internal constraints resulting in particular from stress tests guaranteeing the sustainability of the refinancing of the group’s business model even in the event of a crisis;

developing the group’s interest rate and liquidity risk management system and its application to the entities;

coordinating and producing presentations of quarterly results, the financial structure and the development of the group’s business lines to enable third parties to form an opinion on its financial strength, profitability and outlook;

coordinating and preparing the presentation of regulated financial information (Universal Registration Document and its quarterly amendments) filed with the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), the French financial markets authority, and the Pillar III report, integrating the contributions of other BPCE functions;

organizing relations with institutional investors, financial analysts and rating agencies by ensuring coordination with the other rated entities of the group;

organizing and maintaining relationships with credit investors likely to hold and/or acquire debt instruments (short, medium or long term) issued by BPCE or Natixis.

The Financial Management department relies on the eponymous functions organized in each entity and which are responsible for communicating information relating to financial management both on behalf of the entity and for the central institution.


5.9 Persons responsible for auditing the financial statements


5.9.1 Statutory audit system



Within the group, the main rules that govern the statutory audit system and aim to guarantee Statutory Auditor independence in Groupe BPCE companies are defined in the Framework for Statutory Auditor Assignments at Groupe BPCE, updated and validated by BPCE’s Supervisory Board.

Applicable to all group businesses, the Framework primarily defines:

the rules governing the selection of Statutory Auditors for the group and its entities;

the rules governing the services that may be provided by Statutory Auditors (or their networks);

the role of Audit Committees with respect to monitoring the system.

On the appointment of group Statutory Auditors: in line with the regulations in force, the group recommends that each group company continues to designate at least one network of Statutory Auditors that certify BPCE’s consolidated and individual financial statements to ensure there is a consistent, harmonized financial audit system available across the group. However, each company’s audit committee retains the authority to select Statutory Auditors subject to the approval of the company’s General Meeting.

On the prior approval of services other than financial statement certification: in line with the opinion provided by the Haut Conseil du Commissariat aux Comptes (H3C) on July 26, 2017, BPCE’s audit committee introduced a prior approval procedure, for a one year period, of an exhaustive list of categories of services other than financial statement certification. These provisions, which are set out in the annexes to the Framework for Statutory Auditor Assignments, are reviewed annually by the BPCE audit committee and communicated to all group entities.

In terms of system oversight, each company’s audit committee:

examines the services rendered by the Statutory Auditors. Aside from the prior approval of services other than financial statement certification in compliance with provisions that have been defined in the Framework for Statutory Auditor Assignments, the committee examines the fees and types of services rendered as recorded in each company’s income statement;

ensures compliance with the principles laid out in the Framework for Statutory Auditor Assignments, rules governing the rotation of Statutory Auditors and the rotation of signatory partners and the implementation of a Statutory Auditor selection procedure at the end of each maximum term of office;

this approach relies on the permanent control system (Financial Control function). A group standard on the control of the independence of the Statutory Auditors, validated by the standards and methods committee, specifies the role of this function in this area and the main procedures it must implement. The work carried out within this framework is presented to each company’s audit committee and, on a consolidated basis, to the group audit committee.

On the basis of the group’s call for tenders in 2020, the mandates of PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit and Deloitte et Associés were renewed for a period of six fiscal years at BPCE’s Combined General Meeting of May 27, 2021.





Some disclosures required under IFRS 7 on the nature and the extent of various risks are presented in this report and covered by the Statutory Auditor’s opinion on the consolidated financial statements. Such disclosures are flagged by the statement “Information provided in the respect of IFRS 7” and should be interpreted as an integral part of the notes to the consolidated financial statements.

The Pillar III report is available in the “Results and publications” section of Groupe BPCE website (www.groupebpce.com), under “Pillar III”.


6.1 Key figures




CRR/CRD IV without transitional measures; additional Tier 1 capital takes into account subordinated issues that have become ineligible at the phase-out rate in force.


Reserves net of prudential restatements.


Including settlement risk.


Combination of the Asset & Wealth Management and Corporate & Investment Banking divisions.


Based on FSB TLAC term sheet dated Nov. 9, 2015.


Based on the ACPR notification of 3/22/2021.




Cost of risk (in basis points)(1)



Ratio of non-performing/gross outstanding loans



Impairment recognized/Gross outstandings



Groupe BPCE’s consolidated VaR (in €m)



Liquidity reserves (in €bn)




Excluding exceptional items.


in millions of euros







Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1)






Tier 1 capital






Total capital







Total risk-weighted assets







Common Equity Tier 1 ratio






Equity Tier 1 ratio






Total capital ratio







Additional capital requirements to address risks other than excessive leverage risk






of which: to be met with CET 1 capital






of which: to be met with Tier 1 capital






Total SREP capital requirement







Capital conservation buffer






Conservation buffer due to macro-prudential or systemic risk at the level of a Member State






Institution-specific countercyclical capital buffer






Systemic risk buffer






Global systemically important institution buffer






Other systemically important institution buffer






Overall buffer requirement






Total capital requirements






CET1 capital available after compliance with total SREP(1) capital requirements







Total exposure measure






Leverage ratio







Additional capital requirements to address the excessive leverage risk






of which: to be met with CET 1 capital






Total SREP leverage ratio requirement







Leverage ratio buffer requirement






Overall leverage ratio requirement







Total High Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA) (weighted average)






Cash outflows – Total weighted value






Cash inflows – Total weighted value






Total net cash outflows (adjusted value)






Liquidity coverage ratio







Total available stable funding (ASF)






Total RSF






NSFR ratio







Figures as of 12/31/2020, 03/31/2021 and 06/30/2021 modified from those published in the semi-annual update of the Pillar III 2020 report, due to an evolution of the EBA methodology


6.1.1 Types of risk


Risk macro-categories


Credit and counterparty risks

The risk of loss resulting from the inability of clients, issuers or other counterparties to honor their financial commitments. It includes counterparty risk related to market transactions (replacement risk) and securitization activities. It can be exacerbated by concentration risk.

Financial risks


Market risk

The risk of loss of value on financial instruments resulting from changes in market inputs, from the volatility of these inputs or from the correlations between these inputs. Inputs include exchange rates, interest rates and prices of securities (equities, bonds), commodities, derivatives or any other assets, such as real estate assets.

Liquidity risk

Risk that the Group cannot meet its cash requirements or collateral requirements when they fall due and at a reasonable cost.

Structural interest rate risk

Risk of loss in interest income or in the value of a fixed-rate structural position in the event of changes in interest rates. Structural interest rate risks are associated with commercial activities and proprietary transactions.

Credit spread risk

Risk associated with a decline in the creditworthiness of a specific issuer or a specific category of issuers.

Exchange rate risk

The risk of loss in interest income or in the value of a fixed-rate structural position in the event of changes in exchange rates. Structural interest rate and foreign exchange risks are associated with commercial activities and proprietary transactions.

Non-financial risks


Non-compliance risk

The risk of a legal, administrative or disciplinary penalty, material financial loss or reputational risk arising from a failure to comply with the provisions specific to banking and financial activities (whether these are stipulated by directly applicable national or European laws or regulations), with professional or ethical standards, or instructions from the executive body, notably issued in accordance with the policies of the supervisory body.

Operational risk

The risk of loss resulting from inadequacies or malfunctions attributable to procedures, employees and internal systems (including in particular information systems) or external events, including events with a low probability of occurrence, but with a risk of high loss.

Insurance underwriting risks

In addition to asset-liability risk management (interest rate, valuation, counterparty and foreign exchange risks), these risks include pricing risk in respect of mortality risk premiums and structural risks related to life and non-life insurance activities, including pandemics, accidents and disasters (earthquakes, hurricanes, industrial accidents, terrorist acts and military conflicts).

Strategic business and ecosystem risks


Solvency risk

The risk that the company will be unable to honor its long-term commitments and/or ensure the continuity of its ordinary operations in the future.

Climate risks

Vulnerability of banking activities to climate change, where a distinction can be made between physical risk directly relating to climate change and transition risk associated with efforts to combat climate change.


6.2 Risk factors


The banking and financial environment in which Groupe BPCE operates is exposed to numerous risks which obliges it to implement an increasingly demanding and strict policy to control and manage these risks.

Some of the risks to which Groupe BPCE is exposed are set out below. However, this is not a comprehensive list of all of the risks incurred by Groupe BPCE in the course of conducting its business or given the environment in which it operates. The risks presented below are those identified to date as significant and specific to Groupe BPCE, and liable to have a material adverse impact on its business, financial position and/or results. For each of the risk sub-classes listed below, the risk factor considered to date by Groupe BPCE as the most significant is listed first.

The risks presented below are those identified to date as liable to have an adverse impact on the businesses of BPCE SA group and BPCE SA.

The risk factors described below are presented as of the date of this document and the situation described may change, even significantly, at any time.

The ongoing coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic and its economic consequences may adversely impact the Group’s operations, results and financial position.

The emergence of Covid-19 in late 2019 and rapid spread of the pandemic across the globe led to a deterioration in economic conditions in multiple business sectors, a deterioration in the financial position of economic players, while also disrupting the financial markets. In response, many affected countries were forced to implement preventive health measures (closed borders, lockdown measures, restrictions on certain economic activities, etc.). In particular, the sudden recession gripping affected countries and the drop in global trade have had and will continue to have negative effects on global economic conditions for as long as global production, investments, supply chains and consumer spending are impacted, in turn impacting the business operations of the Group, its customers and its counterparties.

The persistence of the Covid-19 pandemic and the emergence of new strains of the virus have led to new restrictions, even if these have not been as drastic as in 2020 (notably, a new lockdown in France and in a number of European countries, local and national curfews, border closures, or severe travel restrictions) and, after a rebound, the economic environment could deteriorate further. Despite the favorable development of vaccination, the Covid-19 pandemic still remains the master of economic recovery time, with the spread of new variants such as the “Delta” variant in the second half of 2021 or the “Omicron” variant detected in late November 2021 threatening the pace of economic expansion. The epidemic continues to profoundly disrupt international and French economic momentum. Its duration does not cease to surprise, fueling both uncertainty and fatigue in the face of ongoing health restrictions. This situation could last several months, and thus adversely affect the Group’s business, financial performance and results.

Massive fiscal and monetary policy measures to support activity have been put in place since 2020, notably by the French government (State-guaranteed loans for businesses and professional customers, for individual customers, short-time working measures as well as numerous other fiscal, social and bill-paying measures) and by the European Central Bank (more abundant and cheaper access to very large refinancing packages). Groupe BPCE has actively participated in the French State-guaranteed loan program in the interest of financially supporting its customers and helping them overcome the effects of this crisis on their activities and income (e.g. automatic six-month deferral on loans to certain professional customers and micro-enterprises/SMEs). There is no way to guarantee, however, that such measures will be enough to offset the negative impacts of the pandemic on the economy or to fully stabilize the financial markets over the long term.

The lockdown or restriction measures taken at the beginning of this crisis, particularly in France, where the Group mainly operates (84% of exposures (in gross value) as of December 31, 2021 are located in France), have significantly reduced the activity of many economic players. In 2021, the global economy rebounded strongly, but the health crisis continued to affect community services specifically, due to the relative maintenance of health restrictions. The Group’s results and financial position are impacted by such measures, due to decreased income and a decline in the quality of assets both in general and in certain particularly hard-hit sectors. Within the Corporate and Professional portfolios, the sectors most likely to be affected at present are mainly the Wholesale and non-food retail sectors (gross exposure on December 31, 2021 of €16.7 billion), Tourism-Hotels-Catering (gross exposure on December 31, 2021 of €15.5 billion), Automotive (gross exposure on December 31, 2021 of €5.6 billion), Consumer goods excluding cosmetics and personal care (gross exposure on December 31, 2021 of €5.2 billion) and Real Estate Professionals excluding residential exposure (gross exposure on December 31, 2021 of €1.9 billion).

In 2020, this environment resulted in a very significant increase in the cost of risk to nearly €3 billion (equal to 41 basis points compared to 19 basis points in 2019), mainly due to the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on the inclusion of forward-looking information in the assessment of expected losses and to the increase in individual provisions concentrated on the Energy and Natural Resources sector, and more particularly Oil and Gas, in Corporate & Investment Banking. In 2021, the cost of risk fell by 40.5% compared to the cost of risk recorded for 2020 (equivalent to 23 basis points), in a context of low level of defaults, and maintaining the levels of provisions allocated under Stages 1 and 2 in anticipation of potential future defaults. The credit risk impairment methodology applied and the assumptions taken into account in the scenarios are described in § 7.1.2. in the paragraph “Methodology for assessing the deterioration of credit risk and expected credit losses” of Groupe BPCE’s consolidated financial statements included in the 2021 Universal Registration Document.

The Group’s results and financial position may also be impacted by adverse financial market developments (extreme volatility, equity market and index slump, spread tensions, steep and unforeseen decline in dividends, etc.). This was the case in the first half of 2020, as the valuation of certain products was affected by market illiquidity, in particular Natixis’ Corporate & Investment Banking operations, which were exposed to significant adjustment effects of certain valuation parameters such as the “dividend” component.

A deterioration in the economic environment and its impact on the Group could increase the risk of its external ratings being downgraded. Furthermore, the French government’s ratings may end up being downgraded, due in large part to an increase in the national debt and public deficits. These factors could have a negative impact on the Group’s funding cost on the financial markets.

More generally, the Covid-19 epidemic poses a risk to Groupe BPCE, insofar as it (i) causes organizational changes (remote working, for example) that may cause an operational risk; (ii) it induces a slowdown in money market transactions and could have an impact on the supply of liquidity; (iii) it increases the liquidity needs of customers and therefore the amounts loaned to these customers to enable them to withstand the crisis; (iv) it could lead to an increase in business failures, particularly among the most vulnerable companies or in the most exposed sectors; and (v) it causes sudden movements in the valuation of market assets, which could have an impact on the market activities or on the investments of the institutions.

Changes in the situation related to Covid-19 (uncertainty as to the duration, extent and future trajectory of the pandemic, the introduction of new lockdown measures or restrictions in the event of additional epidemic waves related to the emergence of new strains of the virus, the speed of vaccination rollout or the efficacy of vaccines against variants) are a major source of uncertainty and make it difficult to predict the overall impact on the Group’s main markets and, more generally, the global economy; on the filing date (publication) of this Pillar III report, the impact of this situation, taking into account the aforementioned support measures, on Groupe BPCE’s business lines (Retail banking, Insurance, Asset Management, Corporate & Investment Banking), its results (net banking income and cost of risk in particular) and its financial position (liquidity and solvency) remains difficult to quantify.

Groupe BPCE may not achieve the objectives of its BPCE 2024 strategic plan.

On July 8, 2021, Groupe BPCE announced its BPCE 2024 strategic plan. It is structured around the following three strategic priorities: (i) a winning spirit, with €1.5 billion in additional revenues in five priority areas, (ii) customers, by offering them the highest quality service with an adapted relationship model, and (iii) the climate, through concrete and measurable commitments that are part of a Net zero trajectory. The BPCE 2024 strategic plan is based on the following three pillars: (i) simplicity: because Groupe BPCE seeks efficiency and customer satisfaction, it aims for greater simplicity; (ii) innovation: because Groupe BPCE is driven by an entrepreneurial spirit and is aware of the reality of the changes underway, it is strengthening its capacity for innovation; and (iii) security, because Groupe BPCE is committed to the long term, it gives priority to the security of its development model. These strategic objectives were developed in the context of the Covid-19 crisis, which has acted as an indicator and accelerator of fundamental trends (in particular, digitization, hybrid work, energy transition) and reflects Groupe BPCE’s desire to accelerate its development by supporting its customers in their economic recovery and their projects to emerge from the health crisis. The success of the BPCE 2024 strategic plan is based on a very large number of initiatives to be implemented within the various business lines of Groupe BPCE. Although many of these targets can be achieved, it is possible that not all of them will be, nor is it possible to predict which of these goals will not. The BPCE 2024 strategic plan also calls for significant investments, but if the plan’s objectives are not met, the return on these investments may be lower than expected. If Groupe BPCE does not achieve the targets defined in its BPCE 2024 strategic plan, its financial position and results could be more or less significantly affected.

The physical and transition components of climate risk, together with their repercussions for economic players, could adversely affect the activities, income and financial position of Groupe BPCE.

The risks associated with climate change are factors that exacerbate existing risks, including credit risk, operational risk and market risk. In particular, BPCE is exposed to physical and transition climate risk. They potentially carry an image and/or reputation risk.

Physical risk leads to increased economic costs and financial losses resulting from the severity and increased frequency of extreme weather events related to climate change (such as heat waves, landslides, floods, late frosts, fires and storms), as well as long-term gradual changes in climate (such as changes in rainfall patterns, extreme weather variability, and rising sea levels and average temperatures). It could have an extensive impact in terms of scope and magnitude, that may affect a wide variety of geographic areas and economic sectors relevant to Groupe BPCE. For example, the Cévennes episodes that affect the south-east of France every year can cause buildings, factories and offices to flood, slowing down or even making it impossible for some of the Group’s customers to carry out their activities. For example, an SME customer of Groupe BPCE producing a component essential to the opening of buildings was flooded at the end of 2019, causing it to file for bankruptcy. Moreover, this SME was supplying a real estate project whose construction had to stop while a new supplier was found. The real estate project was delayed, which led to a credit risk on the transaction for the bank financing it: late penalties, late opening for sale or rent, etc. Thus, physical climate risk can spread along the value chain of Groupe BPCE’s corporate customers, which can lead to default and thus generate financial losses for Groupe BPCE. These physical climate risks are likely to increase and could lead to significant losses for Groupe BPCE.

The transition risk is connected to the process of adjusting to a low-carbon economy. The process of reducing emissions is likely to have a significant impact on all sectors of the economy by affecting the value of financial assets and the profitability of companies. The increase in costs related to this energy transition for economic players, whether corporates or individual customers, could lead to an increase in defaults and thus significantly increase Groupe BPCE’s losses. For example, the French law “Energie-Climat” of November 8, 2019 is expected to limit from 2028 the sale and rental of real estate with very low energy performances. Some of Groupe BPCE’s customers will therefore have to plan renovation work for a possible future sale or lease of such type of properties. The risk lies in the impossibility for Groupe BPCE’s customers to carry out this costly work and consequently being unable to complete the financial transaction necessary to balance their budget. These customers of Groupe BPCE could therefore become insolvent, which would result in significant financial losses for Groupe BPCE.

A persistently low interest rate environment may have an adverse impact on Groupe BPCE’s profitability and financial position.

The global markets have been subject to low interest rates in recent years, and it appears this situation will not be changing anytime soon. When interest rates are low, credit spreads tend to tighten, meaning Groupe BPCE may not be able to sufficiently lower interest rates paid on deposits to offset the drop in revenues associated with issuing loans at lower market rates. Groupe BPCE’s efforts to reduce the cost of deposits may be restricted by the high volumes of regulated products, especially on the French market, including in particular Livret A passbook savings accounts and PEL home savings plans, which earn interest above the current market rate. In addition, Groupe BPCE may incur an increase in prepayments and renegotiations of home loans and other fixed-rate loans to individuals and businesses, as customers seek to take advantage of lower borrowing costs. Combined with the issuance of new loans at low interest rates prevailing on the markets, Groupe BPCE may see an overall decrease in the average interest rate in the loan book. Reduced credit spreads and weaker retail banking revenues stemming from this decrease may undermine the profitability of the retail banking activities and overall financial position of Groupe BPCE. Furthermore, if market rates begin climbing again and Groupe BPCE’s hedging strategies prove ineffective or only partially offset this fluctuation in value, its profitability may be affected. An environment of persistently low interest rates may also cause the market yield curve to flatten more generally, which in turn may lower the premium generated by Groupe BPCE’s financing activities and have an adverse impact on its profitability and financial position. The flattening of the yield curve may also encourage financial institutions to enter into higher-risk activities in an effort to obtain the targeted level of return, which may heighten risk and volatility on the market.

The stress tests carried out by Groupe BPCE on its capital markets activities show that, at December 31, 2021, the most sensitive hypothetical stress test is the “emerging market crisis” scenario and that the most impacting historical scenario is the “2011 sovereign crisis” scenario.

For information purposes, the change in Groupe BPCE’s projected one-year net interest income calculated under four scenarios (“rate increase,” “rate decrease,” “steepening of the curve,” “flattening of the curve”) compared to the core scenario showed the “rate decrease” to be the most adverse scenario.

Groupe BPCE may be vulnerable to political, macro-economic and financial environments or to specific circumstances in its countries of operation.

Some Groupe BPCE entities are exposed to country risk, which is the risk that economic, financial, political or social conditions in a foreign country (particularly in countries where the Group conducts business) may affect their financial interests. Groupe BPCE predominantly does business in France (81% of net banking income for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021) and North America (11% of net banking income for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021), with other European countries and the rest of the world accounting for 5% and 3%, respectively, of net banking income for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021. Note 12.6 to the consolidated financial statements of Groupe BPCE “Locations by country,” contained in the 2021 Universal Registration Document lists the entities established in each country and gives a breakdown of net banking income and income before tax by country of establishment.

A significant change in the political or macro-economic environment of such countries or regions may generate additional expenses or reduce profits earned by Groupe BPCE.

A major economic disruption, such as the 2008 financial crisis, the 2011 sovereign debt crisis in Europe or the development of a new epidemic like the coronavirus (the magnitude and length of which are still unknown), may have a material adverse impact on all Groupe BPCE activities, particularly if the disruption encompasses a lack of liquidity on the market, making it difficult for Groupe BPCE to obtain funding. In particular, some risks do not occur in the normal economic cycle because they are externally generated. Examples include the very short-term consequences of Brexit, the increase in credit risk associated with corporate debt around the world (leveraged loans market) and the threat of the Covid-19 epidemic growing even worse, or the longer term impacts of climate change. During the financial crisis of 2008 and 2011, the financial markets were subject to strong volatility in response to various events, including but not limited to the decline in oil and commodity prices, the slowdown in emerging economies and turbulence on the equity markets, which directly or indirectly impacted several Groupe BPCE businesses (primarily securities transactions and financial services).

More recently, the armed conflict triggered by the Russian Federation following its invasion of Ukraine, which led the international community to impose sanctions against the Russian Federation, constitutes a significant change that could directly or indirectly penalize the economic activity of the counterparties financed by Groupe BPCE, resulting in additional expenses or reducing the profits earned by Groupe BPCE. For information, Groupe BPCE’s direct on- and off-balance sheet exposures, net of guarantees, to Russian and Ukrainian customers as of February 28, 2022 amounted to €788 million and €63 million respectively (management data). These exposures are very limited in view of Groupe BPCE’s €889 billion in gross outstanding loans and advances at amortized cost at December 31, 2021 (customers and banks).

For more detailed information, see Sections 4.2.1 “Economic and financial environment” and 4.7 “Outlook for Groupe BPCE” of the 2021 Universal Registration Document.

Groupe BPCE may encounter difficulties in adapting, implementing and incorporating its policy governing acquisitions or joint ventures.

Although acquisitions are not a major part of Groupe BPCE’s current strategy, the Group may nonetheless consider acquisition or partnership opportunities in the future. Although Groupe BPCE carries out an in-depth analysis of any potential acquisitions or joint ventures, in general it is impossible to carry out an exhaustive appraisal in every respect. As a result, Groupe BPCE may have to manage initially unforeseen liabilities. Similarly, the results of the acquired company or joint venture may prove disappointing and the expected synergies may not be realized in whole or in part, or the transaction may give rise to higher-than-expected costs. Groupe BPCE may also encounter difficulties with the consolidation of new entities. The failure of an announced acquisition or failure to consolidate a new entity or joint venture may place a strain on Groupe BPCE’s profitability. This situation may also lead to the departure of key personnel. In the event that Groupe BPCE is obliged to offer financial incentives to its employees in order to retain them, this situation may also lead to an increase in costs and a decline in profitability. Joint ventures expose Groupe BPCE to additional risks and uncertainties in that it may depend on systems, controls and persons that are outside its control and may, in this respect, see its liability incurred, suffer losses or incur damage to its reputation. Moreover, conflicts or disagreements between Groupe BPCE and its joint venture partners may have a negative impact on the targeted benefits of the joint venture. At December 31, 2021, total investments accounted for using equity method amounted to €1.6 billion, including following the sale of BPCE’s entire stake in CNP Assurances(1). For further information, please refer to Note 12.4 “Partnerships and associates” to the consolidated financial statements of Groupe BPCE, included in the 2021 Universal Registration Document.

Intense competition in France, Groupe BPCE’s main market, or internationally, may cause its net income and profitability to decline.

Groupe BPCE’s main business lines operate in a very competitive environment both in France and other parts of the world where it is does substantial business. This competition is heightened by consolidation, either through mergers and acquisitions or cooperation and arrangements. Consolidation has created a certain number of companies which, like Groupe BPCE, can offer a wide range of products and services ranging from insurance, loans and deposits to brokerage, investment banking and asset management. Groupe BPCE is in competition with other entities based on a number of factors, including the execution of transactions, products and services offered, innovation, reputation and price. If Groupe BPCE is unable to maintain its competitiveness in France or in its other major markets by offering a range of attractive and profitable products and services, it may lose market share in certain key business lines or incur losses in some or all of its activities.

For example, at December 31, 2021, in France, Groupe BPCE is the number one bank for SMEs(2), and the second-ranked bank for individual and professional customers(3). It has a 25.9% market share in home loans(4). In Retail Banking and Insurance, loan outstandings totaled €650 billion and deposits and savings(5) €861 billion (for more information on the contribution of each business line, and each network, see Section 1.4 “Groupe BPCE’s business lines” of the 2021 Universal Registration Document). Moreover, a slowdown in the global economy or the economic environment of Groupe BPCE’s main markets is likely to increase competitive pressure, in particular through greater pricing pressure and a slowdown in business volume for Groupe BPCE and its competitors. New, more competitive rivals subject to separate or more flexible regulation or other prudential ratio requirements could also enter the market. These new market participants would thus be able to offer more competitive products and services. Advances in technology and the growth of e-commerce have made it possible for institutions other than custodians to offer products and services that were traditionally considered as banking products, and for financial institutions and other companies to provide electronic and internet-based financial solutions, including electronic securities trading. These new entrants may put downward pressure on the price of Groupe BPCE’s products and services or affect Groupe BPCE’s market share. Advances in technology could lead to rapid and unexpected changes on Groupe BPCE’s markets of operation. Groupe BPCE’s competitive position, net earnings and profitability may be adversely affected should it prove unable to adequately adapt its activities or strategy in response to such changes.

Groupe BPCE’s ability to attract and retain skilled employees is paramount to the success of its business and failing to do so may affect its performance.

The employees of Groupe BPCE entities are the Group’s most valuable resource. Competition to attract qualified employees is fierce in many areas of the financial services sector. Groupe BPCE’s earnings and performance depend on its ability to attract new employees and retain and motivate existing employees. Changes in the economic environment (in particular tax and other measures aimed at limiting the pay of banking sector employees) may compel Groupe BPCE to transfer its employees from one unit to another, or reduce the workforce in certain business lines, which may cause temporary disruptions due to the time required for employees to adapt to their new duties, and may limit Groupe BPCE’s ability to benefit from improvements in the economic environment. This may prevent Groupe BPCE from taking advantage of potential opportunities in terms of sales or efficiency, which could in turn affect its performance.

At December 31, 2021, Groupe BPCE’s registered headcount totaled 99,900 employees. 6,688 permanent employees were recruited during the year (for further information, please refer to Section 2.4 “Designing the work of the future” of the 2021 Universal Registration Document).

Groupe BPCE is exposed to credit and counterparty risks that could have a material adverse effect on the Group’s business, financial position and income.

Groupe BPCE is significantly exposed to credit and counterparty risk through its financing or market activities. The Group could thus incur losses in the event of default by one or more counterparties, in particular if the Group encounters legal or other difficulties in exercising its collateral or if the value of the collateral does not allow it to fully cover the exposure in the event of a default. Despite the due diligence carried out by the Group, aimed at limiting the effects of having a concentrated credit portfolio, counterparty defaults may be amplified within a specific economic sector or world region by the effects of interdependence between these counterparties. Default by one or more major counterparties could thus have a material adverse effect on the Group’s cost of risk, income and financial position.


On December 16, 2021, BPCE sold its entire stake in CNP Assurances, i.e. 16.11%, to Banque Postale.


53% (rank 1) in terms of total penetration rate (Kantar 2021 SME-SMI survey).


Retail market share: 22% in household savings and 25.9% in mortgage loans to households (Banque de France Q3-2021). Overall penetration rate of 29.6% (rank 2) among retail customers (SOFIA Kantar study, March 2020). For professionals: 39.9% (rank 2) penetration rate among professionals and individual entrepreneurs (Pépites CSA 2019-2020 survey).


Banque de France Q3-2021 – Quarterly SURFI statements – Outstanding housing loans to households.


Balance sheet and financial savings.

For information, on December 31, 2021, Groupe BPCE’s gross exposure to credit risk amounted to €1,435 billion, with the following breakdown for the main types of counterparty: 38% for retail customers, 27% for corporates, 19% for central banks and other sovereign exposures, and 6% for the public sector and similar entities. Credit risk-weighted assets amounted to €384 billion (including counterparty risk).

The main economic sectors to which the Group is exposed in its Non-Financial Corporations portfolio are Real Estate (36% of gross exposures at December 31, 2021), Finance/Insurance (11%), Wholesale and Retail Trade (11%) and Manufacturing industry (7%).

Groupe BPCE develops its activities mainly in France. The Group’s gross exposure (gross carrying amount) to France is €990 billion, representing 84% of the total gross exposure. The remaining exposures are mainly concentrated in the United States 4%, with other countries accounting for 12% of total gross exposures.

For further information, please see Chapters 5 “Credit risk” and 6 “Counterparty risk” in this document.

A substantial increase in impairments or provisions for expected credit losses recognized in respect of Groupe BPCE’s portfolio of loans and advances could have a material adverse effect on its income and financial position.

In the course of its lending activities, Groupe BPCE regularly recognizes charges for asset impairments in order to reflect, if necessary, actual or potential losses on its portfolio of loans and advances. Such impairments are booked in the income statement under “Cost of risk.” Groupe BPCE’s total charges for asset impairments are based on the Group’s measurement of past losses on loans, volumes and types of loans granted, industry standards, loans in arrears, economic conditions and other factors associated with the recoverability of various types of loans. While Groupe BPCE makes every effort to set aside a sufficient level of provisions for asset impairment expenses, its lending activities may cause it in the future to have to increase its expenses for losses on loans, due to a rise in non-performing loans or for other reasons such as the deterioration of market conditions or factors affecting certain countries. Any substantial increase in charges for losses on loans, material change in Groupe BPCE’s estimate of the risk of loss associated with its portfolio of loans, or any loss on loans exceeding past impairment expenses, could have an adverse impact on Groupe BPCE’s results and financial position.

Note: Groupe BPCE’s cost of risk amounts to €1,783 million in 2021 compared to €2,998 million in 2020, with credit risks accounting for 88% of Groupe BPCE’s risk-weighted assets. On the basis of gross exposures, 38% relate to retail customers and 27% to corporate customers (of which 69% of exposures are located in France).

Consequently, the risk associated with a significant increase in impairment expenses on assets booked to Groupe BPCE’s loans and advances portfolio is significant for Groupe BPCE in terms of impact and probability, and is therefore monitored carefully and proactively.

A decline in the financial strength and performance of other financial institutions and market players may have an unfavorable impact on Groupe BPCE.

Groupe BPCE’s ability to execute transactions may be affected by a decline in the financial strength of other financial institutions and market players. Institutions are closely interconnected owing to their trading, clearing, counterparty and financing operations. A default by a sector player, or even mere rumors or concerns regarding one or more financial institutions or the financial industry in general, may lead to a general contraction in market liquidity and subsequently to losses or further defaults in the future. Groupe BPCE is directly or indirectly exposed to various financial counterparties, such as investment service providers, commercial or investment banks, clearing houses and CCPs, mutual funds, hedge funds, and other institutional clients, with which it regularly conducts transactions. The default or failure of any such counterparties may have an adverse impact on Groupe BPCE’s financial position. Moreover, Groupe BPCE may be exposed to the risk associated with the growing involvement of operators subject to little or no regulation in its business sector and to the emergence of new products subject to little or no regulation (including in particular crowdfunding and trading platforms). This risk would be exacerbated if the assets held as collateral by Groupe BPCE could not be sold or if their selling price would not cover all of Groupe BPCE’s exposure to defaulted loans or derivatives, or in the event of fraud, embezzlement or other misappropriation of funds committed by financial sector participants in general to which Groupe BPCE is exposed, or if a key market operator such as a CCP defaults.

Exposures to “financial institutions” represent 4% of Groupe BPCE’s total gross exposures (€1,435 billion) on December 31, 2021. In geographic terms, 71% of gross exposures to “Institutions” are located in France.

Groupe BPCE is dependent on its access to funding and other sources of liquidity, which may be limited for reasons outside its control, thus potentially having a material adverse impact on its results.

Access to short-term and long-term funding is critical for the conduct of Groupe BPCE’s business. Non-collateralized sources of funding for Groupe BPCE include deposits, issues of long-term debt and short/medium-term negotiable debt securities, banks loans and credit lines. Groupe BPCE also uses funding secured in particular by reverse repurchase agreements. If Groupe BPCE were unable to access the secured and/or unsecured debt market at conditions deemed acceptable, or incurred an unexpected outflow of cash or collateral, including a significant decline in customer deposits, its liquidity may be negatively affected. Furthermore, if Groupe BPCE were unable to maintain a satisfactory level of customer deposits (e.g. in the event its competitors offer higher rates of return on deposits), it may be forced to obtain funding at higher rates, which would reduce its net interest income and results.

Groupe BPCE’s liquidity, and therefore its results, may also be affected by unforeseen events outside its control, such as general market disruptions, operational hardships affecting third parties, negative opinions on financial services in general or on the short/long-term outlook for Groupe BPCE, changes in Groupe BPCE’s credit rating, or even the perception of the position of Groupe BPCE or other financial institutions among market operators.

Groupe BPCE’s access to the capital markets, and the cost of long-term unsecured funding, are directly related to changes in its credit spreads on the bond and credit derivatives markets, which it can neither predict nor control. Liquidity constraints may have a material adverse impact on Groupe BPCE’s financial position, results and ability to meet its obligations to its counterparties.

Groupe BPCE’s liquidity reserves include cash placed with central banks and securities and receivables eligible for central bank funding. Groupe BPCE’s liquidity reserve amounted to €329 billion on December 31, 2021, covering 247% short-term funding and short-term maturities of MLT debt. The one-month LCR (Liquidity Coverage Ratio) averaged 161% over 12 months on December 31, 2021 versus 156% on December 31, 2020. Any restriction on Groupe BPCE’s access to funding and other sources of liquidity could have a material adverse impact on its results. Given the significance these risks hold for Groupe BPCE in terms of impact and probability, they are carefully and proactively monitored.

Significant changes in interest rates may have a material adverse impact on Groupe BPCE’s net banking income and profitability.

Net interest income earned by Groupe BPCE during a given period has a material influence on net banking income and profitability for the period. In addition, material changes in credit spreads may influence Groupe BPCE’s earnings. Interest rates are highly sensitive to various factors that may be outside the control of Groupe BPCE. In the last decade, interest rates have tended to be low but may increase, and Groupe BPCE may not be able to immediately pass on the impacts of this change. Changes in market interest rates may have an impact on the interest rate applied to interest-bearing assets, different from those of interest rates paid on interest-bearing liabilities. Any adverse change in the yield curve may reduce net interest income from associated lending and funding activities and thus have a material adverse impact on Groupe BPCE’s net banking income and profitability.

Any period of inflation could affect Groupe BPCE’s revenues if it resulted in an increase in regulated savings rates without impacting the cost of credit, thus affecting the net interest margin and income. The sensitivity of the net present value of Groupe BPCE’s balance sheet to a +/-200 bps variation in interest rates remains below the 15% Tier 1 limit. At December 31, 2021, Groupe BPCE’s sensitivity to interest rate increases stood at -11.37% compared to Tier 1 versus -6.21% at December 31, 2020. The measurement of the change in Groupe BPCE’s projected net interest margin over one year according to four scenarios (“rising rates”, “falling rates”, “steepening of the curve”, “flattening of the curve”) in relation to the central scenario, indicates that “falling rates” (shock of -25bp) is the most unfavorable scenario, with a negative impact, as of September 30, 2021, of -0.88% (€82 million) over a sliding year.

Market fluctuations and volatility expose Groupe BPCE (in particular Natixis) to losses in its trading and investment activities, which may adversely impact Group’s BPCE’s results and financial position.

In the course of its third-party trading or investment activities, Groupe BPCE may carry positions in the bond, currency, commodity and equity markets, and in unlisted securities, real estate assets and other asset classes. These positions may be affected by volatility on the markets (especially the financial markets), i.e. the degree of price fluctuations over a given period on a given market, regardless of the levels on the market in question. Certain market configurations and fluctuations may also generate losses on a broad range of trading and hedging products used, including swaps, futures, options and structured products, which could adversely impact Groupe BPCE’s results and financial position. Similarly, extended market declines and/or major crises may reduce the liquidity of certain asset classes, making it difficult to sell certain assets and in turn generating material losses.

Market risk-weighted assets totaled €15.1 billion, i.e. around 3% of Groupe BPCE’s total risk-weighted assets, on December 31, 2021. For information, the weight of Corporate & Investment Banking activities in the Group’s net banking income was 14% for the year 2021. For more detailed information and examples, see Note 10.1.2 (“Analysis of financial assets and liabilities classified in Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy”) to the consolidated financial statements of Groupe BPCE, included in the 2021 Universal Registration Document.

Changes in the fair value of Groupe BPCE’s portfolios of securities and derivative products, and its own debt, are liable to have an adverse impact on the net carrying amount of these assets and liabilities, and as a result on Groupe BPCE’s net income and equity.

The net carrying amount of Groupe BPCE’s securities, derivative products and other types of assets at fair value, and of its own debt, is adjusted (at balance sheet level) at the date of each new financial statement. These adjustments are predominantly based on changes in the fair value of assets and liabilities during an accounting period, i.e. changes taken to profit or loss or recognized directly in other comprehensive income. Changes recorded in the income statement, but not offset by corresponding changes in the fair value of other assets, have an impact on net banking income and thus on net income. All fair value adjustments have an impact on equity and thus on Groupe BPCE’s capital adequacy ratios. Such adjustments are also liable to have an adverse impact on the net carrying amount of Groupe BPCE’s assets and liabilities, and thus on its net income and equity. The fact that fair value adjustments are recorded over an accounting period does not mean that additional adjustments will not be necessary in subsequent periods.

On December 31, 2021, financial assets at fair value totaled €199 billion (with approximately €187 billion in financial assets at fair value held for trading purposes) and financial liabilities at fair value totaled €192 billion (with €162 billion in financial liabilities at fair value held for trading purposes). For more detailed information, see also Note 4.3 (“Net gains or losses on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss”), Note 4.4 (“Net gains or losses on financial instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income”), Note 5.1 (“Financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit or loss”) and Note 5.2 (“Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income”) to the consolidated financial statements of Groupe BPCE in the 2021 Universal Registration Document.

Groupe BPCE’s revenues from brokerage and other activities associated with fee and commission income may decrease in the event of market downturns.

A market downturn is liable to lower the volume of transactions (particularly financial services and securities transactions) executed by Groupe BPCE entities for their customers and as a market maker, thus reducing net banking income from these activities. In particular, in the event of a decline in market conditions, Groupe BPCE may record a lower volume of customer transactions and a drop in the corresponding fees, thus reducing revenues earned from this activity. Furthermore, as management fees invoiced by Groupe BPCE entities to their customers are generally based on the value or performance of portfolios, any decline in the markets causing the value of these portfolios to decrease or generating an increase in the amount of redemptions would reduce the revenues earned by these entities through the distribution of mutual funds or other investment products (for the Caisses d’Epargne and the Banques Populaires) or through Asset Management activities (for Natixis).

Even where there is no market decline, if funds managed for third parties throughout Groupe BPCE and other Groupe BPCE products underperform the market, redemptions may increase and/or inflows decrease as a result, with a potential corresponding impact on revenues from the Asset Management business.

In 2021, the total net amount of fees and commissions received was €10,323 million, representing 40% of Groupe BPCE’s net banking income. Revenues earned from fees and commissions for financial services came to €582 million and revenues earned from fees and commissions for securities transactions amounted to €258 million. For more detailed information on the amounts of fees and commissions received by Groupe BPCE, see Note 4.2 (“Fee and commission income and expenses”) to the consolidated financial statements of Groupe BPCE in the 2021 Universal Registration Document.

Downgraded credit ratings could have an adverse impact on BPCE’s funding cost, profitability and business continuity.

Groupe BPCE’s long-term ratings on December 31, 2021 were A+ for Fitch Ratings, A1 for Moody’s, A+ for R&I and A+ for Standard & Poor’s. The decision to downgrade these credit ratings may have a negative impact on the funding of BPCE and its affiliates active in the financial markets (including Natixis). A ratings downgrade may affect Groupe BPCE’s liquidity and competitive position, increase funding costs, limit access to financial markets and trigger obligations under some bilateral contracts governing trading, derivative and collateralized funding transactions, thus adversely impacting its profitability and business continuity.

Furthermore, BPCE and Natixis’ unsecured long-term funding cost is directly linked to their respective credit spreads (the yield spread over and above the yield on government issues with the same maturity that is paid to bond investors), which in turn are heavily dependent on their ratings. An increase in credit spreads may materially raise BPCE and Natixis’ funding cost. Shifts in credit spreads are correlated to the market and sometimes subject to unforeseen and highly volatile changes. Credit spreads are also influenced by market perception of issuer solvency and are associated with changes in the purchase price of Credit Default Swaps backed by certain BPCE or Natixis debt securities. Accordingly, a change in perception of an issuer solvency due to a rating downgrade could have an adverse impact on that issuer’s profitability and business continuity.

Groupe BPCE generates 12.9% of its net banking income from its insurance businesses. Net banking income from life and non-life insurance activities amounted to €2,860 million for the year 2021, compared to €2,550 million for 2020.

A deterioration in market conditions, and in particular excessive interest rate increases or decreases, could have a material adverse impact on the personal insurance business and income of the Group.

The main risk to which Groupe BPCE insurance subsidiaries are exposed in their personal insurance business is market risk. Exposure to market risk is mainly related to the capital guarantee as applicable to euro-denominated savings products.

Among market risks, interest rate risk is structurally significant for Natixis Assurances, as its general funds consist primarily of bonds. Interest rate fluctuations may:

in the case of higher rates: reduce the competitiveness of the euro-denominated offer (by making new investments more attractive) and trigger waves of redemptions and major arbitrages on unfavorable terms with unrealized capital losses on outstanding bonds;

in the case of lower rates: in the long term, make the return on general funds too low to enable them to honor their capital guarantees.

As a result of the allocation of general funds, the widening of spreads and the decline in the equity markets could also have a significant unfavorable impact on the results of Groupe BPCE’s life and health insurance business, through the recording of provisions for impairment due to the decline in the valuation of investments at fair value through profit or loss.

A mismatch between the loss experience expected by the insurer and the amounts actually paid by the Group to policyholders could have a significant adverse impact on its non-life insurance business and on the personal protection insurance portion of its insurance business, as well as its results and its financial position.

The main risk to which Groupe BPCE’s insurance subsidiaries are exposed in connection with these latter activities is underwriting risk. This risk results from a mismatch between i) claims actually recorded and benefits actually paid as compensation for these claims and ii) the assumptions used by the subsidiaries to set the prices for their insurance products and to establish technical reserves for potential compensation.

The Group uses both its own experience and industry data to develop estimates of future policy benefits, including information used in pricing insurance products and establishing the related actuarial liabilities. However, actual experience may not match these estimates, and unforeseen risks such as pandemics or natural disasters could result in higher-than-expected payments to policyholders. In this respect, changes in climate phenomena (known as “physical” climate risks) are subject to particular vigilance.

In the event that the amounts actually paid by the Group to policyholders are greater than the underlying assumptions initially used to establish provisions, or if events or trends lead the Group to modify the underlying assumptions, the Group may be exposed to more significant liabilities than expected, which could have a negative impact on the non-life insurance business for the personal protection portion, as well as on the results and financial position of the Group.

In the continuing context of the Covid-19 pandemic, fiscal year 2021 was marked by very dynamic commercial activity in both business lines.

Commercial activity for 2021 shows significant growth compared to 2020. At €14.6 billion, revenues at the end of 2021 were up by 32% compared to the end of 2020. This growth was observed in all insurance activities, and was mainly driven by savings (+39%), which benefited from strong momentum in contrast to the very low inflows in the first half of 2020 linked to the first lockdown. As a result, collection is higher than before the health crisis: +11% compared to 2019.

The 2021 result benefited in particular from the 12% increase in outstandings in the savings business, as well as the good performance of the personal protection and borrower insurance activities. It also benefited from a favorable base effect, as fiscal year 2020 was marked by the economic consequences of the health crisis and in particular the decline in the equity markets.

Underwriting risk:

in non-life insurance: the loss ratio is at higher levels than in 2020, a year marked by several lockdowns that led to a drop in automotive claims. The deterioration in multi-risk home insurance claims is mainly explained by the recording of serious claims and by climatic events;

in personal insurance: the loss ratio in personal protection and in borrower insurance improved in 2021, due to reversals of provisions.

Gross operating income from Insurance activities posted positive growth.

In addition, the SCR (Solvency Capital Requirement) is covered at December 31, 2021, thanks in particular to a favorable economic and financial environment. The various actions taken over the last few years, particularly in terms of financial coverage, reinsurance, business diversification and management of investments, have also contributed to the solidity and resilience of the solvency of Natixis Assurances. It should be noted that the deterioration of the economic and financial environment, in particular the decline in the equity markets and the level of interest rates, could adversely affect the solvency of Natixis Assurances, by adversely affecting future margins.

In the event of non-compliance with applicable laws and regulations, Groupe BPCE could be exposed to significant fines and other administrative and criminal penalties that could have a material adverse effect on its financial position, activities and reputation.

The risk of non-compliance is defined as the risk of sanction – judicial, administrative or disciplinary – but also of financial loss or damage to reputation, resulting from non-compliance with laws and regulations, professional standards and practices, and ethical standards specific to banking and Insurance activities, whether national or international.

The banking and Insurance sectors are subject to increased regulatory oversight, both in France and internationally. Recent years have seen a particularly substantial increase in the volume of new regulations that have introduced significant changes affecting both the financial markets and the relationships between investment service providers and customers or investors (e.g. MIFID II, PRIIPS, the directive on the Insurance Distribution, Market Abuse Regulation, Fourth Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing directive, Personal Data Protection Regulation, Benchmark Index Regulation, etc.). These new regulations have major impacts on the company’s operational processes.

The realization of the risk of non-compliance could result, for example, in the use of inappropriate means to promote and market the bank’s products and services, inadequate management of potential conflicts of interest, the disclosure of confidential information, or privileged, failure to comply with due diligence on entering into relations with suppliers and customers, particularly in terms of financial security (in particular the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism, compliance with embargoes, the fight against fraud or corruption).

Within BPCE, the Compliance function is responsible for overseeing the system for preventing and managing non-compliance risks. Despite this system, Groupe BPCE remains exposed to the risk of fines or other significant sanctions from the regulatory and supervisory authorities, as well as civil or criminal legal proceedings that could have a significant adverse impact on its financial position, activities and reputation.

Any interruption or failure of the information systems belonging to Groupe BPCE or third parties may generate losses (including commercial losses) and may have a material adverse impact on Groupe BPCE’s results.

As is the case for the majority of its competitors, Groupe BPCE is highly dependent on information and communication systems, as a large number of increasingly complex transactions are processed in the course of its activities. Any failure, interruption or malfunction in these systems may cause errors or interruptions in the systems used to manage customer accounts, general ledgers, deposits, transactions and/or to process loans. For example, if Groupe BPCE’s information systems were to malfunction, even for a short period, the affected entities would be unable to meet their customers’ needs in time and could thus lose transaction opportunities. Similarly, a temporary failure in Groupe BPCE’s information systems despite back-up systems and contingency plans could also generate substantial information recovery and verification costs, or even a decline in its proprietary activities if, for example, such a failure were to occur during the implementation of a hedging transaction. The inability of Groupe BPCE’s systems to adapt to an increasing volume of transactions may also limit its ability to develop its activities and generate losses, particularly losses in sales, and may therefore have a material adverse impact on Groupe BPCE’s results.

Groupe BPCE is also exposed to the risk of malfunction or operational failure by one of its clearing agents, foreign exchange markets, clearing houses, custodians or other financial intermediaries or external service providers that it uses to carry out or facilitate its securities transactions. As interconnectivity with its customers continues to grow, Groupe BPCE may also become increasingly exposed to the risk of the operational malfunction of customer information systems. Groupe BPCE’s communication and information systems, and those of its customers, service providers and counterparties, may also be subject to failures or interruptions resulting from cybercriminal or cyberterrorist acts. For example, as a result of its digital transformation, Groupe BPCE’s information systems are becoming increasingly open to the outside (cloud computing, big data, etc.). Many of its processes are gradually going digital. Use of the Internet and connected devices (tablets, smartphones, apps used on tablets and mobiles, etc.) by employees and customers is on the rise, increasing the number of channels serving as potential vectors for attacks and disruptions, and the number of devices and applications vulnerable to attacks and disruptions. Consequently, the software and hardware used by Groupe BPCE’s employees and external agents are constantly and increasingly subject to cyberthreats. As a result of any such attacks, Groupe BPCE may face malfunctions or interruptions in its own systems or in third-party systems that may not be adequately resolved. Any interruption or failure of the information systems belonging to Groupe BPCE or third parties may generate losses (including commercial losses) due to the disruption of its operations and the possibility that its customers may turn to other financial institutions during and/or after any such interruptions or failures.

The risk associated with any interruption or failure of the information systems belonging to Groupe BPCE or third parties is significant for Groupe BPCE in terms of impact and probability, and is therefore carefully and proactively monitored.

Reputational and legal risks could unfavorably impact Groupe BPCE’s profitability and business outlook.

Groupe BPCE’s reputation is of paramount importance when it comes to attracting and retaining customers. Use of inappropriate means to promote and market Group products and services, inadequate management of potential conflicts of interest, legal and regulatory requirements, ethical issues, money laundering laws, economic sanctions, data policies and sales and trading practices could adversely affect Groupe BPCE’s reputation. Its reputation could also be harmed by inappropriate employee behavior, cybercrime or cyber terrorist attacks on Groupe BPCE’s information and communication systems, or any fraud, embezzlement or other misappropriation of funds committed by financial sector participants to which Groupe BPCE is exposed, or any legal ruling or regulatory action with a potentially unfavorable outcome. Any such harm to Groupe BPCE’s reputation may have a negative impact on its profitability and business outlook.

Ineffective management of reputational risk could also increase Groupe BPCE’s legal risk, the number of legal disputes in which it is involved and the amount of damages claimed, or may expose the Group to regulatory sanctions. For more information, see Chapter 10 “Legal risks” of this document. The financial consequences of these disputes may have an impact on the financial position of the Group, in which case they may also adversely impact Groupe BPCE’s profitability and business outlook.

As of December 31, 2021, total provisions for legal and tax risks amounted to €1,224 million.

Unforeseen events may interrupt Groupe BPCE’s operations and cause losses and additional costs.

Unforeseen events, such as a serious natural disaster, events related to climate risk (physical risk directly associated with climate change), pandemics, attacks or any other emergency situation can cause an abrupt interruption in the operations of Groupe BPCE entities, affecting in particular the Group’s core business lines (liquidity, payment instruments, securities services, loans to individual and corporate customers, and fiduciary services) and trigger material losses, if the Group is not covered or not sufficiently covered by an insurance policy. These losses could relate to material assets, financial assets, market positions or key personnel, and have a direct and potentially material impact on Groupe BPCE’s net income. Moreover, such events may also disrupt Groupe BPCE’s infrastructure, or that of a third party with which Groupe BPCE does business, and generate additional costs (relating in particular to the cost of re-housing the affected personnel) and increase Groupe BPCE’s costs (such as insurance premiums). Such events may invalidate insurance coverage of certain risks and thus increase Groupe BPCE’s overall level of risk.

On December 31, 2021, operational risks accounted for 9% of Groupe BPCE’s risk-weighted assets, as on December 31, 2020. At December 31, 2021, Groupe BPCE’s losses in respect of operational risk can be primarily attributed to the “Corporate items” business line (38%). They are concentrated in the Basel category “execution, delivery and process management” for 46%.

The failure or inadequacy of Groupe BPCE’s risk management and hedging policies, procedures and strategies may expose it to unidentified or unexpected risks which may trigger unforeseen losses.

Groupe BPCE’s risk management and hedging policies, procedures and strategies may not succeed in effectively limiting its exposure to all types of market environments or all kinds of risks, and may even prove ineffective for some risks that the Group was unable to identify or anticipate. Furthermore, the risk management techniques and strategies employed by Groupe BPCE may not effectively limit its exposure to risk and do not guarantee that overall risk will actually be lowered. These techniques and strategies may prove ineffective against certain types of risk, in particular risks that Groupe BPCE had not already identified or anticipated, given that the tools used by Groupe BPCE to develop risk management procedures are based on assessments, analyses and assumptions that may prove inaccurate. Some of the indicators and qualitative tools used by Groupe BPCE to manage risk are based on the observation of past market performance. To measure risk exposures, the heads of risk management carry out a statistical analysis of these observations.

These tools or indicators may not be capable of predicting future exposure to risk. For example, these risk exposures may be due to factors that Groupe BPCE may not have anticipated or correctly assessed in its statistical models or due to unexpected or unprecedented shifts in the market. This would limit Groupe BPCE’s risk management capability. As a result, losses incurred by Groupe BPCE may be higher than those anticipated on the basis of past measurements. Moreover, the Group’s quantitative models cannot factor in all risks. While no significant problem has been identified to date, the risk management systems are subject to the risk of operational failure, including fraud. Some risks are subject to a more qualitative analysis, which may prove inadequate and thus expose Groupe BPCE to unexpected losses.

Actual results may vary compared to assumptions used to prepare Groupe BPCE’s financial statements, which may expose it to unexpected losses.

In accordance with current IFRS standards and interpretations, Groupe BPCE must base its financial statements on certain estimates, in particular accounting estimates relating to the determination of provisions for non-performing loans, provisions for potential claims and litigation, and the fair value of certain assets and liabilities. If the values used for the estimates by Groupe BPCE prove to be materially inaccurate, in particular in the event of major and/or unexpected market trends, or if the methods used to calculate these values are modified due to future changes in IFRS standards or interpretations, Groupe BPCE may be exposed to unexpected losses.

Information on the use of estimates and judgments is provided in Note 2.3 (“Use of estimates”) to the consolidated financial statements of Groupe BPCE in the 2021 Universal Registration Document.

Groupe BPCE is subject to significant regulation in France and in several other countries around the world where it operates; regulatory measures and changes could have a material adverse impact on Groupe BPCE’s business and results.

The business and results of Group entities may be materially impacted by the policies and actions of various regulatory authorities in France, other governments of the European Union, the United States, foreign governments and international organizations. Such constraints may limit the ability of Groupe BPCE entities to expand their businesses or conduct certain activities. The nature and impact of future changes in such policies and regulatory measures are unpredictable and are beyond Groupe BPCE’s control. Moreover, the general political environment has evolved unfavorably for banks and the financial industry, resulting in additional pressure on the part of legislative and regulatory bodies to adopt more stringent regulatory measures, despite the fact that these measures may have adverse consequences on lending and other financial activities, and on the economy. Because of the continuing uncertainty surrounding the new legislative and regulatory measures, it is not possible to predict what impact they will have on Groupe BPCE; however, this impact may be highly adverse.

For example, legislation and regulations have recently been enacted or proposed with a view to introducing a number of changes, some permanent, in the global financial environment. While the objective of these new measures is to avoid a recurrence of the global financial crisis, the impact of the new measures could substantially change, and may continue to change, the environment in which Groupe BPCE and other financial institutions operate.

As a result of some of these measures, Groupe BPCE has reduced, and may further reduce, the size of certain activities in order to comply with the new requirements. These measures are also liable to increase the cost of compliance with new regulations. This could cause revenues and consolidated profit to decline in the relevant business lines, sales to decline in certain activities and asset portfolios, and asset impairment expenses.

The purpose of the 2019 adoption of the final versions of the Banking Package was to align prudential requirements for banks with Basel III standards. The implementation of these reforms may result in higher capital and liquidity requirements, which could impact Groupe BPCE funding costs.

On November 11, 2020, the Financial Stability Board (“FSB”), in consultation with the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and national authorities, reported the 2020 list of global systemically important banks (“G-SIBs”). Groupe BCPE is classified as a G-SIB by the FSB. Groupe BPCE also appears on the list of global systematically important financial institutions (“G-SIFIs”).

These regulatory measures, which may apply to various Groupe BPCE entities, and any changes in such measures may have a material adverse impact on Groupe BPCE’s business and results.

Legislation and regulations have recently been enacted or proposed with a view to introducing a number of changes, some permanent, in the global financial environment. These new measures, aimed at avoiding a new global financial crisis, have significantly altered the operating environment of Groupe BPCE and other financial institutions, and may continue to alter this environment in the future. Groupe BPCE is exposed to the risk associated with changes in legislation and regulations. These include the new prudential backstop rules, which measure the difference between the actual provisioning levels of defaulted loans and guidelines including target rates, depending on the age of the default and the presence of guarantees.

In today’s evolving legislative and regulatory environment, it is impossible to foresee the impact of these new measures on Groupe BPCE. The development of programs aimed at complying with these new legislative and regulatory measures (and updates to existing programs), and changes to the Group’s information systems in response to or in preparation for new measures generates significant costs for the Group, and may continue to do so in the future. Despite its best efforts, Groupe BPCE may also be unable to fully comply with all applicable laws and regulations and may thus be subject to financial or administrative penalties. Furthermore, new legislative and regulatory measures may require the Group to adapt its operations and/or may affect its results and financial position. Lastly, new regulations may require Groupe BPCE to strengthen its capital or increase its total funding costs.

The risk associated with regulatory measures and subsequent changes to such measures is significant for Groupe BPCE in terms of impact and probability, and is therefore carefully and proactively monitored.

BPCE may have to help entities belonging to the financial solidarity mechanism in the event they experience financial difficulties, including entities in which BPCE holds no economic interest.

As the central institution of Groupe BPCE, BPCE is responsible for ensuring the liquidity and solvency of each regional bank (Banques Populaires and Caisses d’Epargne) and the other members of the group of affiliates which are credit institutions subject to French regulations. The group of affiliates includes BPCE subsidiaries, such as Natixis, Crédit Foncier de France and Banque Palatine. For Groupe BPCE, all entities affiliated with the central institution of Groupe BPCE benefit from a guarantee and solidarity mechanism, the aim of which, in accordance with Articles L. 511-31 and L. 512-107-6 of the French Monetary and Financial Code, is to ensure the liquidity and solvency of all affiliated entities and to organize financial solidarity throughout the Group.

This financial solidarity is based on legislative provisions establishing a legal principle of solidarity obliging the central institution to restore the liquidity or solvency of affiliates in difficulty, and/or of all the affiliates of the Group, by mobilizing, if necessary, all of the affiliates’ liquid assets and equity.

The three guarantee funds created to cover Groupe BPCE’s liquidity and insolvency risks are described in Note 1.2 “Guarantee mechanism” to the consolidated financial statements of Groupe BPCE included in the 2021 Universal Registration Document. On December 31, 2021, the Banque Populaire and Caisse d’Epargne funds each contained €450 million. The Mutual Guarantee Fund holds €172 million in deposits per network. The regional banks are obligated to make additional contributions to the guarantee fund on their future profits. While the guarantee fund represents a substantial source of resources to fund the solidarity mechanism, there is no guarantee these revenues will be sufficient. If the guarantee funds prove insufficient, BPCE, by virtue of its role as central institution, will be obliged to make up the shortfall by mobilizing its own resources and, if necessary, all of the affiliates’ liquid assets and capital.

As a result of this obligation, if a member of the Group were to encounter major financial difficulties, the event underlying these financial difficulties could have a negative impact on the financial position of BPCE and that of the other affiliates thus called upon to provide support under the principle of financial solidarity.

Investors in BPCE’s securities could suffer losses if BPCE and all of its affiliates were to be subject to liquidation or resolution procedures.

The EU regulation on the Single Resolution Mechanism No. 806/214 and the EU directive for the recovery and resolution of banks No. 2014/59, as amended by the EU directive No. 2019/879 (the “BRRD”), as transposed into French law in Book VI of the French Monetary and Financial Code, give the resolution authorities the power to impair BPCE securities or, in the case of debt securities, to convert them to equity.

Resolution authorities may write down or convert capital instruments, such as BPCE’s Tier 2 subordinated debt securities, if the issuing institution or the group to which it belongs is failing or likely to fail (and there is no reasonable prospect that another measure would avoid such failure within a reasonable time period), becomes non-viable, or requires extraordinary public support (subject to certain exceptions). They shall write down or convert capital instruments before opening a resolution proceeding, or if doing so is necessary to maintain the viability of an institution. Any write-down or conversion of capital instruments shall be effected in order of seniority, so that Common Equity Tier 1 instruments are to be written down first, then additional Tier 1 instruments are to be written down or converted to equity, followed by Tier 2 instruments. If the write-down or conversion of capital instruments is not sufficient to restore the financial health of the institution, the bail-in power held by the resolution authorities may be applied to write down or convert eligible liabilities, such as BPCE’s senior non-preferred and senior preferred securities.

On December 31, 2021, total Tier 1 capital amounted to €69.8 billion and Tier 2 prudential capital to €13.0 billion. Senior non-preferred debt instruments amounted to €25.2 billion at that date, of which €22.4 billion had a maturity of more than one year and were therefore eligible for TLAC and MREL at December 31, 2021.

As a result of the complete legal solidarity, and in the extreme case of a liquidation or resolution proceeding, one or more affiliates may not find itself subject to court-ordered liquidation, or be affected by resolution measures within the meaning of the “BRRD,” without all affiliates also being affected. In accordance with Article L. 613-29 of the French Monetary and Financial Code, court-ordered liquidation proceedings are therefore brought in a coordinated manner with regard to the central institution and all of its affiliates.

The same article provides that, in the event of court-ordered liquidation proceedings being brought against all affiliates, the external creditors (of the same rank or enjoying identical rights) of all affiliates would be treated equally according to the ranking of the creditors and regardless of whether they are attached to a particular affiliated entity. As a result, investors in AT1 instruments and other pari passu securities would be more affected than investors in Tier 2 instruments and other pari passu securities, which in turn would be more affected than investors in external senior non-preferred debt, which in turn would be more affected than investors in external senior preferred debt. In the event of resolution, and in accordance with article L. 613-55-5 of the French Monetary and Financial Code, identical depreciation and/or conversion rates would be applied to debts and receivables of the same rank, regardless of their attachment to a particular affiliated entity in the order of the hierarchy recalled above.

Due to the systemic nature of Groupe BPCE and the assessment currently made by the resolution authorities, resolution measures would be more likely to be taken than the opening of judicial liquidation proceedings. A resolution procedure may be initiated against BPCE and all affiliated entities if (i) the default of BPCE and all affiliated entities is proven or foreseeable, (ii) there is no reasonable expectation that another measure could prevent this failure within a reasonable timeframe and (iii) a resolution measure is required to achieve the objectives of the resolution: (a) guarantee the continuity of critical functions, (b) avoid material adverse impacts to financial stability, (c) protect State resources by minimizing the use of exceptional public financial support and (d) protect client funds and assets, particularly those of depositors. Failure of an institution means that it does not respect requirements for continuing authorization, it is unable to pay its debts or other liabilities when they fall due, it requires extraordinary public financial support (subject to limited exceptions), or the value of its liabilities exceeds the value of its assets.

In addition to the bail-in power, resolution authorities are provided with broad powers to implement other resolution measures with respect to failing institutions or, under certain circumstances, their groups, which may include (without limitation): the total or partial sale of the institution’s business to a third party or a bridge institution, the separation of assets, the replacement or substitution of the institution as obligor in respect of debt instruments, modifications to the terms of debt instruments (including altering the maturity and/or the amount of interest payable and/or imposing a temporary suspension on payments), discontinuing the listing and admission to trading of financial instruments, the dismissal of managers or the appointment of a temporary administrator (administrateur spécial) and the issuance of new equity or own funds.

The exercise of the powers described above by resolution authorities could result in the partial or total write-down or conversion to equity of the capital instruments and the debt instruments issued by BPCE, or may substantially affect the amount of resources available to BPCE to make payments on such instruments, potentially causing BPCE investors to incur losses.

Tax legislation and its application in France and in countries where Groupe BPCE operates are likely to have an adverse impact on Groupe BPCE’s profits.

As a multinational banking group that carries out large and complex international transactions, Groupe BPCE (particularly Natixis) is subject to tax legislation in a large number of countries throughout the world, and structures its activity in compliance with applicable tax rules. Changes in tax schemes by the competent authorities in these countries could materially impact Groupe BPCE’s profits. Groupe BPCE manages its activities with a view to creating value from the synergies and sales capabilities of its various constituent entities. It also works to structure financial products sold to its customers from a tax efficiency standpoint. The structure of intra-group transactions and financial products sold by entities of Groupe BPCE are based on its own interpretations of applicable tax regulations and laws, generally based on opinions given by independent tax experts, and, as needed, on decisions or specific interpretations by the competent tax authorities. It is possible that in the future tax authorities may challenge some of these interpretations, as a result of which the tax positions of Groupe BPCE entities may be disputed by the tax authorities, potentially resulting in tax re-assessments, which may in turn have an adverse impact on Groupe BPCE’s results.


6.3 Risk management system



6.3.1 Adequacy of risk management systems


The Group Risk and Compliance Committee, chaired by the Chairman of the Management Board, met five times in 2021 to review the adequacy of Groupe BPCE’s risk management systems, and validated the annual review of the Group’s risk policies. These systems cover all risks, as described in the Ministerial Order of November 3, 2014 on internal control as amended by the Order of February 25, 2021.

Coverage of risks was found to be adequate, consistent with the risk appetite system validated by the BPCE Management Board and Supervisory Board, and related closely to the Group’s strategy and budget oversight.


6.4 Capital management and capital adequacy



6.4.1 Regulatory framework


Credit institutions’ capital is regularly monitored in accordance with regulations defined by the Basel Committee.

These regulations were reinforced following the introduction of Basel III, with an increase in the level of regulatory capital requirements and the introduction of new risk categories.

Basel III recommendations were incorporated in EU directive 2013/36/EU (Capital Requirements Directive – CRD IV) and regulation No. 575/2013 (Capital Requirements Regulation – CRR) of the European Parliament and of the Council amended by Regulation (EU) 2019/876 (the “CRR2”). As of January 1, 2014, all EU credit institutions are subject to compliance with the prudential requirements set out in these texts.

Credit institutions subject to CRD and CRR are thus required to continuously observe:

the Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) ratio;

the Tier 1 ratio, i.e. CET1 plus Additional Tier 1 (AT1) capital;

the total capital ratio, i.e. Tier 1 plus Tier 2 capital; and

as of January 1, 2016, the capital buffers which can be used to absorb losses in the event of tensions.

These buffers include:

a capital conservation buffer, comprised of Common Equity Tier 1, aimed at absorbing losses in times of serious economic stress,

a countercyclical buffer, aimed at protecting the banking sector from periods of excess aggregate credit growth. This Common Equity Tier 1 surcharge is supposed to be adjusted over time in order to increase capital requirements during periods in which credit growth exceeds its normal trend and to relax them during slowdown phases,

a systemic risk buffer for each Member State aimed at preventing and mitigating the systemic risks that are not covered by regulations (low for Groupe BPCE given its countries of operation),

the different systemic risk buffers aimed at reducing the risk of failure of systemically important financial institutions. These buffers are specific to each bank. Groupe BPCE is on the list of other systemically important institutions (O-SIIs) and global systemically important banks (G-SIBs). As these buffers are not cumulative, the highest buffer applies.

The capital ratios are equal in terms of the relationship between capital and the sum of:

credit and dilution risk-weighted assets;

capital requirements for the prudential supervision of market risk and operational risk, multiplied by 12.5.

Through December 31, 2019, these ratios were subject to a phase-in calculation aimed at gradually transitioning from Basel 2.5 to Basel III.

In 2021, Groupe BPCE is required to observe a minimum Common Equity Tier 1 ratio of 4.5% under Pillar I, a minimum Tier 1 capital ratio of 6% and lastly, a minimum total capital ratio of 8%.

Alongside Pillar 1 minimum capital requirements, Groupe BPCE is subject to additional Tier 1 capital requirements:

as of January 1, 2019, the Tier 1 capital conservation buffer is 2.5% of the total amount of risk exposures;

Groupe BPCE’s countercyclical buffer equals the EAD-weighted average of the buffers defined for each of the Group’s countries of operation. Groupe BPCE’s maximum countercyclical buffer as from January 1, 2019 is 2.5%. With the majority of Groupe BPCE’s exposure being located in countries whose countercyclical buffer was set at zero, the Group considers that this rate will be very close to 0%;

the G-SIB buffer has been set at 1% for the Group;

the systemic risk buffer is applied to all exposures located in the Member State setting this buffer and/or to sectoral exposures located in the same Member State. As most of Groupe BPCE’s exposures are located in countries whose systemic risk buffer has been set at 0%, the Group considers that this rate will be very close to 0%.

Hybrid debt instruments eligible for inclusion in own funds under Basel II are still subject to phase-in measures in 2021. This applies to instruments that are no longer eligible under the new regulation, which under certain conditions may be eligible for the grandfathering clause. In accordance with this clause, they are gradually excluded over an eight-year period, with a 10% decrease each year. As of January 1, 2021, 10% of the overall stock reported as of December 31, 2013 is still recognized, to be no longer recognized in 2022. The unrecognized share may be included in the lower equity tier if it meets the relevant criteria.

Credit institutions must comply with prudential requirements, which are based on three pillars that form an indivisible whole:

Pillar I sets minimum requirements for capital. It aims to ensure that banking institutions hold sufficient capital to provide a minimum level of coverage for their credit risk, market risk and operational risk. The bank can use standardized or advanced methods to calculate its capital requirement.




Minimum regulatory capital requirements



Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1)



Total Tier 1 capital (T1 = CET1 + AT1)



Regulatory capital (T1 + T2)



Additional requirements



Capital conservation



G-SIB buffer applicable to Groupe BPCE(1)



Maximum countercyclical buffer applicable to Groupe BPCE(2)



Maximum total capital requirements for Groupe BPCE



Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1)



Total Tier 1 capital (T1 = CET1 + AT1)



Regulatory capital (T1 + T2)




G-SIB buffer: global systemic buffer.


The countercyclical buffer requirement is calculated quarterly.

Pillar II establishes a process of prudential supervision that complements and strengthens Pillar I.

It consists of:

an analysis by the bank of all of its risks, including those already covered by Pillar I;

an estimate by the bank of the capital requirement for these risks;

a comparison by the banking supervisor of its own analysis of the bank’s risk profile with the analysis conducted by the bank, in order to adapt its choice of prudential measures where applicable, which may take the form of capital requirements exceeding the minimum requirements or any other appropriate technique.

For year 2021, the total capital ratio in force for Groupe BPCE under Pillar II (P2R) is 9.75%, plus a 2.50% capital conservation buffer and a 1% G-SIB buffer.

The purpose of Pillar III is to establish market discipline through a series of reporting requirements. These requirements – both qualitative and quantitative – are intended to improve financial transparency in the assessment of risk exposure, risk assessment procedures and capital adequacy.

6.5 Credit risks



As part of the management of the health crisis and its economic consequences, the Risk division has continued the specific actions started in 2020 in order to strengthen the monitoring of the credit portfolio and to support Groupe BPCE in the deployment of the measures put in place by the government. The State-guaranteed loan (SGL) has been extended until June 30, 2022. The support system for the French economy and companies was supplemented in May 2021 by the Participating Recovery Loan (PPR), the aim of which is to enable SMEs and medium-sized companies to strengthen their financial structure and continue to invest.

6.6 Counterparty risk


6.6.1 Counterparty risk management


Counterparty risk is the credit risk generated on market, investment and/or settlement transactions. It is the risk of the counterparty not being able to meet its obligations to Group institutions.

It is also related to the cost of replacing a derivative instrument if the counterparty defaults, and is similar to market risk given default.

Counterparty risk also arises on cash management and market activities conducted with customers, and on clearing activities via a clearing house or external clearing agent.

Exposure to counterparty risk is measured using the internal ratings-based approach and standardized approach.

6.7 Securitization transactions



6.7.1 Regulatory framework and accounting methods


Two European regulations aimed at facilitating the development of the securitization market, preventing risks and ensuring the stability of the financial system, were published in the Official Journal of the European Union on December 28, 2017. The objective of both regulations is to govern securitization transactions in the European Union.

Sets a general framework for securitization (the previous rules were spread out in three different directives and two regulations). Establishes appropriate due diligence, risk retention and transparency requirements for parties to securitization transactions, sets loan approval criteria, lays down requirements for selling securitizations to retail clients, and prohibits resecuritization.

Also establishes a specific framework for STS (simple, transparent and standardized) securitization, by defining the criteria for transactions to meet in order to qualify as securitizations and the obligations arising from such qualification, such as the obligation to notify ESMA of securitization programs.

Amends the provisions of Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 pertaining to securitization, including in particular the prudential requirements applicable to credit institutions and investment firms acting as originators, sponsors or investors in securitization transactions. Deals in particular with:

STS securitizations, and the method for calculating the associated risk-weighted exposure amounts;

the hierarchy of methods for calculating RWAs and determining the related parameters;

external credit assessments (performed by external rating agencies).

Hierarchy of methods: securitization capital requirements are calculated in accordance with a hierarchy of methods applied in the order of priority set by the European Commission:

SEC-IRBA (Securitization Internal Ratings Based Approach): uses the bank’s internal rating models, which shall have been approved beforehand by the supervisor. SEC-IRBA calculates regulatory capital requirements in relation to underlying exposures as if these had not been securitized, and then applies certain pre-defined inputs;

SEC-SA (Securitization Standardized Approach): this method is the last chance to use a formula defined by the supervisor, using as an input the capital requirements that would be calculated under the current Standardized Approach (calculates regulatory capital requirements in relation to underlying exposures – based on their class – and then applies the ratio of defaulted underlying exposures to the total amount of underlying exposures);

SEC-ERBA (Securitization External Ratings Based Approach): based on the credit ratings of securitization tranches determined by external rating agencies.

If none of these three methods is applicable (SEC-IRBA, SEC-ERBA, SEC-SA), then the risk weight applied to the securitization is 1,250%.

Please note:

introduction of new risk inputs: maturity and thickness of the tranche;

higher risk weight floor: 15% (versus 7% previously);

preferential regulatory treatment for STS securitization exposures:

risk weight floor lowered to 10% (versus 15%),

SEC-ERBA: STS differentiated risk weight table.

The European regulation defining the new general framework for securitization and creating a clear set of criteria for Simple, Transparent and Standardized (STS) securitizations, as well as the related amendments to the CRR, were published in the Official Journal of the European Union on December 28, 2017, with an effective date of January 2019.

Securitization transactions in which Groupe BPCE is an investor (i.e. the Group invests directly in some securitization positions, provides liquidity, and is a counterparty for derivatives exposures or guarantees) are recognized in accordance with the Group’s accounting principles, as referred to in the notes to the consolidated financial statements.

Securitization positions are predominantly recorded under “Securities at amortized cost” and “Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income.”

Securitization positions classified as “Securities at amortized cost” are measured after their initial recognition at amortized cost based on the effective interest rate. Any position booked to “Securities at amortized cost” is impaired under “Cost of credit risk” in respect of Stage 1 or Stage 2 expected credit losses following a significant increase in credit risk.

Where a position booked to “Securities at amortized cost” is transferred to Stage 3 (defaulted exposures), the impairment is recorded under “Cost of credit risk” (Note 7.1.2 to the financial statements – “Change in gross carrying amounts and expected credit losses on financial assets and commitments”).

In the event of disposal, the Group recognizes the gains or losses on disposal in the income statement under “Net gains or losses arising from the derecognition of financial assets at amortized cost”. Except in the case where the receivable is in default: in the latter case, it is recognized under “Cost of credit risk”.

Securitization positions classified as “Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income” are remeasured at their fair value at the closing date.

Interest income accrued or received on debt instruments is recognized in income based on the effective interest rate under “Interest and similar income” in net banking income (NBI), while changes in fair value (excluding revenues) are recorded on a separate line in other comprehensive income under “Gains and losses recognized directly in other comprehensive income.” They are impaired in respect of Stage 1, 2 or 3 expected credit losses, in accordance with the same methodology used for positions classified as “Securities at amortized cost.” This impairment is recorded on the liabilities side of the balance sheet under other comprehensive income recyclable to profit or loss, with a corresponding entry to “Cost of credit risk” in the income statement (Note 7.1.2 to the financial statements – “Change in gross carrying amounts and expected credit losses on financial assets and commitments”).

If the position is sold, the Group recognizes the capital gains or losses on disposal in profit or loss under “Net gains or losses on financial instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income” unless the position is in Stage 3. In such case, the loss is recognized in “Cost of credit risk.”

Securitization positions classified as “Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss” are measured at fair value, at both the initial recognition date and the reporting date. Changes in fair value over the period, interest, and gains or losses on disposals related to securitization positions are recognized in “Net gains or losses on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss.”

Synthetic securitizations such as Credit Default Swaps are subject to accounting recognition rules specific to trading derivatives (Note 5.2 to the financial statements – “Financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit or loss”).

In accordance with IFRS 9, securitized assets are derecognized when Groupe BPCE has transferred substantially all of the risks and rewards of ownership of the asset.

If the Group transfers the cash flows of a financial asset but neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset, and has not retained control of the financial asset, the Group derecognizes the financial asset and then recognizes separately, if necessary, as assets or liabilities any rights and obligations created or retained in the transfer. If the Group retains control of the financial asset, it continues to recognize the financial asset to the extent of its continuing involvement in the financial asset.

When a financial asset at amortized cost or at fair value through other comprehensive income is fully derecognized, a gain or loss on disposal is recorded in the income statement. The amount is equal to the difference between the carrying amount of the asset and the value of the consideration received, corrected for impairment, and where applicable for any unrealized profit or loss previously recognized directly in other comprehensive income.

Given the relatively low value of the assets in question and relative infrequency of securitization transactions, assets pending securitization continue to be recognized in their original portfolio. Specifically, they continue to be recognized under “Loans and advances to customers at amortized cost” when that is their original classification. For synthetic securitization transactions, assets are not derecognized as long as the institution retains control over them. The assets continue to be recognized in accordance with their original classification and valuation method. Consolidation or non-consolidation of securitization vehicles is analyzed in accordance with IFRS 10 based on the institution’s ties with the vehicle. These principles are reiterated in Note 3.2.1 to the financial statements – “Entities controlled by the Group.”

Scope of the programs:

originator: either an entity which, on its own or through affiliates, was directly or indirectly involved in the original agreement which created the obligations (or contingent obligations) of the obligor, giving rise to the securitization transaction or arrangement; or an entity that purchases a third party’s on-balance sheet exposures and then securitizes them;

sponsor: an institution other than an originator institution that establishes and manages an asset-backed commercial paper program or other securitization scheme that purchases exposures from third-party entities;

investor: the Group’s position when it holds securitization positions in which it has invested, but in which it does not act as originator or sponsor. These are mainly tranches acquired in programs initiated or managed by external banks.

Traditional securitization: the economic transfer to investors of financial assets such as loans or advances, transforming these loans into financial securities issued on the capital market via SSPEs (securitization special purpose entities).

Synthetic securitization: in a synthetic transaction, ownership of the asset is not transferred but the risk is transferred through a financial instrument, i.e. the credit derivative.

Resecuritization: a securitization in which the credit risk associated with a portfolio of underlying assets is divided into tranches and for which at least one of the underlying asset exposures is a securitization position.

Tranche: a contractually established segment of the credit risk associated with an exposure or number of exposures.

Securitization position: an exposure to a securitization.

Liquidity facility: the securitization position arising from a contractual agreement to provide funding to ensure timeliness of cash flows to investors.

Originator: either an entity which, on its own or through affiliates, was directly or indirectly involved in the original agreement which created the obligations (or contingent obligations) of the obligor, giving rise to the securitization transaction or arrangement; or an entity that purchases a third party’s on-balance sheet exposures and then securitizes them.

Sponsor: an institution other than an originator institution that establishes and manages an asset-backed commercial paper program or other securitization scheme that purchases exposures from third-party entities.

Investor: the Group’s position when it holds securitization positions in which it has invested, but in which it does not act as originator or sponsor. These are mainly tranches acquired in programs initiated or managed by external banks.


6.8 Market risks



6.8.1 Market risk policy


Risk policies governing market transactions are defined by the Risk divisions of institutions with trading activities. These policies are based on a qualitative and forward-looking perspective.

In addition, for banking book activities, investment policies are defined at Group level and reviewed centrally for Group institutions with market risk activities. The risk management framework related to this activity is defined in accordance with investment policies and is reviewed annually.


6.9 Liquidity, interest rate and foreign exchange risks


6.9.1 Governance and structure


Like all credit institutions, Groupe BPCE is exposed to structural liquidity, interest rate and foreign exchange risks.

These risks are closely monitored by the Group and its institutions to secure immediate and future income, balance the balance sheets and promote the Group’s development.

Groupe BPCE’s Audit Committee and Supervisory Board are consulted on general ALM policy and are informed of major decisions taken regarding liquidity, interest rate and foreign exchange risk management. The implementation of the chosen policy is delegated to the Group Asset and Liability Management Committee.

Each year, Groupe BPCE’s Supervisory Board validates the main lines of the ALM policy, i.e. the principles of market risk measurements and levels of risk tolerance. It also reviews the risk limit system each year.

Each quarter, Groupe BPCE’s Audit Committee is informed of the Group’s position through management reports containing the main risk indicators.

The Group Asset/Liability Management Committee, chaired by the Chairman of the BPCE Management Board, is responsible for the operational implementation of the defined policy. It meets every two months and its main duties are as follows:

determine the Group’s general policy on liquidity and transformation risk;

examine the consolidated view of the structural risks of the Group and its various entities, as well as changes in the balance sheet;

define the structural risk limits of the Group and the liquidity pools and monitor them (with approval by the DRCCP);

approve the allocation to liquidity pools and the limits;

monitor liquidity consumption at Group and liquidity pool level;

approve the Groupe BPCE’s global MLT and ST annual refinancing program and monitor it overall;

approve the investment and allocation criteria as well as the desired overall profile of the Group’s liquidity reserve.

The structural liquidity, interest rate and foreign exchange risk management policy is also jointly implemented by the Asset/Liability Management division (oversight of funding plan implementation, management of liquidity reserves, cash management, calculation and monitoring of the various risk indicators) and the Risk division (validation of the control framework, validation of models and agreements, controls of compliance with rules and limits). The Group Financial Management division and the Group Risk division are responsible for adapting this framework to their respective functions.

The adaptation of the operational management framework within each institution is subject to validation by the Board of Directors, the Steering Board and/or the Supervisory Board. Each institution has a special operational committee that oversees implementation of the funding strategy, Asset/Liability management and management of liquidity, interest rate and foreign exchange risks for the institution, in line with rules and limits set at Group level. The Banque Populaire and Caisse d’Epargne networks implement the risk management system using a shared Asset/Liability management tool.


6.10 Legal risks



6.10.1 Legal and arbitration proceedings – BPCE


Marketplace antitrust case initially involving Banques Populaires Participations (BP Participations) and Caisses d’Epargne Participations (CE Participations) and BPCE since it merged with and absorbed BP Participations and CE Participations.

On March 18, 2008, BFBP and CNCE received, as was the case for other banks on the marketplace, a notice of grievance from the French anti-trust authority. The banks are accused of having established and mutually agreed on the amount of the check imaging exchange commission, as well as related check commissions.

The anti-trust authority delivered its decision on September 20, 2010 to fine the banks found guilty (€90.9 million for BPCE). These banks (except for the Banque de France) lodged an appeal.

On February 23, 2012, the Paris Court of Appeals overruled the anti-trust authority’s decision and the €90.9 million fine paid by BPCE was refunded.

On March 23, 2012, the anti-trust authority launched an appeal of the Court of Appeals’ ruling.

On the referral of the anti-trust authority, on April 14, 2015, the Court of Cassation overturned the Court of Appeals’ 2012 ruling due to breach of procedure. The banks were once again required to pay the fine.

BPCE, along with the other accused banks, referred this ruling to the Paris Court of Appeals, requesting that it purge this breach of procedure and uphold its 2012 decision, ensuring that BPCE will ultimately be reimbursed.

The Second Court of Appeals ruled on December 21, 2017 and confirmed the 2010 analysis of the anti-trust authority, thus contradicting the initial decision by the Paris Court of Appeals in 2012.

The Court considered that the introduction of the EIC commission and CSCs constitute anti-competitive practice in its nature and upheld the conviction to pay the fine set by the ADLC. However, the Court reduced the amount of Caisse d’Epargne’s fine by €4.07 million, by canceling the 10% increase to the fine imposed by ADLC on certain banks for their key roles in negotiations. BPCE, standing in for CE Participations, should retrieve this amount of €4.07 million from the Treasury.

On January 22, 2018, the banks filed an appeal with the Court of Cassation.

On January 29, 2020, the Court of Cassation rendered its verdict and overturned the appeal for lack of legal grounds on the demonstration of collusion. The ruling referred the case back to the Court of Appeal, with the banks returning to their position subsequent to the ruling of the Autorité de la concurrence (ADLC), the French competition authority.

The Court of Appeal of Reference issued its decision on December 2, 2021 and reformed almost the entirety of the decision of the Competition Authority of 2010 sanctioning 11 banks and canceled the €384.9 million of fines imposed on the banks.

This ruling on remand after a second cassation (ruling of January 29, 2020), allowed BPCE SA to recover on December 30, 2021 the total sum of €90,962,647.35 (corresponding to the €38.09 million for the BPs and €48.74 million for the CEs), as well as the additional €4 million paid by BPCE SA to the French Treasury in April 2020 (corresponding to the reimbursement of the reduction in the CEs’ fine pronounced by the appeal ruling of December 21, 2017).

In its decision, the Court of Appeal found that the introduction, at the time of the transition to dematerialization of check processing, of interbank commissions for the exchange of check images (CEIC) and for related services on the cancellation of wrongly cleared transactions (AOCT), did not distort competition either by its object or by its effects. As to the anti-competitive object of the agreement, according to the Court, in the absence of experience with this type of compensatory and dissuasive fee, it cannot be considered that by their very nature they are sufficiently harmful to competition to be qualified as a restriction of competition by object. As to the effects of the agreement, the Court considers that it has not been established that CEIC has had any real effects on the prices of the check remittance service, and therefore, that it has effectively constrained the banks in their pricing policy. The Paris Court of Appeal therefore concluded that none of the grievances notified to the Banks were well-founded and, consequently, ruled that it had not been established that the introduction, by the agreement of February 3, 2000, of the disputed interbank commissions and the collection of these commissions as of January 1, 2002 infringed the provisions of Article 101 TFEU and Article L. 420-1 of the French Commercial Code.

On December 31, 2021, the Chairman of the French Competition Authority filed an appeal in cassation against the judgment of the Court of Appeal of December 2, 2021.


6.11 Non-compliance and security risks


In accordance with the legal and regulatory requirements mentioned above, and with the professional standards and control charters governing Groupe BPCE, the functions managing compliance risk are organized as part of the internal control system of all Groupe BPCE institutions and subsidiaries as a whole.

The Group Compliance division, which reports to the Groupe BPCE Corporate Secretary’s Office, performs its duties independently of the operational departments and the other Internal Control departments with which it collaborates. It includes the following divisions:

Bancassurance compliance;

Financial Savings Compliance Ethics;

Financial Security in charge of AML/CFT (Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism), compliance with sanctions and embargo measures, anti-corruption and internal fraud;

Cross-functional oversight and Coordination of Compliance functions;

Compliance and permanent control of Eurotitres;

BPCE SA compliance and operational risks and coordination of subsidiaries.

The Compliance division, “compliance verification function” defined by the EBA and included in the Ministerial Order of Nov 3, 2014, amended by the Ministerial Order of Feb 25, 2021, is responsible for the prevention, detection, measurement and monitoring of non-compliance risks to ensure their control.

The Group Compliance division carries out its duties within the framework of business line operations.

It helps guide, motivate, manage and control the Heads of the Compliance function of the affiliates and subsidiaries. The Compliance Officers appointed within the different Group entities, including the Banque Populaire and Caisse d’Epargne banks and direct subsidiaries covered by the regulatory system of banking and financial supervision, are functionally subordinate to the Compliance division.

The Group Compliance division carries out all actions designed to strengthen the compliance of products, services and marketing processes, customer protection, compliance with ethical rules, the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism, the fight against market abuse, the monitoring of transactions and compliance with sanctions and embargoes. It monitors compliance risks throughout the Group. As such, it builds and revises the standards proposed for the governance of Groupe BPCE, shares best practices and coordinates working groups consisting of departmental representatives.

The dissemination of a culture of compliance risk and consideration of the legitimate interests of customers is also reflected in the training of employees in the sector and the raising of awareness of other departments, in particular the Retail Banking and Insurance division and the Digital 89C3 division.

Accordingly, the Group Compliance division:

collaborates and validates the content for the training materials used for the Compliance function in coordination with the Group Human Resources division and the Risk Governance department of the Risk division, which coordinates the annual work schedule for the Risk and Compliance functions;

helps train Compliance staff, mainly through specialized annual seminars (financial security, compliance, ethics, coordination of permanent compliance controls, etc.);

coordinates the training of Directors or Heads of Compliance through a dedicated system in conjunction with the Risk culture and Compliance division of the Risk division;

coordinates and checks the Compliance function of the Group institutions, notably by holding national compliance days, and via a system of permanent controls coordinated at Group level;

draws on the expertise of the Compliance functions of Group institutions via theme-based working groups, in particular to develop and implement compliance standards.

In addition, BPCE’s corporate compliance, the entities of the Financial Services and Expertise division (FSE) and the other subsidiaries attached to BPCE, including BPCE International, have also been overseen and managed by the Group Compliance division since early 2020.


6.11.1 Compliance


The Group Compliance division has three main business lines and a cross-functional structure dedicated to the management and coordination of Compliance.



Compliance is organized as follows:

Bancassurance Compliance contributes to the prevention of risks of non-compliance with regulations and professional standards in the scope of banking and non-life insurance activities. As such, it supports the operational sectors in the development and dissemination of standards (including ACPR recommendations and EBA guidelines) and in bringing their processes into compliance with regulatory changes. Bancassurance Compliance also studies the launch of new products and participates in the validation of commercial processes and documents. Lastly, it supports and leads the Compliance department on all these subjects, and contributes to the development of training modules for Group employees.


Financial Savings Compliance and Ethics covers the compliance and ethics of financial activities as defined by the General Regulation of the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), the French financial markets authority, as well as the prevention of risks of non-compliance in legislative and regulatory areas in the life insurance and foresight scope. Within the aforementioned scope, this division is responsible for implementing the applicable regulations and carries out missions related in particular to the approval of products and services, the validation of commercial materials, the training of employees and the prevention of conflicts of interest, while safeguarding the customer’s interests and ensuring compliance with market rules and professional standards in banking and finance, together with internal rules and regulations on ethics. It also includes oversight of investment services and the operating procedures of investment services compliance officers (RCSIs). Since the end of 2016, investment services compliance has also included SRAB commitments (Separation and Regulation of Banking Activities) – Volcker office. It supports, coordinates and supervises the Compliance function of the Group’s entities in this area. Lastly, since 2021, it has been in charge of the Group Ethics system.


Financial Security covers activities related to anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing (AML/CFT), international financial sanctions, embargoes and asset freezes, and anti-corruption measures. It supports and coordinates the Compliance function on all these topics, updating the reference documentation in compliance with regulatory changes in AML/CFT, national and international financial embargoes, and anti-corruption measures.


Steering and Cross-functional Coordination covers the coordination of Compliance functions, and the centralization of relations with regulators, supervisors and the Group General Inspection in compliance matters. Drawing on the expertise of the Bancassurance Compliance and Financial Savings Compliance divisions, it manages the mapping of compliance risks, supervises reporting systems and works on cross-functional projects with the aim of improving the control of compliance risks by Groupe BPCE institutions.



1. Measurement and supervision of non-compliance risk

2. Product governance and supervision

Non-compliance risks are analyzed, measured, monitored and managed in accordance with the Ministerial Order of November 3, 2014 (amended February 25, 2021), with the aim of:

ensuring a permanent overview of these risks and the associated risk prevention and mitigation system, including updated identification under the new non-compliance risk-mapping exercise;

ensuring that the largest risks, if necessary, are subject to controls and action plans aimed at supervising them more effectively.

Groupe BPCE manages non-compliance risk by mapping out its non-compliance risks and implementing mandatory Level 1 and 2 compliance controls common to all Group retail banking institutions.

The impact of non-compliance risk was calibrated and measured with the Group’s operational risk teams, using the methodology of operational risk tool OSIRISK, covering the risk management systems established by the institutions aimed at reducing gross risk levels.

All new products and services, regardless of their distribution channels, as well as sales materials that fall within the Compliance function’s remit, are reviewed by Compliance beforehand. The purpose of this review is to ensure that applicable regulatory requirements are met and that targeted customers – and the public at large – receive clear and fair information. Product supervision is carefully conducted over the entire product life cycle.

Compliance also coordinates the approval of national sales challenges, ensures that conflicts of interest are managed properly and guarantees that customer interests always come first.

Compliance is careful to ensure that sales procedures, processes and policies guarantee that the rules of compliance and ethics are observed at all times for all customer segments, and in particular that the advice given to customers is appropriate to their needs.


In 2021, Groupe BPCE continued the program set up to strengthen the completeness and compliance of regulatory customer knowledge files throughout the business relationship. The aim of the program, in conjunction with the IS platforms, is to prevent accounts from being opened if a customer’s tax self-certification form has not been provided or regulatory records are not complete. Actions have also been taken to support Group institutions in correcting incomplete files (targeting customers, communication kits, reports). Lastly, efforts are under way to roll out a regulatory KYC update system.

BPCE continued working on the remediation plan for the marketing of financial savings products in accordance with the European Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID 2), the Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD) and PRIIPs.

BPCE has also implemented a remediation plan to bring Group entities into compliance with EMIR regulatory obligations concerning the reporting of SFTR (Securities Financing Transaction Regulation). This reporting has been implemented since July 13, 2020.

The Group’s reputation and the trust of its customers are strengthened when the products and services it sells comply with regulations and the information it supplies is reliable. To maintain this trust, the Compliance division makes customer protection a top priority.

To that end, Group employees regularly receive training on customer protection issues to maintain the required level of customer service quality. These training sessions are aimed at promoting awareness of compliance and customer protection among new hires and/or sales team employees. Ethics and compliance training, entitled “Fundamentals of professional ethics,” has been set up for all Group employees. BPCE has also established a code of good conduct and ethics, rolled out to all Groupe BPCE institutions.

The new Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID 2) and PRIIPs regulation (Packaged Retail Investment and Insurance-based Products) strengthen investor protection and market transparency. They have an impact on the Group in its role as a distributor of financial instruments by enhancing the quality of the customer experience in terms of financial savings and insurance products:

adjustments to customer and KYC data collection (customer profile, characteristics of customer plans in terms of objectives, risks and investment horizons), an updated questionnaire on each customer’s financial investment knowledge and experience, and an updated questionnaire on customer risk appetite and loss tolerance, to ensure that suitable advisory services are provided;

adaptation of offers associated with the financial services and products sold;

formalization of customer advice (suitability report) and the customer’s acceptance of said advice (issuance of customer alerts where necessary);

organization of relations between the Group’s manufacturers and distributors;

inclusion of provisions related to the transparency of fees and charges at the required level of detail;

production of periodic suitability reports and value-added reports for customers and recording of conversations for customer relations and advisory purposes;

disclosure of transaction reports to regulators and the market, best-execution and best-selection requirements;

participation in the development of employee training and the change management program related to these new provisions.



In terms of banking inclusion, Groupe BPCE has strengthened its support system for financially fragile customers, in accordance with the provisions of the decree of July 20, 2020 and in line with the missions of the supervisors within the Group.


The mapping of Groupe BPCE’s market activities is regularly updated. It required the implementation of internal units subject to an exemption within the meaning of Law No. 2013-672 of July 26, 2013 on the separation and regulation of banking activities.

Quarterly indicators are calculated by Natixis, Palatine and BRED in accordance with Article 6 of the Ministerial Order of September 9, 2014 (amended by the Ministerial Order of March 18, 2019); these quarterly indicators are supplemented by an annual indicator as well as quantitative metrics such as NBI or the VaR of the said internal units.

Based on the work carried out by the Group, it has not been necessary to create a ring-fenced subsidiary, and mandates have been implemented at the different subsidiaries in order to supervise the various activities.

In conjunction with the calculations and other work done in accordance with this act, a compliance program was adopted and implemented as from July 2015 in response to the Volcker Rule (section 619 of the US Dodd-Frank Act) within the scope of BPCE SA and its subsidiaries. Taking a broader approach than that of the French Banking Separation and Regulation Act, this program aims to map out all the financial and commercial activities of BPCE SA group, notably to ensure that they comply with the two major bans imposed by the Volcker Rule: the ban on proprietary trading and on certain transactions related to covered funds. The Volcker Rule was amended in 2020, giving rise to new Volcker 2.0 and 2.1 provisions that relax the existing system.

As every year since July 2015, the Group has certified its compliance with the Volcker system. Note: in early 2017, Groupe BPCE appointed a SRAB-Volcker officer responsible for the security of the banking segregation mechanisms.


6.12 Operational risks


Groupe BPCE has set up a system for measuring non-financial risks through the standardized use of indicators. These cover the indicators of the RAF system, the indicators resulting from the Ministerial Order of November 3, 2014, but also qualitative indicators aimed at measuring the industry’s adherence to operational risk standards.

The Group’s operational risk policy consists of keeping all of these indicators below the set limits, by entity and on a consolidated basis. In the event of an overrun, appropriate measures and corrective actions must be taken by the business lines owning the risks to remedy the possible failures. These measures and corrective actions must be monitored by the committee in charge of operational risks.

The operational risk policy is reviewed annually by the dedicated committee.

The Group Operational Risk division (DROG) – part of the Group Risk division – is in charge of identifying, measuring, monitoring and managing the operational risks incurred in all activities and functions undertaken by Group institutions and subsidiaries.

The operational risk system consists of:

central organization and a network of operational risk managers and officers, working in all activities, entities and subsidiaries of Group institutions and subsidiaries;

a methodology based on a set of standards and an OR tool used throughout the Group.

The Operational Risk function operates:

in all structures consolidated or controlled by the institution or the subsidiary (banking, financial, insurance, etc.);

in all activities exposed to operational risks, including outsourced activities, within the meaning of Article 10 q and Article 10 r of the Ministerial Order of November 3, 2014 as amended “outsourced activities and services or other critical or essential operational tasks”.

The Group Non-Financial Risk Committee (CRNFG) defines the risk policy rolled out to the institutions and subsidiaries, and the DROG ensures that the policy is applied throughout the Group.

The operational risk management system is part of the Risk Assessment Statement (RAS) and Risk Assessment Framework (RAF) systems defined by the Group. These systems and indicators are adapted at the level of each Group institution and subsidiary.

The mapping methodology is part of the Group’s permanent control system and includes the operational risk, compliance, information system security, personal and property safety and Permanent control functions.

Measurement of risk exposure is based on a forward-looking model, which quantifies and classes risk scenarios and thus provides the Non-Financial Risk Committees with the necessary elements to define their risk tolerance.

Risk-predictive indicators are produced from the main risks identified in the non-financial risk map.

Risk supervision and monitoring were improved through the drafting of reports aimed at providing a uniform measurement to the Group as a whole of its risk exposure and cost of risk.

The OR function’s production staff perform two types of Level 2 controls on operational risks:

comprehensive automated controls;

sample-based manual controls.

BPCE’s Operational Risk function ensures that the structure and systems in place at the institutions and subsidiaries allow them to achieve their objectives and fulfill their duties.

To that end, it:

coordinates the function and performs risk supervision and controls at the institutions/subsidiaries and their subsidiaries;

centralizes and analyzes the Group’s exposure to non-financial risks, verifies the implementation of corrective actions decided by the Operational Risk Committee, and reports any excessive implementation times to senior management;

performs controls to ensure that Group standards and methods are observed by the institutions and subsidiaries;

performs a regulatory watch, distributes and relays operational risk alerts due to incidents with the potential to spread to the appropriate institutions/subsidiaries;

prepares reports, by institution or subsidiary, for the Group and the regulatory authorities (COREP OR), analyzes the reports and content of the OR committees of the institutions and subsidiaries, and notifies the Group Non-Financial Risk Committee of any inadequate systems and/or excessive risk exposure, which in turn notifies the institution in question.

Operational risk oversight within the Group is coordinated at two levels:

1. At the level of each Group institution

2. At Groupe BPCE level

The Operational Risk Committee is responsible for adapting the operational risk management policy and ensuring the relevance and effectiveness of the operational risk management system. Accordingly, it:

examines major and recurring incidents, and validates the associated corrective actions;

examines indicator breaches, decides on associated corrective actions, and tracks progress on risk mitigation initiatives;

examines permanent controls carried out by the Operational Risk function and in particular any excessive delays in implementing corrective actions;

helps organize and train the network of OR officers;

determines if any changes need to be made in local insurance policies;

the frequency of meetings depends on the intensity of the institution’s risks, in accordance with three operational schemes reviewed once a year by the Group Non-Financial Risk Committee (CRNFG) and communicated to the entities.

The CRNFG meets quarterly and is chaired by a member of the Executive Management Committee.

Its main duties are to define the OR standard, ensure that the OR system is deployed at the Group entities, and define the Group OR policy. Accordingly, it:

examines major risks incurred by the Group and defines its tolerance level, decides on the implementation of corrective actions affecting the Group and monitors their progress;

assesses the level of resources to be allocated;

reviews major incidents within its remit, validates the aggregated map of operational risks at Group level, which is used for the macro-level risk mapping campaign;

monitors major risk positions across all Group businesses, including risks relating to non-compliance, financial audits, personal and property safety, contingency and business continuity planning, financial security and information system security (ISS);

lastly, validates Group RAF indicators related to non-financial risks as well as their thresholds.

Incident data are collected to build knowledge of the cost of risks, continuously improve management systems, and meet regulatory objectives.

An incident log (incident database) was created to:

broaden risk analysis and gain the knowledge needed to adjust action plans and assess their relevance;

produce COREP regulatory half-year operational risk statements;

produce reports for the executive and governing bodies and for non-management personnel;

establish a record that can be used for operational risk modeling.

Incidents are reported as they occur, as soon as they are detected, in accordance with Group procedure. A whistleblowing procedure has been set up for major incidents and internal limit breaches to round out the incident data collection system.

The operational risk management system relies on a mapping process which is updated annually by all Group entities.

Mapping enables the forward-looking identification and measurement of high-risk processes. For a given scope, it allows the Group to measure its exposure to risks for the year ahead. This exposure is then assessed and validated by the relevant committees in order to launch action plans aimed at reducing exposure. The mapping scope includes emerging risks, risks related to information and communication technologies and security, including cyber risks, risks related to service providers and risks of non-compliance.

This same mapping mechanism is used during the Group’s ICAAP to identify and measure its main operational risks. The operational risk map also serves as a basis for the macro-risk mapping campaign covering the institutions, and thus for the Group overall.

Corrective actions are implemented to reduce the frequency, impact or spread of operational risks. They may be introduced following operational risk mapping, breaches of risk indicator thresholds or specific incidents.

Progress on key actions is monitored by each entity’s Operational Risk Management Committee.

At Group level, progress on action plans for the principal risk areas is also specifically monitored by the Non-Financial Risk Committee.

The alert procedure for serious incidents has been extended to the entire scope of Groupe BPCE. The aim of this system is to enhance and reinforce the system for collecting loss data across the Group.

An operational risk incident is deemed to be serious when the potential financial impact at the time of detection is over €300,000, or over €1 million for Natixis. Operational risk incidents with a material impact on the image and reputation of the Group or its subsidiaries are also deemed to be serious.

There is also a procedure in place covering material operational risks, within the meaning of Article 98 of the Ministerial Order of November 3, 2014, as amended by the Ministerial Order of February 25, 2021, for which the minimum threshold is set at 0.5% of Common Equity Tier 1.

Groupe BPCE applies the standardized approach to calculate its capital requirements. Moreover, elements of internal control are considered in the assessment of the Group’s net risk exposures.


The following specific measures have been taken to monitor operational risk since the start of the health crisis:

measurement of impact completeness: joint oversight between CBCP (Contingency and Business Continuity Plan) functions and operational risks, with exchange of information and recognition of operating losses due to Covid-19 (during monthly videoconferencing sessions of institutions’ Operational Risk functions);

verification of completeness and quality of data input to the information system: weekly check of all operational risk incidents entered by all Group entities to ensure that Covid-19 related losses are clearly flagged as such (control carried out by Operational Risk function team);

new incidents and monthly increases/decreases are reported for operational risk events related directly or indirectly to the health crisis (COREP view) as of March 1 (external fraud; execution, delivery and process management; damage to physical assets; employment practices and workplace safety; business disruption and systems failures; clients, products and business practice; internal fraud);

establishment of monthly reporting on Covid-19 losses for submission to the ECB, Group company directors and the Operational Risk function (under the responsibility of the consolidated operational risks team);

in addition, with the aim of improving risk management, work has been carried out to identify levers (changes in procedures, integration of IT workflows, strengthening of training, etc.) aimed at improving the results of key level one controls and adapting level two controls.


Banking activities

Relevant indicator





Year n-3

Year n-2

Previous year

Banking activities under basic indicator approach (BIA)






Banking activities under the Standardized Approach (TSA)/alternative standardized approach (ASA)






Standardized Approach (TSA):






Alternative Standardized Approach (ASA):






Banking activities under advanced measurement approach (AMA)







In terms of Insurance, the networks and subsidiaries benefit from coverage of their insurable operational risks under group Insurance policies contracted from leading Insurance companies. This system is complemented by a reinsurance captive that allows the adjustment of deductible levels.

On January 1, 2021, BPCE SA had taken out (for itself):

that of its subsidiaries, including Natixis;

as well as the Banque Populaire and Caisse d’Epargne networks, with the exception of the Caisse d’Epargne Rhône Alpes with respect to the “Property Damage” insurance coverage for Registered offices & Similar and their contents (including IS equipment) and the consequent “losses in banking activities”, described below in point E/;

the following main Insurance policies to cover its insurable operational risks and protect its balance sheet and income statement:


combined “Global Banking (Damages to Valuables and Fraud)” & “Professional Civil Liability” policy with a total maximum payout of €215.5 million per year of insurance, of which:


€72.5 million per year, combined “Global Banking/Professional Civil Liability/Cyber Risks” and underlying the guaranteed amounts indicated in b) and/or c) and/or d) below;


€48 million per claim and per year (sub-limited in “Fraud” to €35 million per claim), dedicated to the “Global Banking” risk only;


€25 million per claim and per year, solely reserved for “Professional Civil Liability” risk;


€70 million per claim and per year, combined “Global Banking/Professional Civil Liability” insurance available in addition to or after use of the amounts guaranteed set out in b) and/or c) above;

the maximum amount that can be paid out for any one claim under this arrangement is €118.5 million under “Professional Civil Liability” coverage and €119 million under “Fraud” coverage in excess of the applicable deductibles.


“Regulated Intermediation Liability” (in three areas: Financial Intermediation, Insurance Intermediation, Real Estate Transactions/Management) with a total maximum payout of €10 million per claim and €13 million per year.


“Operating Civil Liability” covering €100 million per claim, as well as a “Subsidiary Owner Civil Liability”/“Post Delivery-Reception Civil Liability” coverage extension for up to €35 million per claim and per year of insurance.


“Company Directors Civil Liability” for up to €200 million per claim and per year of insurance.


“Property Damage” to “Registered Offices & Similar” and to their content (including IS equipment) and the consecutive “losses in banking activities,” for up to €300 million per claim (sub-limited to €100 million per claim and €200 million per year for consequential “losses in banking activities”).


“Protection of Digital Assets against Cyber-Risks” & the consecutive “losses in banking activities,” for up to €140 million per claim and €196.5 million per year of insurance.

This coverage extends worldwide for initial risk or umbrella risk, subject to certain exceptions, mainly in terms of “Professional Civil Liability” where the policy does not cover permanent institutions based in the United States (where coverage is obtained locally by Natixis’ US operations).

All the insurance policies mentioned above were taken out with reputable, creditworthy insurance companies and in excess of the deductibles and Groupe BPCE’s risk-retention capacity.


6.13 Insurance, asset management, financial conglomerate risks


In coordination with the parent banks (BRED) and the insurance companies concerned (Natixis, Oney), Groupe BPCE’s Risk division (DR) ensures that insurance risks (including technical risks) are effectively monitored within the main insurance companies in which the Group is the majority shareholder, i.e., Compagnie Européenne de Garanties et de Cautions (CEGC), Prépar-Vie, Natixis Assurances including its subsidiary BPCE Assurances, and Oney Insurance. In addition, coordination is ensured with Parnasse Garanties and its parent company CASDEN.

BPCE SA has owned 100% of CEGC since 2019 and is therefore its parent bank.

Following the agreement to sell 29.5% share capital by Natixis to Arch Capital, Coface is consolidated on the basis of IAS 28 applicable to non-controlled companies. This shareholding no longer falls within the scope of the Group Risk Insurance and Financial Conglomerate functions since June 2020.

Insurance Risk Monitoring Committees (CSRAs) have been formally set up for each company, which meet on a quarterly basis.

In this context, the principle of subsidiarity applies, with checks carried out firstly by the insurance companies, then at the level of the Risk divisions of the parent banks of the companies (Natixis and BRED Banque Populaire), and finally by the Risk division of the parent banks of the companies (Natixis and BRED Banque Populaire). Groupe BPCE’s Risk division, which informs the Group Risks and Compliance Committee (CRCG) every six months.

The Non-Banking Equity Risk division consists of four divisions:


Group Risk Insurance;


Asset Management Risk;


Financial Conglomerate;


Stress Tests and Methodologies.

Insurance risk is the risk of any mismatch between expected losses and actual losses. Depending on the insurance products concerned, the risk varies according to changes in macroeconomic factors, changes in customer behavior, changes in public health policy, pandemics, accidents and natural disasters (e.g. such as earthquakes, industrial accidents or acts of terrorism or war). The credit insurance business is also exposed to credit risk.

The management of insurance risks requires a good understanding of the technical insurance risks in order to be able to meet its commitments to policyholders and contract beneficiaries; this is accompanied by special attention to the financial risks borne by assets under representation.

In addition to protecting the balance sheet and income statement of insurance companies, the aim is to guarantee the solvency and liquidity of insurance companies.

To this end, the Group’s companies have put in place effective systems for measuring, reporting and managing risks. The important preparatory phase enabled the implementation of the systems to comply with the new regulatory requirements required since January 1, 2016 with the implementation of the Solvency II directive (Pillar I Quantitative Solvency Requirements, Pillar II Governance & ORSA, Pillar III Prudential reporting and public information).

In addition, since 2011 the Group has deployed an insurance risk unit. This meets the requirements of the Financial Conglomerates Directive 2002/87/EC (FICOD) and its transposition into French law by the Ministerial Order of November 3, 2014 on the supplementary supervision of financial conglomerates, through the Group’s cross-functional insurance risk monitoring system, while at the same time ensuring functional and regulatory interoperability between the banking and insurance sectors.

Natixis Assurances is the Insurance division of Natixis and is divided into two business lines:

the personal insurance business, focused on developing portfolios of life insurance and endowment policies for investment and retirement purposes, as well as personal protection insurance portfolios;

the non-life insurance business, focused on developing portfolios for auto and multi-risk home insurance, personal accident insurance, legal protection, healthcare and property & casualty insurance.

Given the predominance of the investment solutions activity, the main risks to which Natixis Assurances is exposed are financial. The company is also exposed to underwriting risks (life and non-life), as well as counterparty risk.

Market risk is in large part borne by subsidiary BPCE Vie on the financial assets that underpin its commitments with guaranteed principal and returns (euro-denominated policies: €63.9 billion on the main fund balance sheet). The company is exposed to asset impairment risk (fall in the equity or real estate market, widening spreads, interest rate hikes) as well as the risk of lower interest rates which would generate insufficient income to meet its guaranteed principal and returns. To deal with this risk, BPCE Vie has only sold policies with a minimum guaranteed return in recent years: more than 95% of the policies have a zero minimum guaranteed return. The minimum guaranteed return averages 0.12%. In addition, since mid-2021, the new contracts include a capital guarantee gross of management fees on outstandings.

To manage market risk, the sources of return have been diversified, namely via investments in new asset classes (funding the economy, infrastructure, etc.). This diversification is managed by a strategic allocation, defined on a yearly basis, that takes into account regulatory constraints, commitments to policyholders and commercial requirements.

Credit risk is monitored and managed in compliance with Natixis Assurances’ internal standards and limits. On December 31, 2021, 67% of the fixed-income portfolio is invested in securities rated A or higher.

The main risk to which life insurance underwriting is exposed is associated with the investment solutions activity. In an especially low interest-rate environment, the biggest risk is that of fewer redemptions and/or excessive inflows in euro-denominated vehicles, as reinvestments in securities dilute the main fund’s return. To prioritize inflows in unit-linked policies, measures have been taken, such as the creation of unit-linked products and communication campaigns, and a communication campaign targeting customers and the network.

The non-life insurance underwriting risk to which Natixis Assurances is exposed is borne by its subsidiary BPCE Assurances:

premium risk: to ensure that the premiums paid by the policyholders match the transferred risk, BPCE Assurances implemented a portfolio monitoring policy whereby each policy is given a score based on its track record over three years. The score factors in types of claims, number of claims, their cost and other variables specific to the activity in question (degree of liability and bonuses/penalties for auto insurance, for instance). This supervision policy also helps to detect potential risks arising from large claims, and to arrange adequate reinsurance coverage;

risk of loss: each time inventory is taken, an actuarial assessment of the provisions for claims payable is conducted based on methods widely recognized by the profession and required by the regulator;

catastrophe risk: catastrophe risk is the exposure to an event of significant magnitude generating a multitude of claims (storm, risk of civil liability, etc.). This risk is therefore reinsured either through the government in the event of a natural disaster or an attack, for example, or through private reinsurers, specifically in the event of a storm or a civil liability claim, or through reinsurance pools.

The counterparty risk to which Natixis Assurances is exposed mainly concerns reinsurance counterparties. The selection of reinsurers is a key component of managing this risk:

Natixis Assurances deals with reinsurers that are subject to a financial rating by at least one of the three internationally recognized rating agencies, and that have a Standard & Poor’s equivalent rating of A- or higher;

using several reinsurers ensures counterparty diversification and limits counterparty risk.

Compagnie Européenne de Garanties et Cautions is the Group’s Security and Guarantee insurance entity. It is exposed to underwriting risk, market risk, reinsurer default risk and operational risk.

In an economic context marked by a rebound in growth, the production of real estate loans guaranteed by CEGC has reached its highest level ever. The year 2021 recorded a very low claims ratio of nearly 15% of earned premiums (gross reinsurance ratio), partly due to a reversal of a portion of the claims provisioned in 2020 and not reported in 2021.

Under the Solvency 2 prudential regime, CEGC uses a partial internal model, approved by the ACPR. It meets the robustness requirements specific to the various real estate loan guarantors.

In 2021, CEGC benefited from a €75 million capital increase to reinforce the structure of eligible capital to cover the Solvency Capital Requirement.

Underwriting risk is the main risk incurred by CEGC. It is essentially a counterparty risk, as the commitments given by CEGC to beneficiaries of guarantees result in direct exposure to individual or corporate insured parties. These regulated commitments, provisioned under liabilities in the balance sheet, amounted to €2.85 billion on December 31, 2021 (up 13% compared to end-2020).

CEGC activities

December 2021

Change December 2021

versus December 2020

Individual customers



Single-family home builders



Property administrators – Realtors



Corporate customers



Real estate developers



Small businesses



Social economy – Social housing



Structured collateral







CEGC’s short-term investment portfolio totaled around €3.32 billion on its balance sheet on December 31, 2021 hedging underwriting provisions. The amount of unrealized capital gains reached at December 31, 2021 is €200.3 million (-€42 million vs. December 31, 2020).

Market risk associated with the short-term investment portfolio is limited by the company’s investment choices.

The company’s risk limits are set out in the financial management charter and the asset management agreement established with Ostrum. As an insurance company, CEGC does not require funding, since insurance premiums are collected before the disbursement of claims. Nor does CEGC carry transformation risk: the investment portfolio is entirely backed by own funds and technical reserves.

in millions of euros




sheet value,

net of



Mark to



sheet value,

net of



Mark to






























Real estate














Private debt






















CEGC hedges its liability portfolio by implementing a reinsurance program tailored to its activities.

In loan guarantees, reinsurance is used as a tool for regulatory capital management. It protects guarantee beneficiaries in the event of an economic recession leading to a loss of up to 2% of outstanding guaranteed loans.

In the corporate segments, the program is used to protect CEGC’s capital by hedging against high-intensity risks. It has been calibrated to cover three major individual loss events (loss related to a counterparty or a group of counterparties) with the potential to significantly impact CEGC’s income statement.

Reinsurer default risk is governed by counterparty concentration and rating limits. CEGC’s reinsurance programs are underwritten by a broad panel of international reinsurers with a minimum rating of A on the S&P scale.

Like the system adopted for the Insurance business line, the operation of this system is based on subsidiarity with the Risk divisions of the parent banks and business lines; in particular, Natixis Investment Managers, which consolidates most of the Group’s assets under management.

By setting up an Asset Management Risk System, the Risk division pursues the following main objectives:


identify the major risks that could impact the Group’s solvency trajectory as a Financial Conglomerate to cover its banking or Conglomerate prudential ratios;


be associated with the contributions of the sector during Group exercises (ICAAP, PPR, stress test, etc.) so as to identify the risks of the business model on the contribution to results and equity, quantify them and prioritize them;


organize the management of the system by specifying a risk review and setting up a formal quarterly meeting;


inform General Management by presenting a summary of the review of the risks of our Asset Management activities to the CRCG.

In the Asset Management business line, the Risk division formally ensures: the coordination of the risk system (cross-functional workshops or focus); running cross-functional projects related to the banking sector; information to General Management with a summary report for the members of the CRCG.

The system is based on contributions from asset management companies and their work on risks.

Due to its large majority, the system relies mainly on Natixis Investment Managers. The re-use of existing work and methodologies locally is favored to establish supervision at the Group level. Key risk monitoring indicators are determined with Natixis IM in coordination with Natixis.

The Risk division, together with Natixis and/or Natixis IM, anticipates the impacts of consultations and regulatory changes.

The system also provides for the implementation of an annual review for asset management companies that are not significant at the Group level but significant for their parent banking company for the following entities: EcoFi Investissements, Palatine AM and Promepar AM.

Groupe BPCE, identified by the ACPR/ECB as a financial conglomerate due to the absolute and relative size of its banking and insurance activities, is subject to the related additional monitoring requirements(1). Since the entry into force of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), the ECB has coordinated the supervision of predominantly banking financial conglomerates.

As regards the financial conglomerate, CNP Assurances, in which BPCE is a minority shareholder, is subject to Group supervision because of its significance. This is done through a dedicated mechanism (CNP complementary monitoring committee) set up between the two groups. This committee is governed by internal rules, which set out the procedures for exchanging information necessary for the organization of this monitoring, and the rules of confidentiality applicable to its members.

The regulation related to the conglomerate requires an overview of the entire accounting consolidation scope (banking, insurance, Asset Management and non-financial sector). Additional monitoring focuses on:

capital adequacy of the financial conglomerate;

monitoring of intra-group transactions between the various entities of the conglomerate;

monitoring the concentration of risks;

risk management procedures and internal control system.

In terms of risk monitoring:

the financial conglomerate approach aims to capture the main interactions between the banking, insurance and asset management sectors that could, due to an exogenous or endogenous event, impact the Group’s risk profile and its main trajectories (results, solvency, liquidity);

it makes it possible to consolidate the banking and insurance sector metrics, in particular capital requirements;

Complementary supervision is based mainly on the banking system as a whole, and on the insurance and asset management risks.

In order to provide a forward-looking view of the Group’s solvency through the financial conglomerate’s reading grid, Groupe BPCE projects the excess equity over several years under different scenarios. The conglomerate’s excess equity is monitored in the Group’s RAF (Risk Appetite Framework) first-rate indicators.

The entire system, in its main dimensions – Insurance, Asset Management, Banking, Financial Conglomerate – is the subject of presentations and discussions with the joint ECB/ACPR supervision team, in particular at meetings dedicated to the JST (Joint Supervisory Team). In particular, the organization of the risk management system, as well as the main analyzes and points of attention brought to the attention of BPCE’s General Management during the year, are reviewed.

In a conglomerate approach, a global and integrated system of solvency trajectories and stress tests has been developed. This system encompasses and is based on the three regulations Solvency II, Basel III and Financial Conglomerate. The application of common assumptions in these three dimensions provides a holistic view of the Group’s solvency.

The RD is mainly responsible for:

coordinating the Group’s approach to insurance sector stress tests, in particular the Solvency II ORSAs; from the determination of the detailed financial assumptions common to the companies, to the analysis at Group level of the results;

the design of methodologies to link the insurance sector to banking exercises;

analysis of the various simulations, with particular attention paid to contagion mechanisms and regulatory interactions (Solvency II(2), Basel III, Financial Conglomerate).

The Group’s insurance companies are included in the banking STI (Internal Stress Tests) as part of the ICAAP (Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process) normative approach. The modeling includes:

stressed insurance parameters (based on ORSA, Own Risk and Solvency Assessment) in addition to the economic and financial parameters used by the Group;

the simulation of Solvency II ratios, SCR and MCR, in order to objectify any capital requirements;

the simulation of IFRS variables (Net income retained or distributed, OCI, value and difference in equity method, etc.) impacting the bank solvency ratio in accordance with prudential specifications;

fees and commissions paid by companies to the Group’s distribution payment networks or asset managers.


Directive 2002/87/EC of December 16, 2002 (as amended) on the additional supervision of credit institutions, insurance companies and banks belonging to a financial conglomerate, transposed into French law by the French law Order No. 2004-1201 of November 12, 2004, and the order of November 3, 2014 on the additional supervision of financial conglomerates.


The RD remains vigilant to changes in Solvency II regulations. EIOPA and the European Commission have issued their opinions on the second revision of directive 2009/138/EC. The final text will be submitted to the European Parliament.

CNP Assurances has been part of the Group’s ICAAP approach since the establishment of the Complementary Supervisory Committee (CSC CNP).

As part of the ICAAP Economic Approach, the RPNB division has developed an Economic Capital model for Participations Assurance risk (carry and step-in risk). Designed in coordination with the BPCE/Natixis Finance divisions and the companies’ Risk divisions, this model makes it possible to evaluate and monitor, using an internal economic approach, the bank capital consumed by insurance. It aims to enhance the joint management of the risk/profitability ratio.

In addition, the Risk division contributes to the Group’s work, and coordinates or supervises the work of insurance companies, which have a quantitative or methodological dimension relating to bancassurance (actuarial methods, linking of insurance to EBA stress tests, etc.).


6.14 Climate risks



6.14.1 Governance and structure


Groupe BPCE manages the climate risk strategy at three levels:

the CSR division, reporting to the Chairman of the Management Board. It steers the development and implementation of the climate strategy;

the Climate Risk department created on September 1, 2021, reporting to the Risk division. It is responsible for measuring, monitoring and controlling climate change-related risks for the entire Group, in conjunction with the climate risk correspondents in the Risk divisions of the institutions and subsidiaries;

during the Climate Risk Committees, chaired by the Chairman of the Management Board. They monitor the implementation of Groupe BPCE’s operational strategy for managing climate and environmental risks and prepare matters for the attention of the Supervisory Board’s Risk Committee.

The Climate Risk department relies on a network of more than 50 climate correspondents set up in 2020, within the Risk divisions of the institutions in the Banque Populaire and Caisse d’Epargne networks, as well as in the Group’s subsidiaries. Their main mission is to keep abreast of the work of the Climate Risk department and regulatory developments in order to be able to report them to the executive of their institution and, if necessary, to its governing bodies, with a view to putting them into operation.

As recommended by the ACPR in May 2020 in its document “Governance and management of climate risks”, Groupe BPCE has also set up climate referents within each network who review quarterly with the Climate Risk department the status of projects developed, their deployment and the prioritization of future projects.


6.15 Remuneration policy


Information on the policies and practices on pay granted to members of the executive body and persons whose professional activities have a material impact on the corporate risk profile are available at the following address:




Green Asset Ratio.





7.1 Charter of incorporation and articles of association

7.1.1 General information



50, avenue Pierre-Mendès-France – 75013 Paris

Tel: 01 58 40 41 42 – www.BPCE.fr

A French limited liability company (société anonyme) with a Management Board and a Supervisory Board, governed by its articles of association, the regulations applicable to commercial companies, and the French Monetary and Financial Code (Code monétaire et financier).

The company was incorporated on January 22, 2007, the date on which BPCE, a non-trading company, was formed to hold the assets contributed by the Banque Populaire and Caisse d’Epargne groups. The company’s duration is 99 years.

Paris Trade and Companies Register Number 493455042 (this number is listed on Page 1 of BPCE’s articles of association).

NAF (business activity) code: 6419Z – LEI number: 9695005MSX10YEMGDF46

The company’s fiscal year runs from January 1 to December 31.

BPCE, founded by the French act of June 18, 2009, is the central institution of Groupe BPCE, a cooperative banking group.

As such, it represents the credit institutions affiliated with it. The affiliated institutions, within the meaning of Article L. 511-31 of the French Monetary and Financial Code, are:

the 14 Banques Populaires and their 32 mutual guarantee companies, whose sole corporate purpose is to guarantee loans issued by the Banques Populaires;

the 15 Caisses d’Epargne, whose share capital is held by 185 local savings companies;

Natixis, Banque BCP SAS (France), Banque de Tahiti, Banque de Nouvelle-Calédonie, Banque Palatine, Crédit Foncier de France, Compagnie de Financement Foncier, Cicobail, Société Centrale pour le Financement de l’Immobilier (SOCFIM), BPCE International, Batimap, Batiroc Bretagne Pays de Loire, Capitole Finance-Tofinso, Comptoir Financier de Garantie, BPCE Lease Nouméa, BPCE Lease Réunion, BPCE Lease Tahiti, Sud-Ouest Bail, Oney Bank.

The company’s role is to guide and promote the business and expansion of the cooperative banking group comprising the Banque Populaire network, Caisse d’Epargne network, the affiliated entities and, in general, the other entities under its control.

The purpose of the company is:

to be the central institution for the Banque Populaire network, the Caisse d’Epargne network and the affiliated entities, as provided for by the French Monetary and Financial Code. Pursuant to Articles L. 511-31 et seq. and Article L. 512-107 of the French Monetary and Financial Code, it is responsible for:

defining the Group’s policy and strategic guidelines as well as those of each of its constituent networks,

coordinating the sales policies of each of its networks and taking all measures necessary for the Group’s development, including acquiring or holding strategic equity interests,

representing the Group and each of its networks to assert its shared rights and interests, including before the banking sector institutions, as well as negotiating and entering into national and international agreements,

representing the Group and each of its networks as an employer to assert its shared rights and interests, as well as negotiating and entering into collective industry-wide agreements,

taking all measures necessary to guarantee the liquidity of the Group and each of its networks and, to that end, determining rules for managing the Group’s liquidity, including by defining the principles and terms and conditions of investment and management of the cash flows of its constituent entities and the conditions under which these entities may carry out transactions with other credit institutions or investment companies and carry out securitization transactions or issue financial instruments, and performing any financial transaction necessary for liquidity management purposes,

taking all measures necessary to guarantee the solvency of the Group and each of its networks, including implementing the appropriate Group internal financing mechanisms and setting up a Mutual Guarantee Fund shared by both networks, for which it determines the rules of operation, the terms and conditions of use in addition to the funds provided for in Articles L. 512-12 and L. 512-86-1, as well as the contributions of affiliated entities for its initial allocation and reconstitution,

defining the principles and conditions for organizing the internal control system of Groupe BPCE and each of its networks, as well as controlling the organization, management and quality of the financial position of affiliated entities, including through on-site checks within the scope defined in paragraph 4 of Article L. 511-31,

defining risk management policies and principles and the limits thereof for the Group and each of its networks, and ensuring permanent risk supervision on a consolidated basis,

approving the articles of association of affiliated entities and local savings companies and any changes thereto,

approving the persons called upon, in accordance with Article L. 511-13, to determine the business orientation of its affiliated entities,

calling for the financial contributions required to perform its duties as a central institution,

ensuring that the Caisses d’Epargne duly fulfill the duties provided for in Article L. 512-85;

to be a credit institution, officially approved to operate as a bank. On this basis, it exercises, both in France and other countries, the prerogatives granted to banks by the French Monetary and Financial Code, and provides the investment services described in Articles L. 321-1 and L. 321-2 of said Code; it also oversees the central banking, financial and technical organization of the network and the Group as a whole;

to act as an insurance intermediary, and particularly as an insurance broker, in accordance with the regulations in force;

to act as an intermediary for real estate transactions, in accordance with the regulations in force;

to acquire stakes, both in France and abroad, in any French or foreign companies, groups or associations with similar purposes to those listed above or with a view to the Group’s expansion, and more generally, to undertake any transactions relating directly or indirectly to these purposes that are liable to facilitate the achievement of the company’s purposes or its expansion.

The information presented on Groupe BPCE’s institutional website is not included in the Groupe BPCE Universal Registration Document, unless explicitly incorporated for reference purposes.

7.2 Share capital

7.2.1 Share capital at December 31, 2021


The share capital is set at one hundred and eighty million four hundred and seventy-eight thousand two hundred seventy euros (€180,478,270). It is divided into 36,095,654 fully paid-up shares with a nominal value of five euros (€5) each, divided into two categories:

18,047,827 category A shares;

18,047,827 category B shares.

Regulation (EC) No. 809/2004 requires the following disclosures for each share category:

The 18,047,827 category A shares are authorized and fully paid up. They were issued at a nominal value of €5 each and there was no reconciliation of the number of category A shares outstanding at the beginning and end of the fiscal year.

The 18,047,827 category B shares are authorized and fully paid up. They were issued at a nominal value of €5 each and there was no reconciliation of the number of category B shares outstanding at the beginning and end of the fiscal year.

There are no shares not representing capital, no shares held as treasury shares by BPCE and no convertible securities, exchangeable securities or securities with warrants.

Shares in BPCE are neither listed nor traded on any market.

The company did not pledge its own shares over the course of 2021.

In the absence of a BPCE stock option plan within the meaning of Article R. 225-138 of the French Commercial Code (Code de commerce) and in the absence of any share buyback transactions referenced in Articles R. 228-90 and R. 228-91 of the French Commercial Code, the disclosures arising thereunder are not applicable to BPCE.

Likewise, since no share subscription or purchase options have been granted or any free shares allocated, the provisions of Articles L. 225-185 and L. 225-197-1 of the French Commercial Code are not applicable to BPCE.

As a reminder, the Management Board decided, at its meeting of May 27, 2021, to make use of the delegations of the Combined General Meeting of May 27, 2021 with a view to carrying out a capital increase, with cancellation of the preferential subscription right, by way of issue of 686,457 Class A Shares to be subscribed by Class A Shareholders and of 686,457 Class B Shares to be subscribed by Class B Shareholders, for a total amount (including issue premiums) of €799,999,321.76, to be subscribed between May 28, 2021 and June 11, 2021 (inclusive).

The Management Board meeting of June 14, 2021 noted that 15 category A shareholders and 14 category B shareholders subscribed for all of the 686,457 category A shares and the 686,457 category B shares with a par value of five euros and that as of June 14, 2021, the share capital resulting from the capital increase amounts to €6,864,570, with the share capital of BPCE rising from €173,613,700 to €180,478,270.

In accordance with regulation (EC) No. 809/2004, it should be noted that BPCE’s articles of association do not have any specific provisions governing changes in share capital that are more stringent than is required by law.

7.3 Ownership structure and distribution of voting rights

7.3.1 Ownership structure over the past three years



Situation as of 03/24/2022

Situation as of 12/31/2020

Situation as of 12/31/2019




% of


capital (1)

% voting

rights (2)




% share


% voting





% share


% voting


CEP Aquitaine Poitou-Charentes










CEP d’Auvergne et du Limousin










CEP Bourgogne Franche-Comté










CEP Bretagne Pays de Loire










CEP Côte d’Azur










CEP Grand Est Europe










CEP Hauts de France










CEP Ile-de-France










CEP Languedoc-Roussillon










CEP Loire-Centre










CEP Loire Drôme Ardèche










CEP Midi-Pyrénées










CEP Normandie










CEPAC Caisse d’Epargne










CEP Rhône Alpes










Total category A shares










BPR Alsace Lorraine Champagne










BPR Aquitaine Centre Atlantique










BPR Auvergne Rhône Alpes










BPR Bourgogne Franche-Comté




















BPR Grand Ouest










BPR Méditerranée










BPR Nord










BPR Occitane










BPR Rives de Paris




















BPR Val de France




















Crédit Coopératif










Mr. Jacques Galiegue










Mr. Jean-Michel Laty










Unallocated shares










Total category B shares





















Percentage of the share capital corresponds to the theoretical voting rights.


Percentage of voting rights takes into account the treasury shares held by BPCE and corresponds to the voting rights exercisable.


Changes in BPCE’s share capital are set out under section 7.2.1 (above).


No. of shares

% share capital

% voting rights

CEP Ile-de-France




CEP Hauts de France




BP Alsace Lorraine Champagne




BP Auvergne Rhône Alpes





BPCE currently has no employee share ownership agreements in place.

7.4 Material contracts

As of the date of publication of this financial information, with the exception of the agreements referred to in Chapter 7.6 (related-party agreements), BPCE has not entered into any material contracts other than those entered into in the normal course of business.

7.5 Material changes

The financial statements of BPCE SA, BPCE SA group and Groupe BPCE for the 2021 fiscal year were approved by the Management Board on February 8, 2022. Since that date, there has been no significant change in the financial or commercial situation of BPCE SA, BPCE SA group or Groupe BPCE.

With the exception of the items mentioned in this 2021 Universal Registration Document, in paragraph 6.2 Risk factors in Chapter 6, including the impact that the health crisis resulting from the coronavirus (Covid-19) could have, as well as the potential impact of the armed conflict triggered by the Russian Federation following its invasion of Ukraine, there has been no significant change in the financial performance of Groupe BPCE, or in its financial and commercial position, since December 31, 2021, or since the end of the last period for which audited financial statements have been published, and in particular since the signature of the Statutory Auditors’ report on the consolidated financial statements on March 22, 2022.

7.6 Statutory Auditors’ special report on related-party agreements and commitments

General Meeting called to approve the financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021


Registered office: 50, avenue Pierre-Mendès-France – 75013 Paris

To the BPCE General Meeting

In our capacity as Statutory Auditors of your company, we hereby present our report on related-party agreements.

We are required to inform you, on the basis of the information provided to us, of the key features, terms and conditions and purpose of the contractual agreements indicated to us or that we may have identified in the performance of our assignment. It is not our role to comment as to whether they are beneficial or to ascertain whether any other agreements exist. It is your responsibility, in accordance with Article R. 225-58 of the French Commercial Code, to assess the benefits resulting from these agreements prior to their approval.

In addition, we are required to inform you in accordance with Article R. 225-58 of the French Commercial Code concerning the execution during the year of the agreements already approved by the General Meeting.

We performed the procedures we considered necessary to comply with the Professional Code of the Compagnie nationale des commissaires aux comptes (France’s National Association of Statutory Auditors) relating to this assignment. Our work consisted in verifying that the information provided to us is consistent with the underlying documents from which it was extracted.

For the purposes of this report:

“BPCE” designates the central institution resulting from the combination of the networks of Caisse d’Epargne and Banque Populaire, a French limited liability company (société anonyme) with a Management Board and a Supervisory Board since July 31, 2009;

“CE Participations” designates the former Caisse Nationale des Caisses d’Epargne (CNCE), a French limited liability company (société anonyme) with a Management Board and a Supervisory Board, renamed CE Participations on July 31, 2009 in the modified form of a French limited liability company (société anonyme) with a Board of Directors, as the holding company for all of the Caisse d’Epargne network’s equity interests not transferred to BPCE in 2009, and which was merged with BPCE through absorption on August 5, 2010;

“BP Participations” designates the former Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires (BFBP), a French limited liability company (société anonyme) with a Board of Directors, renamed BP Participations on July 31, 2009 as the holding company for all of the Banque Populaire network’s equity interests not transferred to BPCE in 2009 and which was merged with BPCE through absorption on August 5, 2010.

7.6.1 Agreements submitted for the approval of the General Meeting


In accordance with Article L. 225-88 of the French Commercial Code, we were informed of the following agreements approved by the Supervisory Board.

Representatives concerned: Laurent Mignon, Chairman of the Management Board of BPCE and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Natixis, Catherine Halberstadt, Permanent Representative of BPCE on the Board of Directors of Natixis, Nicolas Namias, member of the Management Board of BPCE and Chief Executive Officer of Natixis.

This transaction is part of the obligation to comply with the NSFR ratio by business line/pool pending the exemption requested from the ECB in May 2021 from compliance with this ratio for the BPCE SA group. It consists of the implementation of temporary intra-group transactions allowing the circulation of NSFR surpluses from BPCE SA or the BP and CE networks to loss-making entities such as Natixis, CFF, Oney and BRED.

These transactions result in cross-loan transactions (excluding BRED networks) and loans (Natixis, CFF, Oney, BRED) called “open money market” (without maturity date) with an early repayment option with notice, as follows:

with more than one year’s notice, transfer of 100% of the amount of the transaction in NSFR (market conditions basis, i.e. #str+12bps);

with less than six months’ notice, transfer of 100% of the transaction amount to NSFR leading to a loss of efficiency of 10% (market conditions basis, i.e. #str+7bps).

These transactions have no impact on liquidity (LCR and liquidity gap) because they are intra-group and are considered to be at maturity.

BPCE’s Supervisory Board meeting of June 15, 2021 considered that “it is in the Group’s interest to comply with the prudential requirements relating to the NSFR ratio on the scopes required to date and pending formal authorization of the exemption from the ECB” and authorized the temporary implementation of these transactions for an amount of approximately €47 billion (the NSFR and Natixis requirement corresponding to €42.75 billion).

This agreement generated income (net of expenses paid to the BP and CE networks) in BPCE SA’s 2021 financial statements of €4,949,108.13.

Representatives concerned: Laurent Mignon, Chairman of the Management Board of BPCE and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Natixis, Catherine Halberstadt, Permanent Representative of BPCE on the Board of Directors of Natixis, and Nicolas Namias, member of the Management Board of BPCE and Chief Executive Officer of Natixis.

The negotiation protocol between Natixis and BPCE is part of the Pléiade project and consists of determining the form of transfer of the Insurance and Payments activities from Natixis to BPCE. This would enable Groupe BPCE to accelerate the development of its business lines by providing them with the means to increase their strategic maneuverability, their development in the service of customers and their performance, through a simplification of its organization.

The following transactions were recorded:

the contribution by Natixis of all the shares of Natixis Assurances to the benefit of Holding Insurances as well as the contribution of all the shares of the Payments Subsidiaries (Natixis Payment Solutions, Partecis and Natixis Payment Holding) to the benefit of Holding Payments, these contributions being made under the legal regime of contributions in kind. Holding Insurances and Holding Payments are wholly owned by BPCE;

distribution by Natixis to its shareholders of shares in Holding Insurances and Holding Payments received as consideration for contributions;

the acquisition by BPCE of all the shares received by the beneficiary shareholders of the shares of Holding Insurances and Holding Payments in respect of the distribution as a result of the exercise of the sales agreements provided for in the agreement;

employees who work exclusively in these areas are expected to join the Holdings as part of an automatic transfer of their employment contracts.

During the Supervisory Board meeting of September 22, 2021, Laurent Mignon reminded the meeting that phase 1 (Natixis takeover bid) had been finalized and that phase 2, relating to the transfer of the Insurance and Payments activities from Natixis to BPCE, should be opened. The latter was subject to a consultation with employee representative bodies on September 23, 2021 with a view to implementing it in early 2022. The Chairman of the BPCE Management Board brought up legal, HR, financial and transaction calendar issues.

“Considering that the conclusion of the Negotiation Protocol is in the interest of BPCE, in particular given the strategic rationale of the Pléiade project”, the Supervisory Board approved and authorized the conclusion of the Negotiation Protocol.

This agreement did not generate any impact on BPCE SA’s financial statements as of December 31, 2021.

Representatives concerned: Laurent Mignon, Chairman of the Management Board of BPCE and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Natixis, Catherine Halberstadt, Permanent Representative of BPCE on the Board of Directors of Natixis, and Nicolas Namias, member of the Management Board of BPCE and Chief Executive Officer of Natixis.

The purpose of this agreement is the rebilling, as part of the real estate master plan, of the cost of the project and future real estate services, to BPCE and Natixis by Natixis Immobilier Exploitation, the real estate operator in charge of real estate management in the Paris region.

The BPCE Supervisory Board considered that the conclusion of this agreement was justified in view of BPCE’s interest in joining the joint program for the transformation and management of Groupe BPCE’s real estate sites.

At the meeting of December 17, 2021, the Supervisory Board authorized the conclusion of the rebilling agreement relating to the Real Estate Master Plan to be entered into by Natixis, BPCE, and Natixis Immo Exploitation.

The impact of this agreement at 12/31/2021 is a charge of €36,186,500.00.

Representatives concerned: Laurent Mignon, Chairman of the BPCE Management Board and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Natixis, Nicolas Namias, member of the Management Board of BPCE and Chief Executive Officer of Natixis, Catherine Halberstadt, Permanent Representative of BPCE on the Board of Directors of Natixis, Thierry Cahn, Catherine Amin-Garde, Bernard Dupouy, Eric Fougère, Daniel Karyotis and Didier Patault, members of the BPCE Supervisory Board and indirectly interested in the agreement in view of the composition of the Board of Directors of Albian-it and that of Natixis Payment Solutions.

The purpose of this agreement is the functional reorganization and the transfer of employees of the Natixis Group to entities of Groupe BPCE.

The BPCE Supervisory Board considered that the proposed transfers of employees and operating resources were in the interest of BPCE with regard to the strategic plan presented on July 8, 2021 by Groupe BPCE, it being specified that this reorganization will notably make it possible to transfer resources dedicated to the “Insurance” and “Payments” businesses to Group entities, which will now report directly to BPCE.

At the meeting of February 10, 2022, the Supervisory Board authorized the conclusion of the memorandum of understanding relating to the transfer of operating resources and employees between BPCE, BPCE Achats, BPCE Services, Albian-it, Natixis, Natixis Immo Exploitation and Natixis Payment Solutions.

Representatives concerned: Laurent Mignon, Chairman of the Management Board of BPCE, Nicolas Namias, member of the Management Board of BPCE and Chief Executive Officer of Natixis and Jean-François Lequoy, member of the Management Board of BPCE.

As part of the Pléiade project, the shares distributed free of charge by Natixis at the closing date of the public tender offer cannot be tendered to the public offer. In order to enable the beneficiaries concerned to keep their Natixis shares even in the event of a mandatory withdrawal of Natixis, BPCE proposes to enter into a liquidity agreement with each beneficiary of bonus shares allocated by Natixis consisting of a promise to purchase exercisable by the beneficiary as of the date of availability of the shares (and for a period of sixty days), followed by a sale agreement granted by each beneficiary to BPCE, exercisable by BPCE as of the end of the exercise period of the purchase commitment (and for a period of 60 days).

This liquidity mechanism was proposed by BPCE to all holders of Natixis shares which cannot be tendered to the offer, i.e. three corporate officers, members of the Management Board. The agreements can only be exercised in the event of the implementation by BPCE of a squeeze-out/delisting of Natixis with an exercise price equal to the offer price, i.e. €4 per share, multiplied by an indexation coefficient corresponding to the following ratio: (sum of the underlying net income attributable to equity holders of the parent for the three years preceding the date of availability of the Natixis shares held by the beneficiary)/(sum of the underlying net income attributable to equity holders of the parent for the years 2020, 2019 and 2018 (i.e. the three years preceding the year of the announcement of the offer). The liquidity contract provides for a reduction euro for euro of the exercise price for any dividend and for any distribution in kind received by the beneficiary for the fiscal year ended on December 31, 2020.

The Supervisory Board Meeting of May 6, 2021 noted that “the exercise price proposed by BPCE under these liquidity agreements is consistent with the price proposed under the public tender offer and has been reviewed by the Autorité des marches financiers (AMF), the French financial markets authority, and was also made public as part of the publication of the documentation relating to the public tender offer. It approved and authorized the liquidity agreements between BPCE and the three corporate officers Laurent Mignon, Nicolas Namias and Jean-François Lequoy.

In the BPCE SA parent company financial statements, the impact of this contract is an off-balance sheet commitment given of €39,785,324.00.

Representative concerned on the day of the transactions (February 10, 2022): Béatrice Lafaurie, member of the BPCE Management Board.

It appeared to be in BPCE’s interest to enter into this amendment to the employment contract allowing Béatrice Lafaurie to perform her duties under the same conditions as the other members of the Management Board and thus helping to retain this officer.

At the meeting of February 10, 2022, the Supervisory Board approved and authorized the conclusion by BPCE of an amendment to the employment contract concluded between BPCE and Béatrice Lafaurie.




8.1 Statement by the person responsible for the Universal Registration Document and for the annual financial report

To the best of my knowledge, all of the information contained in this Universal Registration Document is in accordance with the facts and contains no omission likely to affect its import.

To the best of my knowledge, I certify that the financial statements have been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards and give a true and fair view of the assets, financial position, and profit or loss of the company and all affiliated companies, and that the management report (whose contents are listed in the cross-reference table on page 750) gives a true and fair picture of the development of the business, results, and financial position of the company and all affiliated companies, along with a description of the main risks and uncertainties to which they are exposed.


Paris, March 23, 2022


Laurent Mignon

Chairman of the BPCE Management Board

8.2 Documents on display

This document is available on the “Investors” Section of the Group’s website (www.bpce.com), or from the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), the French financial markets authority website (www.amf-france.org).

All regulated information published in the last 12 months is available online at https://groupebpce.com/en/investors/regulated-information

Any person wanting further information about Groupe BPCE may, with no commitment and free of charge, request documents by mail at the following address:


Département Émissions et Communication Financière

50, avenue Pierre-Mendès-France

75013 Paris

8.3 Cross-reference table for the Universal Registration Document

Category referenced in Annexes 1 and 2 of Delegated Regulation No. 2019/2020

Universal Registration

Document filed on

March 23, 2022

Page No.


Persons responsible


1.1; 1.2

Statement by the person responsible


1.3; 1.4

Information from third parties, expert statements and declaration of any interest



Approval of the competent authority



Statutory Auditors



Risk factors



Information about the issuer



Company name and Commercial name



Place of registration, registration number and ID of legal entity



Date of incorporation and term of company



Registered office and legal form



Business overview



Principal activities

24-41; 220-232


Principal markets

24-41; 220-232



22-24; 216-219; 250-251;
410-411; 540-541


Strategy and objectives



Dependence of the issuer on patents or licenses, industrial, commercial or financial contracts or new manufacturing processes



Basis of statements made by the issuer regarding its competitive position






Organizational structure of the Group



Description of the Group

2-15; 18-21, 240


List of significant subsidiaries

5; 20; 368-374; 522-530; 572-575


Operating and financial review



Financial condition



Net operating income

220; 241; 401; 542; 548


Cash flow and capital resources



Information on the issuer’s capital resources

231-232; 234; 244-245; 292-295; 404-405; 451-453; 550; 583-584; 638-644


Sources and amounts of issuer’s cash flows

246; 406


Information on the issuer’s borrowing requirements and funding structure

221; 291-292; 450; 583; 691-695


Information regarding any restrictions on the use of capital resources that have affected or could affect the issuer’s operations



Information regarding the expected sources of funds needed to fulfill commitments referred to in point 5.7



Regulatory environment

48-49; 251-253; 411-413; 554-555; 608; 636-637


Trend information

236-238; 545


Profit forecasts and estimates



Administrative, management and supervisory bodies and executive management



Administrative bodies

10-11; 132-191


Conflicts of interest involving the administrative, management and supervisory bodies and executive management

135; 213-214


Pay and benefits



Amount of pay and benefits in kind

203-212; 360; 514; 589; 731-735


Total amount set aside or accrued by the issuer to provide pension, retirement or similar benefits

203-212; 360; 514; 589; 733-734


Board practices



Date of expiration of the current term of office



Service contracts with members of the administrative bodies

213-214; 731-735


Information about the issuer’s Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee

10-11; 140-141; 184; 187; 599-600


Compliance with the country of incorporation’s corporate governance regime



Potential material impacts on corporate governance, including future changes in the composition of administrative and management bodies and committees






Number of employees

1; 4; 12; 101


Shareholdings and stock options

206; 210-211; 589


Arrangements allowing employees to purchase shares in the issuer



Major shareholders



Shareholders with over 5% of the issuer’s capital or voting rights



Different types of shareholder voting rights



Control of the issuer



Any arrangement, known to the issuer, which may at a subsequent date result in a change in control of the issuer



Related party transactions

360; 514


Financial information concerning the issuer’s assets and liabilities, financial position and profits and losses



Historical financial information, accounting standards and changes in accounting standards, financial statements and date of most recent financial information

14-15; 220-221; 233-234; 241-242; 401-407; 540-589


Interim financial information and other information



Auditing of historical annual financial information

392-400; 532-539; 590-593


Pro forma financial information

220-221; 233-234


Dividend policy

543; 584; 725


Legal and arbitration proceedings



Significant change in the issuer’s financial position



Additional information



Share capital



Charter of incorporation and articles of association



Material contracts



Documents on display



In accordance with Article 19 of regulation (EU) No. 2017/1129 of the European Parliament and of the Council of June 14, 2017, the following information is incorporated by reference in this Universal Registration Document:

Groupe BPCE’s consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 and the Statutory Auditors’ report, presented on pages 239 to 388 of the registration document filed with the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), the French financial markets authority, on March 24, 2021 under number D.21-0182;

BPCE SA group’s consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 and the Statutory Auditors’ report, presented on pages 389 to 522 of the registration document filed with the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), the French financial markets authority, on March 24, 2021 under number D.21-0182;

BPCE’s annual financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 and the Statutory Auditors’ report, presented on pages 530 to 577 of the registration document filed with the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), the French financial markets authority, on March 24, 2021 under number D.21-0182;

Groupe BPCE SA’s consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019 and the Statutory Auditors’ report, presented on pages 219 to 366 of the registration document filed with the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), the French financial markets authority, on March 25, 2020 under number D.20-0174;

BPCE SA group’s consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019 and the Statutory Auditors’ report, presented on pages 367 to 494 of the registration document filed with the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), the French financial markets authority, on March 25, 2020 under number D.20-0174;

BPCE’s annual financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019 and the Statutory Auditors’ report, presented on pages 502 to 546 of the registration document filed with the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), the French financial markets authority, on March 25, 2020 under number D.20-0174.

The 2020 registration document filed with the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), the French financial markets authority, on March 24, 2021 under number D.21-0182 and the 2019 registration document filed with the AMF on March 25, 2020 under number D.20-0174 are available at the following link:


All the documents incorporated in this Amendment to the Universal Registration Document were filed with the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), the French financial markets authority, and are available on the issuer‘s website (https://groupebpce.com/en/investors/results-and-publications/registration-document) and on the AMF website (https://www.amf-france.org/fr).

The information incorporated by reference should be read in accordance with the table below. Any information not referred to in this table but which is part of the documents incorporated by reference is provided for information purposes only.

The information incorporated by reference for previous fiscal years should be read in accordance with the table below.

Category referenced in Annexes 1 and 2 of Delegated Regulation No. 2019/2020

2019 Universal

Registration Document

filed on March 25, 2020

Page No.

2020 Universal

Registration Document

filed on March 24, 2021

Page No.


Financial position




Net operating income

198; 219; 367; 497; 502

217; 239; 389; 525; 530


Cash flow and capital resources




Information on the issuer’s capital resources

211-212; 221-223; 271-274; 369-371; 418-420; 504; 536-537; 589-592

228-230; 232; 242-243; 292-294; 392-393; 443-445; 532; 567-568; 623-626


Sources and amounts of issuer’s cash flows

224; 372

244; 394


Administrative, management and supervisory bodies and executive management




Administrative bodies

8-9; 116-168

8-9; 136-186


Conflicts of interest involving the administrative, management and supervisory bodies and executive management

119; 191-192

139; 208-209


Remuneration and benefits




Amount of remuneration and benefits in kind

169-190; 331; 476; 499; 542; 668-671

198-207; 354; 504; 573; 719-724


Total amount set aside or accrued by the issuer to provide pension, retirement or similar benefits

171-173; 175-183; 331; 476; 499; 542; 668-671

198-207; 354; 504; 573; 719-724


Board practices




Date of expiration of the current term of office

122-123; 125



Service contracts with members of the administrative bodies

191-192; 668

208-209; 719-724


Information about the issuer’s Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee

9; 121-125; 161-165; 552

8-9; 143-144; 180-181; 183; 187; 583-584


Financial information concerning the issuer’s assets and liabilities, financial position and profits and losses




Historical financial information, accounting standards and changes in accounting standards, financial statements and date of most recent financial information

6-7; 198-199; 219-358; 367-485; 500-542

6-7; 217-218; 228-230;

239-380; 389-515; 523-573


Interim financial information and other information




Auditing of historical annual financial information

359-366; 486-494; 543-546

381-388; 516-522; 574-577


Pro forma financial information

198-199; 326-327; 471-472;

217-218; 228-230


Charter of incorporation and articles of association




The information presented on Groupe BPCE’s institutional website is not included in the Groupe BPCE Universal Registration Document, unless explicitly incorporated for reference purposes.

8.4 Cross-reference table for the annual financial report and the management report


In order to facilitate the reading of this document, the cross-reference table below makes it possible to identify, in this Universal Registration Document, the information that constitutes the annual financial report to be published by listed companies in accordance with Articles L. 451-1-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code and 222-3 of the AMF General Regulation.


Required items


(with hypertext link)


Annual financial statements

Chapter 5/p. 548-589


Consolidated financial statements

Chapter 5/p. 241-391; 401-531


Management report

(minimum information within the meaning of Article 222-3 of the AMF General Regulation)

See cross-reference table in the management report on p. 750


Declaration by the persons responsible for the annual financial report

Chapter 8/p. 744


Statutory Auditors’ reports on the parent company and consolidated financial statements

Chapter 5/p. 392-400; 532-539; 590-593


To facilitate the reading of this document, the cross-reference table below shows the information to be included in the management report, in accordance with the provisions of the French Commercial Code applicable to public limited companies with a Board of Directors.


Required items

Reference texts


(with hypertext link)

1. Group position and activity



Situation of the company during the past fiscal year, and objective and thorough analysis of the evolution of the business, results, and financial position of the company and the Group, in particular its debt position, with regard to volume and business complexity

Articles L. 225-100-1, I., 1°, L. 232-1, II, L. 233-6 and L. 233-26 of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 4/p. 216-238; Chapter 5/p. 241-391; 401-531; 548-589


Key financial performance indicators

Article L. 225-100-1, I., 2°

Chapter 4/p. 216-238; Chapter 5/p. 241-391; 401-531; 548-589


Key non-financial performance indicators relating to the specific activity of the company
and the Group, specifically information relating to environmental and personnel issues

Article L. 225-100-1, I., 2°

Chapter 2/p. 44-128


Significant events occurring between the closing date of the fiscal year and the date on which the management report was prepared

Articles L. 232-1, II. and L. 233-26 of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 4/p. 235; Chapter 5/p. 251;
411 ; 545


Identity of the main shareholders and holders of voting rights at General Meetings, and changes made during the fiscal year

Article L. 233-13 of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 7/p. 728


Existing branches

Article L. 232-1, II of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 5/p. 368-374


Significant equity investments in companies with their registered office in France

Article L. 233-6 1 of the French Commercial Code

Chapter4/p. 235; Chapter 5/p. 259-260; 419


Transfers of cross-shareholdings

Articles L. 233-29, L. 233-30 and R. 233-19 of the French Commercial Code



Foreseeable changes in the situation of the company and the Group and outlook

Articles L. 232-1, II and L. 233-26 of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 4/p. 236-237


Research & Development activities

Articles L. 232-1, II and L. 233-26 of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 5/p. 545


Table showing the company’s results for each of the last five fiscal years

Article R. 225-102 of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 5/p. 546


Information on supplier and customer payment terms

Article D. 441-4 of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 5/p. 547


Amount of inter-company loans granted and statement by the Statutory Auditor

Articles L. 511-6 and R. 511-2-1-3 of the French Monetary and Financial Code


2. Internal control and risk management




Description of the main risks and uncertainties facing the company

Article L. 225-100-1, I., 3°

Chapter 2/p. 55-56; Chapter 6/p. 609-620


Information on the financial risks related to the effects of climate change, and presentation of the measures taken by the company to reduce them by implementing a low-carbon strategy in all aspects of its activity

Article L. 22-10-35, 1°

Chapter 2/p. 53-55; Chapter 6/p. 610-611; Chapter 6/p. 718-722


Main characteristics of the internal control and risk management procedures implemented by the company and the Group as regards preparing and processing accounting and financial information

Article L. 22-10-35, 2°

Chapter 5/p. 594-599


Information on the objectives and policy concerning the hedging of each main category of transactions and on exposure to price, credit, liquidity and cash risks, including the use of financial instruments

Article L. 225-100-1, 4° of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 6/p. 605-722


Anti-corruption system

Act No. 2016-1691 of December 9, 2016 known as “Sapin 2”

Chapter 2/p. 113-114


Due diligence action plan and report on its effective implementation

Article L. 225-102-4 of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 2/p. 119-121

3. Report on corporate governance




Remuneration information




Remuneration policy for corporate officers

Article L. 22-10-8, I., paragraph 2 of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 3/p. 192-203


Remuneration and benefits of any kind paid during the fiscal year or awarded to each corporate officer during the fiscal year

Article L. 22-10-9, I., 1° of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 3/p. 203-212


Relative proportion of fixed and variable remuneration

Article L. 22-10-9, I., 2° of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 3/p. 205


Use of the option to request the return of variable remuneration

Article L. 22-10-9, I., 3° of the French Commercial Code



Commitments of any kind made by the company for the benefit of its corporate officers, namely, contingent remuneration and benefits due or likely to be due as a result of the assumption, termination, or change of their duties, or subsequent to the performance of the latter

Article L. 22-10-9, I., 4° of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 3/p. 203-212; Chapter 7/p. 731-734


Remuneration paid or allocated by a company included in the scope of consolidation, within the meaning of Article L. 233-16 of the French Commercial Code

Article L. 22-10-9, I., 5° of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 3/p. 206-209


Ratios between the level of remuneration of each executive corporate officer and the average and median remuneration of the company’s employees

Article L. 22-10-9, I., 6° of the French Commercial Code



Annual change in remuneration, the company’s performance, the average remuneration of the company’s employees and the aforementioned ratios over the five most recent fiscal years.

Article L. 22-10-9, I., 7° of the French Commercial Code



Explanation of how total remuneration complies with the adopted remuneration policy, including how it contributes to the company’s long-term performance and how performance criteria have been applied

Article L. 22-10-9, I., 8° of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 3/p. 200-203


Method by which the vote of the last Ordinary General Meeting provided for in II of Article L. 225-100 (until December 31, 2020) was taken into account, then in I of Article L. 22-10-34 (from January 1, 2021) of the French Commercial Code

Article L. 22-10-9, I., 9° of the French Commercial Code



Deviation from the procedure for implementing the remuneration policy and any exceptions

Article L. 22-10-9, I., 10° of the French Commercial Code



Application of the provisions of the second paragraph of Article L. 225-45 of the French Commercial Code (suspension of payment of directors’ remuneration in the event of non-compliance with gender balance on the Board of Directors).

Article L. 22-10-9, I., 11° of the French Commercial Code



Allocation and retention of options by corporate officers

Article L. 225-185 of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 3/p. 210


Allocation to, and retention of, free shares for executive corporate officers

Articles L. 225-197-1 and L. 22-10-59 of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 3/p. 211


Governance information




List of all mandates and functions exercised in any company by each of the corporate officers during the fiscal year

Article L. 225-37-4, 1° of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 3/p. 143-179


Agreements entered into between an executive officer or a significant shareholder and a subsidiary

Article L. 225-37-4, 2° of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 5/p. 544


Summary table of current delegations of authority granted by the General Meeting for capital increases

Article L. 225-37-4, 3° of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 5/p. 546


Procedures for exercising executive management

Article L. 225-37-4, 4° of the French Commercial Code



Composition of the Board, and conditions for the preparation and organization of its work

Article L. 22-10-10, 1° of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 3/p. 134-136; 180-187


Application of the principle of balanced representation of women and men on the Board

Article L. 22-10-10, 2° of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 3/p. 134-135


Any limitations that the Board places on the powers of the Chief Executive Officer

Article L. 22-10-10, 3° of the French Commercial Code



Reference to a Corporate Governance Code and application of the “comply or explain” principle

Article L. 22-10-10, 4° of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 3/p. 130-131


Specific procedures for the participation of shareholders in the General Meeting

Article L. 22-10-10, 5° of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 3/p. 190


Procedure for assessing current agreements - Implementation

Article L. 22-10-10, 6° of the French Commercial Code



Information likely to have an impact in the event of a public tender offer or exchange offer:

structure of the company’s capital;

statutory restrictions on the exercise of voting rights and share transfers, or clauses of agreements brought to the attention of the company pursuant to Article L. 233-11;

direct or indirect shareholdings in the capital of the company of which it is aware pursuant to Articles L. 233-7 and L. 233-12;

list of holders of any securities with special control rights and a description of the latter - control mechanisms provided for in a possible employee shareholding system, when the control rights are not exercised by the latter;

agreements between shareholders of which the company is aware and which may result in restrictions on the transfer of shares and the exercise of voting rights;

rules applicable to the appointment and replacement of members of the Board of Directors and the amendment of the company’s articles of association;

powers of the Board of Directors, in particular with regard to the issue or buyback of shares;

agreements entered into by the company which are amended or terminated in the event of a change of control of the company, unless such disclosure, except in the case of a legal obligation to disclose, would seriously harm its interests;

agreements providing for compensation for the members of the Board of Directors or employees, if they resign or are dismissed without real and serious cause or if their employment is terminated due to a takeover bid or exchange offer.

Article L. 22-10-11 of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 7/p. 726-729


For public limited companies with a Supervisory Board: Observations of the Supervisory Board on the Management Board’s report and the financial statements for the fiscal year.

Article L. 225-68, last paragraph, of the French Commercial Code


4. Shareholding and capital




Structure of, and changes in, the company’s share capital, and crossing of thresholds

Article L. 233-13 of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 7/p. 726-729


Acquisition and disposal by the company of its own shares

Article L. 225-211 of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 5/p. 544


Statement of employee participation in the share capital on the last day of the fiscal year (proportion of capital represented)

Article L. 225-102, paragraph 1 of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 7/p. 728


Statement of any adjustments for securities giving access to the share capital in the event of share buybacks or financial transactions

Articles L. 228-90 and R. 228-91 of the French Commercial Code



Information on transactions by executives and related persons in the company’s shares

Article L.621-18-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code



Amounts of dividends distributed in respect of the three previous fiscal years

Article 243 bis of the French General Tax Code

Chapter 5/p. 544 Chapter 7/p. 725

5. Non-Financial Performance Statement (DPEF)




Business model (or commercial model)

Articles L. 225-102-1 and R. 225-105, I of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 1/p. 12-13


Description of the main risks related to the business of the company or Group, including, where relevant and proportionate, risks created by business relationships, products or services

Articles L. 225-102-1 and R. 225-105, I., 1° of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 2/p. 55-56


Information on the way in which the company or Group takes into account the social and environmental consequences of its activity, and the effects of this activity on respect for human rights and the prevention of corruption (description of the policies applied and due diligence procedures implemented to prevent, identify and mitigate the main risks related to the business of the company or Group)

Articles L. 225-102-1, III, R. 225-104 and R. 225-105, I., 2° of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 2/p. 46; 52-56; 113-114; 119-120


Results of policies applied by the company or Group, including key performance indicators

Articles L. 225-102-1 and R. 225-105, I., 3° of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 2/p. 52


Social information (employment, work organization, health and safety, labor relations, training, equal treatment)

Articles L. 225-102-1 and R. 225-105, II. A. 1° of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 2/p. 100-111


Environmental information (general environmental policy, pollution, circular economy, climate change)

Articles L. 225-102-1 and R. 225-105, II. A. 2° of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 2/p. 76-99


Societal information (societal commitments in favor of sustainable development, subcontracting and suppliers, fair practices)

Articles L. 225-102-1 and R. 225-105, II. A. 3° of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 2/p.46; 72-75


Information on the prevention of corruption

Articles L. 225-102-1 and R. 225-105, II. B. 1° of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 2/p. 113-114


Information on human rights actions

Articles L. 225-102-1 and R. 225-105, II. B. 2° of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 2/p. 119-120


Specific information:

the company’s policy to prevent the risk of technological accidents;

the company’s ability to cover its civil liability in respect of property and persons as a result of the operation of such facilities;

the means provided by the company to ensure the management of compensation for victims in the event of a technological accident for which it is liable.

Article L. 225-102-2 of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 2/p. 106


Collective agreements concluded within the company and their impact on the company’s economic performance and on the working conditions of employees

Articles L. 225-102-1, III and R. 225-105 of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 2/p. 104


Statement by the independent third party on the information contained in the DPEF

Articles L. 225-102-1, III and R. 225-105-2 of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 2/p. 125-127

6. Other information


Additional tax information

Articles 223 quater and 223 quinquies of the French General Tax Code

Chapter 2/p. 115 Chapter 5/p. 353-353; 506-507; 559-560


Injunctions or financial penalties for anti-competitive practices

Article L. 464-2 of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 6/p. 702-703


8.5 Glossary



See securitization


Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution (ACPR): French prudential supervisory authority for the banking and Insurance sector (formerly the CECEI, or Comité des établissements de crédit et des entreprises d’investissement/Credit Institutions and Investment Firms Committee)


Association française des entreprises privées – Mouvement des entreprises de France/French Association of Private Sector Companies – French Business Confederation


Available For Sale


Asset/Liability Management


Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), the French financial markets authority


Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing


Additional Tier 1


Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, an organization comprised of the central bank governors of the G20 countries, tasked with strengthening the global financial system and improving the efficacy of prudential supervision and cooperation among bank regulators.


Business Continuity Plan


Negotiable medium-term notes


Banking Recovery and Resolution Directive


Credit Conversion Factor


See securitization


Credit Derivatives Products Company, i.e. a business specializing in providing protection against credit default through credit derivatives


Credit Default Swap, a credit derivative contract under which the party wishing to buy protection against a credit event (e.g. counterparty default) makes regular payments to a third party and receives a pre-determined payment from this third party should the credit event occur.


See securitization


See securitization


Compagnie Européenne de Garanties et de Cautions


Common Equity Tier 1


Contingency Funding Plan


Caisse Nationale des Caisses d’Epargne


Credit Portfolio Management


Capital Requirements Directive


Capital Requirements Regulation


Credit Valuation Adjustment: the expected loss related to the risk of default by a counterparty. The CVA aims to take into account the fact that the full market value of the transactions may not be recovered. The method for determining the CVA is primarily based on the use of market inputs in connection with the practices of market professionals.


Credit Value at Risk, i.e. the worst loss expected to be suffered after eliminating the 1% worst-case scenarios, used to determine individual counterparty limits.


Debit Valuation Adjustment, symmetrical to the CVA. Represents the expected loss, from the counterparty’s perspective, on valuations of derivative liabilities. It reflects the impact of the entity’s own credit quality on the valuation of these instruments.


Exposure at Default, i.e. the amount owed by the customer at the effective default date. It is the sum of the remaining principal, past due payments, accrued interest not yet due, fees and penalties.


The European Banking Authority, established by EU regulation on November 24, 2010. It came into being on January 1, 2011 in London, superseding the Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS). This new body has an expanded mandate. It is in charge of harmonizing prudential standards, ensuring coordination among the various national supervisory authorities and performing the role of mediator. The goal is to establish a Europe-wide supervision mechanism without compromising the ability of the national authorities to conduct the day-to-day supervision of credit institutions.


European Central Bank


European Investment Bank


Expected Loss, i.e. the value of the loss likely to be incurred given the quality of the structure of the transaction and any measures taken to mitigate risk, such as collateral. It is calculated by multiplying exposure at risk (EAD) by Probability of Default (PD) and by Loss Given Default (LGD).


Euro Interbank Offered Rate, the benchmark interest rate on the eurozone’s money market


Fédération bancaire française (French Banking Federation), a professional body representing all banking institutions in France


Fonds commun de placement à risque/Venture capital investment fund


Fonds de garantie à l’accession sociale/French State guarantee fund for subsidized loans


FINancial REPorting


The Financial Stability Board: whose mandate is to identify vulnerabilities in the global financial system and to implement principles for regulation and supervision in the interest of financial stability. Its members are central bank governors, finance ministers and supervisors from the G20 countries.


Asset/Liability Management


Global Systemically Important Banks are financial institutions whose distress or failure, because of their size, complexity and systemic inter-dependence, would cause significant disruption to the financial system and economic activity. These institutions meet the criteria established by the Basel Committee and are identified in a list published in November 2011 and updated every year. The constraints applicable to G-SIBs increase with their level of capital.


High-Quality Liquid Assets


International Accounting Standards Board


Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process: a process required under Pillar II of the Basel Accords to ensure that firms have sufficient capital to cover all their risks.


Internal Liquidity Adequacy Assessment Process: Process provided for in Pillar II of the Basel Accords through which the Group ensures the adequacy of its liquidity level and its management with regard to all its liquidity risks


Internal-Ratings Based, an approach to capital requirements based on the financial institution’s internal rating systems


Advanced IRB approach


Foundation IRB approach


Incremental Risk Charge: the capital requirement for an issuer’s credit migration and default risks, covering a period of one year for fixed income and loan instruments in the trading book (bonds and CDSs). The IRC is a 99.9% Value at Risk measurement; i.e. the greatest risk obtained after eliminating the 0.1% worst-case scenarios.


International Financial Reporting Standards


Information System


Loans and Advances


Liquidity Coverage Ratio: a measurement introduced to improve the short-term resilience of banks’ liquidity risk profiles. The LCR requires banks to maintain a reserve of risk-free assets that can be converted easily into cash on the market in order to cover its cash outflows minus cash inflows over a 30-day stress period without the support of central banks.


Leveraged Buyout


Loss Given Default, a Basel II credit risk indicator corresponding to loss in the event of default


Loan-to-Deposit ratio, i.e. a liquidity indicator that enables a credit institution to measure its autonomy with respect to the financial markets


Maximum Distributable Amount, a new provision for banks placing restrictions on their dividend, AT1 coupon and bonus payments (under a rule that tightens restrictions as banks deviate from their requirements), if the capital buffers are not met. As these buffers are on top of Pillars I and II, they apply immediately if the bank fails to comply with the combined requirements.


Minimum Requirement for own funds and Eligible Liabilities


Single Resolution Mechanism

Non-life insurance policies (IARD)

Incendie, accidents et risques divers/property and casualty Insurance


Non-Performing Exposure


Non-Performing Loan


Net Stable Funding Ratio: this ratio is intended to strengthen the longer-term resilience of banks through additional incentives meant to encourage banks to finance their operations using more structurally stable resources. This long-term structural liquidity ratio, applicable to a one-year period, was formulated to provide a viable structure for asset and liability maturities.


Own Funds Requirements: i.e. 8% of risk-weighted assets (RWA)


Obligations de financement de l’habitat/Housing financing bond


Probability of Default, i.e. the likelihood that a counterparty of the bank will default within a one-year period


See securitization


Responsable de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information/Head of Information System Security


Risk-Weighted Assets. The calculation of credit risks is further refined using a more detailed risk weighting that incorporates counterparty default risk and debt default risk


Société de crédit foncier/a French covered bond issuer


US Securities and Exchange Commission


Housing Finance Company


Standard & Poor’s


Single Supervisory Mechanism


Single Resolution Fund


Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process:

Methodology for assessing and measuring the risks faced by each bank. SREP gives the prudential authorities a set of harmonized tools to analyze a bank’s risk profile from four different angles: business model, governance and risk management, risk to capital, and risk to liquidity and funding.

The supervisor sends the bank the SREP decisions at the end of the process and sets key objectives. The bank must then “correct” these within a specific time.


Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM): an EU-level system to ensure an orderly resolution of non-viable banks with a minimal impact on taxpayers and the real economy. The SRM is one of the pillars of the European Banking Union and consists of an EU-level resolution authority (Single Resolution Board – SRB) and a common resolution fund financed by the banking sector (Single Resolution Fund – SRF).


Stressed Value at Risk: the SVaR calculation method is identical to the VaR approach (historical or Monte Carlo method, scope – position, risk factors – choices and modeling – model approximations and numerical methods identical to those used for VaR) and involves a historical simulation (with “one-day” shocks) calculated over a one-year stressed period, at a 99% confidence level scaled up to 10 days. The goal is to assess the impacts of stressed scenarios on the portfolio and current market levels.


Tier 1/Tier 2


Total Loss Absorbing Capacity: a ratio applicable to G-SIBs that aims to ensure that each G-SIB has the capacity to continue its essential operations for the economy even after a loss has consumed all of its capital. In November 2015, the FSB published the final TLAC calibration: all TLAC-eligible instruments will have to be equivalent to at least 16% of risk-weighted assets at January 1, 2019 and at least 6% of the leverage ratio denominator. TLAC will subsequently have to be equivalent to 18% of risk-weighted assets and 6.75% of the leverage ratio denominator from January 1, 2022.


Total Return Swap, i.e. a transaction whereby two parties exchange the income generated and any change in value on two different assets over a given time period.


Titres super subordonnés/deeply subordinated notes, i.e. perpetual bonds with no contractual redemption commitment that pay interest in perpetuity. In the event of liquidation, they are repaid after other creditors (subordinated loans). These securities pay annual interest contingent on the payment of a dividend or the achievement of a specific result.


Value at Risk: a measurement of market risk on a bank’s trading book expressed as a monetary value. It allows the entity performing the calculation to appraise the maximum losses liable to be incurred on its trading book. A statistical variable, VaR is always associated with a confidence interval (generally 95% or 99%) and a specific time frame (in practice, one day or ten days, as the trading positions involved are meant to be unwound within a few days).


Key technical terms

“Bank acting as originator”

See securitization.

“Bank acting as sponsor”

See securitization.

“Bank acting as investor”

See securitization.

Basel II (the Basel Accords)

A supervisory framework aimed at better anticipating and limiting the risks borne by credit institutions. It focuses on banks’ credit risk, market risk and operational risk. The terms drafted by the Basel Committee were adopted in Europe through a European directive and have been applicable in France since January 1, 2008.

Basel III (the Basel Accords)

Changes in banking prudential standards which incorporated the lessons of the financial crisis of 2007-2008. They complement the Basel II Accords by strengthening the quality and quantity of minimum own funds that institutions must hold. Basel III also establishes minimum requirements for liquidity risk management (quantitative ratios), defines measures aimed at limiting procyclicality in the financial system (capital buffers that vary according to the economic cycle) and reinforces requirements for financial institutions deemed to be systemically important.


A portion of a loan issued in the form of an exchangeable security. For a given issue, a bond grants the same debt claims on the issuer for the same nominal value, the issuer being a company, a public sector entity or a government.


(see Acronyms) Directive No. 2013/36/EU (CRD IV) and regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 (CRR), which transpose Basel II in Europe. In conjunction with the EBA’s (European Banking Authority) technical standards, they define European regulations for the capital, major risk, leverage and liquidity ratios.

Cost/income ratio

A ratio indicating the portion of net banking income used to cover operating expenses (the company’s operating (costs). It is calculated by dividing operating costs by net banking income.


A transferable asset or guarantee pledged to secure reimbursement on a loan in the event the borrower fails to meet its payment obligations.

Credit derivative

A financial product whose underlying asset is a credit obligation or debt security (bond). The purpose of the credit derivative is to transfer credit risk without transferring the asset itself for hedging purposes. One of the most common forms of credit derivatives is the credit default swap (CDS).

Common Equity Tier 1 ratio

Ratio of Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital to risk-weighted assets. The CET1 ratio is a solvency indicator used in the Basel III prudential accords.

Credit and counterparty risk

The risk of loss from the inability of clients, issuers or other counterparties to honor their financial commitments. Credit risk includes counterparty risk related to market transactions and securitization.


A financial security or financial contract whose value changes based on the value of an underlying asset, which may be either financial (equities, bonds, currencies, etc.) or non-financial (commodities, agricultural products, etc.) in nature. This change may coincide with a multiplier effect (leverage effect). Derivatives can take the form of either securities (warrants, certificates, structured EMTNs, etc.) or contracts (forwards, options, swaps, etc.). Exchange-traded derivative contracts are called futures.


An equity security issued by a corporation, representing a certificate of ownership and entitling the holder (the “shareholder”) to a proportional share in the distribution of any profits or net assets, as well as a voting right at the General Meeting.

Fair value

The price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in a standard arm’s length transaction between market participants at the measurement date. Fair value is therefore based on the exit price.

Gross exposure

Exposure before the impact of provisions, adjustments and risk mitigation techniques.


The percentage by which a security’s market value is reduced to reflect its value in a stressed environment (counterparty risk or market stress).

Leverage ratio

Tier 1 capital divided by exposures, which consist of assets and off-balance sheet items, after restatements of derivatives, funding transactions and items deducted from capital. Its main goal is to serve as a supplementary risk measurement for capital requirements.


In a banking context, liquidity refers to a bank’s ability to cover its short-term commitments. Liquidity also refers to the degree to which an asset can be quickly bought or sold on a market without a substantial reduction in value.

Liquidity risk

The risk that a bank will be unable to honor its payment commitments as they fall due and replace funds when they are withdrawn.

Market risk

The risk of loss of value on financial instruments resulting from changes in market inputs, from the volatility of these inputs or from the correlations between these inputs.

Net value

Total gross value less allowances/impairments.

Netting agreement

A contract whereby two parties to a forward financial instrument (financial contract, securities loan or repurchase agreement) agree to settle their reciprocal claims under these contracts through a single consolidated net payment, particularly in the event of default or contract termination. A master netting agreement extends this mechanism to different transactions through one all-encompassing contract.

Operational risk

Risks of losses or penalties due in particular to failures of internal procedures and systems, human error or external events.

Pillar I

Pillar I sets minimum requirements for capital. It aims to ensure that banking institutions hold sufficient capital to provide a minimum level of coverage for their credit risk, market risk and operational risk. The bank can use standardized or advanced methods to calculate its capital requirement.

Pillar II

Pillar II establishes a process of prudential supervision that complements and strengthens Pillar I.

It consists of:

an analysis by the bank of all of its risks, including those already covered by Pillar I;

an estimate by the bank of the capital requirement for these risks;

a comparison by the banking supervisor of its own analysis of the bank’s risk profile with the analysis conducted by the bank, in order to adapt its choice of prudential measures where applicable, which may take the form of capital requirements exceeding the minimum requirements or any other appropriate technique.

Pillar III

Pillar III is concerned with establishing market discipline through a series of reporting requirements. These requirements – both qualitative and quantitative – are intended to improve financial transparency in the assessment of risk exposure, risk assessment procedures and capital adequacy.


An appraisal by a financial rating agency (Fitch Ratings, Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s) of the creditworthiness of an issuer (company, government or other public entity) or a transaction (bond issue, securitization, covered bond). The rating has a direct impact on the cost of raising capital.

Rating agency

An organization that specializes in assessing the creditworthiness of issuers of debt securities, i.e. their ability to honor their commitments (repayment of capital and interest within the contractual period).


The securitization of an exposure that is already securitized where the risk associated with an underlying pool of exposures is tranched and at least one of the underlying exposures is a securitization position.

Risk appetite

Level of risk, expressed through quantitative or qualitative criteria, by type of risk and business line, that the Group is prepared to accept given its strategy. The risk appetite exercise is one of the key strategic oversight tools available to the Group’s management team.


A transaction whereby credit risk on loans and advances is transferred to investors by an entity through the issuance of negotiable securities. This may involve the transfer of advances (physical securitization) or the transfer of risks only (credit derivatives). Some securitization transactions are subordinated through the creation of tranches:

ABS – Asset-Backed Securities, i.e. instruments representing a pool of financial assets (excluding mortgage loans), whose performance is linked to that of the underlying asset or pool of assets;

CDOs – Collateralized Debt Obligations, i.e. debt securities backed by a pool of assets which can be either bank loans (mortgages) or corporate bonds. Interest and principal payments may be subject to subordination (i.e. through the creation of tranches);

CLOs – Collateralized Loan Obligations, i.e. credit derivatives backed by a homogeneous pool of commercial loans;

CMBS – Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities;

RMBS – Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities, i.e. debt securities backed by a pool of assets consisting of residential mortgage loans;

Bank acting as originator: the securitization exposures are the retained positions, even where not eligible for the securitization framework due to the absence of significant and effective risk transfer;

Bank acting as investor: investment positions purchased in third-party deals;

Bank acting as sponsor: a bank is considered a “sponsor” if it, in fact or in substance, manages or advises the program, places securities into the market, or provides liquidity and/or credit enhancements. The program may include, for example, asset-backed commercial paper (ABCP) conduit programs and structured investment vehicles. The securitization exposures include exposures to ABCP conduits to which the bank provides program-wide enhancements, liquidity and other facilities.

Senior non-preferred debt

Senior non-preferred debt is a category of securities, advances, instruments or rights introduced by directive (EU) No. 2017/2399 amending directive No. 2014/59/EU (BRRD) that, in the event of the insolvency of the credit institution, rank higher than the securities, advances, instruments or rights considered as subordinated, but lower than that of the other securities, advances, instruments or rights considered as senior (including preferred senior debt).

Senior Preferred

Preferred senior debt is a category of securities, advances, instruments or rights that, in the event of the insolvency of the credit institution, rank higher than other securities, advances, instruments or rights considered as senior and subordinated (including senior non-preferred debt).

Standardized approach

An approach used to determine capital requirements relative to credit risk, pursuant to Pillar I of Basel II. Under this approach, the risk weightings used when calculating capital requirements are determined by the regulator.

Structural interest rate and foreign exchange risk

The risk of losses or impairment on assets arising from changes in interest rates or exchange rates. Structural interest rate and foreign exchange risks are associated with commercial activities and proprietary transactions.


An agreement between two counterparties to exchange different assets, or revenues from different assets, until a given date.

Tier 1 capital

Core capital including the financial institution’s consolidated shareholders’ equity minus regulatory deductions.

Tier 2 capital

Supplementary capital mainly consisting of subordinated securities minus regulatory deduction.

Total capital ratio

Ratio of total capital (Tier 1 and 2) to risk-weighted assets (RWAs).


A measurement of the magnitude of an asset’s price fluctuation and thus a measurement of its risk. Volatility corresponds to the standard deviation of the asset’s immediate returns over a given period.



A French limited company
(Société Anonyme)
governed by a Management
and Supervisory Board
with a capital of €180,478,270
Registered office:
50, avenue Pierre Mendès-France
75201 Paris Cedex 13
Tel.: 33 (0) 1 58 40 41 42
Paris Trade and Companies Register
N°493 455 042